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Friday, April 16, 2010

J.Crew's Jenna Lyons on Oprah {yes, that Oprah!}

A big "thanks!" to Gem Twin (in this post) who shared some very exciting news over at Fashionista (click here):
Jenna Lyons Is Filming Oprah Right Now
By Britt Aboutaleb
April 16, 2010

J.Crew’s Executive Creative Director Jenna Lyons is filming for Oprah right now.

Oprah isn’t in New York, but her team’s taken over J.Crew’s Broadway offices to film Jenna for this Wednesday’s show.

A source says it’ll take a look at the “behind the scenes stuff” Jenna handles on a day to day basis.

She was featured in the March issue of Oprah’s magazine, and Oprah’s lauded J.Crew right and left both online, on her show, and in O, so it’s not surprising she’s finally filming Jenna for the show. We hope Mickey makes a bicycle riding cameo!
I will totally be watching (& TiVo-ing!) the show. How exciting for Jenna Lyons & J.Crew to be featured on Oprah! As the post above mentions, Oprah is a big fan of J.Crew for the past year. She has been spotted wearing several pieces of J.Crew on her show.

What are your thoughts on this news? Are you excited about it? Do you plan to watch the episode this week? :)

P.S. "Thanks!" to nowhatido (in this post) who shared the following: "Tomorrow, Saturday 4/17 at 8:15am Pacific time to NBC'S The Today Show as consumer reporter Janice Lieberman experiences a J.Crew Personal Shopping appointment!"


  1. I'll be setting my DVR for sure! Thanks for the news!

  2. I never get to watch Oprah anymore due to school and work, but I'm going to make a special effort to get on that couch next Wed. at 4!! Thanks for sharing this, as it will be interesting to find out what they'll include on the show.

  3. Nice! I will be rushing home from school to catch this :) Thanks for sharing!

  4. also, may i add

    Tomorrow, Saturday 4/17 at 8:15am Pacific time to NBC'S The Today Show as consumer reporter Janice Lieberman experiences a J.Crew Personal Shopping appointment!

    check it out :)

  5. I don't have TV/Cable anymore so I'll try to catch it sometime after it airs.
    Wow, Jenna Lyons is EVERYWHERE!

  6. I'm surprised to hear Oprah wears a lot of JCrew. I wouldn't think her size and shape would be easy to fit in JCrew.

  7. nowhatido: Thanks for telling us...I just caught the Today Show segment. I was so intent on picking out certain pieces (they featured the Jaipur tunic in particular) that I really didn't focus much on the PS business..ha!

  8. I'm with Jeanne, I find it hard to believe Oprah wears much J. Crew. Doesn't really matter for the purposes of the show, and I do know they put Crew pieces in the magazine from time to time.

  9. Thanks for sharing, I'll have to record it since I won't be home from work that early. I'm curious to learn what she handles "behind the scenes".

    All the Jenna exposure and her recent bonus/promotion is encouraging for me and hopefully other women who are working their way up the corporate ladder. I love to see women succeed at the highest levels.

  10. Oprah wore jcrew in the SB ad she did with Letterman + Leno... I'm sure she doesn't wear it all the time, but apparently some items do fit her shape.

  11. Thanks for the info! I tivo and watch Oprah pretty much religiously. She has worn SO MUCH J Crew this year..I could name all the pieces but I won't;) The outfit worn on the commercial is just one of many. I think once again..the first lady's support of the brand (and O's support of the First Lady) and the added publicity J Crew has been getting (in general) has caused Oprah to also partake in the Crewlade. fits her fine. TV can be deceiving (I always hear people say she looks so much smaller IRL.) This show with Jenna is only going to increase the brands awareness like...5 million fold. Good or bad?? Either way..I am anxious to watch.

  12. I missed The Today Show segment. Anyone have a link to the video of it? Can't find it on msnbc's website!


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And now back to J.Crew! :)