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Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day to all the lovely JCAs!!!

I also want to *thank* all of you for the kind words left in the "note to JCAs... taking some time off" post. It meant a lot to me to read all the super nice comments.

Now back to J.Crew... :)


  1. Yey - Alexis' back! I hope you had a wonderful, relaxing, well-deserved vacation. But we sure missed you and are glad that you are here!

  2. Hi Alexis! Hope you had a great week off. Just want you to know that I appreciate all the hard work you do to maintain this fabulous blog.

  3. I am sure it was a much needed (and well-deserved) break! Welcome back!

  4. I also hope that you had a terrific week! But, I am also glad that you're back. Thanks for having new posts going while you were gone. I'm sure that took lots of time before you began your vacation.

  5. Aw! You guys are so sweet. You made my evening!!! :)

  6. Welcome back. It was so nice of you to take the time to create all the posts to keep us going. We missed you but in a good way (if you know what I mean). Hope you are feeling refreshed.

  7. Look at this totally cute Madewell video!

  8. SO GLAD you are back. You have such a wonderful impact on your followers!! (Oh how you are loved!)

  9. Don't you just love this women's skirt & crewcut dress combo? It makes me want to have a daughter NOW. Wouldn't it be great to see more Mother/daughter combos in the catalogs? (or is that too matchy matchy....). Don't get me started on the Paris video with the cute Mom (mature & wiser) looking fabulous in J. Crew!

  10. We missed you! I'm glad you're back! :-)b


Dear J.Crew Aficionadas & Aficionados: Please feel free (and encouraged) to share your thoughts and opinions. :) However, please note that this is still a personal blog. So comments that are considered inappropriate (e.g. obscene, racist, homophobic, personal attacks, rude, and just plain mean) will be removed.

And now back to J.Crew! :)