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Monday, May 3, 2010

note to JCAs... taking some time off

For the rest of the week I will be out. I will still have certain posts go live on certain days (because I already created those posts this past weekend). But I won't be posting anything new beyond that for this week. I apologize for any inconvenience.


  1. I hope all is well, Alexis. We'll miss you!

  2. It's good to take a break from your daily routine once in a while - hopefully taking a break for good things. We'll be hear when you come back.

  3. Have a good and well deserved break

  4. Alexis, this blog is such a pleasure, but I imagine it's an incredible amount of work as well. Take a good rest! And thanks again for everything :)...

  5. I hope your time away is relaxing but we'll miss you.

  6. Enjoy your time off- Many thanks for all you do!

  7. Yes hope everything is ok at your end.

    For any UK JCA's I got a couple of prices of Crew pieces from Net a Porter and posted them today - spendy!

  8. Enjoy the time away. I hope you come back refreshed and renewed :)

  9. Have a good break & thanks for the advanced notice so we're not worried. We'll be here when you return. :-)

  10. Alexis,
    I hope you're doing well.
    Take care...

  11. I also hope all is well Alexis. If it is have a nice break.

  12. It'll be a dull week, but my boss will be happy at how much more work I get done :)

  13. Take a leisurely break. All you do for us is most appreciated. Thank you.

  14. Have a lovely break! We all need one once in a while :)

  15. Enjoy your time away from the computer! See you when you get back.

  16. I hope everything is ok and that you will be able to enjoy your week off. We will miss you. A BIG thank you for this blog. Love it!

  17. I hope you have a good week, Alexis. We'll miss you!

  18. Well deserved! Take care of yourself and enjoy your break.

  19. Enjoy your much deserved time off.... we'll miss you, and will be here when you get back! Thank you for all that you do for this blog! :-)

  20. Enjoy the time off, Alexis. You truly deserve it! :)

  21. Alexis, I hope the time off is relaxing. Enjoy! Eagerly awaiting your return.

  22. Thanks for all the hard work you put into this! Enjoy the break :)

  23. Hi Alexis

    Enjoy your much-deserved break! Hope all is well.

  24. Hope all is well...I look forward to your return...this is such a great blog - thank you for all that you do!

  25. You have been on a roll lately, with fabulous posts! A well deserved break is in order. Enjoy

  26. Oh gosh, what will be the first website I check in the morning?! :) Have a great break!

  27. have a good break alexis! you are so sweet to let us know you'll be out, because you know a lot of us would worry if we didn't hear from you for a few days... :)

  28. Here's hoping you are off doing something fun! Take good care.

  29. *Very* well deserved break! Thank you for all that you do to keep this a fun and informative forum.

    I've noticed many other of the great blogs on here are now showing ads and totally expected the JCA blog to also add them - I REALLY respect the way you've managed everything (and would still check in even if you did add ads, but think it is really cool that you haven't!).

    Hope things are going well - XOXO :)

  30. Have a nice break--will miss you!

  31. Echoing all ... hope you are well, Alexis, and that the break is for good things. We'll all be here when you return.

  32. Meh. As you can easily deduce, we would all rather see go dark for a week than lose our precious Alexis for a week. Hope all is well.

  33. Hi Alexis! Enjoy your time off. You work so hard on the JCA blog. Wear your library dress and get some ice cream!

  34. Hope all is well! We will miss you!

  35. Alexis,

    Enjoy your time off from the blog! You work so hard on the Aficionada, it will be good to take a break from it.

  36. Already missing you...not sure what website to read first thing in the AM! Enjoy your break and thank you for all you do for us JCA's!!

  37. I hope all is well...Enjoy your break..Now, I can socialize with my co-workers this week. Won't avoid everyone to be on JCA :).

  38. Hope everything is okay, Alexis. We appreciate everything you do for this blog. Enjoy your break :)

  39. While Alexis is away.... can anyone provide a coupon code?

  40. Hope you're having a lovely, relaxing break! We miss you! Take care of yourself!

  41. Free ship on $150 or more: CRW86V
    Expires May 10

    It states "on your first order" but it worked on my order and it definitely was not my first...

  42. thank you for the code IRL (and alexis? for posting it on the front page)...i've been wanting to place an order. ;) alexis, hope you're having a great break! :)

  43. Hope everything is great; don't know how you keep so much going on this are amazing! and We love it! Take care!


Dear J.Crew Aficionadas & Aficionados: Please feel free (and encouraged) to share your thoughts and opinions. :) However, please note that this is still a personal blog. So comments that are considered inappropriate (e.g. obscene, racist, homophobic, personal attacks, rude, and just plain mean) will be removed.

And now back to J.Crew! :)