Referencing {FAQ}

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Dear FFM: Help Put Together A J.Crew Outfit For Me

FabulousFloridaMommy (FFM) regularly guest blogs on outfits she creates with items that you, the members, request. :)
FFM has done it yet again! A big "thank you!" to FFM, who has created a fabulous outfit for numerous requests on styling J.Crew's "new arrivals" in the "Dear FFM: Help Put Together A J.Crew Outfit For Me" post!

To view the wonderful sets, click on the links below. (The name of the link relates to the request for an outfit.)
Are there any items from J.Crew (that you either own or are thinking about getting) that you would like FFM to create outfit ideas. Feel free to include additional info like: the climate/season you want to wear the item/outfit, as well as age bracket/lifestyle. :) After a few days, FFM will select a few items (from the feedback) to create a couple of Polyvore outfits with those items (which will then be posted for all).

What J.Crew pieces do you often wonder how to use in an outfit? What J.Crew items would you like to see an outfit created for (please include item name or item number)? Do you have any J.Crew items in your closet that you are unsure how to style with? Please, let us know! :)


  1. FFM - Your outfits are great - as usual.

    New promo on J.Crew website:

    $100 - 20% off
    $150 - 25% off
    $200 - 30% off

    Free shipping on $100 or more.

    Code is HOHOHO

  2. Quite lovely, as usual. And hooray! A new promo code- thanks green_dino for posting that! *runs to*

  3. JCrew is finally listening! Promo AND free shipping, yippee!

    Amazing as always!

  4. FFM: Thanks for sharing your ideas for the Duchamp-Print Astor Jacket - they are so cute. Unfortunately I did end up returning mine - something about it just didn't look right on me.

    On another note, I'd love your thoughts for the Paradise jacquard Clea jacket. Thank you.

  5. Hi, Naomi. Been to the Carmel store lately? Any good stuff?

  6. I have GOT to stop looking at your Polyvore sets FFM! Between you and Slastena my credit card has taken a major beating! (So many good ideas!) Great work by both of you - so much talent! :)

  7. Loving the new promo!!!! I'm going to try it out!

    Wait till the East Coast Aficionadas wake up to an early Christmas ;-)...

  8. Awesome outfits FFM!

    And YAY for the new code! I just went to the website, saw the homepage and my first thought was--all the Aficionadas are going to be so excited! Free Shipping PLUS a code wahoo.

  9. When do they update the price markdowns online?

  10. FFM: Thank you for sharing your ideas! Your outfits always inspire me:) Out of curiosity, which is your most favorite outfit?

    Green Dino: Thank you for the code! Discount + Free shipping {yey!}

  11. Anon@1:19 AM,

    I haven't been to the shop lately, but will drop by this weekend and report it if I find good stuff!

  12. tammylee,
    I feel the same way about the Duchamp print Astor. Strange once you get it on...mine is going back too...something else cuter will come along...maybe that is why it was marked down so much/so fast:(

  13. FFM, beautiful! I ordered the Duchamp because of your sets. Can you tell me...will this do well in Spring as well or is it too wintery? I want it to use as a jacket in Paris in April, will it look ok? TIA

  14. FFM,
    What did you hear back from Mickey on your shipping email?

  15. Do any crafty people have any ideas on how to fix the floppy flower on the boucle Astrid? Thanks:)

  16. Anon 4:45 - I think that you just have to move the pin from the bottom of the flower to the middle of the base (where all the "petals" come together). It's hard to explain, but moving the pin there should help to prop up the flower better. I think it's just the original placement of the pin can't support the flower's weight, causing it to tip over.

  17. yeah...discounts and free shipping.....guess what I'll be doing at wmy desk today!!!!! :)

  18. Wonderful sets FFM. I love the look of the Duchamp Astor, but I could never pull off the large print.

    Nice to have a new promo today. Most of the sale items I try to order won't even let me select a size. I presume that means it is out of stock.

  19. I can't order anymore from JCrew due to the shipping errors. It is not that I don't want to but they are not a trustworthy company and I live overseas and can't deal with opening boxes a month or two or even three months later, etc. and finding missing or wrong items.

    JCrew did it to themselves this time. I wish I knew what was going on with their company and shipping.

    I used to spend over $1,000a month and my husband said with the problems no way should I order from ever them again until we are back in the US in a couple of years.

  20. Can you imagine the orders that will be messed up with this latest code and free shipping that came out this morning?

    Stay away...very far away...I won't order. I want to be happy when shopping not #$@*!#ed upon!

  21. The sale is very tempting but like others I am afraid of the shipping problems too close to Christmas, I am still trying to sort out my mess from last week too may charges, credits and adjustments, and I have spent too much already.

    I had a great CS again this morning was able to get some price adjustments with the code.

    FFM: Great outfits as usual.

  22. Look at the Today show this morning. Ann Curry's shirt looks a lot like the Victoria shirt. Anyone else this so?

  23. The promo and free shipping is nice, but the boots I want have gone back to full price. They were $250 until yesterday, but now $325.

  24. Thanks for the compliments everyone! I agree that the new promo is really great...I am trying for 2 Maggie Jackets...we'll see what happens...fingers crossed that they both come! :)

    Tammylee: Sorry to hear about the Duchamp-print Astor jacket! I do think it looks better with the sleeves hemmed, just as another Aficionada had mentioned last week, but I completely understand that it's still not a jacket for everyone. :) I really like the Paradise Jacquard jacket...VERY only reservation would be how bright the color is IRL. The price would be actually be decent for a collection piece with the current promo, though, if you were wanting to order it to see...

  25. Anon @3:01am: Congratulations on your Astor jacket! As for wearing it in Paris next Spring...I think the weight of it would be ok, and the colorscheme will work, too...especially if worn with winter white (ivory) pants. From what I've read...geometric prints are not overly popular now in Paris, so the print may not be *on-trend*....however, this being said...if the print fits your own personal style and taste, then you should definitely wear it. I try not to worry too much about the trends, but focus more on what I really like and what looks good on me...I would suggest that every woman dresses in clothing that represents her personality and makes the best of her individual features and body-type. :)

  26. Thanks FFM, I bought the bright papaya Francie skirt and love the skirt but had not idea what to pair it with.

    I love the suggestions.

  27. Great looking sets FFM~always fun to see new ones!

    What do you suggest for the Dark Peony Francie skirt. I just wanted something maybe a bit unexpected but not sure what. Also--what on earth do you wear for hosiery during harsh winter months (where bare is NOT going to happen)with a peony colored skirt! This one has me perplexed but I will say the color is TDF GoRGEOUS!

  28. Hi bug pin! I agree that the Peony color is just TDF! Congrats on getting the skirt. :) As far as stockings go...I would suggest taking the skirt with you to the store (perhaps Target), and see if there is a pair that is very close in color to the skirt. I know J.Crew is selling Burgandy, which could possibly work, since the color becomes a little more muted when stretched over your legs. Other than that, I would suggest fleshtone stockings as the basic *go to* pair, and you could also wear your stockings to coordinate with your shirt, such as dark gray. I think black will also look fine. HTH!

    Btw...what color shirt do you plan to wear with the skirt?

  29. FYI- FFM- on the Paris point you are really very far off. I am guessing you have never been.

    To the Anon with the question: Very few people wear white pants in Paris- even in summer they aren't too common! The jacket would work but only paired with dark clothes or jeans. Also Paris in the spring can range from 5 or 10 degrees C to 25 degrees C (depending on when you go)... so layers are ideal! FYI when converting C to F remember 10= about 50 and 18= Room temp. wearing white pants, in the spring in paris will make you stick out like a sore thumb. True Parisian's will not take out their whites until late June, unless there is a real heatwave like there was last year- In which case I saw one or two pairs but thats it and it was above 85 degrees for a few days in early June!

  30. Anony@11:12,
    You are right. FFM is way off. I live in Europe and travel to Paris about every 6-8 weeks....Also, I have made a good friend from Paris who now lives in the U.K. and we discuss fashion a lot...:) Cheers.

  31. FFM:

    I missed the sleeve issue with the Duchamp print Astor? What is the issue? Thanks.

  32. Also- Geometric prints are very "in" all over Europe right now. Having just returned, they were everywhere! Maybe not for next spring... but certainly right now and last spring they were in too. FFM where are you getting this information?

  33. Anons @11:12,11:15, and 11:22: I didn't say I was speaking from experience of traveling to Paris (although I was there 20 years ago) or giving advice as someone who frequents the city...I said from what I have READ that Geometrics are not *on trend* for next Spring in Europe(not the US), and that winter white has been worn on warmer days. This source can be found here: Paris On The Streets/youlookfab and also here Paris In The Stores/youlookfab . I also said that I feel a woman should dress in clothing that flatters her body and personality, and not necessarily follow the trends. There is really no need for you to be rude. Opinions from those who are in Paris now or who have been recently are more than welcomed...I never claimed to be THE expert on European trends...I was asked a question and replied according to other sources.

  34. FFM, great sets, as usual! I was wondering if you've done the Lydia blouse in any color yet? I just ordered the Ivory because of the price, and it's beautiful but not my usual style. TIA!

  35. Anon @11:17: The sleeves on the Astor jacket seem better proportionately if they are shortened by 3 or 4 inches. Do you have the jacket? If so, roll them under and see what you think. For me, the silhouette of the jacket looks nicer with the sleeves shortened. :)

  36. FFM,
    Thank you for your reply. Yes, I have the jacket but haven't had anytime to even open my box and will see how it looks but at 5'10" my proportions are a bit different than the average height of a woman.

  37. Thanks again for the henley polyvores, FFM! :)

  38. FFM, please calm down. I know you like to be the fashion authority around here, but sometimes other people know better than you do. No one was being rude, they were just pointing out an error so the asker got the best advice for her situation.

  39. Seems the article about Paris though mentions winter white in mid to late summer not spring...

  40. Please let us all be nice...

    FFM, I appreciate all your outfits and help. I don't think one or two of the anonymous people were being rude...just the one maybe very confidently stating their personal experience. This is the written word and we can't always be sure of the undertones. Sometimes people write a quick note and are direct and to the point and are "off" with their busy lives......

    Let's just give everyone the benefit of the doubt here:)

  41. I agree with Anon at 5:10 PM in that (1) I really appreciate FFM's great outfits & all her help, and (2) we should all try to be nice. We can learn a lot from each other, so let's try to in a positive way. :)

    And now back to J.Crew! :)

  42. Anon @ 5:10 and 2:51, I heartily agree with you. As I am a citizen of the E.U. and now live in the U.S. I also agree with the Anon @ 11:12 a.m.

    Alexis, I have been following this blog for a while and I think the community that you have created here is very interesting and has some truly positive aspects. But, I think there should be room for more than one "stylista"! While some of FFM's sets are great, she does provoke a lot of controversy on your blog and some of her ideas are getting a little tired (no offense meant just sharing an opinion). The entire bit with the trolls a few months ago was basically caused by her and she does get very overly defensive as the other Anons pointed out. Perhaps someone else would be willing to take over her "duties" for a while. I bet the general attitude of your blog would improve with a little less of FFM's input. --- Just my humble opinion.

  43. Anon at 6:31PM: I *love* when members' share varying perspectives- not only does it make the blog more interesting (by creating conversations), but it also helps me think about those topics in different ways. :)

    I just believe there is a way to express varying viewpoints without personally attacking someone. As I mentioned before, there is a lot that we can learn from each other. :)

    Incidentally, I am "all for" guest bloggers. :) So for those interested, please let me know! (email: jcrewaficionada at yahoo dot com) I am also extremely *grateful* for those who do decide to guest blog (like FFM, Doug, and others). Especially, since I know that guest blogging can be time consuming (and there is no tangible compensation for doing so).

  44. FFM!

    Thank you so much for the ideas with the Claudia crackle pumps! I love the shell/papaya/peachy-pink colors! I must get the licorice tee, has anyone spotted it at a B&M in a size large?

    You are a huge contribution to this blog, and it wouldn't be as interesting without you!
    I sincerely appreciate your talent.


  45. Love the new sets! Anyone wear their maggie with their Victoria ruffle cami? I seem to be having an issue without all the collars....?

  46. Let me guess for you FFM. This is the same troll or set of trolls that has some beef with you for a totally unbenownst reason. Ignore them..don't feed them;)

  47. FFM has a great eye, and I love seeing the outfits she comes up with. I hope she continues sharing her ideas with us!

  48. I honestly don't understand this unnecessary hostility coming from certain individuals; FFM ignore them please-they are below you ;)

    On numerous occasions I have bought items at JCrew and loved them but didn't know what to wear them with. FFM has been a true fashion blessing :)

    FFM: thanks for taking time to put outfits together for us :)

    P.S. just bought a few items on sale, if you have any suggestions they will be much appreciated:

    1. Teagan ruffle swiss-dot top (99679)
    2. taffeta a line skirt in warm champagne (99827)- any ideas on how to wear it casually without sparkles?

  49. FFM -- You're awesome.

    I'm looking for Polyvores for:

    1) 10557 - argyle v-neck cardigan in hazelnut/ecru/graphite

    2) 97487 - argyle v-neck cashmere in hazlenut/dove/navy

    3) Juliet mid-heels in peacock. I imagine you already have sets. If you can direct me to the links, that'd be great.


  50. FFM,

    Love your outfits! They have inspired many a purchase. I am in need of your help. Since so many of us have bought the Maggie jacket, could you please put together a few outfits? I am hoping to see it done more casually and also in black.

    Thank you!

  51. I know a long time ago you made a set that included the jersey knit pants. However, the I believe the set only contained something like a oversized or long sweater. Do you have any suggestions for the jersey knit pants besides a sweater?

  52. FFM: Could you create an outfit the Snow Leopard Harlow blouse for work and casual?

  53. ffm
    please ignore those rude people!

    i truly appreciate the effort and time (alexis, too) you put into this blog and really love looking at your sets. they give so many ideas that keep things from just sitting in my closet b/c don't know what to wear with them. THANKS!

    now, do you think the maggie (black and camel) can be really casual? i thought i could just wear them over whatever i have on to instantly make me look put together on the go. (i am sahm and don't want to look crappy all the time anymore)!

  54. FFM,
    Could you give some ideas for the Tailored wool Carrie dress for both a casual look and for a night out?



Dear J.Crew Aficionadas & Aficionados: Please feel free (and encouraged) to share your thoughts and opinions. :) However, please note that this is still a personal blog. So comments that are considered inappropriate (e.g. obscene, racist, homophobic, personal attacks, rude, and just plain mean) will be removed.

And now back to J.Crew! :)