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Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Sneak Peek: J.Crew's Crystal Box Necklaces

A big "thanks!" to Arely who shared the following post over at Mrs. O (click here to view original post). To view any of the images larger, just click on its image.
A Girl's Dream: J.Crew + Fenton / Fallon
By Mrs. O

December 22, 2009

When the first lady appeared on the December cover of Glamour magazine, wearing a red Jason Wu dress and a statement necklace adorned with jewels and bows, we were all intrigued by the same question: who made that gorgeous necklace? The answer proved to be designer Dana Lorenz for her line Fenton. The designer was as delighted to see her necklace on the first lady as we were, unaware that it had made its way into Mrs. O's jewelry collection.

Behind the scenes, Jenna Lyons of J.Crew and Dana Lorenz had met at a dinner party a few months before. A great fan of the Fenton and Fallon lines, Jenna Lyons made plans to meet at Dana Lorenz's new store in downtown Manhattan’s Freeman Alley to discuss a possible collaboration. As they looked through the Fenton and Fallon look books, there was a necklace that caught Jenna Lyon's eye. J.Crew made plans to produce the necklace with slight modifications. It was a fortuitous, though unexpected, twist, when just three days after plans for the collaboration were set, the first lady wore the same Fenton necklace on the cover of Glamour. Though on track to release the necklace for Spring 2010, J.Crew decided to push production forward after seeing the response that the necklace received (in part, by comments from many of you!).

The Carrington crystal bow necklace, designed by J.Crew in collaboration with Fenton / Fallon, features crystals and glass stones, silk ribbons dyed by hand (available in ivory or grey/green), and unplated chains. "There is a certain handwriting that J.Crew has, and Dana's pieces have a bit more edge," Jenna Lyons said. "Mixed with J.Crew clothes, there is a nice contrast." I asked Jenna how she might style the piece. "This is a statement necklace - no question," she replied. She recommends pairing the necklace with a classic jewel neck t-shirt, black blazer and jeans, or even a chambray shirt buttoned up to the top.

These pieces are the first look at what will be a continuing collaboration between J.Crew and Fenton / Fallon. The next pieces, set to debut in April, May and June, will feature the chains, studs and rock crystals that Dana Lorenz's work has become known for. Jenna Lyons said the gals at J.Crew are "madly obsessed" with the pieces. If these first necklaces are any indication, we will be too.

The Carrington crystal bow necklaces are available at J.Crew stores for $295. They'll be available online at beginning December 30. We'll follow up with a post when they are!
As usual, the necklaces are presented in such a way that they look absolutely stunning. However, I am curious about how they will actually appear in-person (in particular, on me). ;) Would they lay as nicely? Would the bows get in the way? Are the chains too much? Is it too big?

Lastly, you got to love how Jenna thinks this necklace should work with a jewel neck t-shirt, blazer, & jeans. The outfit Jenna described seems like her "go-to" now (which isn't a bad look). I actually think how First Lady Michelle Obama is dressed for the magazine cover works best— a simple, but elegant, solid-color dress paired with this necklace.

What are your thoughts on the Carrington Crystal Bow Necklaces? Do you like or dislike the style? Do you think the price point ($295) is a fair value or a bit pricey? :)


  1. I think it would be nice with a jewel neck t-shirt. Note that Jenna didn't say "jeweled neck," like something with embellishments, but "jewel neck," which means a collarless, rounded neckline on a top. In other words, something clean and simple. Anywho, the price is way too high for me. It looks pretty, but I think F21 or some do-it-yourself handiwork could create something similar for far less.

  2. Heidi that is exactly what I was thinking - $295. and a year or more down the road, those bows will look sad unless the necklace stored as carefully as a wedding dress.

  3. Gotta admit I agree with the other comments, it's a lot of moolah for costume jewelry. If I buy costume jewelry, it's in the $50 and under range, and real jewelry in the $500 and up range. This item doesn't have a place in my jewelry box.

  4. I love the necklace, what a fun piece. I do agree that the bows might get droopy after a while, I wonder if it comes in a box for storing?

  5. The necklace is only available in collection stores. The East Coast stores are getting the darker stones while the west coast gets the lighter ones. FYI

  6. It's so pretty. I can't fathom three bills for it though.

  7. I saw the grey version in store last weekend and I wasn't impressed. Maybe the clear one is going to be more stunning. But $300???

  8. I'm with trailmix, this price far exceeds what I would ever pay for costume jewelry. Also, while I think this is far nicer than your average bib necklace, I see many that are quite cute for $40. I don't find the difference in cuteness to match the drastic difference in price. Also, in my opinion, this is a very trendy style. I'm not certain I'll still be interested in the fall. Pretty, but not for me.

  9. It's sure pretty, but will get outdated oh.. so soon. Then it will get stored in a box for twenty so years. And then I'll wear it again, along with purple, he he...

  10. I think it is beautiful but wouldn't spend that much on it. That's why I'm anxious for the less expensive alternatives to start appearing at other retailers. :)

  11. It is dramatic ... but I feel like it's not that unique. The ribbon-plus-bows-plus chains-plus faux gems has been done already. A lot. I have the Garland, and F21 will surely have interpretations of this. For $300, not for me.

  12. It looks beautiful on FLOTUS (Gigi, I borrowed from you) but not for me.
    Too pricey for costume jewelry and the bows probably won't hold up well.

  13. I'm with FFM - can't wait to see the F21 version in a few months!! ;)

    I got an email from my store last night saying they were getting in new Spring/Cruise things today - has anyone been in their B&M to check any of it out? Can't wait to see some reviews!

  14. Honestly I think it looks like a bit of a DIY jewelry project with the bows being added on as an afterthought. It would be a pretty statement necklace on the right person with the right outfit. I could never justify the price for as little wear as I would get out of it and the fact that it is costume jewelry, and not even high quality costume jewelry at that.

  15. Resort-wise, I did see a sleeveless cotton top covered in ... stuff at my B&M. I'm not even sure how to describe it. Kind of like, folded pieces of fabric that aren't quite a ruffle (they were more tacked down) all over the front of the top in a less haphazard way than some of the previous embellished tops. I guess I'd liken it to that cotton-swirl tank from last May or so. It was cute at a glance, but I'm pretty sure it had a side zip and may be marked down to $19.99 by the time it's actually warm enough to wear it. LOL! How's that for vague?

  16. Apparently I'm alone, but IMO it's absolutely hideous. It looks like a spur of the moment DIY project.

  17. I looked at the photos close up and decided that if the bows were gone (I wonder if you can take them off), the two necklaces would be SO nice. I would definitely look at them then. Having said that, let me re-state that with a caveat...not at 300 dollars, maybe 150? Just my 2 cents.

  18. I like the necklaces, but I wouldn't pay more than $50 for them.

  19. Totally not for me, I'm sick of the piling-it-on look. I think it is way to gaudy with all those thick chains and giant crystals. And the huge bows just make me laugh. A bit of a change for JCrew though, the bows aren't all frayed to look "vintage".

  20. OT- I went to the outlet last night at Arundel Mills and they have the exact same Tissue Frances shirt in all the colors as online. The tag doesn't have the two diamonds underneath of it and I can find no difference between the ones that I bought full price in the B&M and the outlet ones. They were on promo for $24.

    Just an FYI

  21. Anyone with access to a fabric store and an antique store could re-create this necklace for under $25. In fact, I have the day off and might just give it a try!

  22. Oh my goodness, it's so DIY looking... as many of you said! And so expensive - to Boot!

    Speaking of Boots, I'd rather spend money like that on something like boots, etc... that will get me somewhere!

    $295 for a costume necklace with the economy the way it is... no way! Most people could only dream of such luxuries.

    Plus, I don't think the necklace even goes with what she is wearing on the magazine cover... it doesn't compliment that neckline or dress. Bad choice.

  23. Lindsey B,

    I just got back from my B&M, and they had lots of new resort arrivals. My favorite was the Ruffled Carly Dress that came in slate grey and a light lilac. It is short-sleeved with small cascading ruffles on the top, and larger ruffles on the bottom. There were several new jackets, a pair of grey and yellow polka dot shorts (that reminded me of the mahali dot jubilee or deco dot shorts). The same top that someone else mentioned, and an adorable denim skirt that is like the wool shirred skirts...but too short for my height...but very cute! They also had a couple of jersey dresses, some canvas totes, another grey polka dot cardi, and some new cashmere cardis. The only thing that came home was the carly dress. :)

  24. I was also at my b&m today and saw lots of cute things. I love the new skimmers (which my ps said is an updated cafe capri). I like them better than the cafes - they have pockets and flaps on the back pockets. I don't like the new scout distressed chino - they fit me better than last year's, but these have a cuff on them. :( Maybe if I were taller. The new tank style ruffle jersey dress is adorable, but made my hips look twice as wide as they really are. It's great with a cardi, but I wouldn't wear it alone. So, I will wait and hope for a great markdown on it. The new "museum" print cardi is cute, but not for me. They also have shorts in this print. I like the new boyfriend shorts - again, I will purchase these on sale or promo. They have a new sleeveless cami/blouse that comes in white and bright coral with swirls on it that I really liked - again, I'll wait for a sale. I love the new rain jacket, but not for $148. I am hoping for a promo because it would be practical for me here in SC. I did love two tops - one knit tee. It's a v-neck with a ruched/floral design on it. It comes in 3 colors - a plummy lilac, light turquoise, and white (sorry, I didn't check the tags for the color codes). It fit me really nicely, TTS. I also liked the striped tunic - it buttons part way down. It came in navy/white, light blue/white, and light pink/white striped and solid white. I had to decide on only one (need to wait for another pay check :D), so I got the tunic. I think the tee will be around (hopefully) for a while. Tunics seem to sell better here, maybe because they can be used as beach wear as well. I saw the dress that Leslie mentioned, but didn't try it on. Now, I think I should have! :) Happy shopping!

    Btw - sale is now extra 20% off in store.

  25. If you take price away... I LOVE this necklace. But there's no way I'd spend $300 on it. This is one of the many JC items I'd love to own, but am not willing to buy. If the bows could be removed, then maybe you'd get more longevity out of it? If anyone tries the DIY route, please post pics!

  26. Math teacher,

    Thanks for your updates.
    I went to my b&m today but I didn’t see any new capri or tunics…
    I got this new merino cardi in “museum?” print.It’s so beautiful.
    I posted some pictures...

  27. The necklace is beautiful but I wouldn't pay that much for a trendy costume jewelry piece.

    Looking forward to further, hopefully cheaper, collaborations!

  28. The Fallon collection is quite edgy and is an interesting collaboration choice with JCrew. You can see some of the Fallon pieces at Shopbop that have a definite rock & roll vibe. The $295 price is comparable to what's at Shopbop.
    I like the chains/bows mashup, but it's just not my style. I'm sure they'll be snapped up by someone who instantly falls in love with them who happens to have $300 burning a hole in their pocket!

  29. While I can see some appeal to these pieces they are definitely too large for me. I'm not big on following trends in costume jewelery anyway. I'll stick to the real thing on a more subtle scale.

    OT - read in WSJ that giant, oversize handbags are now considered a sign of excessive spending. I lusted after a few this year but could never quite pull them off so I'm glad to see the trend fading away. Wonder if the same will happen with jewelery in 2010.

  30. I won't be buying this piece. Not only is the price waaaaaaay outside what I'd pay for this kind of jewelry (trendy), but I'm not feeling the bows or the whole look and feel of all these elements together. Money saved!

  31. New arrivals are updated online.


  32. $300 for THIS? are they serious?
    do you guys remeber when (years ago), JC was known simply for a great quality basics? it is soooo gone. now they are trying to hype thing up using ...our First Lady.
    do they seriously think that everyone gonna jump on this necklase because it's on Michele?

  33. This comment has been removed by the author.

  34. Ooooo, new goodies, they were not kidding around about the 30th!

  35. BCBG has a nice and cheaper alternative at $88.00. Just add your own ribbons.

  36. I guess I'm the odd ball. But I'm in love with this item and compared to the designer’s $700 price tag, $300 isn't that bad. Plus, I think it can be an item worn for many years. I don’t follow trends, I follow what I like, and while this might be a trend for now...if I’m so moved to wear this next year when the statement necklace craze is gone...then guess what?!?! I’ll be wearing my statement necklace when the craze is gone!!!

    Besides, I firmly believe that life shouldn't ALWAYS be about practicality, but sometimes about decadent splurges!!!!

    To each their own!

  37. Sounds like we have a lot of people who are bitter because they can't afford this necklace. And really, you all are going to make something like this yourselves? Huh. Somehow I really don't think it will look very good at. all. Good luck with that though!


Dear J.Crew Aficionadas & Aficionados: Please feel free (and encouraged) to share your thoughts and opinions. :) However, please note that this is still a personal blog. So comments that are considered inappropriate (e.g. obscene, racist, homophobic, personal attacks, rude, and just plain mean) will be removed.

And now back to J.Crew! :)