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Wednesday, September 22, 2010

"Looking to VENT" with J.Crew

Preface: A big "thanks!" to Ibi who suggested weekly 'Looking to LOVE' and 'Looking to HATE' posts where we could all "deposit" our best & worst current experiences. I think it is a brilliant idea and will try it out for a few weeks. Hopefully this will help out our fellow JCAs! :)

This is the weekly "Looking to VENT with J.Crew" post, a place to share our not-so-stellar experiences with J.Crew.

If you have recently experienced a frustrating situation with J.Crew, maybe you might be willing to share that information with us in this post.

Please feel free to share your story on almost any topic— including poor experiences with purchases & orders, promotions/ offers, in-store visits, transactions with store associates, etc.


  1. I'm extra-grumpy today (I blame the full moon), so I'll start by asking the same question I've been asking for a while now: where the heck are the promised "cardmember-only invitations to private sales"?

    They send the Mickey cards to VIP customers (and 20% off catalog and e-mail coupons to other lucky customers) but nothing for the CC customers to whom they've actually promised something. I don't get it. LOL, they'd better not tell me my alleged CC privileges were lost in the mail, because they certainly know where to send my bill! :-)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hexicon, I agree. It's a joke. And, this "thing" they do in choosing which customers get which promos, is it even legal? Seems like it's probably a dumb question, but it almost seems discriminatory in a class warfare sort of way. I can only get discounts if I can afford to spend oodles of money there? c.l.a.s.s. a.c.t.i.o.n.

  4. @meow --

    my sister is of the people who spend "oodles" of money at J. Crew. She never, ever has gotten a reward card.

  5. Meow, it's not [legally actionable] discrimination because consumers don't have a "right" to get discounts.

    I know it's frustrating with discounting discrepancies...I actually got the 25% off card but can't really use it on what I want to buy b/c I wear size 11 shoes and size 14 tops/dresses, none of which sizes are carried in the store (plus, some items are significantly marked down in the store and still FP online, so I have to pay FP if I want to get it now in my size). So I sort of feel "discriminated" against in this way but there's nothing I can do other than not buy if I don't like the price I can buy things for.

  6. Would we look at it the same way if it occurred in person? For example, let's say you walked into Macy's tomorrow, and based on how you looked, your aura, your horoscope, your size, your skin color, your gender, whatever...that only certain people were getting discount cards handed to them. But the store wouldn't disclose the reason. This would be instant news. It's only the age of the Internet that allows each of us to communicate and know these discrepancies, otherwise we would not know. But if these exclusivities were occurring in real life, people would have a fit, rightfully so. I don't think it's purely random, nothing in business ever is, I just don't think we understand it (yet).

  7. I think this blog topic is a good idea to try, how about, "looking to lament"?

  8. I agree -- I think "looking to hate" is a little harsh.

    What about "Looking to Lament," like Meow suggested or "Looking to Gripe."

    Even when JCrew is at it's worst, we still love it. :)

  9. Or calling the categories "The Best of JCrew" and "The Worst of JCrew."

    Just some food for thought!


    Meow, all merchants discriminate. Some are subtle: the shoe salesman who shows you to a seat and never returns, the SA who sighs "We only got a few of those in, but I'll look" and never returns - familiar?

    And some not so subtle: I have entered stores (looking v. respectable or so I thought in Burberry coat, real H* scarf & similarly recognizable purse), and heard - "I'm on break but someone else will be available soon," "I'd be happy to show it to you, dear, but it is very expensive (this over a junky wallet for Secret Santa); and the winner, "Watch your purse" addressed to another SA. BTW I have heard none of the foregoing in J.Crew, which is one of the things I LOVE about J.Crew.

    And there will always be some not-so-subtle economic discrimination: demographic analysis drives how merchants stock their stores. And this makes sense: why have items linger unsold at one location when the lifestyle that makes people want to buy them simply does not exist there. The top or bottom of a range can be absent, whole departments exist only at certain locations. You can guess what a company -- any company -- thinks of a local population by comparing the store there with the company's other (non-flagship) stores. I love to check out supermarkets and Hypermarkets in Europe for just this reason.

    Neiman's and stores of that (vanishing) class have special promotions to reward cardholders and big spenders all the time. The only requirement is that you spend. And spend. Perhaps the J.Crew whimsical incentive programs relate more to what Groucho Marx said: "I wouldn't join any club that would have me as a member."

    I have wished, often and loudly, that shopping would be less like a battle, recognizing that we as consumers have only 2 weapons: our voices and our purses. I never thought of myself as a slutty shopper, but since the magic card arrived I'm wondering if maybe… I'm easy?

  11. This is the commenter formerly known as Meow. I'm having an identity crisis, so I apologize. Anyway, WFF, the difference between my scenario and how J Crew offers perks is that it is a corporate thing, not an individual's bias. That will always be hard to legislate or guard against. But when it's a corporation or entire company doing it, *and* it doesn't have to do with spending, that we know of, I question it. To use Macy's again, I am a Macy's cardholder, but I don't have to wonder if I will be given the card discounts, I know everyone with a Macy's card does (and I do not actually spend money there, so WTF J Crew). I have a feeling, since Mickey is so obsessed with profit margins, that it's something more smarmy like those who buy at FP more often and do fewer returns get rewards. Those of us who buy primarily sale items are frowned upon because it does not suit his 800 dollar umbrella dreams.

  12. Also, this is not due to demographics or location, which I understand exists, and why. The Internet should be the great equalizer, unlike B&M. A closer comparison would be someone going into an affluent area, going to a store (any store), but not getting offered a discount card seemingly arbitrarily.

  13. Charlotte Sometimes, while I understand the general grumpiness about the seemingly discriminatory way "goodies" are handed out, I think you're making a lot of assumptions that I've never seen any evidence of. I get lots of perks. I'm a card holder who buys primarily on sale and makes lots of returns. My shopping buddy, who lives in the same city, also gets lots of perks, spends huge $$, pays full price frequently and rarely returns. We've had people here on the forum who exactly match her and never get a perk.

    The point is we don't know how they choose which of their customers get these benefits. There are cardholders and non cardholders, big spenders and non spenders, serial returners and seldom returners, people who have personal shoppers and those who don't. We can't leap to the conclusion it's unfair or discriminatory because we can't even see a pattern or a method to it. After getting virtually every promo that came along, I am suddenly coming up dry for example. I have no idea why. Nothing about my buying patterns has changed significantly.

    Anyway, while I get the frustration, I think you're trying to define something that we have not been able to define, so the very worst we can say about the practice is that it's undefineable. We can't logically say it's unfair or biased or even that it's random because we don't know. I wish we could figure it out!

  14. I lament that J Crew walked away from its "modern classics - sometimes with a twist" formula.

    Based on comments made earlier by Mr Drexler, do you think they see they have made an error and will return to their successful formula in the near future, or will they continue to pursue the "Edie Beale" look?

    What do you think?

  15. Desert Flower, I simply posited it as a question, I was not necessarily asserting it. When companies do strange things like this, is it not healthy to question it and debate its legality or the ethics of the practice? If we DID know the reason behind the marketing of discounts, I wonder if some of those strategies could get them in trouble. But that could only come from within, telling me testimonials about you and your friend is not going to crack the "code", there are too many other variables.

  16. I still maintain, despite others' assertions to the contrary, that there truly is no method to the madness. All JC needs is a little software program called marketing automation or marketing optimization and things would start making sense. Offers would be targeted based on previous purchases and Web browsing history. It's all very easily trackable and wouldn't even require any work! It's all done automatically with the goal of targeting peeps who buy at full price with appropriate offers and others, like me, who buy only on sale with equally appropriate offers that I'm likely to respond to.

    The store's utter lack of rewarding customer loyalty and lack of interest in retaining its customers really REALLY burns me up. You've all heard me complain about it before, but it's not just because I keep getting shorted on all the extras/goodies/discount codes/etc.

    If Kohl's and Macy's can do it properly, there is just no excuse for JC on this issue. None.


  17. LilyBart, I completely agree! You have to sort through all the styling and layers to see the classics. I don't really think their clothes can be considered preppy anymore. Does anyone who reads this blog ever wear any outfit look straight out of the catalog? What happened to the good old days?

    My other beef is that they only offer size 16 in limited choices. It seems like they're discriminating against overweight women. Their models keep getting thinner and more unrealistic looking and their sizes just seem to be getting smaller. Just because I weigh a little more doesn't mean I don't want to look nice!

  18. How about copying Facebook..."Like" and "Dislike"

    I agree "Hate" is just too harsh.

    This is a great addition Alexis!

  19. No comment--except this one-- until the word HATE gets changed.

    We don't allow that word to be spoken in our household (my wonderful hubby made this rule and I really LOVE it). After 17 years of marriage and a wonderful daughter--she thinks this is a curse word when she hears it on TV or reads it in a book!

  20. Meow & Pixel Girl & Lauren & Genny: You are right. Looking to HATE is not the right title. I changed it to "Looking to VENT" which is more accurate. We don't hate the brand, we love it. This post is just a place to vent our frustrations.

  21. One gripe I have is the quality of the Jackie twinsets declining, even though the fabric content appears the same on the label the last few years. I think a greater cotton content and better quality nylon would make a vast improvement in the appearance and longevity of the garment. And could J.Crew possibly offer a mockneck, cowlneck or turtleneck Jackie shell to mix it up a bit for winter? It would a nice versatile option, great under a jacket as well.

    The first J.Crew twinset I ever purchased was 100% mercerized rib-knit cotton in a beautiful fuschia color. It has full-length sleeves and a more open neckline. The shell is a tank top with thin straps in the same rib-knit. I still wear these pieces and they look brand new. I'll join the chorus of people thinking, "Wish I would have bought more of those, back then."

  22. "Vent" is perfect!

    I spend a rather large amount at JC and I get no discounts. I believe the discounts are focused on those that don't spend. They already have us. Although I have bought several items from RL Rugby and am feeling great about it. The quality is amazing.

    I checked some 2004/2005 JC jackets that were made in Pakistan. Did anyone else notice that? Just interesting.

  23. xoxo, I agree with you about the Jackie quality. I have a navy 2006 Jackie that still looks and fits great (after many spins in the wash). I have several 2009 Jackies that are faded and pilling, which is a bummer because if the quality were better, I'd keep them forever because of the classic style. One thing I particularly liked about the older Jackies were the flat buttons. The kind that they have now twist around a lot, and I just don't like how they look as much.

    If the Jackies now were made as well as my 2006 one, I would probably purchase all the colors.

  24. silver_lining, definitely the flat buttons are better. And they seemed to stay attached as well! I hate sewing on buttons and that is becoming a regular thing for a lot of J.Crew pieces, something I *never* used to do in the past.

  25. Cass, I totally hear you! I'm a size 5 shoe and nearly always need petite sizing. This means that I, too, must do all my shopping online. If I want something on sale, I have to buy it FS. And the most frustrating thing is that b/c they do not have petites or 5 shoes in the stores, I can never even try something on before ordering. I now only use my Amex with return guarantee for JC purchases. SIgh.

  26. ewallwork, I agree that the limited options in size 16 (and now 14--why do cute suiting dresses only go up to 12??) is annoying. Just a note that size 16 is not necessarily "overweight." It depends on your height, bone structure, muscle build, etc.

  27. Desert Flower-
    You've summed it up exactly. We've practically polled the JCA's on this issue and there is NO rhyme or reason to who, what, why.

    Elaine-I think they do use some sort of tracking (cause I know I'm being tracked) but I sure as hell don't understand how they make use of the results. It's something they need to seriously go back and take a look at. Very odd to say the least.

    RE: Jackie quality. I totally agree. I remember about 3 seasons ago I bought a new jackie and thought it felt so different. It had a noticeably different texture. Oh and can't forget the noticeably higher price. I looked at my past jackie's and they were they SAME fabric content. But there is NO way these are being made the same. Although my nails are consistently manicured, I have to be extremely careful while putting on the newer jackies as those little dry areas around the nails will easily snag this new material. It has a very *dry* hand and it is disappointing to say the least. Something has definitely changed for the worse and I agree they don't wear as well. They get rougher and shabby much easier.

    I would also add that if they would take it back to the old material, I would LOVE to see jackie done in v-neck and a little longer style cardigan. I often put on my Infiniti cardis and think, gosh I wish sometimes I could get a basic sweater in between the jackie length and the extremely long Infiniti. And I do think a jackie fabric (early version) would be nice this way. I also wish they made the jackie vest with a lower neckline. I do not care for how high they are.

    As for where they are going with their style: can.not.wait. to see what they do next. I have a feeling this change has not been good to them.

    Neither is the ridiculous decision that to mark a newer Fall item down, means it goes straight to final sale. Who does that?? Who can buy from FS without knowing how things fit?
    That decision has GOT to be hurting. could that not hurt them? It's ABSURD.

  28. Can I just say I'm a cardholder and I haven't received a catalog since June?

    And to add insult to injury, my verification word is "worth"! LOL

  29. Meow/Charlottesometimes/whatever else your blog profile has been lately,

    Desert Flower summed up the promo business perfectly. To "posit" that J.Crew deserves to have a class action lawsuit against them for discrimination is a bit far-fetched. Every time a post comes up on this great blog (thanks Alexis!) about a new promo or perk, you will see 100s of people lamenting about how they weren't chosen that time around, regardless of their financial situation and spending habits.

    I'm pretty sure the way J.Crew distributes these special promos is similar to the way they do everything else at that company -- ass backwards. Price discrepancies are rampant between the website and the store, many SAs have not a clue what they're talking about, new items go to final sale after only a few weeks. It's annoying and honestly a little pathetic, but considering how everything else works there, the haphazard coupon distribution doesn't surprise me one bit.

  30. I'm in a venting mood today, so I will join the fray. I bought the Silvana cardi last week via the red phone when I had a recent PS appointment and got 20% off. Now, it's on sale for a good bit less then I paid. I emailed CS for a price adjustment and, of course, got the "we won't do that for you" email since I didn't pay full price for it. So, I emailed CS back and told them I would be returning the cardigan. I'm undecided whether or not I'll rebuy it- maybe I'll wait for a % off sale- if I buy it again at all.

    Plus, I'm pissed that no red card has show up in the mail. Maybe I've spent too much to get one? Wouldn't that be a hoot? I can see it now- not sending discounts to customers who spend and sending discounts to those who don't. What nonsense is that?

    Last, I'm contemplating purchasing no new arrivals if things are getting marked down so quickly. It's exhausting, trying to keep track of price adjustments (if you can get one), sales and return policies. UGH!

    JCrew's only saving grace for me is my PS- she's fabulous!

  31. So, I have a few things to vent about. I would like to say first, that I love J.Crew clothes and I don't really feel there is any substitute for the combo of style and fit they offer. Which makes all the bad parts of J.Crew all the more frustrating because instead of just going to a different clothing store, I end up frustrated about not buying something I really would love to own and wear. In general I have noticed, as may others have, that their quality is slowly declining and the pricing is increasing.

    So, other than the generalized vent, my first item up is final sale items online! Really? This is SO not fair to those of us who do not live near a J.Crew, or for items that are online only. Do you really expect me to purchase an item that I can't even try on first and not be able to return it - especially when it's not even marked down that far? Needless to say, I now only buy final sale when its marked down like 60-70% off or under $40 for a sweater or $15 for a t-shirt. That way, at least I am not out $80-100 for an item that doesn't fit.

    My second complaint is not really J.Crew's fault but shipping to Canada SUCKS! I just moved here from the states and was shocked to discover that I will be paying almost 25% for duties and taxes to send anything here. The reason - because the clothing is not made in North America. Luckily (and here is a happy J.Crew note),it seems I can generally manage to get free shipping - and it applies to Canada too! However, the 25% hurts and I am wondering if it is refundable if I send something back? I really wish they would open a store in Toronto!

    Okay, one last vent/rant. I agree with many posters that I hope Jcrew figures out they should return to what they do best. There are plenty of "trendy" stores out there but only one classic Jcrew. Besides, any fashion magazine worth its salt will tell you to spend money on the classics and go cheap on trend as you won't get the wear out of it to make it worth it. If I want trend, I will go to H&M where I can buy a dress full price for $40 or a shirt for $20. J.Crew's classic (but still modern) style and quality in the past has made the price worth it - and kept their customers loyal to their brand. They should really keep that in mind before they start making drastic changes.

  32. First, Alexis, I like the name change for this thread.

    Second, Cass and Rebecca and others, will they not let you use the red card on Red Phone orders? How unfortunate, especially for special sizes! (Not that it affects me, because I didn't get one . . .)

    Third, ITA that no one has a legally actionable "right" to receive any particular discount, nor does the selective distribution of discount cards amount to a legally cognizable form of discrimination or consumer protection violation. But, JC says in black and white on its website that cardholders are offered access to special sales. This is not limited to "cardholders with a certain spending threshold" or "cardholders with a really great personal shopper." So, WTH does it mean?

  33. I'm a cc holder and that's the card I use to shop at the store and I didn't get a coupon or % off code w/my catalog. I'm not happy. *pout* I'm thinking about calling my PS to complain. Not that it's her fault, lol!

  34. thanks alexis for this post!

    Like others I still love J Crew for the classics (perfect shirts, belts, etc) and the colours (e.g. all the cashmere colours this season, all delish)...but if I spend almost $100 on a cashmere cardigan (I don't care if it's FS marked down from $158, it's still $100) and develops holes after half a dozen wears, shouldn't I be able to return it? If MD stands behind his "quality" statement, then I should be able to, nevermind that I've had it for 8 months. EB does. They have a giant a** poster behind all their cashiers proclaiming Mr. Bauer's stance on the word "guarantee".

    @imbachick: try shipping via Canada Post. Last few orders I've placed I've only been charged 15% or so for duty. The extra mark up you see is UPS' brokerage fee.

  35. I received my October catalog today, but no love from J Crew. I am very disappointed that I didn't get the red card or discount in my catalog.

    On the other hand, I received a Talbot's catalog offering a discount and $5 shipping with the note saying "Loyalty has its perks."

    Hmm...Talbots is starting to look pretty good.

    I love J Crew, but as their quality continues to slip and their clothing become less relavant to my lifestyle, I find myself buying less and less there. Right now there is more on my Talbots' and Banana wishlists and they are definely doing more to woo me.

  36. Hope I'm not re-hashing, but did you know that J.Crew has now disallowed using the student/educator discount on red phone, even if your store associates are there to authenticate that you have the appropriate ID?

    I had just placed a red phone order for two dress, two days ago.
    Today, when I went in, I was informed that the student discount is now "Only allowed for Full Price, In-Store purchases."

    Wow. What a rude awakening!

  37. Mika Leigh, that is such a disappointment! I used to really count on being able to use my student ID on the red phone especially because the B&Ms near me run out of sizes so quickly. Thanks for the info!

  38. I kind of figured they wouldn't let me use the 25% card on the red phone since they are no longer allowing student discounts on the red phone. But I guess I could try. If they let me use it I will buy everything on my wish list and spend a mint. An example of where NOT being stingy with discounts would help JC (because I wouldn't buy much otherwise). I know the markup on retail and reward stores with significant amounts of my clothing budget dollars when they offer promos to get those prices down to what I consider fair.

    I know it's futile to try to figure out why some customers get the card and others don't, but I'm convinced I got one b/c 95% of my purchases are sale only, so they know I'm not buying without a good sale/promo.

  39. I have not gotten a catalog for months, and not that 25 % coupon either!! Being a longtime Crew cardholder and a Crew-aholic apparently doesn't mean anything to Mr. 800-dollar-umbrella! Not happy!

  40. kitsmommy,

    I got a Talbots email for 20% off and free shipping. I am going to order a few things!

    I got my October Catalog from JCrew yesterday which is a miracle in itself even if no discount inside.

  41. Just received a catalog after not receiving one for years...also received the collection catalog, but no coupon love. Also no little red card. FYI, I'm a long-time JCrew customer, and silver cardholder who used to spend thousands but now has trouble spending enough to receive a quarterly reward.

    For the first time in a long while I actually had a couple of things in my cart. Although I just emptied coupon, no love JCrew! I can find similar, items at a lower price elsewhere. JCrew marketing fascinates me...I just can't figure them out...and I'm beginning to believe they can't figure themselves out either.

    Also, I agree with the decline in the quality of the Jackies...they have been workhorses in my wardrobe for years, but the new ones are horrible. I am on the lookout for a replacement...

  42. @Elizabeth- Pakistan has a robust textiles export business and many of my favorite pieces from J.Crew and elsewhere have been manufactured there. They are known for their quality of weaves and colors specifically b/c that is what is most prized in the region by discriminatory buyers. So we as importers get the benefit of choosey consumers in Pakistan.

  43. My vent is about the Catalogs ( my autospell just tried to change that word, aptly, to "fatalities", which is actually the right way to describe my attempts to receive one!) I have signed up for the catalogue on numerous occasions online, I'm also a cardholder and frequent shopper. What more do I have to do to get one? In the meantime, I've made a grand total of one purchase at Anthropologie in my lifetime and their catalogue shows up in my mailbox like clockwork! The lack of a catalogue (especially when I hear that some include discounts and free shipping deals) frustrates me to no end and could be "fatal" to my long term love of JCrew.

  44. H, thanks, that's really interesting! I have several jackets from the 2004-2006 era, when you could actually get a cashmere JC jacket for $395.(!) and lower if it went on sale. Granted, it went higher in the latter years. Then I noticed the tag. Pakistan, we never talk about manufacturing high end jackets in Pakistan, we say Italy or China. It was like a little known fact. It the focus in textiles in Pakistan still true? Sorry if everyone else knows this but me.

  45. ITA with you Hexicon. As a JC silver card holder I have yet to receive anything different from non-JC card holders. My birthday is coming up next month and I've yet to receive any birthday "perk" as I do with other retailers as being card holder or simply signing up.

  46. Does anyone have Mickey Dexler's email address? I have a sweater I bought last summer and has literally fallen apart after two wears for couple hours each. It's sitting in my closet since I can't even give this trash away. I would like to mail it to Dear Leader to show how things like this should not be sold for the price I paid even on final sale.

  47. Oh the mystery of J Crew marketing!

    From what little I learned from my economics classes, discounts should be targeted to customers who are more price-sensitive if the company's goal is to maximize profits. I buy a lot from J Crew but mostly on sale. I consider myself sufficiently price-sensitive. But I NEVER receive any promo cards in the mail. And, like a few other commentators here, I even stopped getting the catalogs.

    Result? I will simply buy less from J Crew. If an extra 30% or 20% code comes along in the sales section, I'll spend some. Otherwise I'll abstain. Especially in this economic condition. If there are really to-die-for pieces, it's for birthdays or Christmas.

    I love J Crew's pencil skirts, shift dresses and skinny pants. But their marketing is incomprehensible.

  48. Mika Leigh and Andrea,

    That's odd. I've been told by THREE CS reps that the student/teacher discount will apply on red phone orders as long as a SA can verify your ID. So much for consistency.

  49. @Elizabeth- Glad I could provide some background! Please don't apologize. Pakistan is still well known in Asia for its textiles. But of late, with the current political climate being as it is, it is not often why it is in the news in our part of the world, and so probably less known now. Fashion in Pakistan is a HUGE force in their economy, and so their products have to be of superior quality or they won't survive in their home market.

    And completely off topic from the above response to Elizabeth-
    I am boycotting J.Crew sweaters this winter b/c every sweater I have bought in last few years has pilled within a few wears. I really am happy to buy garments made in any country- but PLEASE have them be of made with quality materials and craftsmanship J.CREW!

    I had posted elsewhere about the Abby cap-toe flats I bought in spring. They pooped out on me in less than a dozen wears with a hole in the toe. While J.Crew did refund me the sale price (even though I had bought them full price) and put out a call for the shoe in my size, I would have much rather kept them (as I LOVED the color combo and design). HELP US LOVE YOU J.CREW- you're starting to make it hard!

  50. This comment has been removed by the author.

  51. H,

    I agree on the boycotting JCrew sweaters. People are posting about buying their cashmere and dream sweaters right now....boy, are they in for a pilly surprise!

  52. I have the same love/hate relationship with JCrew as a lot of you have. First, I love them because (for whatever reason) I get almost every single promo- just got my red card too- and every time I write or call them to complain about an order they send me an apology and a gift card accompanied by a catalogue wrapped in a nice bow to say "sorry". I always appreciate that.

    As for the ARGH!! part of our relationship... style and quality. I'm a silver card holder, I used to drop a ton of $$ on my crew and yes, buy outfits in their entirety straight from the catalogue but now... man, I just found a hole in my cashmere cardigan, there's a separation in the seaming in my new suit pants, and if another button pops off something I. am. going. to. scream.

    But, as long as they keep sending me their mea culpa gift cards and their promo cards, I'm still in. Just buying a few pieces here and there, laying in wait for my dear beloved- classic with a preppy, quirky, twist- jcrew to return...

  53. @LilyBart - @ewallwork
    Agreed! Its difficult for me to like anything from JCrew anymore since styling has gotten so odd. Really JCrew, sequin harem pants?!? No one wears those ever off the runway. I'm another silver cardholder who used to spend easily on JCrew but nowadays its so difficult for me to find something I like. I used to want to purchase something on every other page of the catalogue, not anymore. Jenna sorry but I don't like your styling. I was afraid JCrew was losing its preppy roots when it started displaying nail polish and makeup in catalogues. Also agreed with everyone else that has mentioned the price hikes along with declining quality. Outsourcing has lead to an obvious decline in quality control. As a shareholder I am seriously considering selling my shares - I don't think people want this and if it doesn't change its all downhill from here. Another brand you've destroyed Mickey.

    @jcrewphd - the typical corporate jcrew email address format is so I'm sure his email is something like although I'm not 100% certain. If you want to mail it snail mail with a letter the corporate address is 770 Broadway, 12th floor, New York, NY 10003.

    Also, the new retail store return policy annoys me - the inconsistency between all 3 internet, catalogue, and retail bugs me b/c its just more to keep track of. Way to confuse and make things more difficult for your customers.

  54. @J.Su: Thank you for the information. I will try to pack that sweater and send it off to Dear Leader.

  55. 1. didn't get my fall catalog at all, so no discount.
    2. spent tons of money, got their $50off coupon BUT it expired before i got to use it.
    3. spent tons more money, but they forgot to include a necklace i bought, they didn't forget to bill me for it, just to send it.
    4.j crew really needs to step up in the quality department, i've been willing to shave the piling off of my cashmere sweaters because the cut & colors are amazing, but i do not think i will be so forgiving for much longer. my mom stopped shopping there because the quality is so crappy, i do not think i will hold out much longer

    i think that is it so far :)


Dear J.Crew Aficionadas & Aficionados: Please feel free (and encouraged) to share your thoughts and opinions. :) However, please note that this is still a personal blog. So comments that are considered inappropriate (e.g. obscene, racist, homophobic, personal attacks, rude, and just plain mean) will be removed.

And now back to J.Crew! :)