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Thursday, January 21, 2010

Cardmember Email: A sneak preview from our spring collection (just for Cardmembers)

"Thanks!" to many of you, including Marietta, DinDin, dinagideon, Elizabeth, Shannon, & Cass, who shared with us the latest email from J.Crew to its card members.

The email above features the not-yet-officially-released-online Grommet Parlour Hobo (Item 23176; $298.00). J.Crew describes the hobo (which comes in either Black or Pale Buff) as:

Our design team (and everyone else) is mad for this handbag. Part motorcycle chic, part impeccable uptown construction, it's one of our favorite shapes in soft pebbled leather and a tricked-out body with a smattering of studs and grommets. With multiple pockets to keep you organized and an adjustable strap for versatility. Top snap closure with two zip pockets. Shiny gold hardware. Interior front-wall split-patch cell pocket, back-wall zip pocket. Cotton twill lining. Part of the J.Crew Collection.
Me don't likey. I don't care for the studs and grommets at all, which dates this bag as a current trend. For this price point, I expect the bag to be a timeless keepsake.

By the way, when I think of J.Crew the term "motorcycle chic" does *not* come to mind. J.Crew, please do not go this route. Instead, think Paris 2007. You know what I am talkin' about J.Crew. {wink}

On a bright note, this email only confirms that new arrivals will be available online soon. {wahoo!}

What are your thoughts on the hobo? Do you like the style- from the size to the style with its studs & grommets?


  1. Barf. For something this trendy, you could go to F21 or Target and pick up an identical bag for <$30. JC, your recent propensity towards overpriced, disposable items is incredibly disappointing.

  2. Oh my. I wouldn't even consider getting it on super sale. How can J.Crew put this as part of the collection? I don't like the studs and grommets all over the bag. I like subtle things.
    I agree with you Alexis, at this price point the bag better be timeless and worth the $$.

    I guess it's Jenna's direction to move J.Crew to more trendy fashion - "motocycle chic" along with washed out jeans look.

  3. This is horrible. I like motorcycle chic, and sometimes like the grommets, but these horrid grommets on this classic shape bag? Major fail, J.Crew.

  4. Jenna has lots of bullets in her gun...haha. It's ugly. I'd only buy one if they donated 100% of their profits to Haiti.

  5. Hmm...this seems like a Madewell item, no? I know studs are "in" but for JC to hop on this trend seems a little weird. It's a shame because I like the Parlour Hobo a lot.

    Here's a suggestion, J. Crew: Why not take some of your more endearing handbag styles and just scale them down slightly! I would have bought a scaled down (but not your mini!) version of the Campo Hobo or the Parlour Hobo in a hearbeat!

    OT: I just received my Land's End Canvas Cotton Lawn Campshirt in Navy dot and I love it! The sizes are just a teensy bit more generous that JCrews (my 10 in the campshirt was almost identical to my 10 JC Perfect Shirt), but the details are so cute - love the roll-up sleeve option -- pared with some khaki shorts, it will be perfect for summer.

  6. Excuse me. I just threw up a little.

    I have to say "no thank you!"

  7. Me no likey either :( If I wanted a bag like that I could find it for $19.99 at any discount store. C'mon JCrew you can better.

    *Why feature Lauren Hutton in the Feb. '09 catalog signifying your commitment to timeless, classic style if this is the cr*p you're going to feature?*

  8. The design is too sleek to have studs all over it... and not a fan of the handles/strap thing it has going on. JC does so many things well, this just isn't one of them.

  9. I was laughing even before I saw the comments. Also, I had to make sure I was at JCA. I couldn't believe this was a J Crew handbag.

    Let's show we've really flown over the cuckoo's nest by adding a motorcycle handbag to our Grad Goes Granny Grey Gardens look.

    Pwa ha ha ha ha ha ha

    I appreciate motorcycle/rocker chic, but not here at J Crew. And it certainly doesn't go with the wadded tissue cami. Ugh.

  10. I really don't care for this, although to be fair, I'm not that into bags in general. As far as these previews go, it'd be really nice and probably generate more interest in the credit card if they actually gave cardmembers a 5% discount or something on items like these.

  11. agree w/ you this bag is out of style already as it is a trend ... what are they thinking???

  12. Although its very unique, it's not my style. The crazy thing is that it will probably sell out really soon.

  13. This bag is not my style and I agree that it doesn't seem to be in keeping with JC's style.

  14. So Jenna's mining Target from '08 for inspiration now. Gotcha.

  15. Pair it with the hobo/waif over-layered bag lady look and Granny's gone and joined the Hells Angels. It's absolute poo.

  16. Oh dear. Is it just me or do those look like bullet holes? Not a fan of this one.

  17. oh, 2007 paris catalog items, i miss you! (the anya bag? oh yes!). i agree with everyone else - wish i loved the bag, but don't. and why are so many of the new handbags so large!?

  18. I thought they'd attached the wrong photo in the email because clearly they're describing a good bag. This just is not it.

  19. It looks like just like 20 years ago, J Crew is going through major identity crisis. One hope is that they would soon emerge out of this weird stretch. While they are taking their time figuring out who they want to be, I will be taking my $$ back to Ann Taylor and BR.

  20. I have been hearing mumblings that the big release day for new stuff is the 25th!
    Also, NOT a fan of the bag at all...too much Urban Outfitters, not enough classic J.Crew

  21. Ick, not my style and certainly not at the price. What are they thinking? ic an buy a classic Kate Spade that will last forever and go with everything for that.

  22. This bag is so not Jcrew-especially for the spring season. Haven't we been seeing studs in the fall and winter? Again, they are trying too hard to be original. Guess what is being featured as a 'must have" for the summer on Net-a-Porter? Lame shorts. Believe it or not they make the Jcrew ones look almost acceptable!! ( I said, almost!)

  23. This bag is so not Jcrew-especially for the spring season. Haven't we been seeing studs in the fall and winter? Again, they are trying too hard to be original. Guess what is being featured as a 'must have" for the summer on Net-a-Porter? Lame shorts. Believe it or not they make the Jcrew ones look almost acceptable!! ( I said, almost!)

  24. Christy, speaking of Haiti, I read that Gap, Inc. is making a $150k donation. JC, are you donating too??

    On the bag, I like the shape but prefer the plain version. I think I'd get pretty sick of the grommets after a while.

  25. No thanks. This is the bag equivalent of throwing shredded chiffon ruffles on a tank and slapping a $50 pricetag on it. (for me). - no offense to any takers.

  26. What was the design inspiration -- swiss cheese? Naaaah.

  27. I'm obviously one of the few who don't mind the bag - BUT....Cole Haan had a similar one in their fall collection that was on super sale so now I feel like this style is done and over with. NEXT!

  28. I think Jenna's been spending too much time at Hot Topic!


  29. It's kind of a like a run away train. Mickey needs to sit down with Jenna and have a little talkaroo with her...

    Cass, good for the GAP. You'd think with all the JC profits, Mickey could cough up more than just the lint in the pockets of his pilling cashmere v-necks.

  30. For all those who are interested, a store rep told me that the women's new arrivals would be at the B&M on the 27th and the mens on the 28th. I'm not sure when they will be available online.
    I, personally am hoping for an improvement in sweater quality (and thickness) so I can finally enjoy my cardigans in confidence.

  31. **ducks, hides and runs**

    I actually kind of like it. It looks a little edgy to me, which is fun. However, I'm in agreement that it's way too much at this price point. Feel like I could find something similiar at Target, etc for much less.

  32. The bag is just OK. Nothing special. Not something I would expect from J.Crew. And I don't mean this in a positive way.

    Maybe the rest of the line will be better.

    FYI: Arden store in sacramento said they will be receiving 200 boxes on the 25th and they will be unpacking them and things will be on the floor on the 26th.

  33. NO THANKS on the purse! My PS told me new arrivals would be in-store on Monday, 1/25.

  34. big miss!

    i was excited to get the 'spring preview' email and bummed to see this mess of a bag.

    they should have gone with something to get us excited about spring.

    i hope this is not the tone of the new collection

  35. I'll take a pass on this one. J.Crew is definitely on the tail end of the curve as far as grommets and studs are concerned.

    So much for the sneak peek. If you search for "bag" on the site, it shows up with the rest of them. Oddly enough, the confetti flapper dress shows up on the bag search page too.

  36. on second thought...maybe the design is symbolic of all the money you will be losing if you don't pay that j crew credit card off (now that they jacked the interest rate to an obscene amt)

  37. Is anyone else skeeved out by the name "Parlour Hobo"?

  38. This comment has been removed by the author.

  39. It looks dated already. Enough said.

  40. Why would they roll stuff out on a Monday AFTER the weekend???

    As far as the JCrew credit card, I don't carry a balance but won't be using it any longer. It is on principle...the interest rate is obscene.

  41. Me no likey! Classic not clueless J.Crew!

  42. Well..all I can say is we have a HILARIOUS group of girls on the JCA!! Thanks for the laughs!!
    I guess I cannot comment as every thought I have had on this bag (excepting of the couple people that liked it and had the b*lls to say so. Ha, ha..totally kidding;)has already been said.
    It's a passe, cheap-looking, swiss cheese, hideous execution of an over-priced "hobo" and certainly not fit for Spring! YUCK!
    I couldn't help it..I have gone and said A LOT:)

  43. I agree completely with Leslie, it appears J. Crew is having a major identity meltdown.There is a preponderance of Forever 21 cr?p and very few of the "quality, timeless pieces" that helped make the brand appealing in the first place.That purse is nothing but ugly and the grommet thing has already been done and over. If the design team wants to purloin pieces, then dial it back to the really good stuff that Audrey, Grace Kelly and Jackie wore. I am seriously sick of balled up cashmere, t-shirts with holes, poorly designed, plastic "heirloom jewelry" with a $$$ price tags and ill-fitting shoes. Need I remind you, Mickey, that I am a paying customer with a computer that can get on plenty of retail sites besides yours. If Populism can make a big ripple in the behemoth known as the US Senate, I'm sure it can "ruffle" the "feathers" at J. Crew. Let the Aficianada(o)s speak!

  44. This comment has been removed by the author.

  45. me no likey x 1000!!!
    it looks kind of cheap to be something super 'trendy' but that would fall apart after a few uses

  46. Wow. Like everyone else I'm not a fan (though I do like the original Parlour bag!), but I bothered to comment so late to remark how much I was struck by the resemblance -- from far away mind you -- to Prada's jeweled bags from last spring when I saw this collection on the J.Crew website. Obviously one is rhinestones and one is well, grommets, but I really feel there's got to be some inspiration taken there! (Not that I was a big fan of the Prada's either ;) )


Dear J.Crew Aficionadas & Aficionados: Please feel free (and encouraged) to share your thoughts and opinions. :) However, please note that this is still a personal blog. So comments that are considered inappropriate (e.g. obscene, racist, homophobic, personal attacks, rude, and just plain mean) will be removed.

And now back to J.Crew! :)