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Tuesday, October 7, 2008

J.Crew's Tribeca Men's Shop Flash Site {do you like?}

"Thanks!" to Doug who pointed out that the men's page (click here) on features a very cool flash site (click here) promoting the Tribeca men's store. Besides being able to view the collection, the flash site offers a brief history of the Tribeca bar, a quick look at the new "What a Man Should Know" book (refer to "J.Crew's Book: Rules Of Engagement" post), and some new views of the Tribeca store.

Although the material on the flash site is all information we have seen before, it is still pretty cool and interesting to look at. I really do like the layout and hope that J.Crew creates something similar for the Women's collection (perhaps another storyboard- I love those!) Also, I think it's too bad that some of the links don't seem to work. For example, the link to purchase the book or for the map to the store does not seem to work for me. (I am curious if we can purchase the book online or it is only available at their Tribeca store.) Hopefully the links work for you. :)

Lastly, I can't help think that J.Crew is really pushing (marketing-wise) the Tribeca men's store on its customers. I realize they want the store to perform well, but I feel like I have already seen the same material (e.g. Andy Spade's involvement with store design, Max Blagg's chewed pencils for $25 each, distressed jeans for $245) being presented over and over again. Perhaps if they start offering some new pieces or insights, that would get my interest again. :)

What are your thoughts on the Tribeca Men's shop flash site? Do you like or dislike the material, layout, and content?


  1. I have to say, the Tribeca shop is not a big deal to me. It's mostly the same old items with a few "exotic" barely out of the ordinary nitpicks here & there. Not to mention that the store was practically empty when I visited.

    Additionally, I'd like to add that the few new releases for men are pretty lackluster. Give us something new already . . .

  2. I really like the Flash Site, and would also like to see something similar for the Women's section. The links for the book and map don't work for me, either.

  3. The timing of this store is all wrong, the concept is sound but it should have opened in a better economic climate, even the wealthy lost money in the stock market.

  4. I think the store is doing it's job. This store has been featured in many magazines and websites; so from a PR opint of view it's a hit.

    I'd love to get to the store, but it's too far for me. I like the links and enjoy the look presented. Good job J.Crew.

  5. I love the content & seeing the store. The 2 or 3 interior images of the book could be better photographed, but the images of the store look great. Shame on them for not being able to get this simple flash presentation to work properly. Pitiful.

  6. OK, I have a fashion question for all you male aficionados. My 16 year old son will be going to his Homecoming dance on October 17th. His date is wearing a dark brown dress almost the color of bark or espresso. I am not sure how to pull my son's outfit together. Do I do dark brown pants, tan top and then patterned brown tie? Do I do tan pants, dark brown top and some other color tie? How should I pull this together? He is 6 feet tall and weighs about 130. His date is wearing a rhinestone brooch at the waistline (I am not describing this well at all, but it is really very pretty). Help!! Also, I have not found anything at J Crew that fits him, but have had great luck in the past with Brooks Bros. and Jos. Bank & Co. Thank you in advance for ANY helpful advice that you can give me. :)

  7. Jecrewjunkie: do they have to match. I always try to NOT match my boyfriend and when he does match me with his tie I make him take it off. Its a pretty formal occasion so maybe a nice black suit and then have his tie match her brooch. Also charcoal grey is very in with brown this year. Remember the wise words of ms. london, "Colors don't have to match, but they have to go." However, I do not think this rule applies when there are two people involved. But try a charcoal suit and a chocolate brown tie if you want him to be matching her.

  8. blumre: I love you! :) That sounds great. Now, how about suggesting a tie? Do you have a really fab on in mind?

  9. Jcrewjunkie, don't love me yet. LOL

    if the pictures come out looking gorgeous then you can love me. Hehe
    this one
    , this one , this one , and
    this one

    I think the third one is my fav. Do you like any of them?

  10. I also LOVE
    this one
    and it would bring some color to the outfit.

    You could also go a little more fashion forward and not have him wear a tie (kind of movie-star esq) and go with a charcoal grey suit with a chocolate brown shirt and then a great blue pocket square. I kind of like that even more. Because I almost feel like a white shirt would ruin the whole feel of the outfit. but it depends on how formal you want him to be.

  11. Blumre: I showed Chase the ties and when he got to the third one he immediately said, "sweet". This is 16 year old lingo for "perfect, buy it now and I'll look cool". Thank you so very very much for your help!!

  12. Glad everything worked out. I hope he has fun at the dance!


Dear J.Crew Aficionadas & Aficionados: Please feel free (and encouraged) to share your thoughts and opinions. :) However, please note that this is still a personal blog. So comments that are considered inappropriate (e.g. obscene, racist, homophobic, personal attacks, rude, and just plain mean) will be removed.

And now back to J.Crew! :)