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Wednesday, March 16, 2011

J.Crew's Mickey Card {it's back!?!}

Remember the "Mickey Card" (aka "Red Card" and "White Card") that J.Crew sent out to customers back in the day (like the one shown in the image)? For those who are unaware, it was a card that allowed customers to take 25% off any in-store J.Crew purchase for a limited time.

It looks like J.Crew is offering the Red Card program again. We all wondered whether J.Crew would bring back the famous Mickey Card...
A big "thanks!" to Marie (in this post) who shared the following {exciting} news with us.
It seems the Mickey card is back. I got a 20% off purchase for $150 or more purchase in stores through April 11. "Enjoy this offer as many times as you like through April 11". The card says To our Jcrew loyalists, .....
So excited to hear about this!!! I think this is a great incentive for some of us to not only visit the brick & mortar stores again, but to also get us to spend. I can't wait to check the mail now. :)

Are you thrilled to hear that the Mickey Card program is back at J.Crew? Did you get the Mickey Card from J.Crew recently? If so, please share! :)


  1. I got one too! :) Needless to say, I'm very excited.

  2. Congrats Roxy! How exciting!!! :)

    I didn't get one in the mail today, but I am hoping I will get one soon. {fingers crossed!}

  3. I hope you get one too Alexis. How you are not already on the J.Crew REALLY VIP list is beyond me.

  4. Thanks Roxy! If only I could get on such a VIP list. I would be in heaven! ;)

  5. I guess he spilled coffee on the one that was supposed to go to me...

  6. I want one! I have several full price things I'd like to buy before they sell out of my size! (i.e., size 11 shoes!)

    Oh, I hope I hope I hope!

  7. Hoping it is just taking a little longer to reach me on the W. Coast ;-)

  8. Happy for all those who get the latest "Mickey card". So sad that these are not offered for any Canadian shoppers to use online.

  9. You know we always wonder who is on The List each time. Very curious to see if I'll get one as my JC spending has dropped significantly.

  10. Nothing for me in the mail today, but fingers crossed it's on the way. :)

  11. Have the previous cards had a minimum? I've been lucky enough to receive them previously but can't remember.

  12. Stacy, past cards did not have a minimum and the discount was 25% off instead of the current 20% off. I'd still take it though!

  13. No love in my mailbox today :(

  14. OT: posted some pics of the new orange paisley pencil skirt here.

  15. Would obviously LOVE to get one of these cards. I would head straight to my b&m to get the new Cecilia dress!

  16. I didn't get one but I have gotten them in the past. If I DO get one, I'll happily offer it up here on JCA to anyone who didn't get one. I have to confess that there's really nothing at J Crew right now that I want to buy, even with 20% off. So anyway, if I get one, I'll be sure to post my offer :)

  17. Was in my mailbox today! (It's white and green, BTW.) Sort of surprised...I haven't bought anything since December (and I actually returned most of that haul). Going to shop this weekend, but if I don't see anything, I will gladly share with a deserving JCA.

  18. It looks like it has reached only the New Yorkers so far as it comes from the HQ on Broadway. I was very surprised as I hadn't heard anything about it.
    AppGal I only had it in my hands for ten minutes that I was already going to get the Cecilia dress ;-).
    The high minimum is a little bit annoying though, I don't think that I am going to use it as much as the previous ones
    Hope that it reaches a majority of JCA!

  19. Well fed Fred....well, in that case, call the Starbucks CEO and give him an earful....

  20. I don't even want to think about it. Lots of things in the world to get upset about, I don't want J Crew to be one of them. (I hope!)

  21. Any of you kind-hearted ladies have one you'd like to donate to this bride and her 9 bridesmaids so we can buy our dresses?!

  22. I got the card in the mail today! It was a treat! This past fall when I got one it did not have a price point (any purchases within the window were 20% off!) But this one is 150$ purchases only- poo.

  23. Megan,

    If I get a card, I know I am not going to use it given the high minimum (gonna use my 20% off coupon at Talbots).

    Do you have an email you could share?

  24. I got one! It's green and white and is 20% off $150 or more. I was being so good too... now I have no excuse and must go shopping!

  25. If anyone doesn't want to use their mickey card, i'd be more than happy to take if off their hands :)!


  26. I am relatively new to the whole world of J Crew (but have learned a ton from this wonderful blog!) so I've not heard of the Mickey Card. Could anyone fill me in on if it is something only sent to J Crew credit card holders?

  27. With the student discount, you get pretty much the same discount without the minimum purchase of $150.

    An extra 5% isn't enough for me to get all bent out of shape, especially these days, I'm returning stuff as soon as I buy it. No room in the closet for more stuff I don't need.

  28. Certainly there will be nothing for me ... if I never post again, you'll know I got a red card and died of shock! Bwah.

  29. I received mine yesterday... the high minimum is a total turn off. The holiday time cards were much better. I also attended a shop & save event this past weekend with a PS friend and got 20% off a purchase of $125, so I might be shopped out unless some new arrivals are totally amazing.

  30. So in all my excitement, I totally overlooked the minimum. I didn't mind that the other cards were 25% off and this new one is 20% off. But to have a minimum, and such a high one, is a total turn off for me.

    When I buy, I buy in small amounts that add up. (Where I live, there are several J.Crew stores. So I end up on a J.Crew run visiting 2-3 at a time. Each store has their own selection. So I might spend $150+ but it won't be at one store, but at a few.)

    As much as I was excited about this yesterday evening, I think I won't mind not getting the card now.

    I will end by saying, I do appreciate that J.Crew is sending out these cards. :)

  31. If anyone has a card that would like to part with it I'd be happy to purchase it from you! Please email

  32. I got the card in the mail today. I doubt I will use with the high minimum!!! Crazy. I don't remember the other cards having minimums!

  33. not for me :( I don't have the jcrew card either... do you have to be a card holder to get the mickey card?

  34. If anyone wants to give up their card, I've been in a buying mode lately... :)

  35. I'm in total shock - I got the "green" card in my mail today. I didn't expect it at all because I didn't get it the last few times they sent these cards out and was quite ticked off. Maybe they're sending it to more people this time. Thank you J Crew!

    Came at a good time too because I was just thinking about going to a B&M this weekend.


Dear J.Crew Aficionadas & Aficionados: Please feel free (and encouraged) to share your thoughts and opinions. :) However, please note that this is still a personal blog. So comments that are considered inappropriate (e.g. obscene, racist, homophobic, personal attacks, rude, and just plain mean) will be removed.

And now back to J.Crew! :)