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Wednesday, May 11, 2011

The J.Crew Aficionada Blog Turns Three!

I can't believe it, but this blog is now officially three years old! Back on May 11, 2008, the first post "Welcome!" was published in the hopes of finding others who shared a love over J.Crew.

Over the years, a wonderful community of J.Crew Aficionadas and Aficionados emerged. One that I am grateful and honored to be a part of. Thank you everyone! :)


  1. Happy Birthday JCA!!! I discovered this blog about 9 months ago and read it daily. Thank you for doing such a wonderful job Alexis!!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Congratulations, Alexis! I am happy to have found your blog via my friend ABC. :)

  4. Congratulations, Alexis! Thanks for all that you do!

  5. Congratulations, Alexis!!! Thank you for creating this blog, without it I would have never become obsessed with JCrew :)

  6. Congratulations, Alexis! Thank you for all your hard work!

  7. Happy 3rd blog-birthday! Thanks Alexis, for all that you do to make this a fab community :)

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Congratulations, Alexis. Thank you for keeping this wonderful space - you´re a star!

  10. I too want to say Happy Blog Birthday! It is my escape, something that has nothing to do with my day to day. I must say I escape here often and and I appreciate those that I get to share thoughts with. Those who understand the need for crewlade, my Jcrew friends!

  11. Congratulations Alexis! So happy to have found your blog. You have created such a wonderful community.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. thank you alexis for this wonderful blog,it is the first thing i read every morning.
    through your blog i became such a informed shopper, i always read here before i buy jcrew.
    i learned what a popback is and got really good at catching a few of them.

  14. J Crew celebrates JCA! 30% off sitewide with SHOP3MORE.

    Just kidding. That's a complete fantasy.

    Yay, Alexis. I super appreciate all you have done with your site and the community that has been fostered. You are awesome. May you miraculously receive catalogs, gifts from JC in the future and all your popbacks ship. :)

  15. Happy Birthday, JCA! You do an awesome job, Alexis. Thanks for all the hard work, time and effort you put into this blog. I've been following it for two years now!

  16. Congratulations! Thanks Alexis for all your hard work. Happy birthday JCA!

  17. Congrats, Alexis! I've been following this blog since its inception and am so thankful for all that you do!

  18. This is one fabulous, classy, informative, helpful, and fun blog. It has the distinct honor of being only one of 6 bookmarks on my Firefox toolbars, right next to the bad boyfriend J Crew. :) Many thanks Alexis, I only wish I would have started coming here sooner, and I'm still thrilled for you that you got the official link off of 770! And many thanks too to the other participants who have provided so much great info and many laughs as well. :)

  19. Hooray! Congratulations Alexis on an amazing blog!! Thank you for all you do to keep this fabulous community going. :)

  20. Happy Blog Birthday Alexis!
    So happy I have found the awesome community you created here. Many many thanks to you!

  21. Happy Birthday! Congrats to you Alexis for dedicating your time and passion for Crew fashion! YOU should be honored by Crew today. Look how much business you have generated for them!

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  23. Happy Birthday JCA!!! Alexis, it's hard to believe it's been 3 years already. Thank-you for keeping the blog going all this time. I know it hasn't always been easy for you, but please know that your time and efforts are always greatly appreciated! :)

  24. Lots of lovely items just went on sale. Happy birthday indeed!!

  25. Happy Birthday JCA! Alexis, thanks for all the time and energy you have put into the blog these past 3 years!

  26. Happy Blog Bday, Alexix! Thanks for being the go-to JCrew blog & curator of a great community for the last 1,095 days!

  27. Congratulations! Happy 3rd Birthday! You do an AMAZING job with your blog Alexis!

  28. Congratulations Alexis! Thanks to you and all JCAs for making shopping a pleasurable experience!!

  29. Happy Birthday, JCA! I've been here since almost day 1 - it's been fascinating watching the group (and the brand) change. Thanks for all that you do to keep the conversation going, Alexis!

  30. Thanks Alexis, and congratulations! This blog is the first thing I check every morning.

  31. Congratulations, Alexis! Happy 3rd blog birthday! Huge thanks for creating and maintaining this blog. I really appreciate all the work you put into it. It is one of the first things I read in the morning - it's so great to read the reviews and exchange comments with like-minded members. You have created an amazing online community! Cheers!!

  32. Hooray! Happy birthday wishes and many more! :D

  33. Congrats and thank you Alexis! This blog is amazing. And thanks to all of the other JCAs that make this community such a nice experience.

  34. Am sending a virtual Bright Dahlia cupcake dipped in Dragonfly Blue for you, Alexis! Thank you for all that you do =)

  35. Congratulations Alexis! I've been here since Year One and it is a wonderful community. It's so nice to share the passion with others who understand the thrill of getting that popback at 4AM after months of stalking!

    And it's all because of you! Three cheers for Alexis!

  36. Thank you everyone for the well wishes on the JCA's blogaversary! It means so much to me!!! :)

  37. Congratulations, Alexis! I really was unaware that this had just started just shortly before I discovered you!
    I had total knee replacement surgery that same May and was off my feet for months - and discovered this, and then FFM's blog a bit later. I love the community you helped to develop here - and all of the 'friends' I have met both on here, as well as in real life!

  38. Congratulations and thank you so much Alexis. Your blog has been truly inspirational and helpful beyond words.

  39. Congratulations Alexis!!! This blog is FABULOUS!!! I found you about a year ago and it's been one of the first places I go when I log on! My husband, unfortunately, probably doesn't feel the same, b/c I've spent allllooootttt of $$ thanks to this blog, lol!! Keep up the great work and happy birthday!!!

  40. Congratulations Alexis. You've put so much effort into this truly incredible blog and it certainly shows. Keep up the wonderful work...I for one check it out each and every day!!!! (*-*)

  41. I ditto everything else that has been said. Thanks so much, Alexis!

  42. Happy Blog Anniversary Alexis! I've been tuning in nearly from the beginning and although my interest in J.Crew sometimes wanes, my interest for your blog has never faltered. It's such a great place to hang out.

  43. Many happy returns on the day!

  44. Happy third Blog-anniversary, Alexis! You do such an amazing job with this blog and the time and effort you put into it is beyond impressive. I am so glad I discovered it when I did. Hats off to you for fostering such civil and fun discussions about all things JCrew. This forum would not be such a wonderful place without you at the helm. (I think the term "Mothership" that gigiofca coined for this blog is totally apt!)

    Btw, didn't JC offer a 15% off to all JCAs last birthday with the code "HAPPY BIRTHDAY?" Wish they would do something like that this time too....A girl can hope, right?! ;-)

  45. Happy Blog Birthday, Alexis! Let me add my voice to the chorus singing the praises of this informative, dynamic blog and community – thank you for all you do.

  46. Happy Blogiversary, and may there be many more to come! Virtual champagne for everyone!

  47. Happy happy 3rd Birthday! And a BIG thank you Alexis for giving all JCAs a place to call 'home'! : ) xox

  48. Congratulations Alexis! Your blog is one of the first things I read each day. Thank you for all that you do!

  49. Happy Blog Birthday Alexis. You really have opened my eyes to the ins and outs of J Crew and I appreciate it. Congrats on the Big 3!

  50. Happy Blogiversary Alexis!! This is the place that started it all for me, and I love coming here everyday. You're awesome.

  51. Happy Birthday!

    Thank you for all that you do for us.

  52. Happy Blogiversary! Congrats on turning 3. Yours is the first blog I ever found/read! Here's to many more years!

  53. This comment has been removed by the author.

  54. Brava Alexis! Thank you and keep up the great work!

  55. Happy Blogaversity! :) So glad to be here since 2008. You really enlivened my love for J. Crew when it was just some mysterious store from my college days.. <3

  56. Happy blogiversary and thank you, Alexis!

  57. Congratulations Alexis, you do such a fabulous job!

  58. Congratulations, Alexis!

    What a milestone indeed. Thank you for all your time in bringing this amazing community together for over 1,000 days!

    I am so glad I found you and count myself among your biggest fans.

    Take the day off! (you deserve it).

    Hmmmmm.....what will be next for the J. Crew Aficianada..... :-)

  59. Happy birthday!

    For someone who doesn't live close to a B&M, I've been able to make more intelligent online purchases at J Crew thanks to this blog. All the reviews about sizing, etc. are very helpful. Thank you Alexis!

  60. Happy Birthday JCA. Alexis you are awesome to be so dedicated to this blog for so long. I'm glad I found you! Thanks for the great community you've created.

  61. thank-you, Alexis!

    you rock :)

  62. Happy Birthday! Since finding your blog about two years ago I have not made an online purchase without first stopping here! Thanks for your hard work in keeping this blog up!

  63. Happy Birthday JCA! you have totally changed the way I shop, thank you for this wonderful community and thanks Alexis for your great job and dedication.

  64. Happy Birthday and Congratulations!
    Thanks to your blog I am now significantly poorer! But seriously thank you for the great shopping resource. Cheers!

  65. Happy Birthday JCA, and a big thanks to Alexis for all you do to keep this wonderful blog going! I've been following for about a year and a half now and am so glad to have found this fantastic community!

  66. Congrats & thank you, Alexis. This blog is so much fun, I'm so happy I found it. You do such a great job with it, and it's a godsend whenever I need a bit of a break in my work day. The JCA community is so lovely and so helpful, I love being a part of it. Cheers!

  67. Congrats and thank you, thank you, thank you! This blog is such a bright spot in my otherwise mundane office life. Your time and efforts are SO appreciated!

  68. A big Happy B-day to the Mothership! I would be lost every morning without your blog....

  69. Thank you everyone!!!

    It is so touching to see all the comments on this post- from JCAs who have been here for the past 3 years to those who have just arrived- there really is a wonderful community here.

    P.S. In case anyone was wondering... So far, J.Crew has not reached out and offered a code like last year's blogaversary BIRTHDAY code. But I am thrilled that their FREESHIP offer is running today. :)

  70. Happy Blog Birthday Alexis! Like so many others, my day just doesn't seem to start out on the right foot without an early morning check in here. I really appreciate the time and effort you lavish on it and we lucky JCAs have reaped the benefits. Thank you so much.

  71. Happy Birthday JCA! Alexis, you never stop being amazing and helpful and down-to-earth. I have met so many great friends through this community and hope that it continues to evolve. I'll be here with you!

    P.S. I hope Jenna sends you pink nail polish, a new striped tee, and a discount card from Mickey. xoxo

  72. Congratulation!
    Alexis, your blog is amazing.
    Happy Birthday JCA!

  73. Congratulations Alexis! Thank you so much for all that you do with this blog!

  74. How exciting! Happy happy birthday Alexis! Thanks for all you bring to blogland:)

  75. Happy 3rd Blog Birthday Alexis! I am a newcomer here and I really cannot believe how wonderful all the people are on this blog. I have seen changes made based on suggestions made on this blog. We owe it all to you !

  76. Congratulations, Alexis! I begin each morning with JCA. Thanks for all the effort that goes into making this such a terrific blog. It is truly appreciated! Happy 3rd birthday!!!

  77. Hi, Alexis!

    Happy 3rd Blog-o-versary!

    Thank you SO much for all the hard work you put into this help SO many people out everyday! :)

  78. Congrats!!! This blog is such a wonderful resource and so fun to read... I especially love those creative questions that get everyone pondering and sharing about their loves and dreams as it relates to J. Crew! :D Thank goodness for you putting it all together for everyone!

  79. Happy Birthday JCA! Congratulations, Alexis and thank you for all your hard work in maintaining this wonderful blog. You're a rock star!

  80. Happy (belated) Birthday, Alexis. Just got back from a long but fun trip overseas and missed reading this blog:) Here is to another wonderful year!

  81. Everyone: Thank you so much for the nice words. Also, thank you for making this community so great! :)

    Summer: Thanks! I hope you had a great trip. :)


Dear J.Crew Aficionadas & Aficionados: Please feel free (and encouraged) to share your thoughts and opinions. :) However, please note that this is still a personal blog. So comments that are considered inappropriate (e.g. obscene, racist, homophobic, personal attacks, rude, and just plain mean) will be removed.

And now back to J.Crew! :)