Referencing {FAQ}

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Private Showing of J.Crew's Fall 2009 Collection

A big "thanks!" to Mirabel who shared with us the news that J.Crew is hosting a private preview of the upcoming Fall Collection with Jenna Lyons at J.Crew's Showroom (located at their headquarters in NYC) on March 23rd.

The invite reads: Join us for a private showing of J.Crew's Fall 2009 collections hosted by Jenna Lyons (JCrew's creative director)... This invitation is non-transferable and is for you only. Please bring this invitation and your ID with you when you arrive.

If any Aficionadas (or Aficionados) were invited to this private, invite-only event and are planning to attend, please do share with us! We would love to hear more about it. :)


  1. Sounds wonderful! I hope somebody posts about this event!

  2. Wonderful indeed! I hope the fall collection is spectacular this year. Please share the details with us if you are fortunate enough to attend.

  3. It would be great to hear a report from the JCA's who get to go. :)

  4. Yes Please!

    Since I buy about 2/3 of my work wardrobe from the fall & winter lines... I'd LOVE to hear more!

    If any JCA lucky enough to attend could let us know about the general feel of the line that would be sweet dude (to quote one of my students). I'm most interested in colours, textures & patterns. For example, if you see more of that faaah-bu-looous skirt Michelle Obama is rockin in her Vogue centerfold - an inquiring mind would like to know.



    P.S. Thanks Alexis & Mirabel for the heads up!

  5. Very cool stuff. Can't wait to hear back from JCA attendees. :)

  6. Hey I would definitely like to go this event. Everything in my closet is J.Crew. I would love to go to this event. Do I have to be invited? If not, if I print out the invite, will I still be able to attend. Please someone reach out to me at

    Jcrew kid


Dear J.Crew Aficionadas & Aficionados: Please feel free (and encouraged) to share your thoughts and opinions. :) However, please note that this is still a personal blog. So comments that are considered inappropriate (e.g. obscene, racist, homophobic, personal attacks, rude, and just plain mean) will be removed.

And now back to J.Crew! :)