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Thursday, July 29, 2010

J.Crew's Jenna Lyons Ten Most Wanted

"Thanks!" to Gem Twin (in this post) who let us know that Vogue (click here) is running an article on J.Crew's Jenna Lyons' ten most wanted fashion pieces for Fall. The article also shares the following:
Most Wanted
By Meredit Melling Burke
Week of 7.29.20

A Great Comeback. As the recently appointed president of J.Crew, Jenna Lyons has a lot to say about fashion's future. This week, however, we asked her to look deep into the heritage brands of fashion's past- and style some looks that would help any girl get ahead.
All her selections have been grouped in the two images of this post. Just click on either image in this post to view larger.

That image of Jenna wearing a black dress in her office with all the brides/models dressed in white is stunning. I really love it! :)

As for her top 10 list... Of course those darn Sequin Pants ($650) made an appearance. Jenna loves them! (As seen on her here and here.) But would I consider that a style to "help any girl get ahead"... me thinks not. ;) However, I do agree with her selection of the Timex® Vintage Field Army Watch (Item 27460; $150.00). That item will last for years as it will never go out of style (for both men *&* women).

And what is up with No. 8? Did I read it right: "J.Crew Junk on Sequin Dress ($1,300)"? I laughed so hard at the J.Crew Junk part. I don't know if that was intentional or not, but it is pretty funny. ;)

What are your thoughts on Jenna's selections? Do you agree or disagree with any of her choices?


  1. Wearing those sequin trousers should be considered an act of lunacy unless you work in a circus, marching elephants round the ring!

  2. Sequin trousers? Seriously, Jenna?

    The only things I would wear from this line up are the olive heels and the ballet flats.

  3. That trench coat is to die for. But way too much $$ for me considering how infrequently I'd wear it!

  4. With the exception of the sequined items, I can see myself in her picks. Oh but not that sailor top, I've heard enough JCA's rant about the fit/fabric. Love the Barbour coat though.

    Jenna practices most of what she preaches. She appeared in Lucky mag earlier this spring in 3 outfits, sporting many items sim. to this selection.

    I'm curious that she is prez, what does she wear to the office? Sequin pants, maybe, at least they cover the legs. But what about that mini? If it's "standard" JC, how would 15" of fabric look on her, who's 6ft (or taller if she's in sky-high heels)???

    Which makes me think...I don't think I've seen a single picture of her in a mini! Huh!

  5. I consider myself a long-time Jcrew fanatic, but the only picks I can see myself wearing are that trench coat, white pocket tank and the baracuta jacket. Hmmm ... sequin pants?! Or the sequin dress!? I don't think anyone in their right mind would be caught seen in those out on the street.

  6. Those sequin pants AGAIN?? There is no accounting for taste.
    On the other hand, I agree with Alexis that Jenna looks great in that black dress. Does the dichotomy between these looks disturb anyone else?

  7. Is the skirt in pick 4 the belle one with the wrong price or are we ready for yet another $500 sequined skirt?

  8. That sequin junk dress has to be a joke, right? I mean, for $1300 I'd rather go buy an Alice + Olivia sequined dress.. at least it won't have crap all over the collar.

  9. Pants in #2 are hideous. JMO, of course...

  10. Andrea: Totally agree. Sequin JUNK, indeed! Jenna needs to go to sequin rehab :)

  11. IMO the sequin pants would be so fun to wear with a tuxedo jacket and velvet loafers but alas, my new years eve celebrations are more like champagne in sweatpants (the fleece kind) in front of the fireplace...

  12. I think the sequin trousers are hideous, that being said, I do like the Sequin Junk Dress. If my boyfriend isn't on call I can def see myself in that dress on New Year's Eve. Yum.

  13. I guess I'm the only one who likes the sequin pants! :) They're the first thing in the spread that caught my eye. I think they're a lot of fun. I'd wear them.

  14. Tabitha and Hexicon, you are hilarious.

    Save the Macintosh coat there is absolutely nothing there on my "most wanted" list.

  15. Well I don't really have anything original to add...those sequin pants are something else. I love sequins, love love love, but prefer them to be accents to something else and not all over. Most everything in the Vogue pages were way out of my price range anyhow. I'm more a sale shopper...a wake up in the middle of the night and hope I get the restock early enough sort of sale shopper!! That $950 trench coat is pretty dang nice though!

  16. I think the sequin pants would be a fun alternative to wear to a cocktail party. obviously for a more trendy soul than I however...

  17. i like the sequined trousers. they are fun. those with heels and a white silk tank and a clutch on a friday night (in l.a.) would be awesome. i'd wear them.

  18. not really into this new olive trend. what happened to the bright colors??? it seems like we skipped them this year and are already in fall neutrals

  19. I'd only wear the Mackintosh trench (if I can afford it that is at nearly $1K), Timex watch and the ballet flats.

    The Sequin "Junk" is funny!

  20. Does anyone know where to purchase Anna Baiguera ballet flats, the ones Jenna mentions? It's an Italian company and I can't seem to find any place to purchase on-line.


  21. Does anyone have the Starling heels? How do they fit? Are they comfortable? If you do have them, what have you worn them with?

  22. I'm laughing so hard I can barely breath! Jenna, I know your having a great laugh at our expense. If it's one of Jenna's favs..... we'll buy it! Right?

  23. Um, I don't know, but sometimes I have a feeling that marketers like to toy with us. They're bored, so they decide to do something fun, like make the most trashy/stupid/ineloquent item they possibly can, just to see what kind of idiot buys it. The "Junk On" dress would seem to be a case of this. I am sure Jenna is laughing...all the way to the bank.

    When did we get into the habit of people we don't even know (hello Oprah, Martha, Heather, and now Jenna) make purchasing recommendations for us? I think it's creepy.


Dear J.Crew Aficionadas & Aficionados: Please feel free (and encouraged) to share your thoughts and opinions. :) However, please note that this is still a personal blog. So comments that are considered inappropriate (e.g. obscene, racist, homophobic, personal attacks, rude, and just plain mean) will be removed.

And now back to J.Crew! :)