Referencing {FAQ}

Friday, June 5, 2009

Mini Note To All Aficionadas & Aficionados

I just wanted to write a quick note to let you know that for the next week, I will be on vacation (to... Paris)!

I promise to do my best in keeping up with the blog. However, I am sure there will be instances I won't be able to stay "on top" of news, promotions, comments, and emails.

I have already "set to go", the Great Weekly Exchange posts for Monday and the Seek and Find post for Friday. I will also have a post each day for "current happenings"- so we can still share the latest J.Crew news and promos with each other.

I truly appreciate everyone's contribution with the blog. I know I have mentioned this multiple times, but you all are the reason why this blog is so wonderful and informative. My hope is that you will continue to participate. Again, I promise to do my best to keep up with the blog in a timely manner and apologize for the instances I am not able to.

And now back to J.Crew!

P.S. As a little treat, here's the video of J.Crew's Paris catalog shoot back in Fall 2007- one of their best catalogs, ever. So lovely! {sigh}


  1. I was going to say that you should open up your blog to some "guest bloggers" while you're away and I'd be stoked to do that but then you'd come back to a blog with about 234973284732 pictures of chihuahuas and maybe one post about J. Crew. I'd try to work some J. Crew in, you know, like what I would dress Daniel Craig in from the J. Crew men's line for summer.



  2. Wow, Paris - have fun Alexis!! You deserve a fabulous vacation :)

  3. Alexis: Wow! - it must be a lot of fun just to think about what to wear in Paris:) I wish you a safe trip and wonderful vacation. Bon voyage!!

  4. Alexis, have a great trip!!!! :)

    Chloe-Chihuhuas are out and yorkies are taking over! Fact.

  5. A recent study has concluded that Paris is the rudest city in Europe. :-) Be on the look out.

    And uh, enjoy your stay.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Jeff, you are so right! People in Paris are rude- for the most part- but I do have one great friend there:). I did not enjoy my time there when I was living in various European cities for work over a three year period.

  8. Alexis, I'm so very excited for you to enjoy your Parisian vacation. From my point of view, it is very much deserved :)

  9. Have an incredible time and savor every minute.

  10. Have a wonderful trip! My goal is to visit for my 40th b-day (which isn't too many years away).

    And, thanks for all you do on this blog.

  11. Lucky you! Have a great time! :)

  12. That's awesome! I just got back and had such a wonderful time. BTW it is rather hot there, it was in the high 80s and I got to wear all of my knit summer dresses :) It's so funny because being in another country, I still saw so much J. Crew everyday!
    Enjoy your vacation, you deserve it!

  13. Have a great trip Alexis! Please consider sharing some pictures when you get back :)

  14. Have an incredible vacation, Alexis! Enjoy yourself to the fullest!

  15. Thanks for posting that video, it was fabulous! Have a wonderful time in Paris!

  16. à tout à l'heure! I hope you have time to hit some of the fabulous Parisian boutiques. :)

  17. Good for you!!! I am sure with all the J. Crew centered blogs that are out there that most of the news should be covered...admittedly not as quickly or with such a wide audience, but maybe enough so that you don't have to feel compelled to open your computer (unless you really want to). :)

    You deserve an amazing vacation. Paris is so beautiful and what a time of year for you to go!

  18. How exciting Alexis! You are very lucky! :) Have fun and enjoy taking some time off.

  19. have a fabulous time alexis! i know you will enjoy shopping and eating there!!

  20. Ooh la la! Très fabuleux!

    You are so lucky, I envy you! Have a marvelous trip and do lots of shopping for all of us. Thanks for the lovely J.Crew blast from the past - it was the best of times...

    Bon voyage!

  21. Alexis, have a wonderful and safe vacation in Paris! Enjoy yourself, and the fashion! :-)

  22. Have a wonderful trip, Alexis!

  23. Have a great trip! Hope you'll do some international promoting of your blog while you're over there.

    You can be J Crew's goodwill ambassador to the Parisians :)


  24. Maybe you will run into the Obama family.....,,20283491,00.html

  25. OMG Alexis, have a blast! You don't want to be online when you are in Paris - make sure to get out and experience that lovely city. If you like steak try l'entrecote at the Porte Maillot stop. ohhhhh I want to go back! : ) so excited for you!

  26. Hope you enjoy your fabulous vacation!! Don't worry about us, we'll eke out our JCA existence for a little bit without you. :)

  27. Bon voyage, Alexis! Have a wonderful time in beautiful Paris. It's been over 15 years since my last visit to Paris. I am pea green with envy. Thanks again for your excellent blog, which continues to be a great source of information and a lot of fun!

  28. Hey Alexis!! That's great!!!

    Have a wonderful time. As a very-near-future Parisian visitor myself, I'd love some tourist fashion advice!

    Maybe a subject to unleash on the blog? What to wear (as a tourist) in Europe this summer?

    And thanks for the video, too. You can see the model step from her real shoes into the strappy heels for the shoot.

  29. Bonjour Paris!

    Alexis, I'm so happy to hear that you have a little trip to the city of light planned! I bet you've been watching "Funny Face", "Charade", "Paris" & all the great films set in that beautiful city.

    It you have time, may I suggest:

    A day trip to Giverny - Monet's beautiful gardens really shine in spring & summer... It would be grand to pair that w. a visit to Musée de l'Orangerie, where you can be (literally) surrounded by his masterworks.

    A visit to the Musee Rodin includes a beautiful old chateau & sculpture garden.

    To see a large collection of Impressionist works, take a trip to the Musse d'Orsay (which used to be a train depot). If you go, start at the top floor & work down for the best experience.

    I would recommend any of the above Museums over the Louvre... It's collection is sooo huge that one needs 3+ days to see it without being overwhelmed :}

    Also, I found the Basilique du Sacré-Cœur an inspiring monument with beautiful views of the city. Although, like le Tour Eiffel, there are a lot of stairs! Those cute jcrew ballet flats should serve you well.

    Lastly, a cruise along the Seine either during the day or illuminated at night is a memorable & romantic treat.

    Like JKW, it's been ages since I've been there.... Please have a glass of champagne & a chocolate crepe for me!

    á votre santé!


  30. enjoy those french baguettes alexis! (and the fashion of course) :)

  31. Okay, everyone...this comment only sort of links to this topic but I felt like "Paris catalog...Alexis going to works." The double-strand frog clasp necklace from pg. 15 in that catalog (yeh, I know the page numbers) is for sale on ebay. My latest post on my blog has a link to it...

    Just thought some of you may want to know!

  32. Enjoy your vacation, Alexis. You should do a spread of yourself sporting JCrew against various Parisian backdrops...your own personal catalogue spread:)

    Just Kidding!

    What you should really do is just relax and have a great (and safe) time! Hope you can share some pics with us, upon your return.

  33. Have a wonderful and well-deserved vacay!!!

  34. Oh my gosh, have fun in Paris! I'm so jealous! You should bring the Paris catalog along and recreate some of the shots in it. ^__^ Then it'd really be like J.Crew abroad, haha! But really, have fun!!!

  35. Alexis, enjoy the trip; Paris is on my list of must see cities. The change of scenery will refresh and renew you. Most likely you'll even have some fresh ideas for wardrobe and possibly the blog. Have a great time.

  36. So glad for you. Have a WONDERFUL trip!

  37. C'est merveilleux! Have a fab time. There's so much to love - the art history, the architecture, the gardens, the boutiques and the macarons!

  38. Bring a light jacket! It's gray and cold today in Paris, rained (so maybe not any cute silk J. Crew flats)-- complete 180 from last week's stifling humidity.

    As for rudeness-- well. There are rude people everywhere.

    Have fun, Alexis! :)

  39. Have a fab time in Paris. I just returned yesterday! The weather was chilly, then hot, then mild. So, be prepared for all climates. Also, those cobblestone streets and sidewalks dog your shoes. I kept my killer heels safe in my suitcase, unless we were going to dinner very close to the hotel. I rocked tons of j. crew. My cardigans, city caprees, t-shirts and, bermuda shorts came in very handy on my trip. And one fab jc tank dress from last season.

    most of the french people were really nice, actually. although, we did encounter some snobs along the way. Hee.

  40. ITA with Heather on the recommendations for Giverny, Musee D'Orsay and Sacre Cour. Those three were my favs. The train and metro systems make getting around town really easy.

    And if you get a chance, try Chez Andre, 12 rue Marbeuf for awesome French eats. And the service there was terrific.

  41. Hi again,

    Thanks for the props Jersey09!

    I'm hoping to (someday) try out the place you recommended.

    Hmmm... I can hear it now: "But deeeaarest, I hear Chez Andre is great!"

    Well, I guess it couldn't hurt to try :}

    Thanks again & safe trip Alexis!


  42. Have an absolutely wonderful time, Alexis! You will LOVE Paris. Eat a crepe for me!

  43. Everyone: Thank you so much for your well wishes! I had a good time and plan to create a post about it & some of the trends I saw. :)

    Chloe: You are a riot!!! LOL! Chihuahua posts! ;)

    SanFranciscoCA: Your follow up comment to Chloe was hysterical too! Fact. ;)

    Heather:D & Jersey09: I definitely visited those places you suggested. It's such a great city! ;)


Dear J.Crew Aficionadas & Aficionados: Please feel free (and encouraged) to share your thoughts and opinions. :) However, please note that this is still a personal blog. So comments that are considered inappropriate (e.g. obscene, racist, homophobic, personal attacks, rude, and just plain mean) will be removed.

And now back to J.Crew! :)