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Wednesday, April 6, 2011

J.Crew's (Un)Official Blog Likes Us {gasp!} We Made It

Short story: I requested the JCA blog be added to J.Crew's 770 blog's Cool Clicks. (If you have not been following the story, there is the March 29th "J.Crew's (Un)Official Blog {will they like us?}" post, and the March 25th "J.Crew's (Un)Official Blog Is Here" post, for history.)

"Thanks!" to Lisa, as well as Gem Twin (in this post), who noticed and shared that J.Crew did add the J.Crew Aficionada blog link on J.Crew's blog. The following screen shot is proof that we made it ladies and gentlemen. (And the link works, I checked!) :)

Wahoo! Honestly, I did not think we would get added. (I even voted "Never" in the "Do you think the JCA blog link will appear on J.Crew's 770 blog?" poll.) I am happy to be proven wrong!

I want to thank J.Crew for showing some love to this little ol' blog. I also want to thank this amazing community of Aficionadas & Aficionados (who truly love the brand through the good times and the not-so-good times).

Congrats JCAs!


  1. Congratulations, Alexis! You work so hard to maintain this amazing community and it is great to see your link up there!

  2. Congrats! You're like food for their fodder...

  3. Congratulations Alexis! you and JCA deserve this recognition!

  4. *pops* champagne!!!

    Alexis, you're at the top of the list in my book! :-)

  5. Congrats Alexis! I have always been amazed at the fabulous blog you maintain. The civility, energy, humor and thoughtfulness that you foster int his blog is something awesome. Congrats again. And, fyi, for me, THIS will always be he "Official" JCrew blog! Have a great day, everyone. KK

  6. Well said kitkat! Congratulations, Alexis!

  7. About time! Thanks J.Crew for their reluctant tip of the hat to JCA.

  8. Congratulations Alexis! Now they can't no longer pretend that we don't exist! But we have to be even more careful about sharing the secrets now!

  9. Congrats, Alexis! And I agree, Ema. *zips lips*

  10. Wonderful they finally recongized your efforts, Alexis!! You have done so much to build an online community encouraging interest in the brand.

    Unfortunately, Ema has a point...

  11. Wow, this is huge!!! Congrats, Alexis, and thank you so much for all that you do for our community!

  12. Thank you everyone! Very exciting news for all of us. :)

  13. Congrats. Thanks for all your hard work.

  14. Congratulations Alexis! I thought they would eventually add you (I said, "ever say never") and I'm thrilled it happened so quickly. Wonder if J.Crew will change their position to sanction posting by J.Crew staff on related blogs. We know they do anyway but the official stance was not to do so, if I remember correctly from a previous post.

  15. wohoo! yaye for alexis and yaye for jca's!!!

  16. Congratulations Alexis!!! I was with you in the voting..never thought it would be added! Amazing!

  17. Congratulations Alexis!!!! You do a wonderful job and definitely deserve this!!!! (*-*)

  18. YAY! Congrats! This blog deserves it

  19. YAYAYA! Congrats Alexis! I even voted NO in the poll too! But I'm glad to have been proven wrong! :)

  20. Congrats Alexis! I agree with you, Ema. They have totally just pretending like this blog doesn't exist... not anymore! I love it!

  21. Yay Alexis!! Congrats, and I agree with everyone else - this is still the "official" blog.

  22. Alexis I am SO happy for you!! And us!! I'm not saying that the other blogs aren't, but this blog is a class act. Always pretty, updated frequently, and with a really great group of posters! Congratulations!!

    (Hi J Crew, love your shoes!)

  23. You made it, baby!! Congrats on this - it is well deserved.

  24. Oh no! Is it gone now? Textbook is the last one now. :(

  25. Wait a minute, what's going on here? I can only see 03/25 and older. What happened to the blog entries from late March and early April?

  26. I guess it was a technical glitch while they created a new post. I see the link to J Crew Aficionada again. All is well. :)

  27. congrats!!! now your life is complete.

  28. Well, well, well! DL decides he wants to hook his lil' red wagon to the Mothership. Congratulations, Alexis, I'm glad your blog has finally received (official) approval. I am very happy for you.

  29. Well deserved, Alexis! Woot!!

  30. Thanks again everyone for the overwhelming support. Congrats all around! :)

  31. Good job! Your blog is so well done. They are lucky to have someone like you writing about JCrew. This is the first blog that I visit each day.

  32. hooray that is fantastic!
    happy that jcrew is finally give you some well-deserved kudos:)

  33. This comment has been removed by the author.

  34. Kudos Alexis, I honestly can not think of a better run blog. You've mastered the rare art of promoting and allowing discourse where not everyone agrees, while maintaining civility. Somehow you do this without a heavy hand. jcrew and other's can learn from you.

    I am watching with interest as J Crew forays into an area that they cannot control. For a marketer specially a brand based marketer, it is scary. Oh, what i would give to be fly on the wall for those meetings. I have been in them at my company. They are not fun and can be heated. Then the lawyers show up and they become quiet.

    The naive try to ignore, sometimes control.... For instance by not allowing reviewed, or censoring comments. The best companies embrace the opportunity to have a two way conversation with their customers. Welcome J Crew. You get instant street cred by recognizing alexis' blog. 

  35. That is awesome! Congrats Alexis, hopefully this is only the beginning. :)


Dear J.Crew Aficionadas & Aficionados: Please feel free (and encouraged) to share your thoughts and opinions. :) However, please note that this is still a personal blog. So comments that are considered inappropriate (e.g. obscene, racist, homophobic, personal attacks, rude, and just plain mean) will be removed.

And now back to J.Crew! :)