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Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Read All About It: J.Crew's Window Displays

Some J.Crew retail stores are displaying more than just their merchandise. As shown in the images, J.Crew stores are also showcasing newspapers... well kind of. ;)

I think the window displays are an interesting take on how J.Crew promotes its merchandise. The black and white text contrasts well with J.Crew's more colorful offerings.

The image to the left is from a J.Crew in Orange County, California (retrieved from South Coast Plaza blog; click here for original article). The image to the right is from the J.Crew at Rockefeller Center in NYC (retrieved from the 26th Story; click here for original article).

Does your local J.Crew offer similar window displays? Do you like or dislike how the clothes are displayed? What is your favorite J.Crew window display?


  1. the stores in Rockafella & Madison both have these displays.

  2. I wouldn't want to read too much about what's in the paper these days, that's for sure! :P

  3. i believe all the stores should have this display. they are required not to display parts of the paper that have any color, so if you see some displays that do, shame shame! :)

  4. I like it. It showcases the clothing very well & the paper is being reused before being recycled.

  5. I really like this idea of using newpaper for the display...very environmentally conscious...the only drawback I can see is possibly getting some ink on the clothes!

  6. Rockaway and Short Hills in NJ have the newspaper windows. The displays are sort of modern-arty, I guess, and are growing on me, but I wasn't sure about it at first. I love J.Crew, but I've always loved newspapers, and have been increasingly upset to see technology diminishing their relevance--there was a long article in the New Yorker not long ago about the death of newspapers as we know them, and it was quite saddening.

    When I first saw the display, I have to say I wasn't thinking about clothes, but about newspapers--I couldn't tell if it was a positive statement about them (newspapers are awesome, and recycling is great), a negative one (newspapers are merely providing the black-and-white background for colorful clothing), or no statement at all? Probably not the response J.Crew wanted to elicit, but at least it made me think.

  7. The women's side of the window in Garden State has tan and pink ribbons hanging down from the ceiling and showcases mostly tan/pink/white clothing (from the new holiday collection.)

  8. Not sure about the OC article said...newspaper is usually recycled as Fish Wrap or Birdcage Liner...

    I'll have to see the display IRL to make a decision.

  9. I noticed the newspaper display this weekend in Santa Fe, NM. I must admit, my first reaction was "what's up with that?". I guess it could really showcase the clothes, but I prefer J.Crew's past window displays much better. I noticed it, but not in a good way. At least I noticed! LOL!!!

  10. It's displayed like this in Omaha, Nebraska as well.

    When I saw it, I thought of a recent Anthropologie catalog spread with book pages wallpapering the rooms.

    I like it, but at first glance it kind of looked like the displays were "in construction" and the newspapers were placed there to protect things from paint or something.
    have a great day! ----dea

  11. At first I though they were painting or renovating or something! But now I think it's kind of cool and artsy. I've seen it in both New Haven and Danbury. They'll probably change it for the holidays.

  12. Just saw it @ noon today @ Stonebriar- Frisco, TX

  13. I saw the newspaper displays in the Westfarms Mall in Farmington, CT. I thought it was cool. Definitely caught my eye for a minute, and I looked at the paper to make sure it was local (which it was). The clothes contrasted nicely against the newsprint, the colors popped out at me. Overall, I liked it.

  14. Here in LA as well. I liked the previous display of the paper roses better.


Dear J.Crew Aficionadas & Aficionados: Please feel free (and encouraged) to share your thoughts and opinions. :) However, please note that this is still a personal blog. So comments that are considered inappropriate (e.g. obscene, racist, homophobic, personal attacks, rude, and just plain mean) will be removed.

And now back to J.Crew! :)