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Friday, February 6, 2009

An Interview With TalkingShopping

I just want to mention that there is an article about the J.Crew Aficionada blog over at TalkingShopping, a site devoted to news about shopping (click here to read). It was very flattering that they wanted to write a story about this blog. :)

I credit (and always will) the success of the blog to you all. And I quote (which is funny, because I am quoting myself now): "The community that has built around this blog is amazing! ... Moreover, it is the members of this blog that really make this place so fantastic."

Thank you J.Crew Aficionadas & Aficionados!!!


  1. I credit your success to you. You did the important stuff. Bravo!

  2. What a wonderful interview, Alexis. We're all here because of you. Thank you!

  3. Wow CONGRATS Alexis! That's a pretty big deal! This blog is so awesome filled with the best resources! Thanks for always updating and keeping it running!!!

    PS: LOL i had no idea Madewell was JCrew's sister store. I was always like, "why is she always posting about this Madewell company?"

    But now it all makes sense! Hehe.
    Congrats again!

  4. Alexis, thanks for posting that interview! It was really fun to read.

    Thanks for keeping up this wonderful blog!

  5. Good job, Alexis! Admire your commitment to the blog!

  6. Congratulations! You deserve it. I certainly appreciate your faithfulness to posting topics on a regular basis!

  7. Wonderful interview! I am a fan.Keep it coming JCA - Thanks for all your time and effort.

  8. wow, congrats alexis! you've done a great job creating and keeping up a great blog. cheers :)

  9. Alexis, that was such a great interview!! I loved seeing your distinct "voice" - professional, yet also candid, e.g. sneaking in a hint that JC shoes could be a little more comfy : )!

    and the dissertation is about learning & happiness in the journey, not speed!! : )

  10. Congrats! I like your blog. You ask great questions, make timely posts, are devoted, keep things civil, and always thank your guests and commenters. It's the first blog I ever followed/subscribed to.

  11. Cute interview, Alexis! Thanks for maintaining this blog. :)

  12. Wow Alexis! That's fantastic...congratulations! THANK YOU again for everything you do!!! :)

  13. Congrats Alexis! That's wonderful that your blog is getting some recognition!

  14. Thanks everyone! I really appreciate the sweet comments- it's super nice of you. :)

  15. What a wonderful interview I enjoyed reading it. Alexis you have created a great blog kudos to you!

  16. great interview Alexis! you really are down to earth and so sweet, and everyone loves that about you. funny how you never thought this blog would get to big! like everyone else, i thank you for taking the time to maintain this blog. it's really become a fun place for everyone.

  17. Wow, this is fantastic Alexis! Thanks for sticking with this site even when it doesn't seem worth it. We ALL appreciate you!

  18. Congratulations Alexis! Great interview & you even disclosed somethings I'm sure the rest of us were wondering but never thought to ask.

  19. Wonderful interview! I read your blog almost every day for updates and info and just love it. I can't believe that JCrew has not made you an honorary employee yet -with your very own employee discount card:) You and all of your JCrew blog buddies bring them lots of business. Thanks again!

  20. That is fabulous Alexis. I hope you get something more than just recognition out of the whole thing because you have an obvious talent and ability. You go girl!

  21. Wow, 7-10,000 visits per day on weekdays? J.Crew really ought to be thanking you for all the traffic you drive to them. I know I've made purchases based on community feedback from this blog. Cheers!

  22. Way to go Alexis!!! Great interview!! We totally appreciate all the time and effort you put into this blog. Although I may not comment every day, I read it everyday and its always entertaining and informative.

  23. thanks for all you do with the blog, alexis-- although it still does not keep me from rambling about various jcrew topics to my boyfriend, LOL :D

  24. Without YOU, Alexis, this blog wouldn't even exist! Thank YOU! A big hug for Alexis and high fives all around! ;)

  25. Alexis-
    Great interview! I love your blog and am so happy I discovered it last fall. I've been checking it everyday since. There is soooo much great information on here.

  26. Congratulations Alexis, you are awesome!

  27. Just saw a link to the interview on ... very cool!

  28. Alexis, congratulations! You did an amazing job on both blog and interview! Truly enjoyed reading it and learning more about you!
    Thank you!

  29. Congrats on the feature Alexis. You are a star! Keep up the great work :)

  30. Great interview!! It was great reading you answers. Thank you for the blog. I look forward to reading it every day. Keep up the good work! Thank you everyone who contributes to the blog, it is wonderful to read everyone's comments!!

  31. That's awesome! Congrats! This is a great site with lots of great people.

  32. Fantastic article! I def am in agreement with you on the victoria ruffle cami :)Keep up the good work, Alexis. We really appreciate it!

  33. Congrats Alexis! Loved your interview.

  34. Congrats Alexis! You do a great job here and we appreciate you very much!!

  35. Excellent interview. You rock, Alexis! Keep up the good work with the blog, and thank you for bringing so many people and ideas together.

  36. Victoria cami - ITA, I have it in four colors! And it's compliments galore each time I wear it.

  37. You *definitely* deserve some kind of JC discount for all of your JC 'outreach'! (: Should we all bombard Mickey's inbox on your behalf??

  38. No wonder, you're doing a great job with this blog Alexis!

  39. Thanks again everyone for the nice words. I really appreciate it. And thank you all for being such wonderful Aficionadas!!! Inspired by Drewablank's comment, I am giving hugs and high fives all around! :)

    Paper Bag Princess: I would love it if J.Crew ever created a special code for the J.Crew Aficionadas. Maybe free shipping on any size order, for one day, for all Aficionadas and Aficionados. How awesome would that be? ;)

  40. Alexis, it's probably just a matter of time before Mickey or one his "henchmen" seek you out and bring you in to meet the crew (no pun intended). Your cover will be blown! They'll hang your picture in every B&M behind the counter and whenever you go into one, they'll fall all over themselves to kiss your feet! That would be so cool!

  41. Well done Alexis, thanks for all your hard work and effort.

  42. Congrats, Alexis. J Crew owe you a lot and should give you some free stuff, IMO!

  43. That was an absolutely wonderful interview. Your level of professionalism was incredible! It's a great day for all JCAs. Cheers!

  44. Congrats Alexis!

    YOU keep our obsession affordable!

  45. Kudos to you Alexis! I hope you take some time off and celebrate this success with those closest to you. Anyone can plant a garden, but not everyone has the true know how to make things grow. :]


Dear J.Crew Aficionadas & Aficionados: Please feel free (and encouraged) to share your thoughts and opinions. :) However, please note that this is still a personal blog. So comments that are considered inappropriate (e.g. obscene, racist, homophobic, personal attacks, rude, and just plain mean) will be removed.

And now back to J.Crew! :)