Referencing {FAQ}

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Quick Note To Aficionadas :)

I would like to quickly say that I am very grateful for all the positive comments I have received over the past two days- "thank you so much!"

The day off yesterday was much needed (although I can't tell you how many times I wanted to check on the blog during the day!) ;)

Ultimately, I am going to continue with the J.Crew Aficionada blog. There also may be a few changes coming up, (as I am still deciding what to do on a few issues) but I am hoping that any changes made will be for the best. :)

Lastly, I have lots of messages in my inbox to go through, so please forgive me for any delay in responding (which I do plan to do). :) Again, thank you to everyone!


  1. Alexis, I have been reading for a couple of months but never posted before - just wanted to say that this is a great blog. Glad to hear it will be continuing :)

  2. Yippee!!! I'm glad you decided to stay. I love this blog.

  3. Alexis, this is wonderful news. Once again your blog will be part of my morning routine. Coffee from Strabucks and then reading your blog before heading to J.Crew.

    Thanks so much.

  4. Welcome back, Alexis!

    I've been quite busy the past week (trying to move into a new house that's under remodel), so I missed some posts and reading comments. Couldn't believe the drama that went on here! So glad you are back. We all need a mental health day once in a while (some more often than others ;-)).

    P.S. jcrew guy - I'm drinking my Starbucks and checking my blogs now, too!

  5. Glad to hear your short break was a good thing. I look forward to positive changes!

  6. Great news. I am so happy you are keeping the blog up--your blog is the first thing I check in the mornings :-)

  7. I second anon @ 9:26.... YIPPEE!!!! :-)

  8. Great news! Even JCA needs a break sometimes. Thanks for all your efforts!


  9. Hey, Alexis! I saw your post yesterday (about taking a break) and wanted to comment but was hesitant since there were so many already. I didn't want to inundate your inbox (like I am now, heehee!).

    I am so glad, though, that you have made your decision to stay with the blog. You and your blog have become a part of so many of our daily routines, and your announcement saddened us. I totally agree with jcrew guy in canada, coffee, your blog and then off to J.Crew. *sigh* If only life were so easy...


    Thanks again for the blog, Leigh!

  10. Hurrah! Your blog is my favorite and I check it several times a day! I'm glad you had a nice little break :)

  11. Hey Alexis. I just wanted to thank you for your blog. It's very enjoyable, and a nice change from new sites!

  12. Oops! Make that a change from "news" sites.

  13. I am SOOOO glad you are back Alexis! This blog, thanks to YOU, is a big part of my day. Love you, and glad you are back!

    Kirbydog :0)

  14. Thanks! I read it every day and love to have a store I like "come alive" through your posts and reader comments.

  15. Nice to have you back...hope to see you posting more comments too:)

  16. Thank you Alexis! I'm glad you're feeling better about things.

    This blog really is so dynamic and helpful. This blog also has become part of my daily routine.


  17. Alexis,
    What great news! This blog is the first thing I check in the mornings. I can't believe it has been 6 months already. Glad to hear that you will be continuing.

  18. yeah!!!!!!!! thanks so much for keeping the blog. i love it!

  19. I'm really happy that you decided to keep the blog up, Alexis! As you can see, so many people love it.

  20. yaaaay! when I get tired of reading all the horrible news out there, this blog is the first place I go to cheer myself up. Glad to hear you will continue!

  21. This is great news!! You do such a great job on this blog. Looking forward to more exciting and interesting topics.

  22. Yay! I've been reading your blog since the beginning, and I check it every morning - even before I check the J Crew website! You do such a fantastic job.

  23. Yay! Thanks for continuing your blog! =)


  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. Now we know how passionate you really are about your blog!!!!! :)

    I am soooo glad you're back- I don't pay attention to negative comments at all because this is a fashion blog. I think you should try to do the same, they really aren't a big deal IMO :)

    Welcome back to your own blog ;)

    Thanks for coming back to provide this JCrew oasis for us :))

    (reading this blog +pumpkin spice latte =my morning mental spa treatment)

  26. Alexis, Thrilled to here that you have not given up on the blog!


  27. Awesome. We love you! I don't know how I would start my day without this blog!

    Mary in NJ

  28. I am glad you are sticking around! This is a great place and so many people love it. I know it's easier said than done but try to ignore all the negativity if it happens again. I look at several other boards/blogs (for makeup) and that kind of stuff happens there too, unfortunately.

  29. so, so happy that you've decided to continue, alexis! so many of us enjoy this blog and would never dream of saying something negative -- we just enjoy talking about beautiful clothes. we know it's hard, but we hope you can try to put aside the negative comments, which are drastically outnumbered by positive ones from all of us fans!

  30. Alexis, I am glad that your time away was enough to bring you back to your blog. It would have been unfortunate for you to have been reduced to pulling the blog because your followers couldn't play nicely! Not everyone can or will play nice, but ending the blog would have given those vocal folks all the power. It is your blog and your power - so exercise it as you see fit! :-)

    I have high hopes that J.Crew Aficionada will resume its place at the start of my day and my mental health breaks during my workday!

    Welcome Back! :-)


  31. That's wonderful news Alexis! I do think it is healthy to step away from projects (blogging or otherwise) to recharge, rest, and regain momentum.

    Your blog is one of my first reads every morning!

  32. I love your blog!!! You and the info you provide is now vital to me, thanks!!


Dear J.Crew Aficionadas & Aficionados: Please feel free (and encouraged) to share your thoughts and opinions. :) However, please note that this is still a personal blog. So comments that are considered inappropriate (e.g. obscene, racist, homophobic, personal attacks, rude, and just plain mean) will be removed.

And now back to J.Crew! :)