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Wednesday, November 18, 2009

J.Crew's Holiday Style Tips: Fashion Do or Don't?

By popular JCA request, this post is about J.Crew's latest style tips for Holiday 2009 (which can be found online here). Many JCAs have questioned the "advice" (and oh yes, that word is in quotes for a reason) being offered by J.Crew this merry season. Perhaps someone got to the eggnog a bit early this year. Read on for more...
Holiday Style Tips: Our resident stylist reveals her secrets for how to make your party attire a little less predictable

Style Tip #1: There's more to holiday dressing than costumey holiday sweaters and black cocktail dresses. 'Tis the season to get creative. A celebratory sequin reindeer tee and thigh high socks (rather than conventional tights) give an otherwise classic ensemble a chic twist.

Style Tip #2: Who says sparkle is only for evening? Nothing makes a better day-to-night piece than a sequin sweater jacket. Layer it over a shock of holiday red and when the sun goes down lose the casual cords for sexy cropped black pants and sky-high heels.

Style Tip #3: There's always a winter occasion that calls for an all-out glamour gown. Heels are the most obvious footwear choice, but glittery flats make a bigger style statement- not to mention prep your feet to dance the night away.

Style Tip #4: Not only is a borrowed-from-the-boys buffalo check tie a festive accent, it also keeps this ladylike taffeta skirt from feeling too fancy. Fishnet anklets are the perfect playful finishing touch.

Style Tip #5: The quickest way to get more mileage out of a frilly party dress is to wear it the day after with a boyish blazer and motorcycle boots. I can see a cool mom wearing this outfit to her kid's school Christmas pageant.

Style Tip #6: Throw a tuxedo jacket over a sequin sweatshirt with dark skinny jeans and strappy heels for an effortlessly cool remedy to little black dress boredom.
{gasp} I am still collecting my thoughts around the tips...

Okay, now that I had a moment I can properly reflect. The outfits selected with each style tip is over. the. top. C'mon now J.Crew!

For example (style tip #5), do you honestly think some "cool mom" is going to rock that outfit at her kids Christmas pageant? Really? Right. What about style tip #2, that whole outfit (including trapper hat, that's right a trapper hat!) screams "sloppy" to me. Not so much sexy. And I can't believe I am saying this, but we get it J.Crew you like sequin tops.

Needless to say, I am not a fan of the style tips or outfits showcased. I am going to go with the ever popular phrase that "less is more" and hope J.Crew will recognize that too.

What are your thoughts on the Holiday Style Tips? Are you a fan of any (or all) of the styles? Are there any "tips" that you strongly disagree or agree with? :)


  1. Thanks for the reality check...I thought it was just me! I kept looking at the catalog and thinking "I must be getting too old for this!" There are some nice holiday pieces..on their own (like the black taffeta skirt with um...something else!). Each season seems to push the envelope a bit further off the page.

  2. ITA. Some of the styling lately screams "deranged homeless person." That's not the look I'm after.

  3. I agree about the looks as a whole, but I think #5 and especially #6 are quite cute/wearable.

    Otherwise, Simmer down, J.Crew.

  4. Pretty funny, especially the fishnet anklets! I don't mind the tuxedo jacket over the sequined sweatshirt, but it's very casual to be a real alternative to a little black dress.

  5. IMHO the styling this Fall has been nuts for the most part. Not all, there have been some cute outfits but if you flipped through the catalog and gave a ratio of good vs. bewildering vs. plain loony, good is definitely on the low end. This is unusual for them, especially Fall, their best season. Are you wearing camis over your turtlenecks? Are you wearing shorts with tights and camis and turtlenecks and necklaces and oh, lets add a fur vest or a trapper hat? That's been the theme this fall.

    Pushing a trend to the extreme for style purposes is one thing but no one would wear some of these outfits unless they were trying to get on a reality show.

  6. I am starting to believe the only reason JC layer about layer is to get people to buy more of their clothes. I do not care for the look at all, or their latest catalogs.

  7. casual-crew, I was just about to say the same thing! I bet if you did the math on cost-per-outfit of these styles compared to previous years, this year's would be higher. It has become more difficult to gauge what an item will look like - like these camis that they're constantly styling over turtlenecks. How is one supposed to know what size to order?

  8. ITA. I remember the days when my catalogs were tattered from use, because I would copy an outfit, or a look with items in my closet, very literally right from the pages. Loved that. THAT was inspiration to me. The styling now completely lacks relevance for 99% of us in the real world figuring out what to wear each morning.

  9. Hahaha, I agree with Jeanne- totally Deranged Homeless Person Chic.

    No thank you, J Crew.

  10. Even when you see them in writing they seem a Jeanne - deranged homeless person is probably the right phrase. Though, I do like the idea of wearing a boyfriend blazer over a party dress - for a party. And number six does sound like a good antidote to dress heavy wear for casual cocktails or, maybe, shopping with friends (substitute flats). Sigh. And you don't really see styling like this anywhere else - I'm curious where Jenna is coming from!

  11. Style Tip #4: Fishnet anklets in December are the perfect way to get frostbite as you drunkenly stumble home from holiday parties!

  12. While I love my Jaspe sweatshirts I would never consider one with sequins. It is the ultimate casual dress-down piece due to the fabric and slouchy style, so comfortable. Sequins do not make it suddenly classy dress-up wear. The anklets are beyond ridiculous.

    Party dress with a blazer and boots could work with tights and not scrunchy socks, and lose the cardigan underneath. Yes, all those layers do seem to reflect the homeless person style of wearing everything you own to stay warm in the winter.

  13. ok the cool mom was ridiculous. was that a typo surely they meant fool mom.also they lost me at fishnet anklets! Fishnet anklets? who does that
    it is not a madonna video from 1984

  14. When I want to see real-world ideas for styling J.Crew items, these days I'm turning to the website's product photos. In my opinion those are usually great ideas.

  15. I am at a loss for words with these styling tips. (and I cannot remember the last time I was at a loss for words-- if ever.)

  16. I actually love the tuxedo jacket with jeans and heels look - I ordered the jacket with 20% off. Not with the sequined sweatshirt, but with a feminine top. I like the jacket over the dress too, but I don't get the sweater in that one.

  17. I've said it before, but maybe the men's designer needs to give Jenna some direction.

    Are they purposely trying to be tongue in cheek; or simply that out of touch.

  18. Yes,
    The guys clothing is still top notch:) Happy for the guys. How is the quality for them....just wondering??? Ladies has declined...

  19. OT - Has anyone tried the Abby heels? I want to get them with the 20% off but want a review first.

  20. I love number 6. And they all look great on the model of course.

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. PS. I think J. Crew peaked a couple of years back. Now it's getting nutty. The men's stuff is fine. It's the women's stuff that has jumped the shark. I'm getting super sick of the "makeup" palette and ruffles and distressed edges.

  23. Agh, let's try this again...

    I totally am envisioning myself wearing thigh-high socks to all the annual Holiday parties we are invited to, and the shocked looks of all my friends and family members have me LAUGHING OUT LOUD. (My kids must think I am nuts!)

    I say this as THE person in my clutch of friends who is willing to rock the boyfriend jacket over a frilly, girly party dress (but come on, the boots, that is just bordering on the absurd).

    So if my filter is screaming NO WAY to these looks, then I have a feeling the J. Crew whimsy has turned into the J. Crew demented.

    In all honesty, the number 6 tip is the most reasonable, and number 3 is a bit fun, but it is hard to imagine anyone but Jenna and a few other select folks being able to do the other tips...

  24. LOL! Molly, maybe they have "jumped the shark!"
    I know that if I followed Style Tip #5 my 7yo would be so embarrassed. And she's a Little Fashionista!
    I look to my fellow bloggers for Styling Tips! Maybe JCrew should hire us JCA's! ;)

  25. I actually think there is something usable from most of the tips. I tend to be pretty classic in the way I dress, but I do like:
    -the idea of the reindeer tee under, say, a velvet blazer (but lose the thigh-high socks), instead of one of those terrible holiday sweaters
    -the jacket over the tiered dress with rugged boots is a surprisingly cool look in my opinion - but I don't necessarily see this being worn out to a kid's school show
    -dark jeans with heels and a nice jacket and a sparkly or otherwise festive top beneath the jacket IS a great alternative to a dress
    -a bit of sparkle during the day
    -glittery flats instead of heels

  26. I agree with DaniBP - the men's catalog has highlighted 'real men' before - um hello, how about highlighting JCAs? I know I get more inspiration from your blogs and Polyvore sets than I have from the last year's worth of catalogs!

  27. I was so excited to curl up with the latest J Crew catalog last night before I went to bed. It was so thick I figured it would take me ages to get through. In reality most of my time was spent figuring out which of the layers was which and how each would look on it's own, you know, like normal people wear clothes! The fishnet ankle socks are the worst styling choice in ages for sure!

  28. I think the look is called "Fancy Hobo". :) The sequin top, jacket, jeans and heels looks nice, but that's about all I would take from it.

  29. And another thing. Catalogs. I haven't gotten one in ages and I spent an embarrassing amount of money there over the last three years. I even ordered a present for my husband and they didn't pack a catalog in the box. I'm pretty sure i'm done with j. Crew. Which is lucky because i'm too fat to wear their clothes right now LOL Talbots is getting all my money.

  30. Whoever concocted #5 has never been to a school Christmas pageant in the Midwest ;)

  31. I remember reading a comment awhile back from a JCA who loved to cozy up with the new JC catalog and a glass of wine. With the way the styling is going I think Jenna is after the homeless demographic/ Olsen wannabes, so we'll have to kick back with either a fo'ty and a crackpipe, or just a crackpipe? Not too relaxing or inspiring anymore.

    ITA about the too-thin gauge on the Maya. I returned mine after I tried it on, knowing I'd snag it or a seam would die before I got decent wear out of it. The fit was nice though. I haven't noticed anyone posting reviews of the Maya dress so far. It doesn't seem to have migrated to the sale section, either, so I wonder how it's working out.

  32. I feel like the beauty of J Crew was that they offered work, casual, and formal clothing that had sort of a whimsical twist, making the clothes stand out from other retailers. It's like they took that concept and went bonkers with it. Jeanne is dead-on about the homeless person outfits...let's call it "Transient Chic". My first thought when I saw the catalog was "If I wear this outfit, people will think I'm an escaped mental patient."

  33. I agree with all the previous posters. I read the JC catalog almost for entertainment value at this point (though I do love their location shots -- very artistic). Funny, when I go to the Madewell site, I find that the styling is much more simple. They do some layers, but not so many that it appears to be a hot mess. And while I'm a little too old for Madewell's style, I can appreciate it more than some of the over-styled catalogs I have been receiving from JC...maybe simpler is better....

  34. I agree with a lot of the comments here- I really don't like their wacky styling. I still really like their clothes a lot but this fall/winter, I just haven't seen as much that I love.

  35. Wondering if there are any out there considering the O'Hara gown? I think it's lovely, but I would rather make the house payment, and look elsewhere for a reasonably priced gown.

  36. I hope that someone on the JC design staff is reading this. WE are all obviously loyal customers who spend too much money and time with JCrew. Who actually would admit to anyone other than their closest friends ( and certainly not their husbands!) that they blog about Jcrew? With that in mind, they need to realize that all this over the top styling is beginning to appear somewhat desperate and may start to turn off their loyal customers. The beauty of their clothes is that you really don't have to think too much because it all seemed to work together when trying to get get dressed. Now it is too confusing and may be driving people to look elsewhere. Even Anthropologie knows where to draw the line. And they don't even have fishnet anklets anywhere in sight! What are they thinking? They seem to be trying too hard to be, or become something they are not.
    If a smart financial analyst read this blog, they may reconsider being so positive of the stock price. I imagine lots of these items will be at very low prices in late Dec and January and even then they may not sell. Maybe they should pass them out to the homeless...

  37. Molly,

    I agree. JCrew peaked a couple of years ago. This fall season is the worst ever since I started buying JCrew in high school!!!!

  38. I agree with Hallie, though the #2 outfit looks absurd and isn't the least bit flattering, the rest of them have some good ideas to take away. I really like # 1, though I would switch out the thigh highs for tights, at least at night, and I probably wouldn't wear it to a cocktail party, I think the outfit is fun overall.

  39. I'm a (sartorially) conservative person working in a conservative profession, so I have to struggle against a natural tendency to be dull and matchy-matchy. (Admitting a problem is the first step, right?)

    For this reason, I always scan catalogs and fashion magazines for tips on ways to add some age- and career-appropriate zing and freshness to my look. Suffice it to say that these holiday tips don't have a lot of relevance to my life. (But I will try the reindeer tee with chocolate velvet pants and heels.)

    I agree with all the previous posters; the random layers/deranged homeless person look is not going over well. I do most of my browsing in the catalog, and it's hard to get interested in a cami or sweater when it's hidden under three layers and four necklaces.

  40. I was just thinking that, MJ...that J crew would really benefit from reading the comments posted here, esp with regard to quality. They should be really embarrassed about that.

  41. There is a reason why we all love the current picture at the top of Alexis' blog. All the outfits are adorable, the colors are bright, the jackets are amazing, it would be great if the whole world dressed that way.

  42. With regards to MJ's comment, can you even imagine, hundreds (if not thousands) of homeless men and women, shivering in the cold while wearing J.Crew's tossed away anklet socks? In neon fishnet, of course. Seriously, I get that people like trends, I understand that my dull mundane conservative looks aren't for everybody, but seriously. Jenna has gone off the deep end.

  43. The saggy thigh high socks are hilarious. I agree that many of the looks scream "deranged homeless person." Um, esp the look on page 20 of the new catalog. I mean the little girl can get away with the mismatched look, but if I saw someone wearing the adult model's look, I would question their mental health!

  44. I love this blog! Such a funny post and replies and I agree with every one of them. I get that JCrew is trying to inspire us with this crazy styling (I hope) but seriously, who can wear these looks? Laura is correct - what a great photo on the home page of this blog. Bright, colorful, fun - I'd like to try putting some of those outfits together. Rats on Parade is correct - trends are fun. (I certainly have bought more than my share of ruffles over the past years) but it's gone too far.
    Great post Alexis!

  45. Laura, you're so right, that pic Alexis uses is so great. The only picture in the current (Chile) catalog that featured women's clothes was the group shot from the wedding section. Everyone looked fabulous! I loved the multiple age groups with good grooming and the SMILES! Everyone looked to be dressed with taste and relative simplicity (except for the unfortunate twenty something girl in the over the hair Olsen headband, shudder) and it really showcased how amazing the clothes can look when presented without all the excess.

    I get that they aren't going after the "golden lab and rugby shirt" aesthetic anymore, but some of this new stuff is just ridic. Why not let Madewell be the repository for garish lipstick and rats nest hairdos, and 80's redos for those who weren't here for the first run presentation?

  46. ^ I meant the only picture that I really loved in that catalog was the group wedding shot, sorry.

  47. truth is i really WOULD be homeless if i bought into the crewlade as much as j.crew would like. ;p

    i do agree that the styling as become quite silly and useless. but at least i can see most of the clothes...sometimes anthro's and urban outfitters' catalogs are so artsy fartsy with fog and blurred images that you can't see the damn clothes! makes you get online asap, but man, sometimes i wish they would keep it real in the catalogs.

  48. Let's give a round of applause for the models who were able to keep such straight faces during that photo shoot.

  49. All this layering (jewelry, shirts, belts, etc) seems to be a way for JC to sell more stuff.

    I must say some of the styles from the catalog are just flat out outrageous and Jeanne you nailed it: "deranged homeless person" I had to LOL!

  50. *snickers* "garish lipstick and rats nest hairdos, and 80's redos"
    So true, so right!

  51. Ladies, I just came home and I am now going through all the comments. But I just had to write that you are *all* putting a smile on my face as your perspectives on the styling are smart, witty, humorous, and spot on.

    Lastly, there are many "take-aways" for style phrases here- including "deranged homeless person" (courtesy of Jeanne) and "Transient Chic" (courtesy of Emily). Loves it! :)

  52. I wouldn't think "cool mom" if I saw a mom in a party dress the next day. I'd think "walk of shame mom."

  53. I think I am going to sound nuts after all of these negative comments but I loved the style ideas! My favorite was the sequin sweatshirt with skinny jeans and a tuxedo jacket. Too bad the sweatshirt is already sold out. I have always loved J.Crew but I am loving it more now that they are starting to push the envelope a little, almost bordering on couture. The clothes do not need to all be worn at once but as stand-alone pieces they are beautiful.

  54. I feel as though Jenna and whoever is the main stylist can get away with these looks to a degree because they are more "high profile." I mean, we have all seen celebrities take fashion risks and be praised for their gutsiness. Jenna and her styling team probably won't get looked at oddly because they are in the fashion industry, yet they are pushing the looks they (most likely) wear themselves on regular people who work in "regular" jobs. I'm sorry, but I cannot take too many fashion risks as a high school English teacher. My principal would probably pull me aside and ask me if I was "okay"--kwim? J.Crew needs to get over themselves, for real!

  55. And ITA with the others...I take more fashion advice from fellow JCAs than I do from the catalog. JC needs to hire FFM to style the catalog! :)

  56. I think the crazy styling we're seeing is so bizarre that they know they can no longer shoot the models in actual, realistic scenes. If you saw most of these looks outside, on the street, they'd definitely scream 'homeless deranged person.' But shot against a dropcloth, these looks can be interpreted as more tongue in cheek. I don't, however, hang out against dropcloths all day, so I'm not buying any of it. The jacket over a party dress is the only idea I could get behind - but then I realized that any girl who's ever ended up wearing her date's jacket at the end of prom has already tried that look. I'd be embarassed if my mom wore something like that to my school!...

  57. I was wearing one of my favorite new J. Crew outfits yesterday which I topped off with a clear plastic shower cap. My daughter fell victim to a lice outbreak at school, and I had to comb through her hair.

    Despite feeling extremely aggitated about the lice, I had to laugh when I saw myself in the mirror. I asked myself -- is a shower cap any different than fishnet ankle socks? I immediately felt better about my new look, and really rocked the new J. Crew "deranged homeless person" style.

  58. I know, those tips are just, well, crack-a-licious.

    But the most startling bit was layering over holiday red. Really, J Crew? You really, truly have an honest-to-goodness holiday red? Instead of all the funky off-red colors? ok, rant over...

  59. hmmm i actually like the styling of the catalogue. it's a bit young, though.

  60. Wow! I am shocked at these comments! The styling is amazing!! Open up an inspiring magazine like 10 or Numero or V. J.crew is on par with these amazing magazines as far as styling! Take a moment to visit Fashion should inspire us and open our eyes to a new way of dressing! I think its quirky and exciting and a wonderful feast for our eyes! THANK YOU JCREW!

  61. I really like what they're doing and all the changes they're making. They still have a lot of the usual sweaters as well.


Dear J.Crew Aficionadas & Aficionados: Please feel free (and encouraged) to share your thoughts and opinions. :) However, please note that this is still a personal blog. So comments that are considered inappropriate (e.g. obscene, racist, homophobic, personal attacks, rude, and just plain mean) will be removed.

And now back to J.Crew! :)