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Wednesday, December 17, 2008

J.Crew's Jenna Lyons On Vogue's Best Dressed List

"Thanks!" to Kathy who let us know that Jenna Lyons, J.Crew's creative director, was selected by Vogue (click here) as one of their "ten best dressed" for this week.

I do think the dress looks amazing on her! (But I think she would have been better off without the coat & dark lipstick.) :) Although, I am surprised that she isn't wearing one piece of J.Crew as she normally does (or maybe I can't notice it). ;)


  1. OT: but hopefully alexis will check here. :-) The new code on the website is HURRY for free shipping on any order thru Friday 12/19!

  2. OMG free shipping on any item?? NO WAY!! too good to be true! that's it, im breaking my ban!

  3. As for jenna-she needs to check into her foundation shade. I mean, I love the retro look with red lips and all but she looks a bit dead. Maybe it doesn't photograph well. The outfit is, meh.

    I never get it when celebrity types etc. have ALL those choices out there yet they pick some of the oddest things. I guess they want to be unique but seriously--you can choose ANYTHING you want to wear!

    Vogue is obviously way into the retro vibe as most of the 10 are pretty much fitting that theme.

  4. I think the outfit looks dated and terrible. And her foundation looks all wrong. Sorry to be negative but those were my first impressions:)

  5. I think Jenna looks really pretty in this picture...I actually like her entire look. :) It's definitely a 100% improvement from the tree lighting party at Rockefeller Center.

  6. The ivory dress drowns out her complexion, and the red lipstick doesn't do her any favors either.

  7. I prefer the tree lighting outfit to this...make up is awful and the suit is so unflattering...Wow! She looks like a throw back to the 80's in this outfit.

  8. I think she's carrying the Satin Marie Clutch in clay?

  9. Everything looks good except the fur. Ewww.

  10. Jenna, please confirm for us that the fur you are wearing is indeed FAKE, PLEASE!!!

  11. Can you imagine having J.Crew at your finger tips and not wearing it? I'm just supprised she thought this outfit would be better than something from jcrew.

  12. That's as pretty as I've seen her look. I'm sure all the flash cameras and ambient lighting are washing her out in this picture. It's nice to see her dressed like an adult pushing 40, as opposed to her normal over the top kiddies kool krayon kolors.

    I too hope the fur is fake.

  13. I think Jenna looks great, love her outfit. I probably would have chosen a different shade of red lipstick but that orangey-red seems to be "in" right now.

  14. I think Jenna has great style, but she needs a new hairdo! Bedhead does not go with retro glam, sorry! Every pic I see of her, her hair is such an afterthought. Though the models in jcrew often have the unkempt look going on, so maybe she does it on purpose to make her frazzled look more acceptable (and as someone with long thick unruly hair, I can sympathize, but I am also not the creative director for jcrew!)

    And I hope the fur is fake. :/

  15. Vogue, you've lost your touch . . .

  16. Anon on 12/17 @ 12:18, I agree with you on all counts.

  17. it's the shimmy dress all the way... black belt with black shoes on an otherwise all ivory outfit. very cute.

    who cares if it's real fur or not, if it's real it's probably vintage. really does every protest against animals already killed? not many people are producing real fur anymore because not many people will buy new real fur

  18. jeff,
    american vogue is terrible, in fact, I haven't read an american fashion magazine probably since freshman year of college.

    anon @9:19am,
    I'm a vegetarian (no, I do not eat fish! I hate when people say "I'm a vegetarian BUT I eat fish" anyways... :P ), and I do not like when animals are used for personal adornment. I'm not a PETA nut, though. Vintage is ok since it's long been dead and is being reused; I could see Jenna going for a vintage fur wrap. and yes, my leather shoes/boots are 90% of the time thrifted or secondhand. I definitely salivate over every new shoe jcrew produces, usually the price prevents me from purchasing them anyway! but it is temptinmg...

  19. PS: Am I the only person who liked Jenna's Rockefeller Center/tree lighting outfit? I just saw that post yesterday, most everyone was hating on it... but I liked it a lot better than what she has on here. It had more personality. I dunno, maybe it's just that I like grey with yellow/orange and her wearing them together justifies my possibly questionable choices? hah. :P

  20. I wish she were wearing the Bug Pin.

  21. Heather, what is wrong with American fashion magazines?

  22. anon @ 7:40

    american fashion mags have been dumbed down. they are rarely about clothing as art. they're mostly about celebs and their "style" (or, that of their stylists) and how we should all want to look like them. But honestly, to me fashion mags are so high school and trend obsessed. I do enjoy coffee table fashion design books or historical/critical articles, and museum exhibits on the subject, but damned if you'll see me ever waste money on a copy of Vogue. again, just my two cents.


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And now back to J.Crew! :)