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Thursday, March 4, 2010

J.Crew's 8th Sample Sale Coming Soon {didn't see that coming, did you?}

"Thanks!" to Meredith who let us know that ClothingLine (click here) will be hosting yet another J.Crew sample sale in NYC.

This sale will run the week of March 15th. For the event's days/hours, view the image below (click here to view it larger).

The location for the event is:
Clothingline | SSS Sample Sales
261 W 36th Street
(between 7th & 8th Ave)
2nd Floor
New York, NY 10018

I mentioned this before, but this event is so not worth it. I have gone to a couple of them and they were all the same. I posted the following before (refer here), but it's worth posting it again:
Some tips and advice for these kind of sales:
  • The majority of items for sale are items rejected from customers during the 6 previous Sample Sales. So, check clothes for holes and stains.
  • The items mentioned above (like the Cotton Trench Coat) will be limited in sizes & number available. For the last sale, they kept touting a pea coat for $100. When I got there (on the first day of the sale too!), there were like 5 of the coats in size 4 and 6 (which are not my sizes). Thanks for nothing.
  • The shoe section will be divided by size which is convenient. See a pair of shoes, grab it and try on later. Seriously, the shoe section sells the good stuff quickly.
  • That last point brings me to another tip I learned from fellow customers... the really good stuff we never see. I was told that the ClothingLine employees get "first dibs" and buy all the sweet merchandise before the doors even open. Great.
  • Keep expectations in check. I went to 2 Sample Sales hoping to snag some great finds like a Jaime Bag for cheap. Totally did not happen. Most shoppers barely buy and those who do only get a handful of items because the items there are just okay (especially for the price points).
  • Think hard whether you want it before you buy it. Most items can be bought for a lower price point with some patient stalking online and in-stores. (Moreover, items from J.Crew will come in better condition than the Sample Sale.)
Will you be attending this latest sample sale? If you are, please let us know! What are your thoughts (in general) on these Sample Sales? :)


  1. i'm done with these....I went the first few times, and the merchandise has just gotten worse and worse as time continues. The shoes have been good though, and it's the only reason I would consider attending. Or jewelry. :)

  2. I'd like some more feedback on this. I am planning on going... my best friend is getting married in July and the bridal party will be wearing the Juliet dress. I'm kicking myself for missing the Feb sample sale, I didn't know about it =(

    JC- is the merchandise "worse and worse" meaning the selection? or the actual condition of the clothing?

    Also any feedback on the Juliet dress would be great! Like how it fits, runs small or big etc... I'm 5'2" and a half, I'm not sure if I should get the petite.


  3. Meredith, I've been to one of these
    and the selection itself is crappy. I'd take a crewlet in Manhattan over these sample sales any day. (Wishful thinking) It takes courage, though-- Very crowded, lots of elbows. I can't tell you about the Juliet dress, though. Sorry.

  4. Sadly I have to agree with the not so positive reviews...Went to the one in February and I was so disappointed. Racks and racks of clothes that were just castoffs. Felt like I'd have much better luck finding a one-of-a-kind piece or even just a good deal on basics on the final sale site. The prices were atrocious - dresses for $60 - like sundresses, for something like the Aubrey halter that's been on the sale site at $39.99 for a year. Or all shoes for $99.99, including the Elodie patent sandal that keeps popping back at $79.99 and often 20-30% off during final sale promos online. It was almost like they were trying to recoup costs from customers who'd never been on the sale website.
    Sadly wouldn't recommend it. If there's a particular item you're looking for and haven't had any luck anywhere else then maybe it's worth a go.

  5. FFM: I know! It's almost not surprising. But it begs the question, why not liquidate the merchandise instead? ;)

    JC: I am with you! D.O.N.E. The last time I went, I felt like a fool. Not worth the train ride.

    Meredith: I added some tips & advice to the post. You should also click on the "Sample Sale" label under the post to read customer reviews from past Sample Sales. It will give you a good idea of what to expect (or not). :)

    Megha: LOL! Crappy is right! :)

    Sherbie: I am with you, sadly I can't recommend this either. Only would if someone happens to live close by and had nothing to do. But even then... ;)

  6. Thanks Alexis! I am new to the "blogging world" and I am still figuring out how to navigate etc. That's too bad about the sale. I may check it out anyway, but it does sound like a waste of time =(

    Also... I read something recently about J. Crews Shop & Share program? Does anybody know if this is still doable? and if 3 of my friends and I go to the store and order via the red phone can we still get the discount?



Dear J.Crew Aficionadas & Aficionados: Please feel free (and encouraged) to share your thoughts and opinions. :) However, please note that this is still a personal blog. So comments that are considered inappropriate (e.g. obscene, racist, homophobic, personal attacks, rude, and just plain mean) will be removed.

And now back to J.Crew! :)