Referencing {FAQ}

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Dear Aficionadas & Aficionados, Happy Holidays!

Happy holidays J.Crew Aficionadas and Aficionados!!!

I want to take a moment to thank you all. I honestly believe this blog has the *best* members. This blog is great due to you, the members, and your willingness to share with each other- which is just phenomenal!!! I really appreciate all of your insightful and helpful comments, suggestions, and advice.

Lastly, I am really grateful for everyone's help in making this blog so wonderful to be a part of. :) And now back to J.Crew!


  1. Alexis,
    THANK YOU for creating this wonderful blog!! Despite all the complaints about final sale, etc, etc. J Crew is still my #1 favorite clothing store and this is my #1 favorite blog! Keep up the good work! Happy Holidays!

  2. Thank you Alexis,

    And a Happy Holidays to you and your family!

  3. Thanks Alexis! We really appreciate the work you do : )

  4. I think we should be the ones thanking you Alexis :)

    Thanks for creating this blog and allowing us to exchange ideas and comment on JCrew merchandise whenever we feel like it.

    Happy Holidays to you!

  5. Hi Alexis,
    Happy Holidays to you too! Thank YOU to YOU for this blog...I have learned so much here, and become such a better J Crew shopper, and have discovered many more ways to wear J Crew (from members' ideas as well as Fabulous Florida Mommy!)

    PS I like that photo! Who is that?

  6. Thank you Alexis for this awesome blog.

    Happy Holidays to all =)

  7. Alexis: I am the one who should appreciate you! My shopping experience became much more enjoyable since I started following your blog. I have learned so much about J.Crew and have a fun to exchange comments with other J.Crew Aficionadas & Aficionados. Also, I’d like to appreciate your positive tone, which is one of the reasons I love your blog.

    Thank you & Happy holidays to you!!!

  8. Thank *you* for such a thoughtful, informative blog.
    Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year to everyone!

  9. what happened to the final sale post?

  10. Alexis, Happy Holidays to you as well! Thank you for all you do for this blog and our obsession with JC :)!

  11. Thank you Alexis + everyone! Happy holidays and enjoy your lovely JCrew (I know I will be!)

  12. Yes Alexis. I have to add to everyone else's thanks and thank you for all the work and passion you put into this blog.

    Have a great holiday season!!

  13. Thanks, Alexis! I used to check JCrew each and every day. I now skim through JCrewAficionada FIRST. I wouldn't shop at JCrew without the great info that is shared here! Thank you for creating a space where all of us with JCrew passions can vent and share...

    HAPPY HOLIDAYS! And good riddance to 2008! It was a rough one...


  14. Merry Christmas to you! Your blog is the best!

  15. Happy holidays everyone!

  16. OT - not sure if this has been previously mentioned but the cascading flower boucle astrid jacket is now $229.99 -but it's a final sale.

  17. Happy Holidays Everyone! and Alexis thank-you for this blog it has enabled and also helped me at the same time if that makes sense.

    Now if I could only get home for Christmas we are having an ice/snow storm here today, looks like tomorrow is the best day to be on the roads.

  18. I Love this Blog!!! Although I can now call myself a JCrew addict rather than the JCrew fan I was before. Alexis, I think JCrew should have you on their payroll

  19. Alexis: THANK YOU for all the time, energy, and effort you put into this blog on a daily basis! I truly appreciate you and wish you a very Merry Christmas!!! :) You are simply the best!

    Happy Holidays Everyone...have fun!!! :)

  20. Thank YOU Alexis! I LOVE this blog. I now spend a lot more in JCrew clothing, but feel that thanks to this blog I am much better informed and get much better deals. Happy Holidays to you and your family and all the wonderful bloggers!

  21. Happy Holidays, Alexis and to all fellow Aficionados!! lol

    Alexis, a special shout out to you because as others mentioned, I was already a jcrew fan, but now I am a jcrew addict. I feel empowered though, with all the information I receive from this blog. I also hardly ever pay for shipping anymore!

  22. Alexis,

    Blessing to you and your family. Thanks for this happy little diversion in life.

  23. Alexis, Happy Holidays and thank you for creating this great blog. It's been a blast and I hope it will continue for a very long time. Thank you for all the time and effort you put into it! You are very much appreciated!

  24. Thanks, Alexis!

    And have a great holiday everyone!!!

  25. Alexis, thank you for posting such a great, positive, informative blog. You do a fantastic job. I don't post too often--mainly lurk--but I check the site daily (several times!) I hope you and everyone else has a fabulous holiday!

  26. Merry Christmas Alexis!
    Thanks for the gift that keeps on giving!

    Merry Christmas fellow bloggers!!

  27. Merry Christmas to you and yours Alexis! I've learned so much from this blog. Hope I don't spend as much in 2009, but there are worse things, lol.

  28. Happy Holidays Alexis! I own more J.Crew now than ever and it's all this blog's fault. :) J.Crew owes you a serious debt of gratitude.

  29. Merry Christmas everyone!! Thanks for this blog Alexis!!!!

  30. Happy Holidays Alexis and Thank You! Your blog is amazing to say the least.

  31. Alexia,

    THANK YOU! for a wonderful blog. Happy Holidays and I look forward to reading you blog in the days after Christmas with all the wonderful deals we hope will come!

  32. Alexia,

    THANK YOU! for a wonderful blog. Happy Holidays to you and your family! I look forward to reading you blog in the days after Christmas with all the wonderful deals we hope will come!

  33. Thanks for all the hard work, time and effort you put into this fantastic blog! J.Crew is an obsession for me and now your blog is too! Merry Christmas and blessings to you and to all your readers!

  34. Alexis, thank you so much for all of your hard work! This is a great blog, I really enjoy reading and contributing!

    Merry Christmas to you and all aficionadas/aficionados! Have a wonderful holiday!

  35. Merry Christmas to everyone........and there is a size 2 Black Maggie available right now. Someone go get themselves a last minute present!! :)

  36. Merry, Merry Christmas and much happiness in the New Year!!!!

  37. Alexis...

    I wish you very happy holidays to you and yours!

    I want to thank you as well! What a great community you have created for all of us to share our insight and advice about J.Crew and of course, great style! I truly look forward to this blog daily, and it is your tremendous effort and the generous contributions of other special people who make this so fun!

    Happy Holidays to all!

  38. Merry Christmas and happy holidays to all my fellow Aficionadas and your families! I hope that all of us have tons of laughs, love and gifts, of course, this holiday. :D

    And THANK YOU, Alexis, for ever, undying love for this blog and J.Crew, of everyday wouldn't be complete without checking it AT LEAST once! ;)

    p.s. - I've always loved that picture you used. So holidays-y! :)

  39. Alexis,

    Thank you so much for the lovely blog. I am SO appreciative to you for this blog; it is extremely information and enjoyable.

  40. Merry Christmas to all, but not to J.Crew - a bah humbug! to them for bringing back Final Sale.

  41. Alexis, as so many have said before thanks for such a great, helpful and informative blog.

    I know it's only a store selling clothing; not an organization involved with heart transplants, but it really have helped me score some deals and correct some problems.

    Between your blog and the personal shopper I have never had more J.Crew, to the point that it basically is all I buy.

  42. Everyone: You are *so* wonderful! Thank you all for the nice words.

    I have to echo the comments made by so many of you, because of the members & your great comments, I too feel like I have been a better and more well-informed J.Crew consumer. I have learned so much from all of you!!!

    There is one downside to this blog... which is that I have spent a lot more at J.Crew because of it! ;) I have to say, thanks to you all, I have tried, purchased, and loved several pieces I would not normally have considered! :)

    And lastly, happy holidays!!! :)

  43. Alexis:
    Happy holidays! Your blog is awesome and I am constantly amazed at your ability to maintain it. It has without a doubt fueled my obsession for JCrew. I have purchased countless things that I never would have considered based on the reviews and comments here. I hope that JCrew appreciates your efforts! :)
    Thanks again and Happy New Year!

  44. Merry Christmas to all of you! I have been lurking around this site for months but have never posted. I have to say that I never thought there was anybody else out there who loved JCrew as much as me -- I was a closet aficionada -- pun intended -- until now! I really enjoy reading all the posts and getting to "meet" you all! Thank you Alexis for starting such a wonderful blog. I go here first every day!

  45. Dear Alexis! Thank you so much for coming with a brilliant idea such as this blog! Wish you and your wonderful family a happiest Holiday season ever!

  46. Awesome blog! Thank you, Alexis! Happy Holidays to you and everyone else here!

  47. HAPPY HOLIDAYS to you Alexis! Thanks for all you do--it is WONDERFUL!

    I would also like to wish all my fellow J Crack addicts--Happy Holidays! I hope your stocking is full of J Crack gift cards and the gifts under the tree are all more J Crack.
    I know I have an addiction that this blog helped enable and after TURKEY and the misfortunes that went with it, J Crew was smart enough to offer an addict a great percentage off of future purchases which only enabled me and the CC to go that much more crazy! They are smart, aren't they? They know the best way to feed an addict is to offer a greater incentive to... get more!

    The New Year will bring much less JC purchasing for me..and because I have EVERYTHING I could want in my closet and some...I know I have a lot to be thankful for. I appreciate everyone sharing fit, quality, bargains, coupons and stores that have items we need (NEED?? Ha...must have more crack:) I enjoy reading this every day and in order to get well, I know it's one of the things I need to cut out. So, I will actually be trying to stay off the blog to the best of my ability...but that is going to take some serious willpower;)

    HAPPY 2009 TO EVERYONE~let's hope J Crew gets their IT together once and for all :)

  48. Happy Holidays, everyone!! :) Thanks to everyone for contributing and to Alexis for hosting this blog!

  49. Thank you Jeff! Happy Hannukah to all!

  50. Amen to everything others said. Merry Christmas & Happy Hannukah to my fellow Jewish Aficionados/as! XO

  51. Thank you, Alexis for this wonderful blog! It's so exciting (and a relief!) to know that others share the same passion for J. Crew as much as myself. I hope everyone has a lovely holiday!

  52. Thank you Alex and Happy Holidays to all Aficionada/os...

    This is an awesome community of super stylish and friendly people. The lengths to which some of you go to help each other find particular items is just fantastic - and the fashion advice is A++++++!

    I never would have had the courage to wear the fabulous Berry Astrid without all of the great "enabling" that goes on here!!

    Looking forward to 2009 - now off to keep searching for penelope peep-toes...sigh...


  53. Where is the "what are you wearing Christmas Day"
    posts??? Let's share!!! Merry Christmas!

  54. Alexis:

    It's been said before but thank you for a wonderful blog. It is not only informative, but you've made it participative. The only drawback is that I've bought too much JCrew and am overwhlemed by the possibilities in my closet:)Have a safe, happy holiday everyone!

  55. Everyone: Again thanks for the nice words- it really means a lot to me. And of course, happy holidays!!! :)

    Anon at 2:00 PM: I like your suggestion for a post topic so I made it into one right now! :) {"Holiday Time {celebrating with J.Crew?} "}

  56. Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays!

    Keep up the good work in the new year! =)


  57. Thank you so much for providing this blog, etc. It is wonderful to come here for honest reviews, and I look forward to reading everyone's posts.

    I have to give it to JCrew this year - they have been A+ with shipments arriving on time, and sometimes before the best case scenario. I haven't had that much luck with other places, like Nordstrom, Amazon, etc. All of my packages (presents) that were guaranteed to arrive by Christmas are now not scheduled to be delivered until about January 1st.

    I will keep JCrew at the top of my list when other holidays and birthdays come around and people need their stuff on time.

    Thank you for everything! Happy Holidays!

  58. though I dont often comment, I just wanted to let you know that many of us are still reading and we appreciate all your hard work in making this blog! happy holidays!

  59. Dear Alexis,

    Thanks so much for the blog. It's like having a bunch of secret friends, when your "regular" friends might disapprove. .

    And thanks for linking to the other blogs. I love "mindless musings"

    Happiest Christmas to you!

  60. happy holidays all! and much thanks to alexis for hosting such a great blog. like everyone else, i enjoy this blog. i stumbled across it one day, book marked it, and keep visiting it daily ever since :) there really is a nice community of jcrew-ers on here!

  61. Alexis,

    Like everyone else, I thank you for this wonderful blog from which I have learned so much!!!

    Happy Holidays to you and your family and to all of the other aficianadas out there!!!

  62. Thank you Alexis for your hard work. This is a wonderful community of Jcrew lovers! I've learned so much and benefited from this blog!


Dear J.Crew Aficionadas & Aficionados: Please feel free (and encouraged) to share your thoughts and opinions. :) However, please note that this is still a personal blog. So comments that are considered inappropriate (e.g. obscene, racist, homophobic, personal attacks, rude, and just plain mean) will be removed.

And now back to J.Crew! :)