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Monday, August 16, 2010

Love for J.Crew? Martha Stewart Wants You!

"Thanks!" to Stacey, as well as Audience (in this post), who let us know the following news: ticket requests for the Martha Stewart show are being offered to J.Crew fans for a special show in September with Jenna Lyons. To request tickets, click HERE.

According to the Martha Stewart page:
Calling All Fashion Fans!
September 2010

Is your closet filled with DKNY gear by Donna Karan, wrap dresses by Diane von Furstenberg, prints by Tory Burch, or J.Crew cardigans by Jenna Lyons? Martha is seeking devoted fans of these four designers for our studio audience during Premiere Week. A limited number of seats will be reserved for aficionados of the designers, and Martha plans on asking the fans what they love about their attire. Please explain why you would like to fill a designer fan seat, and describe what you plan to wear!

Read more at Get Tickets for The Martha Stewart Show --
Honestly, it's like Martha & Jenna are taunting me to go. I mean, using the word "aficionado" like that. And my closet is filled with J.Crew clothes. So much so, that I have been spilling over to guest room closets. I know who they are after! ;)

In all seriousness, I really want to go. I even live in the area (as it is a quick train ride for me). But a few things prevent me...
  1. I still want to be anonymous and I can't if I start off the request as "I'm Alexis. How am I a fan? Well, I just run the J.Crew Aficionada blog. Please, please let me in."
  2. Knowing I would interrupt the show to ask Jenna questions like:
    - "What is up with your ridonkulous styling as of lately? Oh Jenna, you know what I am talking about",
    - "Did Tracey leave because she wanted to? You can tell me girlfriend!", &
    - "Um, what does a JCA have to do to get on that gift list of yours. I mean, I haven't gotten any gifts ...EVER and its starting to feel like you don't like me." ;)
But I encourage all of you in the area to go! And if you do, please share with us your story! :)


  1. Wow, that is really wonderful news for all JCrew fans who live in the area! I hope lots from this blog following are able to go:)

    Alexis, Your questions that you wish you could ask are spot on! Oh, how I wish you could really ask them!!!!

  2. LOL Alexis! If I were you, I'd want to go just for the experience. Thanks for sharing the link -- I signed up.

  3. Alexis, I say give them a phony name and go for it! I hope JCAs from the NYC area are able to attend.

    (P.S. I am a huge Martha fan. On a special shelf downstairs sits my Marthive (= Martha Archive), every issue of MSL ever published except #1.)

  4. Alexis, I hope someone could ask those questions at the show. I honestly was a little bit shocked when I saw this month's catalog. There is a half-naked bride and two other models with their shirt unbuttoned way too low.

    I didn't find any piece that I would be interested in purchase in this catalog as well. Sigh, I do miss the Jcrew back in 2007-2008!

  5. flyaway,
    I know! You are so right. Not a thing for me either other than a scarf! So disappointing. But I am looking to other retail stores for the first time in years: Talbots and Ann Taylor (Loft too).

  6. Oh, I would go in a heartbeat. How fun. :) Sadly, I just can't imagine that being a good enough reason for a trip to NYC (at least not to my dear husband--lol)! I hope that others can make it and I really look forward to seeing the show when it airs...

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  9. Yeah...if they were smart, they wouldn't ask us what we really thought. The last thing we're trained to do is ask robotic questions and nod our heads at everything that is put before us!

  10. I'm going to sign up for tickets. Who wants to be my +1?

  11. Wow, I would love to go! Too bad I'm not in NYC anymore. Boo. Will watch for the show though, I like all those designers.

  12. Oh you are definitely on the right track, Alexis. And in another thread, Pansy suggested a boycott of FS. Way to go, pansy!

    Well, in that spirit, here is a two-part question, up for grabs to print out & bring to Martha, if anyone gets a ticket and feels up to it:

    1 -- If I (or someone) has to earn $2.40 plus to have $1 left to spend after all taxes (state, federal, city income, local school & property, sales etc), why should I spend what's left on garments whose seams come apart, whose fabric opens into holes or pills, whose trims drop off, etc., etc.? Why should I not expect quality for my money? And please don't suggest donating the unwearable, just because someone's poor doesn't mean they are undiscerning.

    2 -- If you mark down your own merch after only a few weeks in stock, as has happened repeatedly this year, would I not be better off waiting for, Nordstroms, Ralph Lauren, Bloomingdales & Saks to have their end-of-season blowouts, at the stores and ON THE WEB! I cherish my Burberry travel raincoat, MSLP $1295 but bought for $375, not the least because I will not need a new one next year.

    3 -- (ok, not 2, I misspoke, as politicians say) -- In the great scheme of things, if I got a JC reward, this must mean substantial spending. Do not insult my intelligence by claiming that there is a JC lottery. The shareholders would not stand for it. Or if you really believe they would I am calling my broker. So, would I not be better off using at least some of this money spent on JC to, oh, reduce my school debt, reduce a mortgage/line of credit, take a vacation, give my kid tuba lessons…. or donate to or to any number of women's gynecological hospitals in Africa? Or if I am my own favorite charity, perhaps in year 1, I could buy a serious coat instead of 15 garbage-y tees; and in year 2 I could invest in 2 or 3 serious skirts, instead of bulge-y baggy things; and in year 3, I could take family mountain-climbing or go to Spain for a summer month; and then – well, stuff like that.

Just askin.

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  14. i applied to get tickets on saturday - if i get them, i'll be sure to report back!

  15. tell us how you REALLY feel. ;)

    I hear ya, but from what I've heard about Martha and her controlled- type A- perfectionist- highly prepped shows, not only would "embarassing" questions be edited out, the guest would be shown the door pronto.

    So, Jenna's being paraded in a very friendly environment, I don't expect anything all that exciting to come of this show.

  16. Oh, and I just love that screenshot posted by Alexis. Looks like the 2 ladies are sharing a conspiratorial laugh. "Bwahahahah...this season we will make the plebians pay top dollar for hand-tacked/finger-painted/spider web-thin gossamer threads woven into sweaters by Italian nuns in an abbey accessible by mule-drawn carts."

  17. yeah, I always get grumpy after packing up returns. And nevertheless looking forward to next rollout.

  18. after requesting tickets i got an auto-reply message saying: Thank you for your interest in attending "Whatever with Alexis and Jennifer." Your ticket request has been submitted for an upcoming show. --- huh? did anyone else get this?

  19. If I was in NY area I'd love to go.
    I really wish you could go but I understand your reasoning behind wanting to stay anonymous.

    wellfedfred and closet crisis: you ladies made me LOL!

  20. Well I applied for tickets - would be totally worth taking a day off from work to attend! Gonna keep my fingers crossed and wait :)

  21. Love, I got the same auto-replay email when I signed up on Friday.

    I've been to the Martha show before since I live in NYC and am a HUGE fan of hers, so I got an email encouraging me to sign up for tickets for the new season and just happened to see the Jenna show, meant to send it in and then y'all know how the weekend goes.

    When I went 3 years ago I got my confirmation email on 11/20 for the 12/13 show, so hopefully by early Sept they will send out confirmation emails and we'll know if any of us are going!

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  23. @RSizzler --- Thank for letting me know. That's Martha's daughter's show isn't it? I was confused and looked back to see if I had clicked on the right show link. I hope we all get tickets. Who knows, maybe they'll give out some nice freebies :)

  24. Hey All!

    I don't know if anyone is still checking the thread of this post, but I got 2 tickets! They are taping the 14th of September.

    Woo hoo!

    Anyone else joining?

  25. i just got an email for tickets too! tuesdays aren't good for me though, i don't know if i can attend :(

  26. I got tickets too! I'm excited but I'm going to try to find a friend to go with...I feel kind of weird going by myself but happy that there will be other JC aficionadas there!

  27. i just got 2 tickets for the taping! i just moved in nyc a week ago, and none of my friends here are j.crew fanatics - anybody interested in my other ticket? hate for it to go to waste....

    email me if you would like to go-

    parksidesign at gmail dot com

  28. I just got tickets to this as well, if any other JCAs go, please say hi! :)


Dear J.Crew Aficionadas & Aficionados: Please feel free (and encouraged) to share your thoughts and opinions. :) However, please note that this is still a personal blog. So comments that are considered inappropriate (e.g. obscene, racist, homophobic, personal attacks, rude, and just plain mean) will be removed.

And now back to J.Crew! :)