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Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Quick Update!

Hi everyone! Fortunately Hurricane/Storm Irene didn't cause too much damage where I live. Unfortunately, the big trees that fell down the opening of our dead end street not only took down the power lines, but are blocking traffic (no one is getting in or out). I haven't had any power since the storm stopped by on Sunday. (I am writing this quickly, with limited Internet access.) Since our street is low priority, who knows when power will be restored. That means I won't be able to check email or update the blog this week. Apologies in advance!

P.S. I should be up to speed by next week!

P.S.S. I hope everyone impacted by Irene is safe and okay. :)


  1. I'm relieved to hear you weren't near all the flooding! My parents live not too far from you (Redding area) and also have not had power since Sunday, ditto my boyfriend who splits time between the city and Norwalk. Hopefully CL&P brings power back to you soon!!

  2. Alexis, as someone at the end of a dead-end street DEEP in a neighborhood, I have been where you are many times in the past (the most famous being the time we had to trek out to a hotel, babies and all, after that crazy blizzard of early 2010)...I sympathize and pray that you all get restored soon...

  3. Glad to hear you are safe! But hope that you get power back again soon. I can say that I've been lucky to never have been in that situation. My thoughts are with you!

  4. Glad you're safe and sound, Alexis, it's so unpredictable where the power grid is vulnerable and to what. Hope you have yours back soon.

  5. Glad to hear you're OK! Hopefully your power will be restored quickly, and life gets back to normal! Thanks for keeping us in the loop, was getting a wee bit worried... :)

  6. Thanks for the update, stay safe :)

  7. Ohnoes! That's terrible! My mom (in Wtby) told me last night that school was canceled until next week, and my sister (in Trumbull) has had no power for days. I was beside myself and we only lost it for 12 hours -- I hope the power's flowing again soon! Be safe.

  8. Thanks for the update and I'm glad you are safe!

    Good luck with the restoration of your power....

  9. Glad to read you are ok, and hopefully you will get the power back on soon.

  10. Glad you are well and hoping power comes on asap!!!

  11. Glad to here your neck of the woods wasn't too badly affected. Hope you get power back soon.


  12. we're in the same boat, alexis. crossing fingers for cl&p to come to the rescue soon!

  13. Glad you're safe Alexis. Hope you get power back soon!

  14. ALERT -- website just updated with new arrivals!

    Alexis, glad you survived the storm. Not having power stinks -- hope it's restored soon!

  15. Thanks for the update Alexis! I'm so glad to hear that you are safe...hope you get power back soon! :)

  16. Glad you're safe and hopefully power is restored asap!

  17. Alexis- Good to hear you are okay...we'll be thinking of you and hoping things are back to normal soon!

  18. Alexis - glad to hear you're alright, but still sending good thoughts your way! It doesn't sound like your situation is ideal :(

  19. So glad you are OK!! Hope life is back to normal for you soon! It's such a mess...


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