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Wednesday, May 27, 2009

J.Crew Dress "Spotted" In InStyle Magazine ;)

A big "thanks!" to annegav & Marietta (in this post) who let us know about one of J.Crew's new arrivals being featured in the latest issue of In-Style magazine. "Thanks!" also to Marietta who also scanned the image for us to view! (Click on the image itself or here to see it larger.)

The J.Crew item is a pleated cotton tank dress and retails for $148. It comes with a cute matching, white with black dots, belt. This is a new item, yet to be released online and is probably an "upcoming Summer" item.

I love the dress- from the style to the pattern to the length (which appears knee-length) of this dress! I can't wait to see it in person! :)

What are your thoughts on the new J.Crew dress (e.g. do you like/ dislike the pattern)? Do you like belted dresses in general? What is your preferred length for dresses? :)


  1. Not a bad frock at all. Good length, decent print, and best of all- bra strap friendly! Well played, JC!

    OT: Did anyone else see the "how to wear shorts" feature from Jenna Lyons in the new Allure? Now that I've seen that pic of her rocking those formal shorts plus tights, I will be taking her advice with a grain of salt!

  2. I love the dress in the photo but reserve judgement until I see/try on. However, I have to say, for someone with figure flaws below the waist, this would appear to be a dress I would gravitate towards. I love the cinched waist, full skirt. Great potential to be a fun, fun party dress for summer. I am enthusiastic!!

  3. the dress is cute but your title of this post is way cuter!

  4. CheesyGoodness: I loved the last line "well played, JC!" too funny! ;)

    Annegav: I am with you in that I should wait to judge until I see it. But so far it looks like my kind of dress (e.g. can hid my hips well!) :)

    Sharon: "Yey!" for noticing the title of the post!!! I am happy you saw it. ;)

  5. Very cute dress. Navy and white...timeless.

  6. I am really liking this dress. I think this would be great for upcoming events this summer. This is definitely one I'll be keeping my eye out for. Thanks for sharing.

  7. LOVE it!! Wish I would have had it for my graduation last weekend. :)

  8. that dress is so cute! i aggree with annegav.... cant fully give my verdict until i try it on!

  9. Wow, back to the 50's poodle skirts with this one or what? A flattering style for some, I guess. I'm in my early 20's and working on my IDEA certification so would take a pass on this dress for sure. All my hard work is going to be shown off this summer.

    I guess this could be pretty on some, but my BF would LOL if I wore this, having set completely different standards.

    Like the Ikat dress, I just don't understand why people would want to wear the tent-ish dresses.

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  12. The dress is not my style, but the print is kind of cute. If I can get the image of Cruella de Ville out of my mind. ;-)

    Thanks for sharing!

  13. OT - saw a story in the news about charging for tweets. Gee, who didn't see that coming. :P

    I think it was very shrewd of Jcrew, among others, to adopt a "wait and see" approach to twitter. After all, who would provide a free service? There is always a financial angle somewhere...

  14. I love the dress and am very curious to see it IRL later this summer. But I have to admit, like Captain Crew, I find myself drawn to the Cruella De Ville thoughts and would probably be humming the Selena Gomez version to myself were I to actually purchase.

  15. The dress looks cute. But, um...reminds me of something Banana Republic might offer. We'll see what we think when it arrives. I love the style, though.

  16. The dress is my style but not the print. Wish it came in other prints or a solid.......

  17. Gigiofca -- I agree, very BR.

    I do like the style, but the pattern does nothing for me.

  18. Cute dress. Looking forward to trying it on.

  19. "Wow, back to the 50's poodle skirts with this one or what? A flattering style for some, I guess. I'm in my early 20's and working on my IDEA certification so would take a pass on this dress for sure. All my hard work is going to be shown off this summer.I guess this could be pretty on some, but my BF would LOL if I wore this, having set completely different standards.

    Like the Ikat dress, I just don't understand why people would want to wear the tent-ish dresses.".

    How is this dress tent-ish? It has a belt. And it's hardly a "poodle skirt". You might want to brush up on your fashion history.

    I'm glad J.Crew offers a variety of silhouettes to its customers. We're all different: tall, petite, curvy, slender. We're not all "in our early 20s" and focusing on becoming a personal trainer. I hope you didn't intend for your remark to come off as ageist and size-ist as it did, but I found it obnoxious. Yes, you made it abundantly clear in your comment: you're very fit and skinny and young. Good for you.

    I read and adore this blog because I love and only wear J.Crew; I do not read it to hear about how your bf will laugh at you because you've set such "standards" that a perfectly feminine dress which would suit a body type different from yours would elicit derision. Now who wants to get back on topic, and ponder ideal dress lengths, to-belt-or-not-to-belt and whether patterns are pretty? *raises hand*

  20. Hello ladies, I'm wondering if any of you know what magazine recently published contains a 20% OFF J Crew Coupon. I know someone who has such a coupon but she cannot remember what magazine she found it in. Any idea?


Dear J.Crew Aficionadas & Aficionados: Please feel free (and encouraged) to share your thoughts and opinions. :) However, please note that this is still a personal blog. So comments that are considered inappropriate (e.g. obscene, racist, homophobic, personal attacks, rude, and just plain mean) will be removed.

And now back to J.Crew! :)