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Wednesday, February 25, 2009

J.Crew's Parachute Cardigan in People Magazine

A big "thanks!" to Marietta & GiGiofCa who not only let us know about one of J.Crew's new arrivals being featured in People magazine's latest issue, but also scanned the image for us to view! (Click on the image itself or here to see it larger.)

The cardigan is described as "Parachute Cardigan" in cotton linen and retails for $135. I was unable to find the cardigan on their website.

The magazine states that the cardigan "Adds shine to any look" and it definitely does at that! W-o-w, it is shiny for sure! I have a sneaky suspicion that this is one of those items that look great in the J.Crew catalog, but not so great in person. ;)

What are your thoughts on the new Parachute Cardigan (e.g. do you like/ dislike the material or how shiny the fabric is)? Do you think J.Crew should introduce more shiny tops this Spring? :)


  1. I'm all for shiny, but oh dear. Just the name is off-putting and evokes waaaay too many MC Hammer thoughts. And it looks kind of like windbreaker material. Right now I'm not so keen on the cardigan, but I'll have to see this in person to pass judgment!

  2. Shiny, hmmm, I don't think so. It reminds me of the worst of fashion from prior decades. If I didn't see the J Crew tag on the cardigan, I'd think it was from Old Navy!

    Hey, what's up with J Crew's rollercoaster pricing? I bought the cashmere v-neck cardi like a week or two ago and it arrived today. It was $110 then, and with promo dropped to $88. I went back to check out other colors and now the price is jacked up to $158! I bought a pinwheel cardi instead.

  3. Wow, 80's flashback! Next they'll be selling a chiffon rosette Members Only Jacket.

  4. . . . Can't touch this . . .
    . . . Can't touch this . . .

  5. ooh, shiny. this could be lovely or a complete disaster; i think we'll have to see it in person to be sure.

  6. It's just wrong. On so many levels.

  7. I agree with Melba- I'm having not so happy flashbacks to MC Hammer. Nooooo!

  8. OMG--are they serious. This has got to be a joke. Hello bad 80's clothes...I thought that was LONG least inventing "new" things that look like they have been in my closet for years! NO WAY JOSE! Gaudy. Tacky. In poor taste. Laughable all the way!

    Jeff--exactly! Thanks for the laugh:)

  9. The spring lineup is getting worse and not better. Oh, my bank account is loving the fact that JCrew cannot get any pretty clothes made any more! So sad:(


  10. I think they should've saved the shine for a tank or cami. This is too much and in that color...ickh. I'm sure someone will buy it. How can the magazine pick this as a closet staple worthy of it's $125 price tag?

  11. It sucks, the ON is more interesting and way cheaper, boy JC has gown downhill lately with their designs.

  12. IRL,
    B/C they were paid by JCrew to put it in their magazine front and center! That is how!

  13. ON has some really cute things right now. GigiofCA is doing a great job of giving me a much needed JCrew break. Their stuff is boring and so drab right now....

  14. I think the name is the biggest thing that puts me off about this. It actually could be cute in person, but given the name, I will never, ever try it on.

    Seriously, they couldn't come up with a better name? Or did they just want to reservet this for the younger demographic who didn't go parachute the first time around in the 80's?

    ps - Love all of the comments above, you all crack me up!

  15. It will go with the big ass Orange Zebra Tee! What a sight.

  16. Love the comments- you all have made my Wednesday Morning.

    Melba Toast & Jeff-you crack me up Agreed!


  17. Anon @ 12:37,

    Um, I'd totaly buy that. But mostly because I have a little bit of hipster in me. I even shop regularly at the den of iniquity that is American Apparel. :)

  18. When I saw the pic, I almost LOLed, but then remembered I was at work and should probably be over here letting out guffaws in my cubicle, lest I be asked to, you know, actually do start doing my work. :)

    What funny is that we all laugh now, but when it's atcually released, there are going to be some reviews that say, "Actually, it's not as bad as I first thought." That happens all the time.

  19. Parachute? Parachute?! Judging by the pictures I can imagine it adds some type of "parachute" to your waistline. If the rest of the spring rollout looks like this cardi my wallet, and husband, will be very relieved!

  20. Oh, and I agree with the above comments on ON. They have some cute basics and you can always get free shipping and no final sale. Granted their pieces aren't made in Italy like all Jcrew's pieces.....oh wait.....that's not right :)

  21. I think the price increase is due to their rise in popularity. JC realizes that with the all attention they have been getting lately and their high profile models (MO and RR) they can finally shoot for that upper income bracket shopper they have been trying so desperately to attract. The only problem is, if they don't improve their quality, website etc... those new shoppers won't stick around.
    As for the cardigan, is peach the new grey? I could wear this with a side pony tail, blue eye shadow and my Swatch Watch.!! Oh wait, I did that 20 years ago.

  22. It's a pass for me, 2 main reasons:

    1. I don't like slouchy cardigans, I prefer something more in proportion to my height and slightly fitted.
    2. I don't like that shimmer/knit combo .

  23. I saw this when I got my People Style Watch last week...UUGGHHHH!!!!


    I showed it to my husband in disbelief. He said. "OH, MC Hammer."

  24. One word: fugly. I am loving those cheap Avon earrings though...

  25. Wait, only the body of the cardigan is shiny? What kind of nonsense is that?

    Looks like an interesting idea with tacky execution. Definitely going to be a pass with me.

  26. Site updated;) same old boring stuff though:(

  27. No parachute sweater for me. Parachute = too much fabric =baloon like. Too much material and its shiny to boot. No thank you JCrew!

  28. Wow, that is really ugly. If it's that wrinkly and messy looking in a photo, I can't image what it would look like irl...not to mention the price point being ridic. Definate pass for me.

  29. This is NOT one that will look good IRL...not a chance!!!

  30. I'm betting it is dry clean only because of the shiny material. If it is I know it will be a pass for me. I already own a dozen dry clean only cardigans from J. Crew.....

  31. Florals and ruffles are also big this spring, maybe J Crew could do some shiny ruffled florals. Who wouldn't love to add that to their wardrobe, especially at 138 bucks :-) They added a lot more varieties of the same items to the sale today, over 100 knits and tees when I logged in. I was able to finally find a tank in the color and size that I wanted but I didn't move fast enough because it sold out apparently before I could check out.

  32. I personally don't consider a $135 cardigan *Guilt-Free Shopping*...

  33. Hey, I could wear this to my school's "back to the 80's" spirit week day! My students would probably be convinced that I actually WORE this in the 80's!

  34. I agree with you FFM about the price point of quilt-free shopping. Paying that much for something trendy is not something I can afford to do, even if it's something that I love (which is not the case here).

    I'm not sure who over at J Crew misses the 80's but, pegged pants and parachute sweaters? Boy they are reaching.

    I'd also like to know at what vintage store they are shopping where EVERYTHING is frayed. I noticed the cashmere darling crewneck this morning on the the sales page and was considering it when I read... "The gently gathered chiffon at the neckline of this tee is intentionally frayed for a charming, vintage look."

    How about you give me a non-intenionally frayed item for a timely, lasting and classy look. VINTAGE DOES NOT MEAN DISTROYED AND DILAPIDATED.

    I really like that sweater, but I can't afford to spend that kind of money on something that may not make it through this season, let alone this year.

  35. Gigi's Gone Shopping reviewed that ON intarsia sweater recently.

  36. Oh dear...I'm afraid I don't like it. Especially if it's baggy like a 'parachute'

  37. OT, but has anyone else noticed fake J.Crew jewelry on Ebay? I never thought about anyone faking J.Crew stuff, but I was browsing jewelry and came across some stuff that looks fake. Especially with the fireball jewelry--was it ever made with blue, red, or clear beads?

  38. Does anyone have any info on sizing for

    -JCrew bistro pants
    -Melody dress
    -JCrew flats in general

    I am a size 2 in suits, size 4 in tops, and size 2-4 in pants (waist 27). I have a straight bottom half with no hips/butt, but am busty.

    For shoes, I am usu a size 9, but am 8,5 in kenneth cole and privo. I also have a few 9.5 and 10s hanging around. My feet, esp the toebox, are on the wide side, although I dont wear wide width shoes.

    Thanks SO much!!

  39. FFM, that was just what I was thinking. $125 on one sweater is not guilt-free shopping. At least not for a hobo like me! (:

  40. Does anyone have the "soft" tees (not perfect fit, ie item 12898). I am wondering if they are substantial, or if they are thin/sheer. Thanks!

  41. Jeff- That was hilarious! I am tearing up. Next up are Hammer pants or muscle tanks. Cringing over here.

    This is a no for me, and for $135, definitely not!

  42. Soft tees are sheer.

  43. The description says that it's cotton and linen. If it is the linen that is giving it the sheen, I think it would be really pretty IRL. I am surprised that so many of the comments are negative on this cardi, considering how popular JCrew's many sequined items have been lately. Having said all that, I think $135 is WAY too expensive.
    BTW, MC hammer-style pants were all over the runways.

  44. Does that shiny cardigan have roll up sleeves? I'll be surprised if it actually hits the stores and web sites. Maybe they're just testing all of us, seeing how many people search the web site for "parachute". But they can't mistake all searches for legitimate interest, I kind of saw the thing as a train wreck and I just had to get a closer look. :-)

  45. Kendra, I ordered the swiss dot kendra dress, and in my opinion it runs very small. That said, I am very much a pear shape. However, I even felt this one was small up top, and there was something weird about the sleeves. As much as I wanted to love it, I just didn't. The cotton/silk version could be different, though...

  46. Regarding the many references to the 80's...I was there, and I can assure everybody that shiny long cardigans were NOT in style then.

  47. Pleaaase Hammer...don't hurt 'em.

    Horrible. I saw this yesterday in the mag and couldn't believe it.

  48. The fashion editor made a beautiful page. I have to see the cardigan in person before I can cast judgment, but it seems interesting. I love the bag they featured, too.

  49. New code!
    Free shipping on $150, code S95F7.
    Good until March 5.

  50. I think MC Hammer and parachutes were circa 1991?

  51. Anon @ 11:36 AM

    Uber long Cardigans and parachute pants were staples in my wardrobe in the 80's, neither of which I'm proud of. I assumed that this was an attempt to combine the two.

  52. That parachute sweater is TERRIBLE! If someone gave it to me, I wouldn't even wear it.

  53. Oops, sorry, I meant the swiss-dot melody dress (at 11:34 AM).

  54. Thanks Lee! Now if only there'd be a free shipping + % off promo... ahhh, wishful thinking!

  55. How about free shipping on any amount for a change?

  56. You guys are too funny! MC Hammer is exactly what I thought of too!

    I think I'll take a pass on ths cardi, tyvm.

  57. Someone needs to work some Polyvore magic on that cardigan. What to wear with it? Dark skinny jeans, colored flats (gunmetal?), and a striped fitted tee? Will be interesting to see if it actually shows up on the web site, we'll see how the J Crew miracle workers style it.

  58. I have an 80's costume party to attend this Sat. night. Boy this sweater would come in handy. hee. :)

  59. Also wondering if anyone has fit info on Jcrew tall boots. Thx!!

  60. Looks like an arts & crafts project by a Project Runway contestant when they were in middle school - "Hey, if I glue this trashbag to the front of my sweater, I will 'make it my own'!"

  61. It reminds me of the jacket that Randy buys his daughter in 'The Wrestler'.
    'It's... shiny.'

    No, thanks, J Crew. There are lots of other things in your Spring collection I'll be spending money though!

  62. This is completely OT but there is an auction for a pair of dusty rose peep toe spectators in size 6.5 finishing in 16 minutes on ebay. Right now at 49.99 and only one bid.
    I am not affiliated with the seller, but I have bought from her (Paisley Petunia).
    Since I remember reading old postings of JCAs interested in these I decided to post this.

  63. I can't believe they actually named it "parachute" anything. Parachute brings up memories of parachute pants & skinny ties...I don't think parachute should be associated with anything people wear ever again, save an actual parachute.

  64. Totally OT: Gap has some distressed "boyfriend" jeans that rival the Vintage Slims - the fit is VERY similar, and at $59.50 they're cheaper than the vintage slims are on sale. They're called "Roslyn Boyfriend Jeans", and look like they're not currently online, but if you're in the Gap you may want to check them out.

  65. OT: American Eagle has distressed boyfriend jeans for under $30. All their denim is under $30

  66. Topic suggestion:

    What kind of wedding / engagement ring should a J.Crew girl have?

    since J Crew is developing this new wedding section in the company, I am just wondering what kind of wedding rings would they pair with? :) classic solitaire? 5 stone diamond band? or other combinations? what do you all think?

  67. What kind of crap is this? Do they think we're idiots? I can't wait to see what kind of surreal scene they come up with to play backdrop to this monstrosity in the catalog... maybe MC Hammer will be wearing a trenchcoat and pearls in the background...

  68. Dang! I wish I'd kept my neon yellow sweatshirt from 7th grade! It will be back in style any minute now!!

  69. Lol! I am about to burst...this string is cracking me up. I love the discussion, but I don't think I love the Parachute Cardigan. As Jeff said, "...can't touch this..." Well, I have no plan to touch this sweater.

  70. Is there a March catalog out? TIA

  71. Anon @ 5:02 - I was at my B&M and asked about the March catalog. The SA said she had seen one floating around but was unsure if they'd received a bunch of them. She said it has a black cover and says "America" in red, white, and blue on it. I guess the storyline in it is a road trip on Route 66.

  72. I'll borrow a phrase from gigiofca for this one...*no likey*

  73. I know people are just trying to inject some humor into their posts, but I really don't see any resemblance between this sweater and what MC Hammer wore back in the day. If anything, the shiny fabric looks rather like that of the well-loved Zoey tank.

    Also, why all the clamor and fury over an item no one has even really seen? The magazine photo doesn't look THAT bad. And the design is hardly unique. The name may be silly, but what's in a parachute anyway? Nylon? Maybe silk? Fabrics we already wear. Anyhow, as someone already pointed out, the cardigan is made of cotton and linen.


  74. LL

    It's hideous and cheesy.

    Nice try though.

  75. LL,

    Lighten up and have a little fun. I take it you are young and did not live through the 80's like I did--I lived in the heart of it:)

  76. Thanks for the cat. info, silver lining! ... that doesn't exactly sound riveting to me.

    anon 5:02

  77. The MC Hammer reference comes from "parachute", because those balloon-y pants he wore were called parachute pants. He also wore lots of shiny clothes.

  78. This think so tacky and lowbrow, we will probably see it on Paris Hilton sooner or later. It IS that bad.

  79. Stop. Hammer time.

    lol i lov it. this thread just made my day. no need to have a questionable item of the week with this.

    i am actually intrigued by this item now. it's not like it's any worse than the chiffon cardigans.

    perhaps it just seems really odd because of the name and the way they did the style sheet. we're so used to seeing whole outfit layouts. with these items you wouldn't wear them all together, but you'd pick out one of those items as a way to add some flavor to your navy/grey/tan/black/brown wardrobe.

  80. OT - Those of you that have the lulu metallic flats - how big do they run? My normal size is 6.5, although I have the penelope flats in 7 and they fit perfectly. Should I go with a 6, 6.5, or 7 in the lulu flats?

    Thanks for your help!

  81. @ LL

    Actually... if this was just a tad lighter and on the coral side, it'd look like it was the muse for the parachute cardigan. Same billowy feel, same sheen! :)

  82. Yes, J.Crew March catalogue is out. I picked up one at the local store yesterday. I saw some new items there.
    My store received new merchandize on Monday and put it on the floor on Tuesday. Looks like the new catalogue came with the latest shipment.
    The catalogue is called “America” and some of the images from the catalogue are online when you log in to your account. I did not find anything exciting in the catalogue for myself to I gave the catalogue to my friend at school to introduce her to J.Crew.

  83. LL: I completely agree with you. I am in my 40's and I do not recall MC Hammer ever wearing anything like this cardigan. I just think the name is throwing people off (which is dumb). And haven't we all been buying and wearing the zoey tank, the metallic vita cami, the sequined cardigans, the "crackle" mary janes, the big metallic silver and gold bags, the metallic driving mocs, etc. I really don't get what is so bad about this sweater.
    I'll bet if someone showed some of these haters the crazy Victoria ruffle cami 4 or 5 years ago, they would have fallen down laughing at the big-ass collar! Now everyone is wearing it!

  84. It's a NO for me! Where have those classic material and designs gone! Jcrew should stick to the classics!

  85. I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this, but if anyone is interested in the Refined Canvas Fiona Jacket in Navy, size 4, please let me know! I'm trying to get rid of mine -- it's New without the tag and been sitting in my closet!!!

  86. I think it's the quadruple whammy of the color, the sheen, the name, and the absurd price, that's making this cardigan seem very undesirable.

  87. Anon@5:34 & Alexandra: Oh, I was alive and well in the 80s/90s. No shortage on memories of awful Hammer pants, genie pants, or whatever you called it pants here! :}

    I just don't read anything parachute-y in the People pix. All I see is your typical JCrew summerweight cardi with some recycled Zoey fabric slapped on front. Nothing remotely balloony going on.

    Anon@7:40: Well said, thank you, I completely agree. Finally, someone comes along to make good sense. ;)

    Anon@5:40: Goodness, would you really use "lowbrow" and "Paris Hilton" to describe anything JCrew? I'm curious to know what your favorite JCrew pieces are?


  88. Em: You're probably right. So, in 2-3 months time after the sweater has been renamed, released in its full palette and repriced, its desirability may very well bounce up.

  89. chako, i am interested in your fiona, please email me:

    ruru126 AT hotmail DOT com

  90. I just posted several pictures of the March Catalog on my blog, along with a pic of the Beetle Tee. :)

  91. Urgh! OT: Does anyone have Mickey's personal email? I remember someone saying they had emailed him directly before.

    I bought some of the fold-over yoga capris on sale and after THE FIRST wear one of the pairs now has a lovely whole in the crotch. That wasn't embarrassing at in the middle of pilates. :(

  92. Obviously I meant hole. Frustration kills my ability to differentiate homonyms.

  93. Awww -- you should buy it and watch a TEEN ANGST film, and when you get reach up to eat spme popcorn - it will go SWOOSH, SWOOSH, SWOOSH - just like the parachute pants. Hey J Crew ... the 80's are calling and want their sweater back!

  94. Thank you FFM! Its always nice to see what's new.

    I must say that the beetle tee is just pushing the envelope for me. Ok the crazy zebra was worse. The beetle looks like something my seven year old should wear not my 30 something self. Even the parachute cardigan (what were they thinking?) would suit a child better. Sigh. I am still not feeling Jcrew this season.

    I wonder if there will be another big sell off at the end of the season? The rose tee is still in stock on line so I bet there will be.

  95. Math teacher: I tried both the lulu metallic flats and the leather flats. I'm usually a 7 but this one fits too tight that I had to go with the 7.5, which is too loose, with gaps at the side. So I returned both. Imagine my disappointment. The lulu heels fit TTS for me. HTH! - Viv

  96. I added some more of the catalog a few minutes ago. I noticed in the store on the mannequin and in the catalog they are putting men's ties on the women.

  97. ROFL at "Hey J Crew ... the 80's are calling and want their sweater back!" Hahahaha !!!

  98. Oh no parachute pants were a mate to short jackets not long sweater. I think some are getting the 90's and 80's mixed up. 80's were rolled up jeans, argyle socks, penny loafers, button up oxford shirts, polo shirts no way was MC Hammer around til very late 80's or more like early 90's. I graduated from high school in the early 80's and my memory isn't shot just yet for an ole chick.

  99. Well everyone,

    MC Hammer's first album came out in 1988 and second in 1990. I graduated HS in 1989 so I lived through this stuff. So it was the 80's-- all be it-- late 80's that parachute "fashion" was in...going into the early 90's

    Still scary that JCrew even made this sweater. Hell would freeze over before I would "touch it". I cannot touch it!

  100. MC Hammer never wore parachute pants!!!! His pants were called "harem" pants, or "genie" pants. They were NOTHING at all like parachute pants!!! DUH!!! Get a clue people!!! Jeff, You're an idiot!!

  101. O/T: Harem pants are back in style too. I'm not quite sure who, besides models, can wear them... but, the labels are currently producing them anyway.

  102. These will mostly end up at T J Max for 9.99. Hideous.

  103. We should have a contest, guess what the lowest final sale price will be for this cardigan. And guess how many sizes won't be sold out. :-)

  104. LOL, Jeff! I'm glad to see that you take such petty insults in stride! ;)

    Why did anon single you out anyway?

  105. Toast: I singled out Jeff because he started the whole "MC Hammer" thing on this post way back in the beginning. Also, he has made about 80 million other inflamatory remarks in the past.
    He started it!!! ;)
    But I have to admit this blog would be a little boring without him!


Dear J.Crew Aficionadas & Aficionados: Please feel free (and encouraged) to share your thoughts and opinions. :) However, please note that this is still a personal blog. So comments that are considered inappropriate (e.g. obscene, racist, homophobic, personal attacks, rude, and just plain mean) will be removed.

And now back to J.Crew! :)