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Tuesday, May 26, 2009

J.Crew Email: We've gone to great lengths...

A big "thanks!" to Marietta & Danielle who shared with us J.Crew's latest email. The email features the Ikat Halter Dress (Item 15197 ; $225.00) in "warm maize".

I have to say that I like the style of the dress, which reminds me of the Linen Halter Dress (Item 15198; $115.00). However, I am not a big fan of the print. I am not sure if the print would be overwhelming on the regular consumer, like myself. Too bad the Ikat Halter Dress is not offered in solid colors as well.

P.S. I think J.Crew forgot to edit (crop out) the mark (the red "T" indicating where the model should stand) in the email image above. ;)

P.S.S. Incidentally, this print is also available as a skirt, the Ochre Ikat Skirt (Item 16062, $88.00) to be exact. If interested, there are some {great!} reviews of this skirt by LizPoms (click here) and JTS (click here).

What are your thoughts on the Ikat Halter Dress? Do you like or dislike the style? Have you seen this dress in person? If so, please share with us your thoughts! :)

Quick Poll: Do you like the Ikat Halter Dress?


  1. I've seen this mentioned on some other blogs, but I don't think J.Crew forgot to Photoshop out the mark on the floor - it's in MANY pictures in their catalog, and many of the models are holding rolls of colored tape (that you would use to make the mark). Not sure where they were going with that concept, but I don't think it's an oversight.

  2. I am not a fan of yellow so would have to pass on this dress. It is quite a lot of print for the average gal to pull off and the maxi can be challenging enough as it is for those who aren't taller than average.

    Alexis, there are a few instances of the tape on the floor in the latest catalog and the models are holding rolls of tape in some pix so I think that showing the tape on the floor is intentional. Maybe to give the feel of being right there, part of the shoot. JMHO.

  3. JTS & CaptainCrew: I guess I never noticed the "mark" being so visible in ads before. Like JTS mentioned, I am not sure what the concept is behind that, but it is interesting. ;) Thanks for sharing!!! :)

  4. Like the others above have said, most of the pictures in the new catalog have the tape marks and/or rolls of tape held by the models. Though, it does look out of place in the email picture without the context of the other pictures. I liked the print until I read on another person's blog that they thought the placement of the pattern drew too much attention to a certain region. I can't get that out of my head now because it's so true. Yeah... no thanks.

  5. i actually really like the's fun and unique. but i would like it more in the skirt version. i think perhaps the dress version is just too much. i am seriously considering getting the ochre skirt to pair with a nice solid color top :)

  6. I really like the print and considered getting it in the Navy, but in the end my good sense got the better of me. It would be hard to pull off and potentially could be a very unflattering look, not to mention the $225 price tag. BUT I did purchase the IKAT print cardigan sweater- it must be a store only item, and is very cute.

  7. Well, I DID like it...that is until it sold out in my :( Oh well, it's a really pretty dress, if you want it, order it because it's going fast! :)

  8. Ginger Snap the dress is available in all sizes in both colors online. I have my doubts this dress will sell out at full price.

  9. Yes, the red tape is a motif throughout the new catalog. You can see it on the suiting page, the page sharing Jenna's picks, etc.

  10. Ginger Snap and Susan, my mistake. Being 5'10" I tend to forget about the petites. Doh!

  11. I thought the red tape was a mess-up too! Someone commented on my blog ( that it was a motif - I went back and looked and some of the models are even holding rolls of red tape! I didn't even notice :)

  12. Love this print and this dress. I am considering purchasing it.
    I am only 5'5" and I didn't think a long dress would look good on me, but I have another dress this same style and its actually quite flattering!

  13. Lauren - not sure if you read my review, but that was my issue with this skirt - hello, here are my lady bits, thanks, please look at them!

  14. I'll take a pass on this dress. I prefer to show off my tanned and toned legs in the summer. Unless the occasion is formal, of course.

    Nice seasonal print and if the skirt came in a different color I might bite. Although it looks to be unlined so, meh.

  15. I adore this dress and absolutely flipped when I first saw it!

    What are the chances it will stick around to sale time?

  16. JTS - yes! it was your blog. At first I thought maybe it was just the particular skirt you had on so I checked out the website but no... you were right. it's almost like a target. I must say though, I do love the ikat cotton-silk perfect shirt paired with some navy shorts - i keep telling my happy hands to not hit the checkout button on the website (or enter the local b&m's).

  17. I ordered one on the red phone last week. It should be getting delivered tomorrow; I'll post my thoughts on it. I'm 5'5"ish and I'm a tad worried it will be too long on me. The last thing I want is for it to drag on the ground! I bought the petite size, as it was 2" shorter. Hopefully, that will do the trick!

  18. I always like that style of dress on other people but that molded/ seamed bustline NEVER fits on me. I keep getting tempted by the linen halter Alexis mentioned, but I know it's never to be. This ikat print isn't doing it for me, even if the dress style was different. This is another thing that I think looks nice on others, but reminds me too much of Banana.

    As far as the tape effects, I noticed alot of the behind the scenes "exposed" things in the crewcuts shoot from the previous catalog. (Or maybe a few ago, I don't really remember.) It was kind of cute, and the props were maybe drawn onto the walls or something? Kind of neat stylistically, it was the next best thing to shooting against a plain white wall to showcase the clothes. I think that and the tape thing are pretty fun, but maybe a bit too editorial for JC?

  19. I ordered several jc dresses yesterday and wanted to try this one as well. They are sold out of the yellow in P0 and P2 though. :( I don't like the navy at all.

    Looking forward to some reviews on this one!

  20. Hi ladies! Speaking of maxi dresses, I need some advice!! So I got the dressy jersey grecian long dress, and I need to hem it a little since it's cut for all you tall ladies! But the question is whether to hem it for flip flops or espadrilles with a heel (specifically the lucaya espadrilles from last year) -- I'm 5'5 so I could use the extra height of the heel, especially with such a long dress, but I also want it to look casual, so maybe it would be better to wear it with flip flops? What do you all think??? Thanks in advance!!

  21. IF this dress came in Tall sizes i'd be all over it! though I think it'd just hit at an awkward length if i bought it ina regualt length...

  22. Lauren - Haha, that was my thought, too! I must have triple checked the website to make sure I didn't just get a weird cut of the pattern, but sadly, no :(

  23. Basically a mumu with a fitted bust. Fug, even on the model. Why anyone would want something so voluminous and shapeless is beyond me. Unless you're trying to hide some serious junk in the trunk or down in front this would not be flattering.

  24. I just received the dress- I purchased it in the P12, navy. At 5'5", the petite length is perfect for me. It skims (not drags) the floor, so it can be worn with either heels or flats. I really love the print. It's not overwhelming at all. It's 100% cotton and fully lined, so it hangs nicely, with no "poofing" in the front or rear. It also has a flattering empire waist w/ a side hidden zipper. All this being said, I'm not sure if it's a keeper. I have a large bust (d cup), and the cut, as it is a halter, is not very supportive. If I were to keep it, I would consider taking it to a tailor and having them alter the neck ties into shoulder straps. This seems like it could be easily done for a nominal cost. Also, I would have the tailor stitch the front a bit to minimize the cleavage exposure. I'm waffling, so I'm going to give it a day or two before I decide. Since it is so pricey, I feel as if I should really love everything about it to keep it!

  25. ^ and to address "Anony"'s comment, it's not at all voluminous or shapeless. It fits closer to the body, IMO.

  26. Alee: What about using fabric tape to fold up the dress when you are wearing flats? This way you don't have to lose any fabric. I have used it for jeans and it works out great. :)

    JBird: Congrats on the purchase!!! I love that it is 100% cotton- so much easier to deal with (as oppose to linen, where wrinkles are a major factor). :)

  27. I tried this on at the Collection store. I'm 5'3'' and would have had to cut off 5 inches from the bottom of the dress for it to simply graze the floor. That being said, the top half fit perfectly.

    One thing I noticed was how scalloped the neckline actually looked on the body; the way the halter straps come rounded out of the dress add to this. I was expecting it to be much like the halter embossed dresses from a few seasons ago, but it was completely different.

    For someone who typically sticks to neutrals, it took a lot of coaxing for me to try this on. I'm glad I did; the bold yellow print was not as horrifying as I thought it'd be on my olive skin.

    I should mention that I also tried on the silk dupioni rosette dress, and that between the two, the ikat halter dress made me look taller and slimmer.

  28. I received both (yes, both) the blue and yellow yesterday because I couldn't decide which color to go with. I am obsessed with all things navy, but was intrigued by the yellow.
    I am 5'9" and the dress skims the floor in bare feet. Overall, I was surprised by how much I liked the fit - it is not billowy, but not binding either - actually flattering! The fabric feels wonderful. However... I'm not sure I LOVE the ikat print and I need to LOVE it to keep it. There are so many awesome maxi/patio dresses out there right now, if I am going to spend this much on it... I need to LOVE it. As far as color, I am leaning towards the navy color. Like previous posters, I decided to wait a few days and try them on again and see how I feel. Just not sure which one I will keep, if either.

  29. Alexis -- thanks for the tip, I'll give it a try!!


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And now back to J.Crew! :)