Referencing {FAQ}

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Do You Know Your J.Crew Vocab?

GigiofCa (check out her great blog: Gigi's Gone Shopping) has one of *the best* J.Crew posts I have seen. What is it about? J.Crew-centric vocabulary.

The following is a portion of the words she has listed over at her blog (click here to read the "Crewlang - The Vocab List" post in its entirety):
Crewlang—The Vocab List:
The vocab list is skewed to J Crew, of course.....

B&M –brick & mortar store as opposed to online.

–Pretty much self explanatory but we’ll use it in a sentence: “Me no likey at all...the price is crewazy!!!!!” (Patina Cabochon)

Should be clear, but here is a sentence: "What's your crewfit today?" (Donna)

This may be the most serious of them all. The mixer of vaporous crewlade batches is unknown. Is it the marketing & graphic design departments of J Crew? PR? Is it…is it…us? --*gasp* -- the bloggers and blog visitors who incessantly discuss the merch to the point of memorization? FYI, inhalers rarely have control over this stuff. Do your best not to hit it too hard. It's dangerous! You usually don't come down until you get back home or the credit card bill arrives.

"I had to do some returns the other day, and just kept whispering my breath, as I stared lustfully at the Chandelier Necklace, "Don't drink the Crewlade! Don't drink the Crewlade!"
(Katy O.)

Crewlade causes a temporary high, lapse in judgment and creates a kaleidoscope effect where 95% of the J Crew merchandise looks good. When under the influence it all looks good on you. Yes you need that atomic necklace. Isn’t it pretty? Can’t you see it with the glazed pecan card? Ooooohh yeaaahhh and hey…it’s on sale!

–When you know more about the item than the SA. (HeidiG)

A feeling you have after regretting a purchase. (Emily)

–You reach into your mailbox. It’s not a flyer. It's not a bill. It's a beautiful little envelope from J Crew containing a discount coupon card. Known to cause haterade (see below) in those that don’t receive these rare, random goodies. The April 2009 25% crewpon was also known as the Mickey card.

When you have to make a serious effort to search for a specific J Crew item, often further galvanized by a crew-less SA or two. (HeidiG)

When you use an upcoming vacation as justification for spending way too much money at J Crew. (HeidiG)

This can be a legitimately planned trip, a visit to make an exchange (yeah, right) or a drive by (you have no business being there). "I went crewsin through my local jcrew." (Patina Cabochon)

Uncrewsual punishment
When an item you have been stalking online suddenly sells out and you get the dreaded red message! (GingerSnap)

Faux Rent
When you love an item, but don’t necessarily want to own it. Or at least figure you won’t wear it enough to warrant a purchase. The alternative is to visit it in b&m while it’s in stock.

JCA1 –What did you do today?
JCA2 –Oh, I stopped by J.Crew to see the gallery hobo. It’s still faux rent at Westfield Centre.

Final Sale. J.Crew is one of the few retailers still torturing customers with this practice.

J.Crew Aficionada, visit Alexis's blog here.

(Jhay-croo-lay) –J.Crew Factory Store. Sounds suuuper fancy, like Tarjay. We all know the merch is hit or miss. Boo.

–Items on J Crew’s website that randomly show up in the sale section. You thought you missed out, but LOOK! There’s your size. Right now. Good luck. (*snickers*) Now...let’s use it in a sentence. At least that's a sure thing.

*gasps* How did you find a golden roses jacket?
Girl, it was a popback. I am so lucky! Hope it ships!

Ride along
–Wikipedia: "an arrangement for a civilian to spend a shift in the passenger seat of a police car, observing the work day of a police officer." Same idea, revised for retail --> An arrangement for a questionable item to spend time in the shipping box of an online order, in order to qualify for an online promo. The purchaser is most certain that she is likely return this item, only to find – upon receipt – that it is one of the best in the box. Surprise!
The definitions are so spot-on. I love, love, love reading them all-- especially since I have used many of them in my conversations about shopping before. All I can say is "Bravo!" to GigiOfCa and all the other JCA's who came up with such a fantastic list of J.Crew-centric terms!!! :)

Have you used these J.Crew-centric terms with non-JCAs before? Are there any terms not included in the list that you use often, when discussing JCrew related shopping? :)


  1. i loove this.. soo funny!!!!


    JCrew items are absolutely CREWLICIOUS but the company's discount policy is CREWKED (as in=not straight) and the CREWALITY is sometimes questionable.

    haha LOVE this new CREWCAB (crew vocab), I just hope we don't end up implementing it into our everyday speech (I'm the only JCrew fan in my surroundings!)

  3. Love it! I used "B&M" before with non-JCAs, and they were confused. I think I also let "JCA" slip once in an email, and I had to explain that one too. Isn't it amazing how we have our own lingo? XD

  4. Good morning Ladies!

    B.: I agree its funny. They did an incredible job coming up with the list! :)

    SanFranciscoCA: "Crew La Vie" - love it!!! I will use that too! :)

    Toast: I slip up with the crewcab terms to "crew-bies" all the time too! I agree with you that its amazing that there is now our own little lingo. Again, loves it! :)

  5. Awesome! :) Ride along is my fave. Great post. :)

  6. Finally I know a SECOND language!

    These are so funny! It's bad though because I catch myself using them in non-blog world...and...well, the looks I get aren't pretty... ha :)

  7. It's a cute list. Gigi's blog is very entertaining, the gal is pretty witty and I was glad to see her return to her blog this winter.

    Credit where it's due though, B&M is a term that has been used in financial articles for a few years now and didn't start with J.Crew. I read someone else use the term Crewlade on another blog last summer/fall and I believe Ridealong was also used by someone else on this blog months ago, but that may have been Gigi herself.

    Nothing wrong with posting the list but there's no mention that they are not all original. Maybe that is implied, but I don't see it.

  8. My husband even got a kick out of her post!

  9. Crewlade and Crewsade are my fave. My bf and I talk about going on "'Crewses" or a "JCrewse" (similar to Crewsin')-- visiting JCrew stores. :D

  10. OT--

    My slub cotton silk Melody dress arrived yesterday. A few posters had positive things to say about it on here, which convinced me to try it-- and I'm glad I did! It is very flattering, fits great, and I love the color (citron). This is going to be my go-to dress for summer. So, thanks for the reviews!

  11. Gigi is so fab, isn't she? I am going CREWsin' later this morning...

  12. Every sport,hobby and profession has it's own special little language; funny to read these and see which ones were new to me. I must be a real rookie I only knew a few.

  13. tee hee! I love this! Thanks, Gigi! :)

    Tastymoog: So glad you love the Melody dress! Isn't that citron color GORGEOUS?! That's the color I bought too. it's such a beautiful, saturated color...perfect for summer.

  14. Unfortunately I've had to use "JsCrewed" too often: When you're sent the wrong item or size, or the correct item was left out of your order altogether, and when you try to place a new order for the coveted item and it's out of stock, you are... JsCrewed.

  15. Can anyone give advice on the soft tee cardi? I'm thinking it will be cute with shorts and a tee or tank if it's not too hot or in the ac. However, the michelle and sorbet striped cardis didn't work well for me. Too long. Michelle looked ok unbuttoned but not good with even one or two buttons done. Too long. Is the tee cardi going to give me the same problems or should I not be trying to button it? Thanks

    Love the vocab. Hilarious.

  16. *lol*

    I LOVED waking up to this post. Thanks so much, ladies. I will read thru this thread later and update the list. I really appreciate Jscrewed. Just this morning I was thinking of how we can effectively describe feeilng screwed by J Crew. We REALLY need a word for that, so thanks! I'm so excited to update this later!

    Baybaybay - I put a couple terms in there that ppl should already know if they've ever been online. I *had* to add b&m. That question is asked at least a couple times a week. Not nesc on my blog, but I still see ppl asking here on b&m. Also, there are many worldwide readers who use blogs to learn English so I was thinking of them as well.

    Thanks, Alexis! And all you lovely glaydies!


    -- just woke up...hope this post makes sense --

  17. Guilty as charged! Gigi - I couldn't stop laughing out loud! Good thing no one else is here - they already think I'm nuts:). I'm so high on the Crewlade (that's my fave), I've started to plan my schedule around Crewsin. BTW - I live for Popbacks.

    Alexis, thanks for posting!

  18. What a fun article - thanks Alexis and Gigiofca. I use some of the terms, but will probably end up adopting many more, just by osmosis or crewlade :)

    OT, but if anyone's interested in any of the Super 150's suiting pants, I caved a bought a pair - the birdseye in chocolate. Here's a quick & dirty review:

    The fabric is beautiful, if somewhat thin, but very fine and lightweight, and probably best for warmer weather because they're unlined (at least the ones I ordered).

    The cut is very fitted through the hip and thigh, so if you're quite curvy, you should definitely size up, or you'll get that "ice cream cone" effect, where your hips and thighs will be the first thing noticed.

    The craftsmanship is solid - pretty much what you would expect of most JCrew suiting pants, with a reinforced and subtly embellished waist band, zip fly with button tab, back welt pockets and side slant pockets, etc.

    All in all, this is a very nice trouser, and best suited to warm weather.

    However, if you are looking for a four-season option, the stretch wool and wool gabardine suiting offer better value for money. I am debating whether or not I will keep these trousers.

    I think the 150's fabric may suit my curvy figure better in an a-line or bias-cut skirt than it does in trousers.

    Anyhow, I hope that helps.

  19. Thanks Alexis & Gigi,

    This thread brightened by day!

    Let's see, here's a few others from hereabouts:

    Motley Crew - My sweater drawer :} Alternatively, the pile o boxes that sometimes accumulates on the porch

    Goin' on a Jaques Crewsteau voyage, seeking the colorful & elusive sale Jackie Cardigan

    Putting on my Inspector Crewseau hat for using the search field to find hidden sales


    Leaving w. Indiana Jones on a Crewsade to find wonderful things (i.e. Sat afternoon spent at the local B&M)

    Sigh, if only - Harrison was pretty hot back then... I bet we could find loads great stuff to go w. the hat.

    Thanks again for the laughs. As always, love both of your blogs,


  20. @crewcrazy - the soft tee cardi runs big, and is really long, and looks sloppy, IMO. I did a quick review of it on my blog (here). If the Michelle & Sorbet cardis didn't work well for you, then I don't think this one will either, unfortunately. :(

  21. Tastymoog,

    So glad you like your melody dress! Congrats :)

  22. I loved this! Funny and so true!

  23. Love this! My husband thinks I'm insane b/c I check this and other shopping/style blogs so frequently.

    Totally OT, but has anyone tried on/bought the Augusta peep toes? They're on sale and I think they'd be perfect for a wedding I'm going to in August. Their peep-toe shoes seem to be the only ones that work for me.

  24. JTS - Thanks so much for the review. I really appreciated the dressing room shots. The michelle cardi's looked similar on me. I'm going to have to pass on the soft tee. My checkbook and I thank you.

  25. Love, love, love it! Gigi is hilarious.

    I'm sure my fellow JCA's agree with me that it is CREWEL when the sale section of the website hasn't been updated. It can make you feel like you missed your JCRACK fix for the day.

  26. Hello again,

    On a (somewhat) related note...

    Don't you love it when you're talking to a friend, aficionada or JC SA & they get it? For example, I just bought a dress for a grad ceremony & the SA & I started comparing the differences between the dresses. Anyone else hearing me say; "Well I love Edie, but Sydney has a bigger bust" might wonder why I'm judging people based on measurements alone ;}

    I seem to be on a summer dress crewsade :}

    Yesterday I picked up an Edie & a Lattice dress. Today I snapped up another Jayne & a Claudine to brighten my work day.

    BTW don't you love how so many dresses have women's names? Once I went w. a friend to a specialty bridal shop that also named their styles. Apparently, the dress would be named after the bride it was originally designed for. The best part was how well they matched. For example, Emily had embroidered Irish linen in a Empire style & Claudia had gorgeous silk in a long strapless column. They were all so pretty & inspiring!

    Anyone out there share a name w. a Jcrew item? Maybe that could be a topic -- Which are your favourite names / dresses & for what occasion?

    Then again, maybe I drank too much Crewlade :}



  27. Hilarious! (and informative!) Thanks!

  28. Fashionista and Heather - I'm right there with ya!

  29. This post is one of my favorites ever, Crewlade that is priceless!!

  30. that was hilarious! i totally relate to the Crewsewear and Crewsin! guilty as..."can I charge that on my JCrew Card?"


  31. Hi, Lauren H - I purchased the Augusta peep toes and really like them. I had to exchange them for a half size smaller size, though. I typically wear a J. Crew 9 and needed an 8 1/2. Also, the slingback strap likes to slip down on me, but if that isn't an issue for you with slingbacks you'd probably be fine. The leather is ultra soft. A bit of shoddy craftsmanship on the bow detail, IMO, but only when you look closely. Overall, a pretty pair. :)

  32. Thanks 3 Penny Princess,

    BTW I love your icon :}


  33. JWho? -- Your friend or family member who asks you where you got what you are wearing, but has never heard of JCrew.

  34. Gigi - entertaining as always. Fun post!

  35. Okay - you gladies are SO funny - Crewfit, popback and ridealong are my faves - I couldn't resist throwing out a few more terms for consideration...

    CREWTIQUE: A product review - as in "Did you see the Crewtique of the Corsage Tee on Gigi's blog?"

    CREWCANDY: The little irrisitible things in the bins at the register like bobbypins - as in "I found a Coronation Cuff marked down to $39.99 where they usually put the Crewcandy!"

    CREWBATE: Promotional pricing - which is not the same as a sale price and does not entitle you to a price adjustment as in:

    Eager JCA: "Hi, I bought this skirt yesterday for FP and now it's on sale for $59.50, and I'd like a price adjustment for the sale price."

    Snippy SA: "I'm sorry, even though we have 10 more of this exact same item in your size folded perfectly right here on this table, we can't give you a price adjustment because today's price is a temporary Crewbate and not a sale price and might go back to FP tomorrow."

    Eager JCA: "huh????"

  36. I daily check Gigi's blog, along with many others on the blogroll. Always entertaining and I love the IRL photos and reviews. Often I save Gigi for last because she is so much fun.

    Indigo Girl I cannot believe the super 150's pants are not lined. Even if the wool is very fine I will never buy wool suiting without a lining. No way, no how can I sit on pure wool all day. Just thinking about it makes me bum cheeks itch. For comfort and definitely for the price, a lining please J.Crew! Scratch those off my wishlist. Pun intended.

  37. CheesyGoodness: I love JsCrewed! Good one :)

  38. I LOVED this! I want to add:

    Final Shame: the feeling you get when you finally turn to the dark side and give in on that final sale item you've been avoiding (but wanting forever)LOL!

  39. Still lovin' this thread :}

    I esp. liked Jwho, CREWCANDY, & CREWBATE. I've had similar exp on all three.

    I've also exp something similar to final shame... Except in my case it's more like; "Oh no, I returned that item because I thought it cost too much $$$ & now it's on FS, but not in my size!" remorse.

    Thanks for the fun suggestions everyone!


  40. GAPGIRL: Final Shame!!!! LOL!!! ;)

    I have to agree with Heather: I love this thread!!! :)

  41. this is very funny! i like "crewlaide"

  42. @Kate I loved "J Who?" to describe those sorry souls that don't know about J Crew. But equally funny are the overzealous initiates to J Crew: The "Crewbies" or "newbies to J Crew".

  43. I have to ask a really stupid question: What is "sub"??? (don't laugh at me, please!)

  44. mamavalveeta03: "Sub" just means people are subscribing to all the comments (which are then automatically sent to their email) in that particular thread. This way they can stay aware of all the comments posted. I should add, to actually subscribe, you have to check off a box. Typing sub just means that the person is writing something in order to subscribe. :)


Dear J.Crew Aficionadas & Aficionados: Please feel free (and encouraged) to share your thoughts and opinions. :) However, please note that this is still a personal blog. So comments that are considered inappropriate (e.g. obscene, racist, homophobic, personal attacks, rude, and just plain mean) will be removed.

And now back to J.Crew! :)