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Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Check Out J.Crew's October Catalog {thanks lifeasacat!}

In one of J.Crew's most foolish moves, they removed the link to view catalogs online. With each new arrival update on J.Crew's website, I refresh the screen in the hopes that the link to their catalog section returns. And each time, I am disappointed.

Thankfully we have Life As A Cat, of the "J.Crew Archives" blog, who scanned the entire October 2011 catalog in her "J. Crew October 2011 Catalog" post. {yey!}

Have you checked out the latest catalog? Did you pick a copy up at your local J.Crew or received one in the mail? Do you like the styles shown in the pages?


  1. Thanks for sharing! So many must haves coming up!!!


  2. Thanks for taking time to upload them! I haven't received this one yet and I'm not sure when I can make it to a store.

    I'm interested in few of the styles but not enough to pay full price for them. A promo for regular % off would be great.

  3. I picked up a catalog in the store last week, but don't really see any 'must haves' this time around.

  4. Thanks so much for sharing! No must-haves for me, but it's nice to see the styling go down a notch or two from previous years. I was looking at some of the fall catalogs from 2010 last night and wow, there is a lot of layering (of both clothes and jewelry) going on! It's nice to be able to actually see what the items look like this time around. :)

  5. i love the styling in the section beginning after the hacking jacket. beautiful colour palette and some lovely layering that doesn't go too far. it finally made me excited for fall!

  6. Thank you SO much Life as a Cat! I want to cite a photo from the catalogue on my tumblr and without your help I never could. Really stupid move on J.Crew's part. Do they not realize the shopping world lives online?

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Do canadian customers still receive the catalog? I haven't received anything here since early August, as a matter of fact, since the store opened in Toronto and the pricing/duties saga was going on. Maybe J.Crew doesn't want us, Canadians, to be reminded of the Good Old Times, when prices were lower!

    That said, I guess they have to publish a different catalog, with new prices and they still didn't get to it.

    But then, why remove the catalogue feature from the web site? I don't get it...

  9. @Sunflower: I was able to pick up a catalogue at the store (the one with the ballet dancers), but that was a few weeks ago, when the store first opened.

    Also, I've noticed that many of the looks in the October catalogue are currently sold out! Hope they're going to replenish!


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And now back to J.Crew! :)