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Friday, September 25, 2009

Surprise! Log Into J.Crew for Free Shipping

A big "thanks!" to Casual Crew (in this post) who shared some wonderful and exciting news:
"Sign in to your account at J Crew, there is a screen asking you to update your information and there is fs no minimum for updating your information. There is going to be perks given time to time so every time we visit we are to sign in. ... When you sign into your on-line acct, the first screen that you see is the account one,there is a message saying Welcome____your name, and then the speel about updating your info. and fs."
"Thanks!" to many of you, including those listed below, who followed up with personal experiences with J.Crew's new free shipping (fs) offer:
  • Ashley (in this post) said: "i updated my email preferences and once it saved i did a mock checkout and although there is no code, it automatically applied the fs. hth!"
  • AppGal (in this post) found: "holy crap. the account update/free shipping worked for me! I cannot believe I just got free shipping with no minimum from JCREW!!! It totally made me just spend money I wasn't planning to, but I felt like I had to take advantage of that! Are pigs flying!?!?!?! Did hell just freeze over?!?!"
  • Shopper555 (in this post) said: "Ooh! I logged in to my account and it gave me free shipping too. It said, " For today, free shipping". There is no code- I put something in my cart and went to check out and the shipping was zero. Funny though because there is nothing right now that I want to buy. Well, I do want the cashmere V neck cardi but not at full price. I hope this free shipping thing won't go away."
I am not sure how long this will last, but it's worth a try to get free shipping (with no minimum!) on your order. And I have to say "bravo!" to J.Crew for offering a wonderful incentive for updating an account!!! :)

Happy shopping!


  1. I tried it twice and free ship, no request to update any info...

  2. SE Mom: I tried and got nothing too. :( It might randomly select who gets to participate in the offer. But I will definitely try again tomorrow! ;)

  3. nope, nada, nothing for me either. congrats to those of you who had success.

  4. Me neither - no ask for update, no offers, no fs, nothin'. :P

  5. I am going to wait to try this until I'm ready to order. Thanks for the heads up! (And bummer to those for whom this did not work.)

  6. I did it, worked for me! Let's see if they'll apply my student discount too. Keep your fingers crossed!

  7. NO request to update my account either. That is weird. Oh well. I have shopped enough already. Has anyone bought the cashmere v neck cardigan? Eying but not sure which color to get.

  8. Finally, thank you J.Crew!!! This is what your constituents have been waiting for!!! Thanks for this post.

  9. It worked for me! No notice or anything but when I did a mock check out, it wiped away the shipping costs. If only I had the $2k to pay for what's in my cart. I hope I didn't waste my chance.

  10. Nope, it did not work for me.

  11. Update on Student Discount, they will apply it along with the promo. Yay! I am shocked!

  12. i thought they didnt do the student discount online anymore?

    i'm so confused.

  13. That sucks. I just ordered yesterday.

    By the way, I read that someone mentioned student does that work?

  14. Yay! I definitely took advantage...wasn't planning on spending any money at J.Crew for sure, but I was halfway asleep in bed when I got on twitter and saw the update about this. I got a swim suit and the navy ribbon tee! Thanks!

  15. it asked me to update my account, but no free shipping, even when I did a fake order and went to checkout :(

  16. Nothing for me either, but congrats to those who did receive it. I will never understand J. Crew's arbitrary discounting methods (i.e. the coupons in SOME catalogs, different prices online and in stores, different prices in different stores), so this is just another head scratcher to add to the list.. They definitely need more consistency.

  17. how does the student discount work online??

  18. This worked for me. I am not even sure which buttons I clicked to get there, but I was checking the shipping status on another order and I saw this message.

  19. Marketeer, Betsey - To get the student discount applied online, you place your order (preferably using your school email) and then email CS using your school email. Tell them your order number and that you'd like a student discount. That usually does the trick. They usually won't give student discounts on sale items or if you have other coupon codes, though. USUALLY. It doesn't hurt to ask in most cases!

  20. ARRRGH. Of course this happens the day AFTER I place an order with them!

    *yanks hair out*

  21. The message is still there this am, even though it says just for today only. I cannot shop until next week grhhh.

  22. Thanks for the tip, unfortunately it didn't work for me...but I'll keep trying :)

  23. It didn't work for me.

    OT... does J.Crew usually do their Private Sale sometime in the fall? I have my eye on a handbag, but I'm waiting...

  24. No discount for me either.

    I called JCrew to inquire (since I placed a large order yesterday) and there's no official promotion and, upon checking w/a manager, the customer service rep reported back that perhaps someone had a CrewCuts item, or that it was a glitch.

    Probably just another arbitrary promotion for JCrew . . .

  25. I emailed my PS with the information about the free shipping and the items I was after. She has emailed me that the items are ordered and shipping is free.

  26. I just logged in. No Free Shipping :(

  27. This is OT, but I received my Spy Trench coat yesterday. I had promised a quick review so...

    I am a huge fan of the double serge fabric for coats, so I was really excited about the Spy Trench when I saw it in the catalog. In person it is lovely. The color is a very pretty dusty orange and is not bright at all. The buttons and buckel are dark brown and are very nicely done. It is lined in ivory and is very well made with nice details like functional buttons on the cuffs. Unfortunately, it doesn't quite fit me right. I am 5'4" and 125 pounds and slightly bottom heavy and I think this coat would better fit someone taller and slimmer hipped than I am. The size 4 I ordered fit me just right in the shoulders and bust, but the fit is a little too long in the upper body and sleeves for me and tight through the hip. I think the fit of this is very similar to the Lady Day Coat except for the skirt being cut less a-line.

    The only design detail that I do not like are the horizontal pockets. I like pockets that I can put my hands in, so I find these to be bothersome. Also, their location and gathering below them puts fullness where I least like to have it and this detail was not flattering on me. Also, unlike my Gretas, Tuesday Trenches and Gramercy coats which are also double breasted, this coat does not hang well unbuttoned.

    This is a lovely coat and will look great on some body types.

  28. PS. It worked again for me today. Weird. Maybe you have to have a JCrew Card?

  29. Logged in, nothing. And I have a J. Crew Card, which is saved to my account. Also, I've stopped getting catalogs entirely. I even called customer service and asked to receive them, and have not seen hide nor hair of the October catalog. The closest store is an hour away, so the catalog is my lifeline for styling.

    Honestly, I've been very disappointed with them lately. I'm thinking about closing my card if they can't even send me a catalog when I ask for one.

  30. Thanks Amy.

    Miss Pants, I have a JCrew card as well, but it still didn't work for me, so I doubt that matters either...

    It's very frustrating to spend a lot of money at J.Crew each month, and not be included in some of their elusive discounts and to not even get catalogs anymore, like I don't exist. It's quite alright though, Ann Taylor and BR have done a fantastic job of woo-ing me lately.

  31. Yellow lux- I don't know if this new there is a catalog preference tab in my account, check yours to see if your mailing address is entered, mine was blank, maybe this will help you receive your catalogs.

  32. I tried it several times yesterday (Sat) and it did not work for fact, several times when I tried signing in and updating my cleared my shopping cart and I had to reload! I have a JC acct/cc , etc. Seems to be no rhyme or reason to why you get a free shipping/no min or not! Oh, well!

  33. i logged in and didn't get a coupon. : ( not sure if i would use it right now anyway....

  34. Tried it today and I got the free shipping. Many thanks again for the heads up. :)

  35. It's really frustrating that some people got this free shipping code and others didn't. I would have ordered a sweater, but I refuse to pay $12.50 in shipping fees. That's ridiculous. J.Crew just lost a sale.

  36. I tried it and it worked for me. No request to update, just logged on. There was no pop up or anything stating the offer. I would have missed it if I hadn't been aware. I didn't have to put a code in or anything it just automatically applied it.

  37. Worked for me too... just by logging in. I don't really feel like buying anything though.

  38. It worked for me last night! :) I logged in as soon as I went to the website~ before checkout. Thanks so much for posting! :)

  39. does anyone know how long the free shipping offer will stand for. i updated my account and got the perk, but don't really see anything i need right now.


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And now back to J.Crew! :)