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Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Fall Sale is Back at J.Crew {but is Final Sale still around?}

"Thanks!" to many of you, including Dinster (in this post), Heidi (in this post), Dashrashi (in this post) as well as Rosa, Marietta & Ketan, who let us know a change to

Final Sale is gone and Fall Sale (click here to shop online) is back. More over, a lot of items have been reduced in price. For example, the Marled Thandie Blazer (Item 29305; $158.00) is now $49.99 (which is the same price stores are currently selling it for).
NOTE: Unfortunately, there seems to be a catch. For some reason, when I add items to my cart, the dreaded red letters "Final Sale" still appear. Not sure what is going on there. Hopefully the same is not happening to you.

What are your thoughts on the change to J.Crew's Sale? Are your items in your cart still showing up as "Final Sale"? Will you be taking advantage of it? If so, what items did you purchase? :)


  1. Enjoy, everybody! FS will probably be back right before Christmas (at least, that's what happened last year).

    The only thing I've been considering is the Annie vest but didn't want to bite with FS. Still thinking about it.

  2. Finally, that's a welcome change!

    Isn't it weird that the tissue t-neck (some colors) are already in the sale section, just a few days after they sent the email that advertised them as what every fall wardrobe needs?

  3. You are right Alexis, I just added a necklace in my cart and it says Final Sale.

  4. Silver_Lining: (P.S. I still love your icon used for the thumbnail.) I have a feeling you are right, that Final Sale will be around for the holidays.

    Ema: That is so quick for those tees to be on sale! It really makes no sense to buy something full price if you can wait two weeks.

    RosaLovesDC: That's too bad you had the same problem with seeing "Final Sale" in your shopping cart. Ugh. I was hoping it was a glitch on my end and that J.Crew was going to fix it. But now I am thinking that Final Sale is still around, they just changed the name of the sale section. :(

  5. I just added a tissue turtleneck to my shopping cart and it did not say final sale. Maybe items that were previously final sale still are, and new items are not? Or maybe they've just now fixed the glitch. Try again!

  6. Alexis,

    The final sale still appearing on items has been discussed in another post by several others this morning already.

  7. ARL,

    I have found that doesn't matter. Old or new final sale is still by items. On the instant chat feature the rep said they are still updating the site I really believe that with all of JCrew's website problems......

  8. OK, I checked again. Some items are on final sale and some aren't and it seems a little random. Like some necklaces that were on the previous final sale are now not final sale anymore. But then the necklace I want is on final sale and it is the first time I see it in the Sale Section. I might check a little later and hopefully by then it is not final sale anymore.

  9. Going to check out fall sale now,but waiting to hear what happens with "final sale"

  10. Genny, thanks. I am catching up with the comments now. :)

  11. Ugh a skirt I got just last week is already on sale. I know I can return but my size is sold out and I am so tired of the price guessing game and $40 is a big enough difference.

  12. I'm annoyed that the Esme sandals I bought last week for my wedding on final sale are now NOT final sale (even when added to the bag). They aren't supposed to be delivered until tomorrow, so I don't even know if they fit; I bought my usual J. Crew size but, of course, that is hit or miss. I took a gamble and lost, apparently. Thanks, J. Crew.

  13. A, they will honor a price adjustment within 7 days.

  14. Thanks silver_lining. I bought it through a store search via the red phone since my store was out of my size and they shipped it last Monday so I am out of the 7 day window. Boo

  15. And they emptied my shopping bag. Not in the mood to refill - FIX IT, JCREW!! Get a wishlist or something! (Slightly peeved about this...)

  16. Meg-I believe they will work with you to get you the right size shoes. Just talk to your store or call CS. Some people seem afraid to address this issue when they receive something that is ill-fitting or just wrong but I honestly think they want customers to be happy with their purchase and certainly not stuck with the wrong size shoes. I would call them right now and tell them you have some concern about the shoes fitting and would they make a note on that order that you can exchange them should they not fit.

  17. Just wanted to share since I'm soooo happy, the charge just came through for my Ingenue coat which I ordered back in August on promo!! So excited for it to arrive, and I have my fellow JCAs to thank since I didn't realize it was a hidden item at the time. Amazingly now they're offering it in two additional colors, one of which I really like (cobblestone), but it's $350 now and I paid $159.99 so not complaining :) I ordered the sea salt color so I plan to Scotchguard the heck out of that thing.

  18. I'm actually getting a bit annoyed by the constant and immediate sales on very new items. I'm starting to feel like a chump for ordering anything at all, because within a week it'll be marked down 30% -- new rollout items, already-on-sale items... Not cool, JC.

  19. I was so happy to have gotten the top half of a swimsuit I'd been waiting to pop back all summer ... and it's the 2nd final sale swimsuit top I've gotten that's missing a shoulder strap. :-/ Now I will have to call and make an accessory request, and I'll probably be subjected to the snooty tone and some variation of "This IS a Final Sale item buuuuuuut I will help you just this once. ..."


    My other final sale order is due to arrive today. I'm set for a while. Don't need any more fall/winter wear, and if I do, I'll wait for it to hit eBay and then pounce. :)

  20. I was just assured by CS that all sale items are no longer FS. Cardholders can still apply the additional 20% to sale. (yeah, a perk!) If items are still showing FS during checkout, it might be safer to place order by phone so CS can note your account. JC certainly makes us work for it!

  21. i asked CS chat about final sale/fall sale and got this response:

    Only our Collection and Wedding Items are still Final Sale. If you would like to place an order you can call our toll free number and they would be able to make a notation on the order which items aren't final sale.

  22. I'm happy it's finally Fall Sale. However, it's too much of a hassle to shuffle through regular sale and final sale. I will patiently wait for another round of %off promo with free shipping.

    The 7 day window for price adjustment is pretty lame. Others offer at least 14 days.

    Mommydearest: yes, we need a wish list because it really does get tiring to re-load my cart after they empty it.

  23. OT: 3 hours only 12-3. 30% off coats at Talbots with free shipping. Nice promos like this with free shipping if only for a few hours are quite fun IMO.

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. Re: the talbots code, I don't need anymore coats because I went crazy with the Calvin Klein outerwear sales on Ideeli and RueLaLa, but when you click through the email it does give you free shipping on your order even if you are not buying a coat. I bought some shoes on sale was able to use the 25OFF code on top and get free ship.

    I was really having trouble bringing myself to buy talbots but some of the latest new arrivals are really quite lovely so I decided to give them a chance. :)

  26. Hahahahaha! Didn't I mention Fall Sale just yesterday? :) Good to see.

  27. OT but if anyone was looking for the talbots leather pencil, it's back in stock in limited regular and petite sizes in the "completely sold out and over-backordered" luggage color. I have the 0P and 2P in black and luggage coming my way hopefully but haven't recvd so can't give any feedback on fit. HTH someone!

  28. jcbellemarie - I have been stalking that luggage colored pencil skirt from Talbots! I haven't bought anything at Talbots before, but I'm guessing I'd be either a 0P or a 2P. I take either a 00, 0 or a 0P at JCrew . .any can usually work.

    Are you getting the luggage color in both 0P and 2P and seeing which one fits? I might be interested in buying the one that doesn't fit off of you. Like I said, looks like I could wear either.

  29. I like the Fall Sale allowing returns, but there don't seem to have much available. I'm waiting for a big update...

  30. OT, but: anyone know when the new arrivals are due in-store? I'm planning to go take a look tomorrow.

  31. We are putting out new arrivals tonight and tomorrow morning!

  32. CCS, I was only able to get the luggage in a 2P, but I have the black in 0P and 2P coming. Sorry! The luggage one was supposedly completely oversold, so I was surprised to see it pop back online today in a 2P. If it doesn't fit I'll consider listing it on the exchange instead of returning to store, but I hope it fits :) !

  33. Hi all, thinking about getting the Merino Cielo Ruffle Cardigan on the sale....does anyone have it? Does it fit true to size? I'm annoyed because I feel like I'm all over the place with Jcrew and I'm just unsure of whether to get an XS or S.....Sometimes their S is too baggy, but I don't want to order an XS and have it be too! And I just don't believe their size charts anymore...Thanks in advance for your help!

  34. jcbellemarieb and css, I got the talbot leather skirt in luggage and I love it!!! one of the best purchases this year. I got it in my j crew size and it fits me the same way as J crew pencils. Maybe I could get away with smaller size (it is the same in JC) but I would not want it to be too tight. But I would consider getting a petite size since the regular hits me right at the knee (I am 5'7")and I got used to a little shorter lenght. But since bought it as a timeless classic I went with classic length. Luggage color is TDF!!!

  35. Anyone seen the double serge pencil skirt in the dark blue from the new roll out? Is it as deep and pretty as it looks online?
    I called my store and they got a limited number of new arrivals. boo

  36. jcbellemarie, no worries! Just thought I'd ask! I hope that it fits you too! But if it doesn't let me know. :) Like ajc said, it is a total classic.

    I'll keep trying myself. In the meantime I have found a similar version at Ralph Lauren that is to die for too. It is definitely more pricey and I'm a little worried that even the 2 (smallest size) would be too big for me. But since it is something I think I could wear for the next 10 years, maybe I'll take a chance on it. Can always return it!

  37. Hi again, A - I'm actually wearing the nightfall blue double-serge today. It's kind of hard to describe - I'd say a dark teal. Definitely more teal than the picture online, which I thought was more of a deep navy. It is a very pretty color, though. I paired it with a bronzed twig Infinity cardigan.

  38. only 1 item i added says final sale, the rest are still high priced . . . weird

  39. I thought that the drastically reduced items were always marked final sale when put into your shopping bag, whether it was called fall sale, final sale, summer sale or whatever. I think it's fair that at some point, say 70% off, an item is final sale. I'm sure many don't feel the same way, JMHO.

  40. silver_lining, considering how discerning you are, since you got the nightfall double-serge I have to go for it. Sounds lovely, and it's not just my pencil skirt addiction talking. ;^)

  41. Can we combine the 20% off cardholder code with the free shipping codes?

  42. I wish JCrew would let you use two codes but they only allow one. Has been this way for a long time now.

  43. Thandie blazer, would like to try but it's still coming up final sale. No way would I risk it, it looks like it might be as itchy as a super cute one that I had to return to Banana since it felt like steel wool.

  44. Well, I think the fall sale is a joke. Not biting on anything. You would think at least the velvet Ruby would start to go on sale. I don't know how long I can stalk it.

  45. CharlotteSometimes, I too have been stalking the Ruby blazer waiting for sale. Just seems so odd that everything is getting marked down after 2 weeks and that's sitting hanging around at full price in seemingly every size and color.

    That said, I got mine on promo last week and I keep wanting to return it as I do not think it's worth the $143 or so that I paid, but I'm actually starting to like it so much and keep wanting to wear it but keep waiting. I think I may just take the leap, cut off the tags and have a really nice outfit for tomorrow. And then watch, it will be marked down to half price on Friday ;)

  46. Thank you silver_lining! I want that skirt so much. It will be my 4th double serge in 2 weeks. Crazy, but I love their pencil skirts.

  47. Dara, lol, that's how it always works, doesn't it? How did you find the fit? If I am usually a 4 in JCrew shirts, would you suggest that size (if I ever get to order it on sale)? I love the wood brown color so much it hurts.

  48. I got that color too! I found it pretty TTS. I'm usually a 0P on top but in jackets the sleeves are always too short so I went with the 00 and it was perfect. HTH!

  49. Does anyone have the Plaid Boyfriend Cardigan? How is the fit?

  50. Just be patient with the Ruby velvet blazer. The Eden was more popular and by Dec. it was marked way down and after Christmas it was going for about $40 or so! i bet the Ruby will be rock bottom too but it will take a while. Just depends on if you need it for the holidays or not....

  51. GinaBean, I thought the cielo was a big small. But I only tried it on really fast.

    JCbellemarie, thanks so much for posting about the Talbots skirt! It is gorg! Too bad my size is gone, but at least now I know Talbots has popbacks too. :) Curious whether yours looks like a return or whether it looks brand new - would you let us know? The ones I saw in the store last month had some obvious flaws in the leather - I hate that.

    CCS, I'm wondering about that RL version too. It is SO $$$ but I love the buckles.

  52. Ashley: I own the Merino Plaid Boyfriend cardigan in my normal size small. I initially thought it ran big since it is looser around the arms and body area but wasn't swimming in it. When I sized down to XS it was more fitted and there is no way I could layer a shirt under it. The Rimini in my regular size is snug around my arms but I think a lot of others were experiencing this too. HTH!

  53. jcrewphd- thanks! i had a feeling that would be the case for sizing. i should have grabbed a small when i had the chance!

  54. Does jcrew allow u to return an item and then buy it again in the same day? If the price has gone down on the item?

  55. Jill, it really depends on the sales associate. Maybe if you ask nicely or have a PS who can handle the transaction? I have seen other customers attempt to do this in the past with little success.

    Also an interesting fact, the store will not put the item back on the floor unless there is another one exactly like it. Some stores even wait 24 hours to put returned items back on the floor. I'm not sure if these practices apply to all stores--another inconsistency in J. Crew's policies I guess.

    Check if your item is eligible for a price adjustment. That might be your best bet.

  56. I have seen the opposite. They will likely let you do it (price adjustment), and they do put merchandise back right away, almost compulsively, to keep the store organized. I can't imagine they purposely wait 24 hours to put items back.

  57. mommydearest and jcrewphd: my shopping bag is *always* getting deleted! do they have a rhyme or reason for when/why they do this? i really wish they had a "save for later feature" like anthro.

    also, does anyone know when the holiday roll out will be?

  58. I just made an order for a skirt over the phone and the SA told me it was final sale =/ Then I called CS and asked if this was correct and they told me that anything ending in .99 was final sale!

  59. So does anyone own a Dream cardigan from this year that has withstood wearing? I love the style of the Dream v-neck cardi, but I"m worried about pilling/falling apart/holes. I've ordered (and returned) it twice and vaguely remember it being delicate, but I was more focused on the fit than the feel (and it was too big). With the introduction of XXS, I'm hoping to try again.

    Any help is greatly appreciated!! I'd rather spend $78 on a sweater than $168 (the Cashmere v-neck cardi is a very similar, but longer, style).

  60. It is not final sale unless it says so after the item, in the order section, after you click "checkout".

  61. mommydearest (and the others with the problem of the empying cart), do you actually sign in and then sign out each time? I have found out that if I DON'T sign in/out the stuff stays in my cart. Ex.: if I open the Jcrew window, put stuff in my cart (without logging in) and then simply close the window, when I reopen it everything is there. However, if I sign-in at some point and then sign out, the cart is emptied automatically at signout. Of course you need to sign-in to place an order but if yoiu change your mind half process, just close the window without signing out.
    Hope it makes sense.
    This doesn't solve the problem of the lack of wishlist on the website (that really sucks!)

  62. Ema, thanks - I never sign out. JCrew randomly empties my cart. It usually coincides with a web update of some kind.

    They need to get their act together regarding sale/final sale. I called to ask if I could return a final sale item, and my online PS told me only things ending in .99 were final sale and my order must have been mismarked. I didn't feel like disagreeing, but of course that isn't accurate. My item didn't end in .99 because I had a additional promo! And .99 is not always final sale. Ugh

  63. The emptying of your cart may have to do with the settings of your browser, and when your "cookies" expire.

  64. Okay, now I'm confused. When has items with .99 ending been final sale? I've heard this line before from a SA during the final sale period but since it's "Fall Sale" shouldn't they be all returnable or exchanged?
    I see that the red final sale signage has disappeared but I'm still worried about ordering items ending with .99.

  65. The CS rep today told me final sale is over and fall sale is on and ALl sale items are returnable.

    Still seeing red final sale though on items in check out which bugs me to death. JCrew's website is the pits.


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And now back to J.Crew! :)