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Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Darlings, is it time for a J.Crew coupon code?

Yes, it is that wonderful time!

J.Crew is offering free shipping on orders of $150+ with promo code HRR-970. This offer expires 5/9/09. :)


  1. Thanks for the info, Alex. I'm holding out and hoping for 20%.

  2. Sorry, I meant Alexis. It's early here. :)

  3. Good morning Melissa! :) No worries on the name, it was close enough for me! ;) With the recent 30% off, I am also wondering when the next percent off will be.

    Although I am happy to see this code for free shipping with a longer time frame. :)

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. There are a few dresses I am lusting after, but I do not have any need for another party dress right now.

  6. OT: Does anyone have any updates on the sample sale?

  7. I am still working on using my Red Card until the last day so I will not be using this code.

  8. I would love to see another 30% off sale items but those do not come along too often!

    My guess is that a 20% off private sale will be the next promo...probably coming this week or next.

  9. I'm waiting for the next % off too.

    OT: but has anyone tried the "Gorgeous Cotton Trouser"? If so, can you share your thoughts on the fit, fabric, quality, etc? TIA!

  10. Thanks Alexis! I wonder if any fellow JCA would like to share (and maybe start a thread?) tips on organizing our JC clothes? Sometimes I get overwhelmed by seeing everything in my closet and thinking, I have nothing to wear! Of course I have tons of clothes but, well, you know what I mean. :)

  11. Anon 2:17, I'm expecting mine to arrive today and will definitely review. :)

  12. Hi Silver Lining -

    Thanks - I will look out for your review. I hope you love them :)


  13. One way to organize J Crew clothes is sending the worn, bad quality ones to GoodWill that covers most of them.

  14. J - there are plenty of books and articles on the subject of managing your wardrobe. Not to discourage people from posting, I'm just saying.

  15. J - I organize my clothing by "weather type." As in all my winter coats go together, heavy sweaters, then lighter sweaters, cardigans, tank tops, etc. :) I have a friend who organizes her clothes by color. Her closet looks like a rainbow with all the blues, greens, etc all neatly grouped together! Just try a few ways and see which works for you.

  16. BTW, I got another catalog in the mail today for April. It's exactly the same thing, but with a different cover. Is that normal? If so, what a waste of paper!

  17. Okay, I tried on the Gorgeous Cotton Trousers and I'd call them the Alright Cotton Trousers.

    Fit: same as the Bistro Trousers, but with no stretch, hence, not as flattering. Pockets showed through. Leg is definitely flared - probably would be best with heels instead of flats.

    Fabric: 100% Cotton. On the thin side. Felt similar to the "buttery" trousers from last summer. Loved the "mist" color, though - wish that was available in the Bistro pant.

    Quality: Meh. There are buttons on all of the belt loops, but every single buttonhole looked unfinished, or not reinforced - kind of like the way a lot of the sweater buttonholes look, like they could be sewn up tighter.

    These are going back - not worth $78 by a long shot. I'd bet they're marked down to $49.99, and eventually $39.99 in the upcoming weeks. If you're looking for a great trouser, I'd recommend the Bistro for fit and first-glance quality, although I can't speak to how they'll hold up after a wear and wash.

  18. J, I organize by type- tops, then skirts, then dresses. Then, by color within type. White-cream-tan-brown-yellow-orange-red-pink-purple-blue & green-grey-black. Sweaters and sweater dresses by type and color in drawers, top down from most used (cardigans on top!!!) Jewelry- earring in glass topped box, most necklaces on cute hooks from Anthro on sale.

  19. Hi Silver Lining,

    Thanks very much for the review. I'm sorry they didn't work out, but I appreciate the information and heads up. I'll consider the bistro fit trousers instead.

    Have a great evening!

  20. "spare bedroom = my other closet"April 14, 2009 at 5:50 PM

    J - I organize by type and season, then by how recently worn or how frequently I wear the item. So when I hang things up, they go on the right. Folded items go on top or at the front of the drawer. I'm not actually sorting anything, but that is how they are organized hehe. As long as no one messes with my stuff, I know where to find everything.

  21. Thanks for the review Silver Lining. I considered these "gorgeous" pants but wasn't sure if I should go for it. I have the bistro in regular and superfine cotton and they are both great. No problems using the hand wash cycle in cold water with mild soap, not detergent. I have navy and black and they both washed up fine. I do have the old-style agitator washer though. I contemplated a front-load but I do too many small loads, which don't wash well in the front-loading machines. Gotta stick to old school.

  22. cotton should not have to go in a hand wash cycle it should be able to withstand regular washing cycles.

  23. Am I the only one who organizes her closet by mood? From left to right, my hanging items go from 'feeling super-snazzy and confident already' to 'feeling good' to 'feeling like I need a hug' to 'feeling like I want to stay home and watch more netflicks.' :)

    Sweaters go in two piles on my sweater shelf above - J Crew sweaters on the left (love more), other sometimes more practical sweaters on the right (need to have for certain kinds of days).

    I have one of those sliding-door closets, and it's usually open on the left side, which I think is probably better shui than keeping it open on the right. :)

  24. J, I group my clothing by type, skirts, pants, dresses, shirts, sweaters, etc. I also rotate twice a year by putting the off-season stuff away and bringing out the current season clothes. This gives me a bit more room and also makes sure I go through the seasonal pieces at least once a year, usually as it comes out of storage. It's fun trying the new season stuff on and deciding whether it still fits, is in style, that I like it etc.

    I arrange items more by function than color. All my cardigans are together, my skirts together, my suits together, etc. I find that works best for me. It also makes it easier to rotate because some items are functional year round.

  25. You're right about the gorgeous cotton trousers. I don't like adjectives in the product names. If they have to suggest to you that they're gorgeous trousers, they're probably adequate pants...

    (And I bet they'll go down to 19.99.)

  26. J, in addition to the analness I posted at 4:56, when I put away drawer items that go in the washing machine, I "rotate stock" so clean Ts, pjs, workout clothes, and casual camis and tanks that are newly clean go on the bottom of their respective piles within the drawers.

    Once, many a moon ago, I dated this guy who broached the stunning conversational topic of "what order do you do things in the shower?" Little did he know he was in for a 30 minute monologue, complete with a discourse on physical exfoliation (scrubs, Body Shop bath gloves) vs. chemical exfoliation (AHAs and BHAs), and the appropriate type for different body parts.

    Thank you for asking about organization, I love to think about it, kind of to distraction. I'm on the dork side IRL!

  27. Anon 5:54 Yes, cotton should be able to go through a normal wash cycle but I treat most of my clothes very delicately so they will last longer and look new. Almost nothing goes in the dryer and most is washed in cold on delicate or hand wash. I don't get too dirty so it's not necessary to beat the clothes against rocks to get rid of the dirt.

    anon 5:50

  28. anony 5:50 why don't small loads work well in a front loading machine?

  29. Nothin to buy right now, nothin a good deal, must have item.

  30. what is the 'private sale'?????

  31. ^ In a top-load machine the agitator creates the friction. In a front-load machine, the clothing bouncing around together creates the friction. If you don't have enough clothing in the load, there won't be enough friction so the clothes won't come out as clean.

    I wash a lot of smaller loads since I line-dry most of the time and an appliance salesman I trust very much convinced me to stick with what I have for that reason and not buy a new, front-load machine.

    It makes sense. If all it took were dipping the clothes in soapy water we wouldn't even need a washing machine.

    anon 5:50

  32. A couple of dorks on here today, and I mean that in a good way. An organization dork and a laundry dork. I'm an ironing dork myself. LOL

  33. washing machine dork LOLApril 14, 2009 at 7:50 PM

    About the front-load machine - I always thought the "friction" comes from the clothes dropping/rolling to the bottom as the load rotates to the top, which seems like way more agitation you could get from having just a few items in top loader simply swirling around. In a front loader, is it not more like beating your laundry against a rock every time gravity tosses it back to the bottom of the drum?

  34. All of these comments are like hearing myself think!! I LOVE to re-organize my closet(s)! It's theraputic for me! Plus, it helps keep my shopping addiction under control b/c I realize how much clothing I have that I don't even remember buying, which induces guilt, which in turn will keep my online shopping under control (unless there is a extra30 code or something!!)

    I currently organize clothing in my "in-season" closet by color and then type (skirt, pant, long and short sleeve, sleeveless, sweater) within the color section. Of course, I always feel like I have nothing to wear... so, I'm off to my closet now to organize by type and THEN color as someone suggested! Exciting!

    On topic, not using the FS code ... waiting on % off or will just use my red card like everyone else!!

  35. washing machine dork LOL - the agitator in a top loading machine really agitates the clothing a lot. Have you ever had the belt of a robe or pair of leggings get caught in the agitator? It's obvious they are really put through the wringer, so-to-speak. The front loaders to bang against the clothing on the bottom but if you only have a few things in there it's not getting enough action.

    The salesperson explaining to me told me they learned all about it at production information sessions that they have to attend. He's sold us several appliances over the years and we have never had a lemon plus he has ensured we get good deals, even telling us when to come back and buy for upcoming sales. He knows his stuff and loves his job. Anyway, my top loader really does get the clothes very clean and has a hand wash cycle that I love so there's no need to move up to a new model. Gives me more money to spend on clothes anyway. ;)

  36. PUT THROUGH THE RINGER!!!! Oh, the joy and funniness today! -organization dork AKA OCD JCA

  37. Anon 6:08pm (group clothing by type post) I organize my closet in the same manner. Some items are stored away and brought back out during the appropriate season. I find this method to work for rotating and getting the most wear out of all of my clothes each season. My closet doors open outward so I get to see everything.

  38. Hi, I was wondering if any of you has seen good deals on editor totes in stores (not ebay)?

  39. LindseyB your post made me laugh out loud. I can totally relate in regards to closet guilt and shopping online.

  40. I just found out that Anthropologie is opening their first Canadian store in Toronto April 22, Shops at Don Mills - finally! One day J.Crew will do the same... I hope.

  41. Hi Ladies. I listed two shoes on eBay tonight. 8.5 Navy Satin D'Orsay Heels and 7.5 Espresso Mary Jane Heels. :)

  42. Anony 11:24 that's good to know. Anthro was supposed to open a store in West Edmonton Mall a couple years ago and although publicly promoted, it never happened. I hope you get yours in ON. I would love to see one here in AB.
    There are some huge malls going up around Calgary, although one is an outlet mall larger than I've ever seen in the U.S. and that's saying something. Cross Iron Mills is the most recent to open and among others they will host Holt Renfrew's last call and many American outlets as well. The big downtown mall, The Core, is also under renovation with low-end shops and kiosk totally booted, newer upscale shops slated to move in. The project is still going strong. That mall would be a great spot for Anthro, or *sigh* J.Crew.

    I would love to see one day that J.Crew opens in Canada. By the time it happens I will likely be rockin' the granny-chic for real!

  43. Thank you so much for all your kind comments and suggestions! I feel like taking everything out of my closet and start reorganizing... but it's close to midnight so I'll do it tomorrow. Thanks again! :)

  44. I'm so envy of the posts that say "I organize by season"... here in So Cal one can only pretend to have seasons! Yesterday the temperature read 79, today, barely in the 60's and it rained! I sure look OC to my dh with all my trips to the "off season" closet. One day I have the shorts out, next, I'm freezing and looking for my cords...aggh..

  45. FYI and slightly off topic, but I was in my local B&M tonight and they were taking new reductions on the sale section- lots of items were being marked down further. I was in a bit of a hurry so I don't have the full scoop, but I did notice the Fresco Tunic (which I believe was in-store only) was down to $59. There were also a lot of markdowns on jewelry.

    Alexis- as always thanks for a great blog:)

  46. I love my top loading washing machine but when I live in Europe I have a front loader b/c that is what is sold here. I do not like it but I am stuck with it part of the year. I makes my sweatshirts more pilling than my top loader b/c the clothes are rubbing against each other with very little water...much prefer my water guzzling top loader.

  47. I would love a store only fresco tunic (silk?) in a size 10 or medium. However, they come size wise if someone will please let me know or hold one and contact me on this blog! THanks a ton!

    Tunic lover:)

  48. Why does jcrew put all these great things on the site at like 5 click them and they are all "SOLD OUT"....come on...just leave them off..dont tease customers. i hate that!

  49. I was on the site at 4 a.m. - baby was up. And noticed the same darn thing. Clicked on a few and it was already sold.

  50. Misleading Merchandise StockApril 15, 2009 at 7:33 AM

    I think they're populating the site with unavailable merchandise to make it look more abundant...even if it's all out of stock. There have been more sightings of JCrew on tv, even news casters at Fox (saw majestic purple lily last night), etc. Maybe they're bolstering the appearance of items from last season(s), or putting on a show, for new customers.

  51. So much for the big Wed. update. Each and every thing I clicked on had the red message and it's not even eight yet, EST, but guess that's been happening since four AM!!!

  52. Tuesday was the big update this week. I got lots of oldies I had missed and they were actually in stock when I clicked. I headed to the check out fast with my 5 items and hopefully they all ship.

    Today is just tacky and very poor on JCrew's part. It is getting to be a habit with them and if yesterday had not happened to me on the positive I would give up completely!

    Still feeling the love but only luke warm love...

  53. Misleading Merchandise Stock is SO RIGHT ON THE MONEY! I am so over JCrew right now and their poor website or trickery or whatever!!!!!

    Am I complaining: YES~

    but it is the truth and well deserved over weeks/months of JCrew doing these MOCK updates.

  54. LOL, I just got the "New Styles Added to Our Spring Sale" e-mail. Seriously?

  55. silver lining,

    I got the same email shortly after checking the update with nothing added either!!! I just don't get JCrew...are they purposely pouring salt in our wounds!

  56. There are a few items that are cheaper when you click on them...I am sure the site will update the prices later but if you are interested in something click on it b/c you might be surprised:)


  57. J - i organize my closet by item type. my tanks and ts are folded and arranged by color; i hang my pants, skirts, dresses, and woven shirts by type; and my sweaters are stacked on the top shelf by color as well.

    i live in louisiana where we don't have specific "seasons" either, so i just rotate my long/short sleeved ts to the hanging shelves in the back in the spring/winter.


  58. Yesterday, tuesday, I checked the sale at 7AM and there were tons of last season's lux knit tees and other graphic tees& tops I missed. I was able to order about 15 tees all my sizes $9.99-19.99(Yay!!)I had put so many that were available in my cart, but had to delete some(couldn't order 30 tees...kicking myself now)
    I haven't received any unavailable item emails yet. I checked the sale again this morning, but everything had the darn scarlet letters(we are sorry...)
    Yesterday was like a dream...


  59. I just tried to use the LOVEIT free ship code and it did not work, maybe it's expired now? Used FREESHIP just fine!

  60. J.Y.

    15 tees sounds like a good haul. I know I would never find the time to wear 30 tees. Now that is a few too glad your senses won out at the time!

  61. I will not be checking for updates this week.

  62. I've had some luck the past couple of days just putting in item categories into the search bar (skirt, dress, etc). I've basically just been ignoring the actual sale site portal since everything on it is generally sold out. As an earlier poster mentioned, there are a few items that have the regular price, and then a red sale price that's the same as the regular price. However, when you click on those items a lower/sale price comes up. Examples: denim pencil skirt and rolling ruffles tank. Neither of these items came up in the sale section, but typing in skirt and tank into the search bar produced them, and they are on sale by about 30%. Got a silk tafetta belle skirt, a bow cardi, and some swim tops for $9.99 that I hadn't even seen on the website before. This new way of shopping the sale has kept my waning interest in the sale section a bit higher and my frustration from getting the red message a bit lower.

    OT, but has anyone been able to order catalog-only items from a B&M and use their red card?

  63. I'm glad to see I'm not the only one who's AR about my closet. I rotate seasons as well, switching out the clothes in my closet (spring&summer to fall&winter). I arrange by type and color as well. I also built a 9'x9' closet in my spare room; it takes up the entire space. Just don't ask how my DF got the "closet" and I got stuck with the itty bitty master bedroom closet...

  64. sherbie,
    Have you found this most effective right at the update time or do you do this any time of day?

  65. anon @ 11:19 -
    The time of day doesn't seem to matter. I got the tafetta skirt at about 10:30pm eastern on Monday (so the site obviously hadn't been updated since the a.m.) and a couple of items this morning. What's also great is that because these items are "hidden" from the regular sale site there's not the panic of having them disappear from your cart immediately. I've been browsing more leisurely lately...HTHs!

  66. Search and You Will FindApril 15, 2009 at 3:29 PM

    Another note about random searching, when the search results are returned, I do NOT select only women's items. Many times I have found women's items under the men's category. If you have time and patience, every once in a while you may find a missing item.

    They really need to hire JCA's in their IT Dept to help test and review their site! :)

  67. Wow thanks for the heads up on how to search the site in a new way! It is like there is a whole other 'secret' sale section that for some reason j crew (or J.Crew IT dept) are hiding??? I typed 'jacket' into the search and came up with 157 womens jackets- many of them on sale and most not in the official sale section. A lot of oldies, but goodies: astrids, Lucilles, Aubreys, ecoles etc... ones that I assumed had disappeared from the sale section forever. Of course I was forced to purchase 2 of them. Thanks for mentioning this as it is now a fun hobby to find the 'secret' sale items:)

  68. I'm with you, Twiga. I have to ban myself from looking! I also found, and bought, two "lost" jackets. I don't know, it seems a bit tricky and dishonest on JCrew's part. I think about that interview with Mickey where he said something about JCrew selling things at "embarrassing" prices. It's like they're trying to hide the fact that they STILL are trying to unload stuff from last Fall. Also, where is this stuff coming from? It makes me think even more that they were playing games with inventory all through the last months of final sale--making it seem like they just had one or two of something, when in fact they had dozens. Oh well. I am delighted with my finds, even if it means I can't buy anymore for a while!


Dear J.Crew Aficionadas & Aficionados: Please feel free (and encouraged) to share your thoughts and opinions. :) However, please note that this is still a personal blog. So comments that are considered inappropriate (e.g. obscene, racist, homophobic, personal attacks, rude, and just plain mean) will be removed.

And now back to J.Crew! :)