Referencing {FAQ}

Monday, September 20, 2010

J.Crew's Red Card {it's back!?!}

Remember the "Red Card" that J.Crew sent out to customers back in the day (like the one shown in the image above)? For those who are unaware, it was a card that allowed customers to take 25% off any in-store J.Crew purchase for a limited time.

There have been some comments on the blog recently that J.Crew is offering the Red Card program again. We all wondered whether J.Crew would bring back the famous Red Card (aka Mickey Card)...

A big "thanks!" to JC who shared the following {exciting} news with us.
Just got a fantastic surprise in my mail this afternoon! a red card for 25% off all purchases in store between now and October 11.
So freakin' excited to hear about this!!! I think this is a great incentive for some of us to not only visit the brick & mortar stores again, but to also get us to spend. I can't wait to check the mail now. :)

Are you thrilled to hear that the Red Card program is back at J.Crew? Did you get the Red Card from J.Crew recently? If so, please share! :)


  1. I really hope I get one too. I received only once during Dec 2008, but then I had a baby so I didn't get to use it.

  2. I'm simply oozing jealousy - who's taking me shopping then?

    I had a great customer service experience today, what with being In Scotland, shipping to a random mailbox in Kentucky then having a dolphin swim over with my goodies shrink wrapped in plastic on his back, all for the sum of $150, the J Crew site said NO! The first customer service assistant was hopeless but the second one was wonderful, I wish I had taken her name, she really worked hard to solve all of my glitches.

  3. That would be awesome, and just might drag me back into the store, which I haven't had any desire to shop in lately.

  4. My PS told me the other night that she heard it would be returning. I'd better get one, considering the scads of $$ I've spent recently... ya hear me, JCrew? :-) My luck, I won't...

  5. I'm red with envy. I've received my catalog on Saturday and there was nothing. I'm so sad.

    I'm pretty surprised that other JCAs haven't received the catalog. I'm on the West Coast and we tend to lag. I would think that everyone else would've had them by now.

  6. I just received one in the mail today. It was a white card, with red writing, and came in a folded red piece of cardboard (not the catalogue, which I received separately over the weekend). I was already planning on running to the mall this afternoon to pick up some last minute items for an upcoming trip and I am extra happy to be using the discount now!

  7. Girls - I got mine today. And it's not in a catalog - it's like a little 4x6 folded postcard. Says "A little something special" on the outside. There are more restrictions with this one though - like you have to sign the back, and also it specifically says the offer is non-transferrable....

  8. *Cue a stampede of women running to their mailboxes* lol.
    Nothing in my box today. I don't buy much for myself from JC these days but I would love a card for DH. I have many things on my wish list for him.

    BTW_ Any feedback on the Men's tweed Ludlow sportcoat?

  9. Hm, not in the catalog, eh? I've got to check my mail more closely the next couple of days...

    Thanks, everyone!

  10. OT but someone posted a link to WSJ, J Crew article:

    About Mickey's past:
    "Cashmere cardigans that cost a little more—he used Italian cashmere brand Loro Piana and sourced leather shoes from the same factory as Prada. His theory being: Customers will pay more for well-made clothing. “What Drexler has come to understand is the biggest rip-off in retailing is designer goods,” Davidowitz says. Saks CEO Stephen Sadove “walks around saying, ‘We’re reducing price points.’ Sure they are. But also look at the reduction in quality. Customers aren’t stupid. Drexler sees this and thinks, ‘I’m going to have a higher price point, but it’s going to be a quarter of theirs and I’m going to offer better quality.’

    Notice the word USED Lora Piana cashmere and SOURCED leather shoes from same factory as Prada. It WAS that way but we know this is past-tense and now it's China all the way, baby.
    Unfortunately, cashmere quality is non-existent and there's a fake stamp used on shoes that reads, "Made in Italy". That is a snub to Italian footwear designers whose shoes do not reek of toxic glue, have shabby, glue-ridden seams, warped plastic soles, inconsistent sizing and a price to match the days when the shoes actually did have leather soles and leather lining.

    Sorry..once again, I digress.

  11. I'm not even going to hope. I never get squat. Congrats to the chosen few!

  12. I would definitely take a trip back home if I could get one of those 25% off cards but they'll never send it to Canada since there are no B&Ms here and it's in-store only.

    Could we loyal customers living outside the U.S. at least get a % off your entire order J.Crew?

  13. Wow, what a read (the WSJ article). I love the guy, and I admire him. I'd be curious as to whether he'd say anything different following this summer of disastrous and drastic markdowns! Thank you for sharing. ... I wish I had a job I loved that much!

  14. Sweetsy I so agree with you. Even the MacAlister Boots I love had the trim around the bottom come loose and dangle. I used Gorilla glue. And the Crystal Steps necklace in black diamond? Stone fell out when I was taking it out of the box. Gorilla glue again. The boots are worth the trouble but most other items I would have returned.

    When I pull out a jacket from previous years, there is no comparison. The detailing with piping along the inside placket, leather buttons and 100% wool, cashmere or a combination of the two looks and feels different.

    Mickey gave these very same interviews five years ago and then they were true. Mickey sold his soul for the stock price. Yes Mickey, you can put that over the PA. I am a huge J. Crew fan but right now, the quality isn't there and it is so very obvious. I'm buying J. Crew where the fit and/or style cannot be replicated and keeping my options open. It's sad but the decline in quality is real.

  15. I'm not holding my breath. I received the cards issued in December 2008 and April 2009 but I don't expect one this year, as my spending has dropped quite a bit and JC seems to have moved me to the naughty list.

    What I do think I should be seeing is one of the "cardholder-only" sales that JC promises to lure in prospective CC customers. I'd better not hold my breath on that one either.

  16. sweetsy - Thanks for dropping the link. I don't follow WSJ, but like to read the links that are shared here. I wouldn't know otherwise. My favorite line? "“We have all, to some extent or another, drunk the Kool-Aid,” one staffer says" - We know they meant Crewlade. Hee hee.

    I love my J Crew Juliets, but they hurt my feet before long in the day. So I agree about the shoes. Oh how I agree about the shoes.

  17. I doubt I will get a red card, but I was pleasantly surprised when my catalog came with a 20% coupon this month. Make sure to check before you throw it away!

  18. Fingers crossed it comes in the mail. There are a few things I know I would pick up for sure with it. I've been very lucky in the past with receiving one, so I hope my luck holds out!! Congrats to everyone who rec'd one already!

  19. I shopped quite a bit with that card last time and haven't been in the store for awhile. I think a red card would certainly get me back in... I'll be checking my mail!

  20. Elaine: hehe, I'm with you...if we expect the worst, we won't be disappointed, right? (oh, who am I kidding...I'll still be disappointed if I don't get one :)

  21. Martha Stewart special last night on Hallmark channel that my TiVo randomly taped (it also tapes Who's the Boss reruns when I told it not to), but what a pleasant surprise to see Jenna Lyons, along with Diane von Furstenberg, Tory Burch, and Donna Karan. Kind of a cool prop to women designers in America. This should be on more often to inspire women everywhere!

  22. Yay!!! I just got it. Honestly I thought I wouldn't get it as I have been dropped from the catalog list in the summer and I didn't get it the first time around so there's hope for others.

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. Keeping my fingers crossed! I've been shopping way less recently and I'm hoping JC has taken notice. This red card will be the reason I'm either in my B&Ms a lot or not at all between now and October...

    And to contradict my shopping less statement above :) I just received my Lumiere ruffle cardi a moment ago and it is soooo pretty! Ready to go home and put together my outfit for tomorrow!

  25. Carnivore Girl, I got a catalog with a coupon some time ago that had long expired, being on the West Coast also. I e-mailed CS and they graciously extended the date on the coupon.

  26. *madly runs to mailbox*

    is the consensus that the red card is for those who are jcrew cc holders or just frequent shoppers?

  27. Sun of a beach! I just checked (as in I ran all the way to) the mailbox and found absolutely nothing from J.Crew. At this point, I should not be so surprised. ;)

    However, congrats to all those who did get one!!! :)

  28. It's nice to see J. Crew trying with the percent off promotions, lower shipping minimum codes, and now the return of the red card but I think they're still missing the point. It seems like these gestures are only in response to their bottom line hurting and that's their own fault. They have a devoted customer base but we're only going to spend the money if the prices match up with the quality and that isn't quite the case right now.

    Shopping at J. Crew can be a real game of crewlette. I don't want to commit to an item that I love if it'll fall apart. And while the percent off is nice and so is the lower shipping minimum code, there's no point if the percent off does nothing to knock down the super marked-up price and shipping without meeting the minimum is still unfairly priced. Nice try J. Crew but you gotta do better.

  29. Red card arrived, red card arrived! (runs to desk to compose Song of Praise, Joy and Thankfulness.)

    I guess this means Dear Leader and Faithful Disciples have a sense of humor!

    Will go spend money (using red card and silver card) and will then complete Song of P, J & T. Foresee possibility of several verses, depending upon what comes home with me. After recent (negative, shhh) comments from other JCAs will try not to be tempted by footwear, cashmere & unlined pants. Not worried -- there's plenty left!

  30. Yay! I received the card today. :) I am happily surprised as my spend is way down with J.Crew this year, but the card will work as I plan to use it. However, everything in my cart is online/catalogue only so I wonder if they'll let me use it over the red phone...

  31. Elizabeth-I couldn't have said it better. I'm in the same boat as you (and obv. many others posting here) making specific choices based on shared experiences. It's also sad that this is what most of retail has come's truly difficult to find a quality product like J Crew used to pump out, at a cost-reflective/fair price, ANYWHERE. (BTW-my experience with Boden is that they offer quality with a price that is reflective and they do offer sales to make it easier to swallow.)

    The article also mentions Mickey's *passion* and I couldn't help but think of all of the JCA's that continue to come here and share the good, bad and ugly. Passion is the reason we come here to gripe in the hopes that Mickey will take notice and implement changes (hopefully we aren't encouraging some of the negative ones.) We are long-term consumers that know first-hand the quality that used to come out of their establishment and how that continues to decline. We want success for J Crew but in conjunction with the feeling that our dollars are being wisely spent. JCAs are completely omitting entire sections of the product line based on their lousy fabrication choices.

    Passion sums up why we bother posting on a blog about a mall retailer and why many haven't given up even after many encounters with defective items.

    In terms of design, "keeping one step ahead" may prove difficult for J Crew. I am not sure how they can "move ahead" of all of their competition without losing themselves entirely, in the process. I love how they've created unique pieces--they aren't *boring* and they best never stop making the incredible color choices as that is one of THE most pertinent reasons I shop there. I also find there is a place for the more fashion-forward pieces but do those really make up the bulk of their consumers?? I am SO curious where they are going to go after graphic tees, ruffles, sequins and attachments are finally worn-out and washed-up. (That is now, imo;) Maybe this will evolve back to some of the original designs that I read so many people pining for. is cyclical after all-HA!:)

    Is the request to bring back quality a pipe dream? Perhaps. Sadly, at the end of the day.. the almighty dollar wins out every time.

  32. Oh and gigi--I immediately thought of you and the "Crewlade"!! Totally funny. Hope you are doing well.

  33. JCAs who've got the card, any idea what you would purchase with it? I didn't get the card, but as I'm scanning the website, I see nothing of interest. Just curious.... And yes, I am envious!!!

  34. I was so excited to see a red card from JC in the mailbox when I got home...but the card was addressed to my boyfriend! What the heck!?! He has purchased maybe two things from JC in the past year -- a Christmas and birthday gift for me! How are they coming up with who to send these things to? Bizarre. Nonetheless, I'm grateful *someone* in my house got one.

  35. I am not expecting one... I think I have also fallen off the "good" list as my spending has been way down. It’s all good though - I have received lots of goodies in the past, and now my wallet will breathe a sigh of relief – at least from JC. (I did break the bank at Juicy this afternoon with the 30% off friends and family – (sale and full price) Christmas shopping in September! Everyone loves a little Juicy goodness. ;) And their packaging is divine - all wrapped and ready to go!)

  36. @ Sweetsy: I "solely" agree! I really think there should be an investigation as to the source of these toxic glue smelling shoes from JC stamped "MIItaly."

    @ Elizabeth: Your crystal steps necklace falling apart reminds me what I saw on the very back page of the October catalog I just picked up last week @ B&M. If anyone who has this take a careful look at the crystal steps bracelet....It's missing a crystal and the photographer and no one on the catalog team caught this glitch/defect. It's so funny when I pointed out to the SA of this error he was LOL!

  37. No card for me today, but then I haven't received the catalog yet either. I always get it several days after many post here that it has come, so I'll continue to keep my fingers crossed that I get one. Congrats to those who already have received theirs!

  38. Nothing for me yet...hoping one comes in the next couple of days though. :)

  39. I just had to share my excitement - I received TWO red cards (one addressed to me, the other to my husband) on Saturday. Oh, the damage I will do ....

  40. I got one, although I haven't made any purchases there in the past 3-4 months. I have a theory that they send cards to folks who *haven't* spent in a while..

    I will be taking a trip to the Atrium mall on Wed anyways and am looking forward to visiting the JCrew there!

  41. I just moved, so while I haven't received the new catalog yet, I was delighted to find the red card in the mail today! I'm excited.

  42. My mailbox held one red card and TWO catalogs today. I assumed one catalog was addressed to the BF, but no, both were for me.

  43. I haven't received my catalog yet, but I was pleasantly surprised to see the Red Card in my mailbox today. I never get anything special from J.Crew and my spending has been way down this year. I definitely plan on taking advantage of the discount!

  44. *cry* no card and no catalog, although I picked up the catalog at the store the other day. I'm sensing that they're going to those who *haven't* bought much lately, as opposed to those that have given who I'm seeing has gotten the cards so far.... I hope I'm wrong and I hope I get one! I really want that cashmere icon trench and a pair of boots, but not w/o a nice discount.

  45. No discount card here sad day! I did get a second September catelog in the mail though today which was seriously bizarre!

  46. I got my catalog on Saturday, and it had a 20% off card. Which means I'm probably not getting a Red Card.

    I do wish I could use the 20% off online, just because the stores here are so small (no shoes, very few accessories, etc.) that I don't have many choices, but I'm still pretty stoked about it!

  47. For everyone complaining about the poor shoe quality- I had bought the Abby cap toe flats with the cream toe and black shoe, and after I got a hole in the toe after half a dozen wears, I took them back. J.Crew returned them (for the sale price, this is J.Crew folks) and put out a search for another pair in my size. At least I got something back for the poor quality!

  48. Holy Moly I got a card!!! Truly a shocker as I was somehow deleted from the email list this summer!

    Enjoy all who received, and for those that have not, I hope your card is on the way :)

  49. I got one in the mail this afternoon...titled "To our most loyal customers...." bla bla sucks because just this past Fri i dropped $250 in the store on a few shirts and one of the bubble vests that caught my eye. Now I'll be tempted to go in store yet again...but gotta use it while I got it right?! Yesssir :) Thanks Crew.

  50. ok...I am now very confused! I spend ALOT of $$ w/ JCrew and have for the past 4 years and have NEVER gotten a catalog w/out requesting one online and now I hear there is a "list" and those lucky chosen ones receive catalogs with out asking that have discounted offers in them? WTH? I shop mostly from the website and a little @ the b/m's...not as much from the that why I dont get them? I do not understand, and am not pleased...

  51. I didn't get one :( today is my birthday and it would have been the perfect gift J Crew! Many giftcards, well wishes, and discounts from other retailers, but not the one I love most. Maybe tomorrow? I'm not holding my breath...

  52. Thank you FFM! You really are incredibly fabulous by the way ;) I love your blog!

  53. H I'm so glad you were able to return them. I don't want to return mine, I just them to stay in tact. It's not like I'm a farm worker, these are weekend shoes to the mall or movies. How can shoes be so cute and comfortable yet so fragile?

    jcrewphd, I did see that on the back of the catalog and thought it was a trick of the light. Hopefully the glue worked because the necklace is nice!

    Maybe I should create my on quality control sticker and send it to JC :)

  54. It's great for those who get one. I know I will not be so lucky. I never am. It makes me feel left out.

  55. I GOT ONE!!! For the first time, I got one. I was having a bad day at work, got home, checked my mail and there it was!

  56. I went crazy with the Red Card in 2008 so bring it on!
    J Crew -here I am standing by my mailbox;)

  57. Hold tight west coast JCAs. Give it a couple of days to roll out across the country.

    nomoneyfun - Oh yeah....added crewlette to the vocab list. *lol*

  58. Received my catalog today and inside there was a Redcard but only for 20% and instore only.

    On the front of the catalog it has a little circle that said "A little surprise inside! See Page 43"

    Now I can get my puffer vest!

  59. :( No red card for me. Congrats to those who did get one.

  60. missnlove - don't be sad. Many are in your boat. I spend a lot at J crew, mostly sales, some FP, but still big $$$. No gifts, catalogues or red card for me either in past 2 years. No rhyme or reason to their marketing campaign, we all figured out that much.:) Will I stop shopping J crew altogether? I am tempted, but will not. What I will do is not buy anything untill October 11 after the card would have expired had I had one. J crew does not want me? Fine by me. The least I can do is not want them back, even if it's temporary.

  61. Probably like a lot of people, I haven't had as much money to spend at J Crew this year. And I still love the clothes.
    It's made me feel awful -- it's hard for me to explain, but wearing J Crew makes me feel great, and having less of it to wear makes me feel worse. Does that make sense?
    Anyway, I've gotten the awesome red card before, and I hope I get it again. But even though I haven't spent as much lately, I've had the delightful experience of e-mailing Mickey Drexler several times and always getting a personal reply. It never fails to make my day.
    I sent him one last week after a young girl, young enough to be my daughter and a person I didn't know at all, told me I looked great when I was wearing several pieces of J Crew. Sure enough, I heard back from him, what a thrill.
    Mickey, you are a great guy, and perhaps most importantly, you're nice to the little people, like me -- a little tiny customer who lives in Joliet, Ill., and would like to spend much more at your stores! Sigh. Maybe someday soon.

  62. Haha. Thanks Gigi. It's somehow strangely fun to know I've made a small contribution to the language we use to talk about our favorite retailer.

  63. ok, now I'm puzzled. I got the red card today, but the most recent catalog I received was the thin one with the red-headed lady on the cover, which arrived last week. I live in the middle of Manhattan, so mountain ranges and roaring rivers ought not to be an issue. Puzzled, is all.

  64. @kendra -- I agree. I've hardly shopped at JCrew at all this year, which is probably why they're trying to lure me back with a red card.

    In fact, I couldn't even find anything I wanted with my $25 reward and ended up getting Essie polish and socks. Pathetic, I know.

  65. Ooohhh, I got one too! Feeling the love...

  66. Rosie,

    I know! I couldn't find anything either and bought a scarf.

  67. Strangely I just got a catalog at my work address (which I use as my shipping address and NEVER receive catalogs at) that includes a one-time use 20% off online-only code. I also got a 25% off red card at home. I'm not sure what J Crew is doing with their data but double-sending me discounts seems like a poor business practice. Not that I'm going to complain!!

  68. This comment has been removed by the author.

  69. Heidi - yes, the 25% card works on sale items as well, and it does not make them FS. Picked up a few sale items today, and used the card.

  70. In my entire "J Crew shopping life" I've only ever recieved one perk,despite the thousands and thousands I spend every year. I got a J Crew red card in 2008. At the time, I was 7 months pregnant and in no frame of mind to be shopping for regular clothes-- not that it would have mattered, as the nearest J Crew B&M is a 7 hour (one way) trip away from where I live. I hate living in Texas with their stupid wide open J Crew-less spaces. Looking back it seems like some cruel joke to play on an emotional pregnant lady. Needless to say I'm not expecting one this year.

    But for those lucky few that get one, enjoy!

  71. I got my 25% off *white* card today! It came separate from (but on the same day as) the October catalog and I'm on the East coast. I did also get the card in April 2009. I wonder if this is because I purchased two full priced items a few weeks ago?! Other than that I've been sale, sale, sale. Very exciting, none-the-less, as I have a $150 gift card (best wedding gift ever!) burning a hole in my pocket.

  72. Holy moly. I actually got this card. I'm quite shocked. And in an ironic twist, I am of course 8 months prego, and there's only so much I can do with the awesome discount due to the Crew's return policy. Guess I'll use it to pick up some sweaters and t's.

  73. Anyone know if this card can be used for red phone orders too?

  74. Yay!! I got my red card today and am planning on going shopping soon. Anyone have anything they recently purchased and love? I am looking for suggestions on some great fall pieces =)

  75. I got one! Shocking because I haven't gotten a jc perk in YEARS. Only a few items have piqued my interest lately, and I received one as a gift for my birthday (arrow sweater jacket). So, I may use it to do a little early xmas shopping. :)

  76. I did for the first time and I'm SO excited! It only took 10 years of me shopping almost exclusively to get it, ha.

    I see a personal shopping appointment and a new outfit (which MUST include the matchstick jeans) in my future, or a very carefully chosen sweater and new shirt to go with said matchstick jeans.

    And with regards to the question of quality over the years with J.Crew items - yes, they have gone down. I still own my 100% lambswool zipper cardigan, that I bought 10 years ago from the JCrew SoHo store. It was my first JCrew piece ever and there is not a hole whatsoever (I thought I had lost it when I lived in Japan and almost had a mental breakdown). It's great for layering in the winter.

    The so-called 'Dream Sweaters" leave a bit to be desired. I really do miss the 100% lambswool sweaters.

  77. I got one in the mail today! Pretty shocked, actually, haha.

  78. oh, happy day! I got one! They won't send me a catalog, oh, no, but at least they sent me a red card. :)

    Now... what to spend it on? The Notte tweed pencil skirt, or the cashmere shawl popover?

  79. I'm on the west coast (Portland, OR) and got the card today :)! I'm thinking these are trickling in, so don't give up hope if you haven't received one yet.

  80. I also got the 25% off card today! I had given up hope, as I'm in New York and it seemed like the cards had already made it to the east coasters. It was a nice surprise to see the little red envelope. Also received the Oct catalog today. It really make you wonder about their distribution practices :)

  81. I was very surprised to get a card in the mail today. I moved this summer and have not shopped at J Crew in a LONG time (probably since May/June). I don't even know how they got my new address since I haven't updated my account online with my new info (I am not a J Crew cardholder). So weird. I won't look a gift horse in the mouth though! I do think it is crazy that more loyal customers than myself aren't getting them. I'd love to know the actual reasoning behind who gets what promos.

  82. Don't give up yet! Mine just came yesterday in Oklahoma.

  83. Ditto to BLB. I live in DC and just got the card yesterday. No catalog yet, though. Planning to stop by a few of the nearby JCrews this weekend to see what kind of damage I can do.

  84. I got my 25% off card on 9/23(Boston)

  85. I finally received mine today, so it looks as if there are still some in transit.

  86. Being that I am not what many would refer to as a loyal J.Crew customer, (more like a site stalker/dreamer), I was more than a bit surprised to receive the "little something special" in the mail. Not only do I barely spend enough to get the bonuses, but I haven't even received a catalogue in the mail for months (despite repeated requests and PRAYERS for one!) It was a sheer delight to find this little gem in the mailbox, truly a lovely gesture, but also a thing that makes me go 'hmmm?'

  87. I got a 25% off card in my mail box today (It is like a “red card” during X’mas season, but this is actually white card). When I bought like crazy from J.Crew, they did not send me any promotion cards or gifts, which made me sad. It is ironic that they send me a lot of incentives because now I buy less and less from J.Crew...:(

  88. Got mine yesterday! I've already begun to abuse it too! :)


Dear J.Crew Aficionadas & Aficionados: Please feel free (and encouraged) to share your thoughts and opinions. :) However, please note that this is still a personal blog. So comments that are considered inappropriate (e.g. obscene, racist, homophobic, personal attacks, rude, and just plain mean) will be removed.

And now back to J.Crew! :)