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Thursday, April 15, 2010

Sneak Peek: What's to Come in May!

A big "thanks!" to MissMasala (check out her amazing "MissMasala blog") who was kind enough to share several preview images of J.Crew's latest 2010 collection! :) Just click on any of the images for a larger view.
I am loving that plaid button-down shirt. I also love the way its paired with the cardigan and wrap around the waist. And that first image... makes me want to go on holiday right now! ;) Can't wait to see more!!! :)

What are your thoughts? Has your opinion on the upcoming line changed? Are you looking forward to the upcoming Collection?


  1. I really like the color of the purple cardigan in the second picture! The shorts also look like they could be cute (if they're not so short in reality).

  2. I decided to take a long break from spending my money at J.Crew. I am tired of quality issues and customer service issues. Unfortunately, that second outfit is breaking my resolve! I love the plaid shirt and I love the obi style belt. I am curious if that will be for sale or if it's just some special styling.

  3. I adore the Weejuns in photo #2! So excited to see them around again!

  4. Eh. I get more excited when I see the items online and esp on the blogs. I can't get into the styling. I always feel like it's obscuring the clothing. I am in the market for some rolled shorts, though. I think they're so cute.

  5. Thanks for the preview MissMasala and Alexis! I don't care for the styling in the images, but the top in the first pic does look interesting. I'm sure once everything is online I'll find something to like...I always do. :)

    OT: I received free monogramming and gift boxes on my account this morning, but unfortunately no free shipping. If you didn't get the free ship or any other *perk* on your account the last time be sure to check today because it looks as if they are giving them again.

  6. The plaid shirt's already available online, right? It's the Sconset plaid shirt (26019) which looks cute but thin, and retailers everywhere are doing this look, some for cheaper (ON comes to mind, especially if you're going to wear this once or twice). Sun in seattle - I think that the "belt" is one of those featherweight wraps with a rosette belt tied around it - there was a similar image in one of the recent catalogs, if I recall correctly.

    I think Gigi hit the nail on the head for me - every time I see a catalog image it's like, "Again?!"... but when I see them by themselves or on a JCA they become more exciting. Sometimes the styling just makes it too difficult to tell what's what.

    I did get the free monogramming/gift boxes today but no free shipping.

  7. I adore the liberty print swimsuits. I alreay have 3 or 4 suits but I can't resist these. I think I'll get the one piece since I don't have one of those and they can be practical. I love the ruffle on the bottoms though. I'm not wild about the print they picked for the shirt this year but I'm glad to see they are still using Liberty.

  8. I am looking forward to the May rollout, there is a pic of space dyed pullover underneath the Pere cardigan that looks interesting and most likely part of a future rollout.

    I do not like the styling so many layers to wear in the summer who want to sweat in the hot summer sun!

  9. I was at Easton Town Center yesterday and was told that there will be a large summer rollout coming to stores on the 26th of April. I wonder if these will be among them.

  10. Thanks for the sneak peek! I'm not swayed by any of the photo's.

    I have free monogramming/gift boxing too, but no free shipping. Also, I was told new items arriving at b&m in two weeks.

    O/T but I was wondering what the reviews are on cashmere purchased by those daring to try it during the 30% final sale promo a few weeks ago.

  11. i also have free boxes and monogramming. no free shipping :(

    i picked up a light berry cashmere long sleeve tee during the 30% off. it arrived in perfect condition. still in the tissue and never worn.

  12. I'm not too crazy about the styling either. I'm also interested to see the shirt in the first picture.

    Thanks for sharing these!

  13. I got free monogramming and free gift boxing but won't be using either. First time I have seen something like this on my account ever. Just wish it was free ship. I would buy for sure to try some items!

  14. Thanks so much for posting these images, I hadn't seen any yet at the J.Crew where I work and was getting a little anxious to see what the summer collection would bring! All I know is it's scheduled to be a 3 day roll-out which means LOTS of new stuff! WOOHOO!

  15. Is it me, or are those the same items already on the website? I can't be excited for something I've seen a thousand times.

  16. Look at the bag in the plaid shirt shot - I love it!!

  17. i love to see the styling no matter how crazy it is. it's eye candy for me....there are always interesting color/pattern combos which i just take as inspiration for my normal everyday wear. i know it's not like the old-style catalog but i love the unusual combinations. for everyday styling i'll just head on over to polyvore. :)

  18. emily, i was noticing that bag!

  19. I need to know more about that little black bag as well. The tote is way too much for me, but a smaller version-love! Need details...$$

  20. The styling does throw me off a bit, but like ccbmum, I look at the styling/catalog more for inspiration in the way they mix and match different patterns and colors.

    As always, I look forward to the upcoming Collection. 'Doesn't mean I'm super-gung-ho and will buy the first thing that comes out or even buy a single thing from the summer collection (who am I kidding?), but I always look forward to J.Crew's rollouts and especially to how everybody else (hello, fashion bloggers!) will style them. :)

    Have a great day, everyone!

  21. Whether or not I am really into a collection, I'm always excited to see what's on offer. I'm a fall and winter clothes freak, so I'm never as jazzed about tunics, swimwear, or straw hats. I am kind of WTFing about inseams, though! All booty shorts look like to me is the before shot in a Monistat ad. I know this trend wasn't started by JC by any stretch, but they are totally running with it. I hope they're going to offer skirts and shorts that don't completely give up the goods! I'm always happy to add to my dress collection, but only if they are a reasonable length.

    No freebies for me at login. I've gotten a few things monogrammed at the Crew, and they do a nice job. Congrats to all who got that and the gift boxes! Fun free stuff is nice.

  22. i am loving the tunic in the top pic--is the black (and white?) thingy a ginormous necklace or the actual print? i don't know. but i can't wait to see it in person.

    definitely excited for a big roll out!

  23. I wondered the same thing, Megha -- if that's a necklace or the blouse.

    VERY excited that I will be in the US just days after the April 26th roll-out!!! Better bring an empty suitcase just in case ;)

  24. I'm really liking the top on the first picture!

    Well, I just received two items I've been coveting for a while that I snagged during the amazing popback sale on Monday. The tiered ruffle cami in weathered wisteria and the cotton eliza skirt are both super cute! Now here's hoping my Contessa coat is non-defective!! I got the shipping notice for that one today *crosses fingers*

  25. Emily and CCbum - That bag that you mentioned in the plais shirt picture is already available online. It is the Galaxy Purse vs the bag in the following picture which is the Galaxy Tote. They are a bit much for me, but nonetheless, you can take a look now.

  26. jessie b. can you tell me how to find the bag online? I searched "galaxy" and nothing came up. My PS didn't have another photo to send me, but told me the smaller purse is $395 and will be available in early June. Thanks.

  27. Thanks for sharing the photos. Nothing shown really floats my boat and yes, it does look very familiar.

    Went shopping with a friend at lunch and every other store had plaid and/or check shirts. Talk about saturation. I think I'll pass on the chance to "cowboy up".

    I also got the freebies on my account today but there's nothing in my cart. Can't even remember the last time I said that!

  28. JulieStyles, here's the link to the Satin Galaxy Purse. It's not showing up when you search for it because it's already sold out online (!).

    Satin Galaxy Purse

    And so is the Satin Galaxy Tote!

  29. thank you for the info on that purse jessie b. :) i wasn't able to find it doing a search either. i thought it was the purse version of that tote too...i got the "sneak peak" email for the tote version but doing a search doesn't work for that one either.

    julie styles: thanks for the price info...too much for me unlesss it makes it to super-sale! :)


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And now back to J.Crew! :)