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Thursday, July 29, 2010

J.Crew's Questionable Styling

Over the weekend, I picked up a copy of the latest August catalog. Overall, I am enjoying it all— from the colors, the outfits, and the overall layout.

As I was flipping through, one of the images caught my eye... and not in a good way. The following is on page 86:
At first glance, this image seems fine. Upon closer look, there is a "what-the-@#.&. is she wearing?" moment. That is right! She is not wearing the upper portion of her gown. Instead she chooses to have it laying around her stomach like (1) it's extra cloth that someone forgot to remove or (2) it's another option to wear the dress. In either case, I think it looks weird.

I guess J.Crew's attempt to go up-scale with their wedding dresses also means weirdly styled photos. Call me a traditionalist, but I like it when a model/bride actually wears the dress (and the whole dress!)

What are your thoughts on the image? Do you like the way it's styled? Did you notice it?


  1. I saw this photo as well today and gasped. Maybe it was a wardrobe malfunction? Needless to say, not a fan.

  2. I guess this is the "after the ceremony and reception" photo? Wow. I hadn't noticed this before, but then am not especially looking at the bridal stuff. Many comments have been posted about the styling being over the top, this is the opposite extreme. Really poor taste.

  3. I agree. Not a classy way to showcase a bridal dress.

  4. ITA. This belongs in a men's magazine, and is not a way to get women to want to buy a bridal gown.

  5. From an art perspective, I really like the photo. It's utterly gorgeous! Not the best way to try to sell a gown, but it's stunning graphically.

  6. I just flipped right by it and didn't notice . . . sort of goes along with the recent topless/no-pants collection photos.

  7. I didn't get a chance to brows the catalog but thanks for pointing it out.
    DO NOT LIKE THIS AT ALL! It's not even artistic in my opinion.

  8. Ah, the effortless bride!

    Hmm, is this a case of Jenna Strikes Again, or is it the inspiration of a Talented Team Member whom she Modestly does not name?

  9. I concur. I'm not a fan. Doesn't make me want to recreate it at my wedding some day.

  10. This "slutty bride" concept really turns me off.

    And it's not even original. It's too much resemblance to Madonna's Like A Virgin.

  11. I saw this and showed my husband...he liked it! I thought it was pretty terrible and would have preferred to see how the dress actually looked on.

  12. So, I’m supposed to be inspired to call this Ashley ($10 says that’s a generic name applied to anyone who answers that hotline) and consider her a “wedding specialist” ... whose specialty is, based on the ad, sending me down the aisle trailed first by my veil & then by police officers citing me for public nudity... brilliant. Oh, and ow to holding a bouquet of roses against my effortlessly healing bosom.

  13. While I don't think it's the best choice to accompany the text, I like the photo. It probably would have been better as a stand-alone photo in an advertisement (with no text, just the logo) in an upscale magazine.

    In any case, in terms of fashion photography, J. Crew certainly is breaking any new ground here.

    But whatever the case may be, I find the term "trashy" rather harsh... I mean, it's not exactly fit for Hustler.

  14. While my wardrobe consists (almost entirely)of J Crew this photo did NOT make me want to rush out and buy one of their wedding gowns (which I had been seriously considering doing!)

  15. This reminds me of why Miss Manners declares that she is opposed to revealing and provocative wedding attire--it's redundant, because everyone knows that the bride is having sex that night!

  16. Sorry ladies, I love this.

  17. Oh, please, LBH, call Ashley la Generique, and "shop the look" and report back!

  18. I noticed this the day I got the catalog - what were they thinking? I don't like it and hope this is the last time we see something like this.

  19. When I saw my catalogue, I just figured it was an art photo to catch people's attention. I was most interested in the jewel encrusted belt, and I liked the flowers....LOL

  20. I completely agree! I'm planning a JCrew wedding, and already have my dress. This certainly would never have sold me on a JCrew wedding. What a fail. On another page they show a model in a tshirt with their expensive long skirt. It makes even the model look fat! They've put so much effort into building themselves as a bridal provider with the shop in NYC and all the media surrounding that. This seems like it's in the complete opposite direction.

  21. I wasn't looking for any bridal items so just glossed right over the photo. Now that I've taken a look, though, aside from the obvious half-dressed (or half undressed) model, how about that hot mess on her head? Hair, veil all disarrayed like she's been in a bridezilla rampage. Just continues to reaffirm my committment to look to other JCA's for styling inspirations.

  22. I agree, it's not the best way to sell a dress. Somehow I liked the picture though. So I'll try to rationalize it:
    What I thought of when I first saw the photo is that J Crew was trying to tell a story with the photo. Maybe it was a girl caught mid try-on in the dressing room. Something along the lines of promoting the new bridal store and the picture portrays the droves of girls trying on dress after dress in the new bridal shop.

    Too much of a stretch?

    Yeah, I guess even with healf-hearted rationalization it still looks questionable.

  23. I agree with you - not the best way to wear a wedding dress. I too am a traditionalist, but when spending a lot of money for a wedding gown, I don't think any bride wants to look like a ghost. I'm all about artistic photography/styling - but it looks like this was artsy-gone-bad.

  24. This topic reminds me of the season premiere of Mad Man when they are discussing bikini adds.
    I like the photo. It is sexy by being suggestive but not actually revealing. After all we are not seeing anything, it is all in our imagination. A lot of fashion photography has the same goal. And shoot me for being indecent, but when I am buying some of the 'date with hubby' clothes I do think how will I look when they start coming off. Of course I am married for long time, and I am not sure if this photo would entice me to buy a dress but it does not offend my sensibilities. Most of Victoria Secret ads looks slutty to me, but this is rather kosher. :)

  25. "We're simply obsessed with boobies this season. Why wear your wedding dress the traditional way when you can rock out with your stuff hanging out?

    Crafted from sumptuous silk and created especially for us by a prestigious Italian mill set high in the rolling, sunflower-covered hills of Tuscany ....

    Accessorize with a borrowed-from-the-boys bouquet! Add some metallic anklets and some well-worn Birks!"

    Heehee! This whole thread made me lol. :-P

  26. I agree with Kristin and FFM - it is both trashy and not the least bit classy. It's in very poor taste and a major 'faux pas' as far as I'm concerned.

  27. Elaine.... your post made me laugh. Alot. Thank you for that.

  28. So I asked the bride,
    "Did you have a traditional wedding?"

    "Well, not exactly," she said.

    Daddy would be so proud. LOL

    Didn't we see some other topless photos to promote the Collection items around Christmas?

  29. Since we're discussing the questionable styling...have you ladies seen the "Mongolian Lamb" vest (#29111; $800), tote (29476; $795; backordered), purse (29491; $395)?

    Okay besides the crazy prices would you actually wear this around? I'm not a vegan or a PETA member, but this just seems so wrong... I like my leather bags and shoes but it's just inconceivable for me to be carrying a "lamb" purse...

  30. Um that's an interesting choice. I tried thinking in their shoes, and maybe they're trying to capture the process of trying on new dresses? Since the caption is about helping you find a dress?

  31. She's putting on the dress and waiting for someone to zip her up. It is a message that Jcrew is there for you - i.e. they will help you get your dress on, zip you up. That's how I interpreted it anyway...

  32. I think she's waiting for someone to unzip her! Haha.... look at her hair. I think she got a little frisky with the groom before the ceremony.

    While the pic is ridiculous, I also find it refreshing. I've been looking through bridal magazines and am sick of seeing cookie-cutter brides in the same perfect poses.


Dear J.Crew Aficionadas & Aficionados: Please feel free (and encouraged) to share your thoughts and opinions. :) However, please note that this is still a personal blog. So comments that are considered inappropriate (e.g. obscene, racist, homophobic, personal attacks, rude, and just plain mean) will be removed.

And now back to J.Crew! :)