Referencing {FAQ}

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

A Bizarre Story from the J.Crew Aficionada

I received some unsettling news last night that I wasn't sure if I should address or not. After some considerable thought, I will address it the best I can.

A reader of the JCA blog informed me that after a "Google" search of her name she found a site where she was falsely accused of being the author of the J.Crew Aficionada blog. The person who accused her not only included her last name, but the name of her employer as well. That doesn't sound so bad, but posting both pieces of information could have gotten her in serious trouble with her employer. And in this economy, to post that information with the potential to get someone fired is malicious.

The reader notified me immediately of this news and warned me to be careful. {creepy!} I mentioned this before but I prefer to stay anonymous- I never revealed myself to J.Crew, let alone to my friends. I understand the curiosity, but I don't think this act was well-intentioned... The person who falsely accused the other member of being me is from Surprise, (Maricopa County) Arizona. I believe I know who this person is, but won't reveal who to give the benefit of the doubt.

Instead, I request the following: if you do not like me and/ or the JCA blog, then by all means do not read it. There is room for all blogs who love J.Crew- and why anyone needs to go out of the way to act negatively is beyond my comprehension. After all, this is just a blog about an apparel retailer. I hate the idea that someone might be out to get me or the {wonderful} JCAs. :(

Lastly, this is a good reminder that we should all be careful when sharing personal information on this, or any, blog.

Sorry for the rambling and somewhat paranoid post ...and now back to J.Crew!

UPDATE: (9/10 at 7:15AM) The following were written this morning by "Katherine":
Katherine said...
Alexis, I was the one who added the information to the website since it is a website based off of facts. I didn’t mean any harm since it was in fact your real name and your real employer. Thought it was interesting that you work in the fashion field and thought other people may find it interesting as well. That’s all. But now I understand why you may not want everyone to know. Sincere apologies.
September 10, 2009 5:39 AM

Katherine said...
Casualcrew, the name I gave and the employer is in fact Alexis's real name and employer. I won't repeat it now since it it would be inappropriate but in my defense, I wouldn't have posted it if I didn't know it was the absolute, 100% truth. It wasn't meant to be mean-spirited, just informational. Again, sincere apologies.
September 10, 2009 6:16 AM

"Katerine" you are absolutely, 100% incorrect. I am not that person. Moreover, you falsely accused someone. By posting what you did, you could have gotten the person you did accuse in serious trouble with her employer. The act is malicious.


  1. Creepy for sure. Alexis I am so sorry to hear about this, you have built such a wonderful community, there is always someone who wants to rain on the parade. I read other blogs (not clothing related) and there has been some creepy things happening there as well. This serves as a good reminder to be careful.

  2. Ugh, how creepy! I hope whoever it is just gets bored and moves on, we don't want drama here people!

  3. Creeeeepy, Alexis! I just don't see why anyone would care that much about someone's identity...what's the bother? Hmm...well I hope nothing comes out of it!

  4. uh oh... I considered hiring a PI to find out where you live Alexis but I never falsely accused anyone of being you! LOL, joke aside, why would people even waste time on things like that? This is a fashion blog, I read it with my morning coffee to get away from "real" stuff :)

    Sorry to hear that things like this keep happening Alexis, hope you keep your chin up :)

  5. Thank you for publishing this blog. I wish you didn't have to put up with these issues, but you always seem to handle them with such integrity and class. Much love!

  6. Alexis and the other affected party, I am so sorry! What is wrong with that person?!! CREEPY. Maybe you have already thought of this but is it a stalking issue or can you DO something about it?

  7. creepy indeed! Even creepier that you might even know this person. Don't this person have anything better to do with her time?

  8. Ugh, why do people have to ruin it for others...This person has way too much time on their hands...such a shame.

    Alexis, thanks for making this blog one of the best parts of my day :)

  9. Alexis, so sorry for both of you. Disappointing that someone would be that socially inept and behave this way.

    Just another example of one of the many bad aspects of the internet.

  10. Aw, I'm sorry to hear that's going on, wow, drama on a harmless blog. Don't let it get you down. Think of it, you created a blog where people, who would never know of others that like similar clothing, can chat with each other. Sounds like a pretty nice thing!

  11. I can't believe someone would take the time to smear someone else over a blog! And they got the wrong person to boot. I'm sorry for the both of you and just feel sorry for anyone who wastes their time trying to make others feel bad about themselves.

  12. Alexis, I am so sorry that this happened to you! Thank you for sharing, and reminding us all that we should not reveal too much personal info on these blogs.... one can never be too careful when it comes to the internet, and all the crazies out there.

  13. I love this blog....I started a blog because of this blog...your blog is so fun and I check it out everyday! Please keep it going and don't let anyone scare you away.

  14. Let me guess, some blogger thinks if she smears your name all your fans will come read her blog instead lol? Not gonna happen. You have something special here Alexis.
    It's sad that some people can't bear others successes.
    And I agree with you, totally creepy

  15. How disappointing that someone would take the time to research someone and publish that information. While the Internet is a wonderful tool, it can also be dangerous. I have no idea why anyone would feel the need to publish info about someone they don't know. I hope this doesn't happen again. I appreciate all that you do for us with this blog.

  16. That is so weird and creepy. Sorry to both you and faux-you that someone did such an obviously ill intentioned thing. And if it's someone that you know, why would they do something bad to the "other" you? It is just really weird, and I hope the other person doesn't end up with problems because of this.

    I'd have considered it a compliment if someone outed me as having such a great forum, real-Alexis, you do a great job!

  17. I'm sorry you both have to deal with this crap. People need to get a life!

  18. Lordy! People are so strange. Thank you for the heads-up, and thank you VERY much for all the great work you do here on this blog ... I will admit I found you through another similar blog, but I find yours to be infinitely more interesting and with more informed members who contribute more to the daily I don't visit the other one anymore. Ah well, class and quality always win out. Chin up, girl!

  19. Alexis, I'm so sorry to hear about this bizarre situation, but I think you're handling it with your usual grace and elegance. Let's hope this is the end of it. Please don't go anywhere!!

  20. How scarry! (and weird) I hope that's the end of it! Ick!

  21. I can't believe this! What made this blog owner think that it would be okay to reveal a person's first and last name AND employer name? That is a malicious act for sure, which is sad and ridiculous. Thanks for keeping this blog alive for all the JCAs out there!

  22. Arizona is the identity theft capital of the country. It may have been as simple as someone posting false information hoping you would provide the correct informatin, which then gives them your name and employer. Didn't work, and now they're off to other things. It could be creepier than that, but it might also just be a bad attempt at drawing out your information.

  23. I just have to agree with everyone's comments...totally bizarre and unnecessary for someone to do this!

  24. CREEPY! As another blogger has mentioned, this is one of the negative aspects of the internet. This is why I abandoned by Facebook page, there are a lot of bad people out there with no life who thrive on hurting others. Sad, sad, sad.

  25. So sorry to hear this Alexis! But I really do believe that you get back in life what you put out into the world... so you do something crappy and likely it will come back at you. (or at least I like to think so...:)
    now back to stalking Jcrew!

  26. Oh, that is awful! Why do people have to be such creepers? I DON'T GET IT. :(

  27. I'm sorry you and the other JCA had to deal with this. That person needs to get a life!
    I read few weeks ago on LA Times about a woman who spoke against some group and the members of the group retaliated against her by posting her pictures, personal information, including her immediate family and employer. It gave me creeps...
    They said try to avoid using real names in facebook, blogs, etc, since with the Internet it's easy to look up stuff. Just my two cents...

  28. Wow, that is so weird and creepy! I don't understand who these people are that have so much time to obsess over the blogs of strangers?!

  29. I'd like to add that if you are a person who is thinking of maliciously and carelessly posting information about someone which turns out to be false (and sometimes even if it turns out to be true), you are exposing yourself to a lawsuit.

    Particularly if the someone you are posting about loses their job as a result, or suffers some other negative consequences.

  30. Wasn't someone sued over posting false info, and Google had to expose her/his identity?.

  31. Definitely sad that people have nothing better to do with their time. Thank you again Alexis for keeping up this are absolutely amazing! :)

  32. Alexis, I was the one who added the information to the website since it is a website based off of facts. I didn’t mean any harm since it was in fact your real name and your real employer. Thought it was interesting that you work in the fashion field and thought other people may find it interesting as well. That’s all. But now I understand why you may not want everyone to know. Sincere apologies.

  33. Katherine: Some things are best left private this is one of them, especially when facts are wrong.

  34. This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. Casualcrew, the name I gave and the employer is in fact Alexis's real name and employer. I won't repeat it now since it it would be inappropriate but in my defense, I wouldn't have posted it if I didn't know it was the absolute, 100% truth. It wasn't meant to be mean-spirited, just informational. Again, sincere apologies.

  36. Everyone: Thank you for your comments. I appreciate the kindness you have shown.

    Katherine: I am appalled if what you wrote is true- that you did that and on purpose. I am *NOT* that Alexis who works for that company. I do not, and have never, worked in the fashion industry. And you could have gotten the other member who you did accuse in serious trouble with her employer too! It was malicious.

  37. It's too bad that some people can't just appreciate your blog for what it is, respect your desire to remain anonymous and that they post false information in the process.

    (By they way, I'm not *the* Katherine :))

  38. What is the obsession with 'outing' someone who wishes to remain anonymous? It is a fashion blog, not a whistle blower for a toxic waste company. Get over it, people.

  39. Wow, this person just doesn't know when to stop.

  40. This whole incident is bizarre and creepy. I hope for the sake of everyone involved that this is the end of it.

  41. Had she only contacted you for permission before she posted a name, she would have found out that she had the wrong person!

  42. So Katherine expects you to believe she meant no harm? BS.... decent people ask for permission to post personal information. Sorry that happened to you and the other Alexis. This just crosses the line, and it's intent is ridiculously transparent.

  43. casual-crew you are correct, someone sued and google had to provide their identity. and4mynexttrick posted that on this blog a while back, with a link to the actual story. For the life of me I can't remember the blog topic that brought that up, but I do remember the post because I used the link to read the article. Unfortunately though, if Alexis wants to remain anonymous, a lawsuit won't keep her anonymity either.

  44. How creepy and just incredibly rude. People should respect your privacy and wishes to remain anonymous. As we say in my neighborhood, "we've got your back." Love the blog. You are amazing!

  45. Everyone: Again thanks for your support! You are all very nice to me. :) I also find it interesting to see that the "Katherine" has returned to the JCA blog several times today. I really do *hope* this is the end of this, as I find it all to be creepy. :(

  46. Alexis: I am very sorry! I was cyber stalked several years ago. The person would follow my every post. It was awful! I had to abandon a message board that I really enjoyed.

    Everyone needs to be careful about posting personal info or anything that can be linked.

    I also feel bad for the Katherine that posted who isn't the meaner Katherine who caused this mess.

  47. Alexis - "I also find it interesting to see that the "Katherine" has returned to the JCA blog several times today."

    Like an arsonist returning to watch the burn to get a trill!

  48. Alexis-I think you can ban her ip address right?

  49. Alexis, thanks for all that you do. Why does this cyberspace weirdness seem to happen so often? (Rhetorical question.)

    P.S. Katherine #2 maybe you should change your screen name to "Not THAT Katherine"?

  50. I am sorry to hear this story. Please don't give in to those people who bother your wonderful blog. I hope this won't happen again.

    Alexis, I appreciate all your efforts and thank you for posting this to remind us to be careful!

  51. Alexis- thank you for starting and keeping such an amazing blog!!! There are things in life we have no control of, so please, just ignore the un-justice and carry on with a high head. "Katherine" will get to experience the consequences of her {stupid} actions one day, karma is a funny thing, you know.:)))
    Much love and happy thoughts for you!!!!


Dear J.Crew Aficionadas & Aficionados: Please feel free (and encouraged) to share your thoughts and opinions. :) However, please note that this is still a personal blog. So comments that are considered inappropriate (e.g. obscene, racist, homophobic, personal attacks, rude, and just plain mean) will be removed.

And now back to J.Crew! :)