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Thursday, December 23, 2010

Surprise! J.Crew Sends Their Love {& 2011 day planner}

"Thanks!" to so many of you, including Debby (in this post), as well as Jacquie & dinagideon, who shared the following delightful surprise.

J.Crew has delivered their Holiday present a bit early this year to some very lucky JCAs. In the mailbox, they found a gift of an orange 2011 Day Planner. (Incidentally, the image above is from last year's "Surprise! J.Crew Sends Their Love {& day planner}" post where J.Crew sent a similar planner, but in a pink version.)

What an absolutely lovely gesture for loyal customers! It is a great gift and more importantly, a touching offer for those who receive it. :)

So check your mailbox in the next few days to see if you got something extra special from J.Crew. :)


While I am writing here, let me take a moment to talk to J.Crew...
Dear J.Crew,
In case you were wondering, I have not received the gift yet. (Or any gifts for that matter.) If you are not sure whether you should or not... of course you can! :) I would love any token from my favorite retailer! ;)
Love always,
Alexis {J.Crew Aficionada}
Mini-Update: I am delighted to report that I too received one of these amazing day planners in the mail today (Christmas Eve)! Thank you so much J.Crew!!! :)


  1. P.S. J. Crew, I sign the petition that Alexis receives an orange 2011 Daily Agenda AND a $50 gift card...yours truly, dinagideon. :)

  2. Oh, I got one of these last year but it was well into January by that time. Wonder if I'll get one this year. Would rather have the gift card but my PS has saved me much more than $50 over the year thanks to price adjustments and help with returns. She's worth her weight in gold and at today's gold prices that is really something!

  3. Thanks Dina! :)

    I just got a call from J.Crew that one of the items I ordered won't be mailed to me (the thing I was looking the most forward too). Right now, I would be pretty happy to just get all the items I order! ;)

  4. Wow! I received a 2011 olive colored day planner today. Couldn't have come at a better time as I was feeling a bit humbuggy. Thanks, JCrew!

  5. Mine is also olive. Big surprise! It is the first time I receive something from them.

  6. Ooh, I would so love that, but I'm sure I won't. Congrats to all the JCAs who got one!

  7. hmmm... I got one last year, loved it, rang up J Crew a few weeks ago to ask if they'd be doing them again for 2011 (so I could buy one from somewhere else if not). The PS dept told me they weren't going to be doing them again this year!

    I can't work out if they were gently trying to tell me I've been dropped from the gift list, or whether it was a surprise to them too!

  8. I don't have one yet! Congrats to everyone on the great surprise :)

  9. I'm sure there won't be anything for me. They've no reason to court me, since I throw money at them as though I've got nothing better to do. Enjoy your gifts, ladies!

  10. @blonde222 - I was told the same thing by CS this past week! I received the 2010 planner as a gift from JC and LOVED using it this past year. CS told me they would not be sending them out again so this comes as a surprise to me. I SO hope JC still loves me and I get a surprise in my mailbox!!

  11. XX signing petition for Alexis to receive the agenda and hey -- double that gift card to $100.

    Curious if non-JC cardholders are receiving these. If you receive one and post it here, will you please note if you have a JC credit card or not?

    I don't expect one & won't complain if I don't get one. Just curious.

  12. I am signing the petition for Alexis too. Of course, if she would reveal her personality, J Crew would shower her with gifts and would present her a coveted Friends and Family for life card I am sure, but that would defeat the purpose of equality for all. I am applauding Alexis for making this blog a tremendous success while maintaining her integrity, which could not be bought with gifts.Incidentally, I did receive an olive one today, the first in 2 years of crazy J Crew spending. I am grateful, but hurt for those who spent as much as I did and did not receive one. Since everyone has either J Crew account or card, the spending can be easily tracked and rewarded according to the tiers . With such a solid reward system in place, J Crew can additionally send " truly " occasional random gifts if they desire so. Would not tha be wise? Oh, if only big heads listened to common folks, how much easier things would be.

  13. I got one last year and loved it! *fingers crossed for this year* I didn't make it to the mailbox today ... kind of makes me want to go out there now, but it's too cold! :)

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  16. Slastena - Good point. If you have an account/customer number (apparently I have a number of them on file), they can see what we spend. We don't have to have a JC card for them to track. Good point, but I will still be happy for those that have recvd and will be just fine if I don't. ;-)

  17. what a year… no fruit, no luggage, now no planner… guess I'll just have hold out for an invitation to Millardland next summer:


  18. Congrats to all the JCAs who got this very nice gift! It's nice of JCrew to recognize their customers.

    Alas, I was not one of them (I, too, am fruitless, luggage-less, and have no plans apparently :)). WellFedFred, I think we should all trek to Millardland! Maybe he has employees dressed up for different "lands" : SequinWaif-land, GrandmaChic-land, DisheveledGotOutofBedinMySweatpantsandFurVest-land.....Meet you guys at the gate - I'll bring the Cosabella Thongs!

  19. I received one, I do have a card (but I had a card last year and didn't receive anything, so who knows).

  20. I got the planner last year, but nothing so far this year. Congrats to all of you who did receive one! :)

  21. I got a lovely neutral brown planner last year but not until early January--around the 7th I believe.

    Glad for those who got them already.

    Ironically, my regular online PS did not send mine but another PS who helped me with a problem last Christmas!

  22. I received the orange one today (came with US Mail delivery). I received last year's planner also, but did not receive either fruit or luggage. I do have a JC card.

  23. I received the 2011 planner in orange in the mail yesterday. It's really very nice. I won't use it since I am devoted to my Blackberry. It's a very nice gift though and I appreciate it.

  24. Hmmm. Well, I did receive the planner last year. No peaches this summer though. I have a great relationship with my very nice online personal shopper. She sent me a personal Christmas gift - a piece of j crew jewelry, and I thought that was lovely! So I won't complain if I don't get the planner. I already bought one for 2011, and last year, I gave my J Crew one away.

  25. I have yet to receive any gifts even though I've spent thousands with them each year. I do have free shipping/monogramming/gift wrapping in my account for the first time until the end of this month. Btw, I'm a JC cardholder but I'm going to be canceling it in the New Year.

    Alexis absolutely deserves every gift and congrats to those who received one this time.

  26. I just received the orange day planner in the mail today.

  27. I received the orange one today. I also received $50 gift card from JCrew earlier this month.
    Thank you, JCrew!

  28. Got mine yesterday- it was an orange planner as well. I doubt I'll be using it, as I purchased a planner several months ago for 2011. I am a cardholder as well.

  29. GigiOfCa, Slastena, JCrewPhD: Thank you so much for the nice words and signing the petition! :)

    I am delighted to say that I got one of these absolutely stunning planners in the mail today!!! I am completely surprised and was not expecting it at all (as I never received anything in the past). I really appreciate J.Crew sending me one too! :)

    Lastly, Happy holidays everyone!!!

  30. Congratulations, Alexis! I can't think of a person who deserves it more -- now if only they would listen to us and throw in a gift card for you :)

    Happy Holidays, gal!

  31. Alexis, I'm so glad you got one! I did as well - orange. And I am a JC card holder.

  32. Congrats Alexis! Finally! And congrats to everyone who received one! I have never received any of the gifts but hope springs eternal... Happy holidays everyone!

  33. Is this arbitrary or do you have to spend thousands of dollars in order to get one? Because I've had a J.Crew card for years and I buy from them with regularity and I often get the annual discount card but nothing else. I never have received any e-mails, even though I've signed up several times and I've never received a gift like this. So, what is the gimmick?

  34. I received the orange planner in the mail last night - quelle surprise! - and I really want to put the last sentence of Slastena's post on the wall in my office. Words to live by. :)

  35. I received the Olive planner. I do not have a Jcrew card... but I always make sure to give my email address when I shop!

  36. happy you recvd one!

  37. I also got one, thank you J.Crew!
    And congrats Alexis!

  38. Natalie,

    Oh, the olive planner sounds nice. I hope I get that color:)

  39. I believe Santa brought the planner to Alexis, and I am so glad I still believe!

    As to the possibility of rationality/niceness on the part of J.Crew, the last conversation I had with my EX-PS was v. early last spring, when I mentioned that I had not received the latest LookBook. Oh, she replied, that's because they're only sent to GOOD customers. Making me feel like I should go to blackboard and write "I will spend more, I will spend more" 100 times. Doing much better without PS, thanks very much.

  40. Got the lovely burnt-orange one and am a card-holder. Thrilled that Santa brought one for Alexis, even penetrating her anonymity!

    Hoping the true gift for 2011 will be stunning designs at not-stunning prices, that we can imagine in our everyday work-play lives.

  41. I got the planner. Will be giving it away to my sister like the one I got last year as I won't use it but it is such a nice thoughtful gift:)

  42. Congrats to all the lucky JCAs who scored a gift this year.

    I the planners in the store last year for purchase, but they sold out before I could get one. I went to the store last week and a sales associate said they were not going to be on sale this year. I was sadly disappointed because I've been waiting for them to show up this year. :(

  43. No planner for me this year but it's ok, I still love my fav store.

  44. I still haven't received a planner and I've shopped so, so much with JC lately. I hate when they do things like this. I feel a boycott coming on... ;)

  45. I didn't get it this year! No peaches either! I guess now only THE highest volume purchasers get included. New resolution: Buy during decent promos only!

  46. Thrilled you got one, Alexis! And yay for the other lucky JCAs.

    There were no gifts for me this year, which along with the aethetic and quality, makes me feel like spending less in 2011.

    Guess I won't be invited to Millardland either.

  47. Bummer! I didn't get one. Congrats to those who did!


Dear J.Crew Aficionadas & Aficionados: Please feel free (and encouraged) to share your thoughts and opinions. :) However, please note that this is still a personal blog. So comments that are considered inappropriate (e.g. obscene, racist, homophobic, personal attacks, rude, and just plain mean) will be removed.

And now back to J.Crew! :)