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Thursday, November 6, 2008

Sneak Preview to J.Crew Spring 2009 :)

A big "thanks!" to lovesargyle (in the post "Dear FFM: Help Put Together A J.Crew Outfit For Me"), who let us know that Glamour has a sneak peek to J. Crew's Spring 2009 collection (click here).

Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.

I have to say that I am not uber-excited about the few items shown here. However, I am loving those colors for the cardigans- very sugary sweet candy colors! ;)

What are your thoughts on the few items slated for Spring 2009? Which items do you love or would leave? ;)


  1. Not too excited either, Alexis...

    I am a fan of oversized blazers that look as if I grabbed them out of my hubby/boyfriend's closet.

    I can remember when they were in style and I do like the look...However, not with shorts!

    I agree the sweaters are pretty but there are still a lot of yellow and pink tones there....hmmmm...not so sure...

  2. Anon at 8:44AM: I know what you mean about that blazer- I thought it was a guy's one as well! ;)

  3. Well, it's only a few pieces from the spring collection. Perhaps they're going to surprise us with a few good pieces! I don't think ANY of those pieces are actually J.Crew Collection, but from their regular line.

  4. Very exciting to see the sneak peek! However, nothing excites me. It's nice to see the maxi dress will make another go-round. I like the look.

  5. i hope the maxi dress will be available in a knit/jersey! has it ever been before? i know jenna was wearing a similiar looking dress on the cover of domino, and it looked like hers was jersey material. i love the dress, length, cut, fabric, and COLOR of the dress she is wearing. perhaps it could be something that will be out for us regular girls in the spring?

  6. I think I'm in the minority here, but I love a lot of what I saw! That horizontal stripe skirt and those scarves look like so much fun!

    I admit that I've been a little bored with J.Crew's summer palette and styles for the past several seasons. While I love the classic "I-summer-in-Nantucket" look, what with all the chino pants and navy blazers, my wardrobe has been craving some variety!

  7. love the peachy-pink! got two shirts in the fresh guava this fall, a pastel version in a sweater/shirt would be great.

  8. Oh my, I love the stripey skirt in the second photo. Love love love. I can't wait. :)

  9. i've always loved the fall/winter collections so much more than summer, so i'm not surprised that once again i'm not excited. thank goodness we have more december offerings coming up. :) thanks for posting the preview!

  10. Obviously still a work in progress, don't judge so quickly people . . .

  11. jeff: Don't be too quick to judge people?.....Talk about calling the kettle black you do it all the time.

  12. Thank for the sneak peek...can't wait to see the rest of it! :)

  13. LOVE the scarves, not so much the boy blazer. I thought it was an outfit for a man until I looked closer at the shorts, hm. Talk about adding bulk where some of us don't need it!

  14. I love the material of the horizontally striped pencil skirt but OMG that's exactly where I don't need to look any wider than I already do. That would NOT be on my wish list. Maybe they will make some other pieces with that material, like a jacket, vest, etc.?

  15. Thanks for the sneak peak. My one comment is...citron??? (or sour lemon, or whatever they are calling it) I am so thankful to j crew for being one of the few retailers to offer such a variety of bright beautiful colors, however I just don't think this one is ever going to catch on. Isn't anyone else taking notice that it's always on final sale. I just isn't a color that flatters many different skin tones.

  16. I adore that big blazer look and am already wearing it.

  17. I will have to leave the oversized man blazers alone. I remember that look from the 80's and did it then (as a teenager), so I definitely NOT do the man blazer. I feel that only a teen or 20 something could pull it off. The rest of us would just look like the lesbian brigade...


  18. I am so tired of the shrunken jacket look at J. Crew, which is all you can get in their suiting options and tweed/velvet blazers. This trend peaked years ago. It makes women look like they bought their clothes a few sizes too small. Surely I'm not the only who's bored by seeing teeny-tiny jackets with several inches of a tee or shirt hanging below them? I gather that the expected response to this look is. "Oh, how adorable! The poor, helpless darling doesn't realize she stuffed herself into her child's jacket."

    That said, I hope they don't go to the extreme of offering only baggy menswear jackets. Let's have some refined, proportional tailoring for real women who aren't pretending they're little girls. A jacket that's tailored to skim the body and extends over the hip covers a multitude of sins and conveys authority. Which is what jackets are meant to do.


Dear J.Crew Aficionadas & Aficionados: Please feel free (and encouraged) to share your thoughts and opinions. :) However, please note that this is still a personal blog. So comments that are considered inappropriate (e.g. obscene, racist, homophobic, personal attacks, rude, and just plain mean) will be removed.

And now back to J.Crew! :)