Referencing {FAQ}

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

OMG! Get 15% Off *and* Free Shipping Tomorrow! {exculsively for JCA members}

I am so excited to share the following news with you all that I can't wait for tomorrow...

J.Crew's lovely Tracy Crane has contacted me this afternoon to not only send me well-wishes on the JCA's 2-year birthday, but to also graciously celebrate the day with a special 15% off and free shipping offer to J.Crew Aficionadas & Aficionados on all orders placed tomorrow, Wednesday, May 12th!!! The technical details on this amazing gift:
Simple to use—just enter the below code, BIRTHDAY, during checkout. We simply ask that this code only be used on current orders, it is not applicable to previous purchases made and it cant be combined with any other offer. Expires 12am EST on May 13th, 2010.
OMG! I am so excited that she reached out on the JCA's blogaversary, and thrilled (absolutely thrilled!!!) about the offer. It is such a generous gesture from J.Crew to our little community. I am honestly touched by the offer. {i heart you, j.crew!}

I will be sure to re-post this for tomorrow morning too. So exciting... {I am literally jumping around the office!} :)


  1. YAY! Some recognition for all of your hard work. Umm, I have a few items I will definitely be getting!

    Thanks, Alexis for the info!

  2. W-o-w! THANKS ALEXIS FOR YOUR BLOG!!! I have some stuff in my cart and I'm ready to pull the trigger!


  3. That is so awesome!! I think I will get one or two of the new arrivals! :) Thanks!

  4. Wow!!! That is so sweet of J Crew to recognize you! I will definitely be taking advantage of this offer! :)

  5. Amazing! Thank you Alexis for passing this on to us! How kind of Tracy and J. Crew. I am so pleased to see them showing some great CS.

  6. Nice work, A. It's time for a new suit.

  7. Outstanding. I've been hoping that you would receive some recognition from the Crew. My cart is overloaded-time for some editing and to use that lovely Mother's Day Gift Card. THANK YOU!!!

  8. Weeee! This is awesome! Lookatyou, gettin' an exclusive code and all! ;)

    Definitely will be using this tomorrow! Yay!

  9. That's awesome! I echo Dina's comment about how nice it is to finally have some recognition. Very exciting!

  10. WOW! That is SO AMAZING, Alexis! It proves that not only is J.Crew listening to the JCA community, but that they appreciate it too! I am so happy! And 15% off? I am SO going to take advantage of that tomorrow!

  11. That was great for J. Crew to recognize you and this blog. Very sweet!

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Congrats for the recognition! :)

  14. That's amazing!!! Thanks so much Alexis and Tracy!!!

  15. Thanks, J. Crew! That's so awesome, Alexis - thanks to you and your great blog.

    I've got to re-scroll through the site and start filling up my cart!

  16. AHhhhhHHHhhhHHH! I almost fell out of my chair while reading this.

    Hooray for Alexis! Hooray for JCA!

  17. awesome. thanks for all you do, alexis!

  18. Excellent, Alexis! It's about time that you and JCA got some positive recognition from TPTB!

  19. OH MY GOODNESS! That is so exciting, and of course due to your hard work for all of us, Alexis. Thank you so much for the community you have created here!
    I think all of us will be doing a little shoppin' tomorrow!

  20. Wow--what a great way to honor all of your hard work. You rock, Alexis!!!

  21. OMG indeed! I'm so happy to see you receive this recognition. I'm not shopping this month due to unfortunate car and home repairs, but I will buy a little tee shirt or something just to show my appreciation for their gesture.

  22. Sooo exciting, and I already know what I'm going to use the discount on. Thank you, thank you!!!! Happy 2nd Birthday to the JCA blog!

  23. OMG indeed! They like us, they really like us! Well done, Alexis :)

  24. SQUEEE!!!! J.Crew comes through for the JCAs, and you get some well-deserved recognition Alexis! :)

    Now, ahem, J.Crew, give the girl a discount already.

  25. What a lovely way to be recognized - I will definitely be using the code to show support. Thanks again Alexis

  26. Thanks everyone!

    I am so excited (& shock) about the {generous} offer. I was not expecting anything, so this is such a treat!

    To be honest, I kept checking Tracey Crane's email properties to see if it really came from J.Crew and not a cruel trick played by my brother or something! ;) Needless to say, I am just beaming by her note & code. :)

    Lastly, a big "thanks!" to all of you JCAs, who are the *real* reasons why this blog is such a valuable resource!

  27. Wow, this is amazing!!!

    Thank you so much Alexis for a wonderful blog and Tracy for the code!
    Must run off to get my order together now!

  28. Fabulous! JC needs to send you a special gift or something too.

  29. Hurray! Good job, Alexis!

    Time to loosen the shopping ban...again.

  30. Are you kidding me? I just clicked send on an order! Maybe I can cancel it ... darnit!

  31. very cool -- thanks Alexis and JCrew!

  32. Yea! Thanks again for all of your hard work, Alexis, and thanks for the code, JC!

  33. That is just fantastic! Not only the kindness of the offer, but the recognition for your contributions!

    Thank you Alexis and Tracy - I'm ready to shop!

  34. wow! what a sweet gesture! :)

  35. that's so amazing! time to revisit the shopping cart, haha!

  36. That's great news, Alexis! Thanks to you for this invaluable resource, and to Tracy for the code!

  37. I forgot to say congrats on the blog birthday and thanks for the code!

    I just tried to call and cancel my order and they wouldn't let me and they wouldn't apply the code so I guess I just have to deal with it.

  38. Hot dog!! That is some great news, and I'm so glad that J. Crew recognized your blog in this way.

    I'm placing an order to be sure :)

  39. Erin, that's crazy. You should have one hour after submitting an order online to cancel it online if you go into your account page... at least, I always do. You can always return and reorder!

  40. Wow, your very own code. That is so awesome. This blog is so great and you put so much work into so way to be recognized by them. Maybe now you will start getting those special treats that are sent out periodically. Thank you for sharing the code with us!

  41. Thank you Alexis for all the time you devote to this fabulous blog!

    Thank you JCrew and Tracy for your support!!Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

  42. Yes, You can go into your order history online and cancel your order up to 1 hour after placing it. I have done that once. Worked fine.

  43. Yay! How great to see J.crew give you some recognition. I've fallen off the JC cart lately but this gesture renews some of that long lost love.
    I can't wait to use the code tomorrow!

    Happy blog Bday Alexis! You really started something here!!

  44. Fantastic! Congratulations on two fabulous years!

  45. That is so fantastic Alexis! Thanks for ALL your hard work and effort on this blog.

  46. This is so great! I love this site and I'm glad that people at JC are giving you your due props!

    I just ordered some stuff Sunday but they were all using the 20% off knits. I will definitely be taking advantage of this code tomorrow!

    Thanks for all you do Alexis!

  47. Wow! Yay! Congrats on 2 years -- and thank you :)

  48. WOW! I'm so happy for you and everyone here at JCA blog! Yes, it's great that JCrew is listening to us. :-)

  49. Wow, this is pretty cool! I might have to place an order...

  50. Yay! So exciting!! Thanks for sharing, Alexis!

  51. Wow! That's wonderful!! Thanks to both Alexis and J Crew!!

    I'm heading to the outlet tomorrow to get a bright yellow tee that I don't need, but I can't get out of my head. Now I'll need to make sure to stop at the website first to place an order.

  52. I will totally order now! SO EXCITED! Thank you Alexis and thank you J. Crew for hearing our pleas!

  53. Awesome. J. Crew should send you gift cards or somethin' as a thank you because you are the best free advert going.

    Congrats on your two-year anniversary.

  54. woa!! that is so awesome. thanks so much jcrew...and alexis...i will definitely be ordering that sweater tomorrow! *smiles*!! i hope we don't crash the site... ;)

  55. LOL, I thought you were hiding your JCrew obsession from your family members? :)

    I always minimize my window when browsing Jcrew website because I get mocked (a lot). I'm just grateful no one sees my OCD behavior when the UPS is running late with my deliveries ;)

    Thanks Alexis and thanks Tracey!

  56. That is amazing. I will join in the chorus by congratulating you on the recognition. Much deserved.

  57. Thanks again everyone! There will be a lot of sales tomorrow. I am already working on my "birthday list". :)

    SanFranciscoCA: You are right in that I have hid my J.Crew obsession from most of my family and all of my friends. I just don't think they would understand. ;) The only ones who know are my husband, brother, & mother. :)

  58. This comment has been removed by the author.

  59. Yikes! So glad I checked in again today...thanks for the fabulous blog and for all your hard work. I'm off to the J. Crew site right now!

  60. I just realized I'll be getting two J. Crew packages tomorrow - I love it when UPS's tracking system says "out for delivery" lol!

    I'm glad for this blog because I know there are other people out there like me who can't get enough of the crewlade and we can all discuss and share each others finds.

  61. So, so cool! Congratulations, Alexis, I think it's great to know that they read and appreciate your blog. I had just told myself that I wasn't going to place an order - I wonder if I can hold true to that know? :D

  62. Congrats Alexis! That's so nice of you for sharing :)

  63. This comment has been removed by the author.

  64. This is a such a great thing ! Congratulations, Alexis. I am so happy for you. Thank you for your hard work and dedication :)

  65. This is really neat! i'll definitely be placing an order tomorrow.

    Thank you!!!

  66. Alexis, well deserved and I too will be placing an order! Thank you so much...

  67. Alexis your blog is fantastic! Thank you for keeping us up-to-date with all the latest in J.Crew. Happy Birthday JCA! I am definitely taking advantage of the 15% off :)

  68. so awesome! thanks alexis! time to fill up my shopping cart!!!

  69. wow - that is awesome! i will definitely be placing an order!!

  70. It's so important to be acknowledged. Well done, Alexis, and thank you for your generosity. We are all the beneficiaries of your hard work (and J. Crew obsession!).

  71. What a nice offer.

    I can't wait to shop tomorrow!

  72. my cart is filled and ready to go for tomorrow. thank you so much, alexis and j.crew! huzzah! this really is such a lovely surprise.

  73. That is so cool! Love it! I just placed an order over the weekend but surely I can find something else I need (want).

  74. I can't even begin to tell you how excited I am for you! The fact that you've created such a vibrant community over these past two years is impressive enough, but to be validated by J.Crew itself -- totally beyond words AMAZING! I'm so very proud to be along for the ride. Congrats, Alexis!

  75. Congratulations, Alexis, and thanks for sharing the code. I'm excited to have an excuse to shop.

  76. sweet deal, Alexis!! congratulations!! thanks for your blog, you deserve recognition!!

  77. That's awesome. Thanks for your hard work with the blog, Alexis! Well-deserved :)


  78. HAPPY BIRTHDAY JCA! Alexis, this is such awesome news...I can't wait to shop tmrw morning.

  79. Your blog DOES rock and IS a huge inspiration. Way to go!

  80. This is great, Alexis.
    Thank you for sharing this code with us.
    Your blog is truly amazing.

  81. Not to be a buzz kill- but is this a way for jcrew to track all of you all? You never know...I'd be careful of this trap, they want to know who everyone is and believe me, this is a GREAT way to figure who's who in the blog world. I'll pass on this one!

  82. Yay! Congrats on your 2 year Alexis! That is such AWESOME NEWS! I'm definitely going to place an order tomorrow! Thanks for keeping it all running! You're famous! :)

  83. Christy,

    I am so with you on this one! I thought of the same thing tonight and mentioned this to my hubby and he said not to order either! So I will be passing as well.

  84. Congrats, I read your blog daily. Keep up the great work!

  85. Christy and Genny,

    Excellent point. There was nothing in my shopping basket and I was thinking of getting something but now I will pass. I like my privacy too much!

    There will be a 20% off sale again in future or another promo and there is also free shipping still available.

  86. OMG!!!!!!
    Again...Congratulations Alexis. This is absolutely WONDERFUL. I'm sooooooooo happy for you for finally being recognized for your terrific blog...much, much, much deserved. You've worked soooooooooo hard...and THANK YOU to Tracy & JCrew.
    I'll definitely use this code...too good to pass up.
    Much appreciated.

  87. Wooo hoooo!!! Congratulations on the recognition, Alexis. I'm thrilled!

    PASS THE CREWLADE !!!!!!!!!!!!

    Side note - Information is viral, so there is no way for J Crew to know if you heard about the code thru this blog or some random post on Twitter, etc...

  88. Director of Customer Strategy at J.Crew- That's Tracy's position...come on ladies, it's about privacy. When's the last time J.Crew did something righteous w/o strings attached? It's strategy, it's target marketing, it's knowing who's who that has been talking, yapping, slamming J.Crew. Let's be smart here, it's a casting a fishnet, and w/the google search of the blog, believe me, it's not hard to figure out who is who...just a thought. Definitely NOT buying. Alexis, I know your private identity is important...maybe the crew has their eye on you?

  89. Someone always has to come in and pop the balloons. I guess it's just too hard to resist.

  90. Christy, Genny, etc., I think you raise a good point about privacy.

    But personally, I am not too worried about it. If JC wanted to make the effort it would not be difficult for them to deduce my identity. And I've never said anything here that I wouldn't say in a letter to JC signed with my real name. Lol, in fact, I've sent them quite a few e-mails that pretty much track many of the posts I've made here. IMO using the code will show support for the blog, and for all of the opinions expressed here. But those who have a different privacy threshold might want to think twice about using the code.

  91. Alexis, I and all of my fellow JCAs owe you a HUGE thank you for your wonderful blog and now this fabulous "gift" from J. Crew. So, thank you, thank you, thank you.

  92. Gigi, not to rain on your fashion parade, but they probably aren't after you, your store probably already knows who you are because you try on every item in the dressing room and take pictures. Even if they don't see your face, they know your body type. Some people would rather not be "tracked" because they don't want the attention.

    I think sometimes you have to question the situation and *think* why a company would give such a perk rather than running and trying to get a discount without understanding the underlying intention. Just my 2 cents.

  93. Alexis, I am so excited for you, finally getting the recognition from your dearly beloved J.Crew that you truly deserve. Thank you so much for your kindness in sharing this delightful promo with us, and also a thank you to Tracy as well. To Genny and Christy, I appreciate your warnings, but if The Kroger Co. knows exactly what brands of coupons to send to me every few months, I think we've all been profiled for awhile. Besides I think a blanket % off and free shipping makes a much nicer gift for everyone, rather than just a knits and tees promo for example. Thank you Alexis, Tracy and the powers that be at JCrew-I will certainly be shopping tomorrow!Yay!

  94. That was very sweet of J.Crew to do. I am shopped out lately but I will see if I can put a small order together in honor of you and them. And I am happy to see that you finally get some recognition Alexis from a company that you clearly love so much! :)

  95. Christy, have a good nite and an even better tomorrow :-)

  96. Christy - This code is in no way about privacy. This is pure and simple marketing. They aren't using the code to figure out who we are. They are using the code to figure out exactly how powerful and viable this blog is as a marketing tool for J. Crew. It is not that you are raining on anyone's parade. It is that your fears are pretty misplaced at this point. Do you have a credit card you shop with online? Are you on Facebook? Do you have a frequent shopper code at the grocery store? Do you subscribe to any magazines? Do you order from catalogs? If the answer to any of these questions is yes, than they already know everything they need.

  97. Gigi, it wasn't a direct slam at you, just a reply to your comment. I read your blog and it's a observation, not a way to offend what you do. You have fun doing what you do and it's commendable to have such a love for fashion. I certainly couldn't dedicate that much time to your hobby!

    Have a great night ladies, let's be smart and not sign away our identities to Big Brother/Big Sister!

  98. I think I've said enough- the post was to expand people's awareness- everyone can draw their own conclusions at this point- we're all adults! (Yes, I sign up for the Kroger's club, but in no way, shape, or form do I care about them knowing I like 2 ply tee pee. But for Alexis' private identity...I'm just sayin'- some of us don't want to make ourselves public) :X

  99. Alexis, we owe you in so many ways. You richly deserve any credit and kudos you attract! Thanks for this and for a fun blog.

  100. Alexis - I don't want what I said about marketing to overshadow the fact that this is a really big seal of approval from J. Crew. For them to even consider marketing directly to the blog means that you have created something really special and valuable. It also IS generous. We don't see many codes like this anymore.

  101. Yay, Alexis! And Whoo Whoo, JCrew! Alexis, you are finally getting recognition for all you do. JCAs, I say we blow this promo out of the water and show JC what we got! ;)

  102. I just started reading this blog a few weeks ago, and it is truly a great blog.
    Thank you very much for sharing this coupon with us, and CONGRATULATIONS on turning two years old!

  103. for any that are curious - the code is officially working as of 12:08 EST.

    And yes, I used it...:)

    YAY Alexis - and thank you for everything you do!

  104. does the code work on sale items?

  105. Can someone please help with the birthday code? does it only apply to full price items? it won't work when i try to check out, and I called CS, she does not have that code in the system so she can't apply it...any advice??

  106. Thanks SO much for all your hard work on this blog, Alexis! That's so cool about the code. I am whining and stomping my feet because I put myself on a stupid shopping ban last Friday and I SOOOO badly want to use this code. Hmm...maybe a little playing around with my shopping cart would be ok? I DID notice they added new colors to the Stretch Double Serge Pencil skirt...

  107. Sharon & CrewBanana - I just used the code, it worked on FP and sale items, plus I did get free shipping.

  108. i wonder why the code won't apply for me. i keep getting: "The promo code you entered is either not recognized, is not valid for this order or has expired. Please call 1.800.562.0258 for assistance."

  109. code worked for me! and it was on the Saint James/Mister Freedom item, which is especially sweet since those are usually restricted from promo's i've noticed... Thanks again, Alexis! Now here's to hoping they won't cancel it given it's a backorder item...

  110. Ditto Marietta. There is a 20% off shorts and flip flops, and since sale prices are marked, it worked on the flipflops that I got too.

  111. thanks marietta! okay, it finally worked! i had to put a full price item in with the the sale item, then add promo code, then remove the full price item, yay!! thanks again alexis and jcrew!

  112. Crewbanana...I had the same problem. I closed the internet browser and re-opened and now the code works (on both FP and Sale items).

    Alexis, congratulations! You do a fabulous job here and I'm glad you are recognized for it!

  113. Congratulations Alexis! I'm so glad you got your very own code...FINALLY! ;)

  114. I think the code is a wonderful gesture, our shopping habits are tracked everywhere we go on the Internet so using this code is not going to make that much of a difference.

  115. This is so neat to have your very own code, Alexis!

    It shows that blogs are being taken seriously by businesses and that JC actually cares about us JCA's, no matter what our opinions are. Maybe it's a marketing tactic, but I don't really care, JC already has my "number"!

  116. Thank you so much for this code! I had a dress I had my eye on and finally ordered today! Saved me over $40!

  117. BIG disapointment to see that someone posted this code to for the whole world to use. :(

  118. Thanks so much! I've been holding my breath, trying to find a bridesmaid dress that I like half as much as J Crew's Taryn. Thanks to your 15% off, I finally ordered the dress that I wanted for my maid of honor for my wedding that's now less than two months away!

  119. Alexis, thank you for sharing, thank you for all your dedication to our beloved JC, and thank you for putting up with so much estrogen in one place.
    A toast for many more years of *perks* (winks)


Dear J.Crew Aficionadas & Aficionados: Please feel free (and encouraged) to share your thoughts and opinions. :) However, please note that this is still a personal blog. So comments that are considered inappropriate (e.g. obscene, racist, homophobic, personal attacks, rude, and just plain mean) will be removed.

And now back to J.Crew! :)