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Tuesday, February 8, 2011

A Surprise Inside J.Crew's February Catalog...

"Thanks!" to egyptomaniac & Pam, who shared the following news.

The latest J.Crew catalog sent to customers may have a unique promotional code (for something like 20% off on any order, free shipping with no minimum, or $20 off a certain amount). The offer expires February 13, 2011.

So double-check your catalog to see if you got a unique promo code too! :)


  1. Congrats to all who get a code! Unfortunately my catalog didn't have one.

  2. I have been getting these for about 6 months and didn't get one this month. :(

  3. Me no get one, again. If anyone has one they don't want, would you kindly share with me?

    thirtyselvedge at gmail dot com.


  4. I have never gotten one, and before I grumble about J.Crew not understanding "random", let me ask: are these things "blow-ins," stapled in, or printed on a page that isn't in every catalog?

  5. wellfedfred: I didn't get one this time, so I'm not sure about this specific catalog, but in the past if I got one, it was this little square "page" about 4x4" stapled into the catalog with the rest of the pages. And usually there would be a little blub somewhere on the cover saying there was a special offer or something inside. But, like I said, I haven't gotten one in a while so someone else may have a more updated answer! :)

  6. Not only did I not get a code, but I didn't even get the catalog! I called to request one a few weeks back, this week I received a holiday sale catalog that was torn and tattered. Remember the days when you used to get a catalog in the box with your order?

  7. thanks, Lindsey_B! I live in an apartment building and our staff sorts and brings up the mail, and while we all generally love our guys, they have been known to do things like read the magazines, hang on to postcard coupons, etc… But this one's all on J.Crew! Fooey!

  8. The surprise was I've somehow been dropped from the list of those receiving catalogs.

    I picture all of J. Crew's computers being 30 years old and with hamsters on a little wheel powering them. That's the only excuse I can see for the problems with maintaining simple databases and inventories.

  9. I never get the codes, and I haven't even gotten the latest catalog yet! Boooo Jcrew.

  10. lol, Catrina, here's one to prove those hamsters are also 30 years old:
    nothing in my catalog, but today I received an email from JCrew telling me there is a(n unspecified) surprise in my Feb catalog. Is the surprise supposed to be that there is no surprise?

  11. I got the catalog at the beginning of the month, but no coupon. Also got a second copy of the January catalog last week - that was random! Seriously strange database they must have...

    I understand and appreciate why they don't put catalogs in every box anymore, but a more consistent mailing to customers who request them would be appreciated! :)

  12. BLAH of course I tossed mine! lol. I'm sure there wasn't anything in it though. I never get any freebs.

  13. Got 2 copies of Jan catalog but the Feb is still missing...well...

  14. Didn't receive January's catalog. Received Feb but mo surprise coupon/discount. I totally remember the the days the put a catalog in every order. I also remember when they'd include their CLEARANCE catalog in an order, too!!
    The good old days before online ordering, back when you'd place an order over a landline phone!!!

  15. I JUST got my January catalogue yesterday... yeah.

  16. Nothing in my catalog :(

    Anyone have a code to spare?

    My item is back in stock! ahhhh ... timing with promotions and available stock never works for me!


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And now back to J.Crew! :)