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Thursday, October 2, 2008

J.Crew's Personal Shopper Offer Is Back: Free Style Advice & 20% Off Your Order

A big "thanks!" to Janice who let us know that J.Crew is having another personal shopper offer. If you schedule an appointment with a J.Crew personal shopper by Monday, October 13, 2008, you can receive 20% off all the (regular priced) items you purchase in addition to receiving style advice. There is a $175 merchandise minimum in order to take advantage of the 20% off. (The minimum threshold has increased from the last personal shoppers offer, which had a $100 minimum.)

Do you think you will take advantage of this latest promotion? Is this a good incentive on J.Crew's part to get their customers more accustomed to using a personal shopper at J.Crew?


  1. I would do this in a heartbeat if they carried my size in my store (Xl, 14/16). However, they do not. I have asked my store's personal shopper what she can do for me and she basically said not much---since my size is not available she is really limited to how she can help me.

  2. Not enough discount for me.

  3. Not interested...JCrew is pushing this personal shopper thing a bit too far in my opinion...or I just don't feel the need for PS advice...

  4. Do they mean that your appointment has to take place before October 13, or that you call and schedule it before October 13? I'd consider it if the new merch would be out, otherwise not so much.

  5. I doubt it, but does anyone know if the student discount works on top of this? Because I definitely need a new winter jacket and wouldn't mind adding the 15% off on top of the 20%.

  6. Sam, just check with your store when you make the apt.

    Other poster: I read the coupon as make the apt. by Oct. 13 but the actual apt. could be and check

  7. In the fine print it says "offer valid through Monday, Oct. 13th..cannot be combined with any other promotion". I'm not sure if student/educator discount is considered a promotion.

  8. Man, is it just me or is J. Crew really desperate for some sales?

  9. I guess that I don't need to whine about the fact that it says in-story only. Grrrrr.

  10. weab: I got my Butterfield today. My very first thought was, "oh my gosh...I ordered something from Crewcuts!" Seriously, it doesn't look that short in the online pics. Haven't had a chance to try it on yet because I have to go to my son's flag football game. More later...

  11. oh jcrewjunkie, I can't wait to hear what you think! I'm reconsidering mine but I hear you about the length. :(

    Oh and I'm also curious about why the crew is pushing the whole ps thing so much. I personally don't prefer to shop that way, but am I in the minority? Does it generate more sales??? Don't get it...

  12. The educators discount is not a is a discount that is valid all the time...but, as we have learned from this site, stores have the descretionary privelage of not honoring the educator's/student discount.

  13. About 6 weeks back, J Crew offered another promotion similar to the one offered today. However, the previous promotion did not require a store visit; it allowed me to work with a PS over the phone.

    I should mention that my experience with the last personal shopper did not go as well as I had hoped. I purchased 4 items while working with her. She made one great suggestion which I would never have thought of getting - but worked out perfectly. Unfortunately, her other 2 suggestions were duds. And her attitude sucked at best.

    When working with her, I told her that I was torn between getting the Sherpa-Lined Puffer Jacket in Ivory or Honey Glaze. I was leaning towards the Ivory but she kept telling me that the Honey Glaze was more a Camel shade than yellow and that I would like it much more than the Ivory. As a result of her suggestion, I got the Honey Glaze and it was certainly NOT Camel. After my daughter exclaimed that I looked like a Giant Sunflower, I knew that it had to go back. I ended up ordering the Ivory and am extremely happy with it.

    Unfortunately, the PS I was dealing with did not take the time to get to know my preferences and kept making suggestions for items that I wasn't my taste. Had she asked a few key questions, I am certain that she would have been more effective as a PS.

    One of her recommendations that I did purchase was the Crystal Button Bird's Eye Cardigan. At $118, it's pretty steep for a relatively plain cardigan with pretty crystal buttons. She convinced me that I would absolutely LOVE the sweater. It arrived and sadly, I didn't. The buttons on the sweater were way too heavy for the weight of the wool. So, I paid for these really pretty buttons, but you couldn't even see the crystals on them for they faced downwards and all you could see was the back of the button (the little loop where it's stitched to the sweater). I was disappointed so I emailed her to see if I could return the sweater and use my 20% discount that was applied on the sweater for a different item. If you thought that I was somewhat disappointed with her suggestions, I was even more disgusted by her return email when she told me that since there was nothing wrong with the sweater, she could not transfer the 20% discount to the new item I was getting in lieu of the original sweater she suggested. She ended off her email by telling me that she would gladly place an order for the new item but at regular price. She didn't even offer to accept my return of my original purchase. Her email left such a bad taste in my mouth. She failed to see that the flaw was in the design and that was the reason for my wanting to return it. Anyway, I called J Crew that evening and the CSR apologized for the PS's lack of service and transferred my discount to the new sweater. I ended up purchasing the Merino Rose Cardigan in the Plum.

    Anyway, sorry for the long post. I would definitely NOT ever deal with my original PS again. But I may consider using another PS in the future if J Crew were to roll out another phone offer.

  14. Guess what? I went to my local store the other day and they had a chiffon ruffle cardigan in my size! The sold out one that I have been lusting over forever now. The PS said it was a return (it wasn't even in stores, which is why it sold out so fast). She put it aside for a client awhile ago and then it didn't fit the client, and then I found it! So I had to buy it of course. Still full price, but it is worth it I think, it is very beautiful and different. I am new to this blog, I love reading all of your posts!

  15. I don't care to use a Personal Shopper...this really isn't that great of a deal, either....especially since the last one only had a $100 minimum.

  16. how do you use this promotion if you don't have the actual email? do you just call and make the appt and tell them you have the 20% off $175 offer and then show up without the printed email and hope they honor it?

  17. Has anyone tried on the: Polished Cotton Camp Dress

    ? I am between a small and a medium and don't like things light around the arm...which J.Crew sometimes does. I am a lacrosse player so I have muscle there that gets in the way! :-) Any reviews would be greatly appreciated!

  18. weab-
    I think it allows you to build a relationship with a SA and they then call you when things you specify you desire-come in or go on sale etc. They are like your eyes and ears while at the store and can grab things and call you. It could be good but I do not prefer it--i am a very isolated shopper in that I don't like to go with friends etc. I wouldn't like having someone all the the when I was in the store myself but I TOTALLY see how it could come in handy at times. I am also not much a full price shopper and would feel funny about that too.

  19. convert5: I have a ps at my b&m who practically JUMPS on me every time I walk in the store (he knows I spend a lot when I go in) but I still don't understand why the HUGE initiative it seems they have now. I guess it must generate MORE sales. But If I don't like something, I don't care if my ps loves it or not, I'm not buying...;)

  20. weab: I completely agree...there seems to be a real sense of desperation or urgency in getting customers to use a Personal Shopper, and I'm not sure why...

  21. I took advantage of the personal shopper option the last time that this was an option. I thought it was great. My personal shopper picked out things that I never would have put together myself and I get tons of compliments. She was a little overly complimentary of things but not in a pushy way. If I had the slightest question about whether or not I wanted to get something she told me not to bother because I would regret it later. I will definitely consider taking advantage of this offer.

  22. I did the PS thing the last time around, but won't be doing it again - I don't really enjoy shopping with anyone and my PS didn't really know much about the merchandise. I think that all of the Aficionadas could double as personal shoppers much better than some of the people in the stores that don't know the names or color codes.

    I know that a bunch of Aficonadas/os wish they lived near a b&m, but I think I'm the opposite - I feel like the web fiasco has forced me to utilize the b&m/red phone, and I kind of resent that. Back before June, I almost never went to the store, unless it was to make the once-in-a-while return, and I rather liked it that way. Just my $0.02.

  23. silver lining: I agree these aficiondadas know a TON more than many of the PS and from the sounds of this blog and polyvore and have a ton more style. I think to many it's just a job and this is jcrew trying to generate hype where there is none

  24. All the stores are really desperate for sales. Hasn't anyone noticed that Cole Haan is sending out promotional e-mails with codes every week. Ann Taylor is having unprecedented sales and Banana Republic is milking their 30th anniversary promotions for all they are worth. This must have worked last time, so they decided to repeat. Seems like a good business decision to me.

    Also, for those of you who do not like personal shoppers, they are not appealing to you. Since J Crew has more expensive options now, they need to provide services that are equal to stores that compete at those prices. This service is integral to enticing those shoppers.

  25. Anon 6:14, I definitely get that, it just seems kind of funny to me to have the PS option outside of major metropolitan areas with comparable stores.

  26. Silver_lining - You'd be surprised where you can find personal shoppers. When I worked retail in Columbus, OH many of the stores had wardrobing consultants who were personal shoppers in all but name. Talbots, Ann Taylor even Chico's. As someone who shops a lot, but hates being bothered by salespeople, I find the services of a personal shopper invaluable. First of all, you belong to someone, so others kind of back off.
    Secondly, you are known and being known and remembered in retail is the best way to get what you want.
    Lastly, a really good personal shopper will read your moods and be helpful or not depending on your mood. It is especially helpful if you shop with children.
    My background is corporate sales and I prefer to work with commissioned salespeople. They are truly invested in making sure you get what you want and leave happy.

  27. Their PS are glorfied SA's, not stylists. They make you think they are by "telling you your mood." But in truth they are looking to make money.

  28. Also - There are high income shoppers in all geographical regions. Just because they are not in a metropolitan area does not mean they will settle for less service. As a matter of fact in Columbus, my most demanding customers where from a horrid little city called Mansfield (I was born there so feel OK knocking it). They were so used to being catered to in Mansfield that they expected to be coddled when they were in the "big city" too.

  29. Anon - Of course they are looking to make money. They are working. However, they lose their commission if you return an item, so they want you to leave happy. It is no use for them to push a items on you if you are just going to return them later.

  30. Hi all,

    I'm inclined to agree with FFM & weab. This new interest in pushy sales, errr I mean personal shoppers, is a little troubling.

    I happen to think that jcrew generates enough customer loyalty with their products & customer service that they don't need an additional draw. I'm guessing that this personal shopper trend is the result of someone higher up in the company trying a pet project. I've seen it before, someone in management goes to a conference or a sister store & returns with a whole slew of ideas. In fact, I think that Nordstroms, Macy's & such have had personal shoppers for a few years now. Like other brainstorms, this is very hit or miss in the results.

    My own experience was more miss than hit. A few months ago I was spending a happy day at my B&M when one of my regular sales assoc.s told me about the personal shopping experience. Turns out that she had time free later that day, so I scheduled to come in for a consult.

    The PS, Ashely, was well turned out together with a good mix of jcrew items from more than one season, I concluded that she had a good idea of the product line. When she asked me what style I prefer I told her; "Do you know the show 'House'? Well, I'd like dress for work in a style similar to his boss, but with less cleavage showing". I think she got most of the concept & she made a few suggestions that I wouldn't have considered, such as tying the chiffon rose belt around the long merino sweater to define my waist. We both agreed that I do better with petites on both skirts & tops. She even made a few suggestions as to places where I could find blouses that fit my curvy / petite frame. In the end I did buy a few things in my enthusiasm for how cute everything looked together. Unfortunately, I ended up having buyers remorse for almost everything but the belt :{
    I think she was very good at building outfits for her body type. Folks on the petite side or more voluptuous than most might be a challenge for her.

    At the end of our session, Ashely added my info to her contact book with the promise to call if any specials came along. She did call when the first 20% off deal was offered. In fact, she sent along a jcrew postcard with a small note offering to set up a time. I thought I should give it another chance & called to schedule an appointment. Turns out, Ashely had just left jcrew that week!

    Luckily, I have a good rapport with the manager & a few fav. sales associates. I brought in the card & we worked something out the following weekend. I'm still a devoted jcrew junkie & shop with my regulars often. However, despite the fact that they have a new PS, I'm not too keen to be added to her little book.

    If you ask me, fellow aficionadas would be better served by asking for help on this blog. Most esp. with FFMs great combo's & clear photo layouts. I'd just wait until later for the 20% or for things to go on sale.

    Hope that helps,


  31. my point exactly, they are working, they are not stylists in any way shape or form
    heather-the belt around the sweater is featured all over the catalog so unfortunately your PS probably just saw that. I have also heard that line "I will call you if there are deals/prmotions"

  32. I think that the idea is great but is being carried it out in far too hasty and not well thought out manner. I think PS almost needs to see you on various occasions to determine your style and likes/dislikes, perhaps have a sit down to talk over your ideal style, work, weekend etc. so that they can cater better to your individual needs. sounds like a lot of people that used one last time got a person that wasn't a good fit for them. I thought the PS was a SA that perhaps you could choose in your store based on personality and style identity. You just know when someone has "it" the look you love, they are intuitive to what it is you like and need to fit your lifestyle. I worked retail my whole life and when I worked for Ralph Lauren we were all about tuning in and calling customers according to their needs, lifestyle--things that went on sale, were new etc. and that allowed us to generate more sales. It brought our customers in for more. When we showed them a fab outfit--they had to have it:) That's what this is about more sales! I don't think it is about the discount-good or bad--they want to create a rapport with you and build a long-term relationship that will guarantee more sales.
    When your PS picks things and says they look good when it isn't what you wanted--they are not good and you need to"can" them and try another:) I personally would want my choice of salesperson though--not whomever was assigned.
    That's a lot of my 2 cents:)

  33. Helloooo????? I already have a J.Crew PS....her name is FFM!!!!

  34. I don't perceive offering a personal shopper service to be "desperate". It is simply an additional service to offer to help increase sales, build relationships with customers and define/differentiate the brand. If it doesn't appeal to you, don't use it. I am sure J. Crew tracks the results of promotions like this and can tell exactly how much lift they get by offering them.

  35. No.
    As usual, they expect me to pay three months worth of my clothing budget to get any kind of deal.

  36. jacquelyn, if you are truly interested in hooking up with a J.Crew Personal Shopper, you should call the CS phone line and ask to be connected to a PS. You can make contact ongoing with a PS via email, phone or in-store. I had a nice conversation with the PS I got set up with during the last event (Tammy). I was not yet ready to purchase, and the deadline for purchasing was that very day, so Tammy told me she would note on my card in her file that I could use the 20% discount and have free shipping for my first purchase through her.

    While I have yet to see if a PS who has not met me in person can do what I'd like her to, I am hopeful. I explained to Tammy what I hoped for out of a PS (helping me figure out what shapes and styles fit me best after significant weight loss, helping me break out of my all-neutral color wardrobe and helping me build a new work and casual wardrobe from the ground up, due to weight loss, focusing on pieces that work with more than just one outfit. I offered to send her detailed measurements as well as some photos (headshot in color and some full body shots in full-front on and profile views) if she thought it would be helpful. She very enthusiastically replied "yes, please do!" She gave me her direct extension and her direct email address, and I am really looking forward to working with her!

    Hope this helps,

  37. The personal shopper works fast!!! I just e-mailed them ten minutes ago and I got a response. I am looking for the Linen-Cotton Shawl Cardigan, item# 98829 in XS. Two weeks ago, I called CS and got the same response. I was hoping the PS might be able to do something extra (sending requests to factory/relay customer's requests to management). However, I am very impressed by the speed of the service.

    Personal Shopper's response below:

    Date: Thu, Oct 2, 2008 at 4:34 PM
    subject RE: Personal Shopper Appointment Schedule

    Dear Patrick,

    Thank you for your interest in our Personal Shopper service. My name is Chris and I will be more than happy to assist you with all of your personal shopping needs.

    You indicated that you are looking for the Linen-Cotton Shawl Cardigan, item# 98829 in XS. I apologize that this item does not come in XS and is completely sold out in all sizes. We are also not expecting to be receiving this item any time soon. I apologize for any inconvenience.

    I hope this information helps. Should you require further assistance, or have any additional questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me.

    Thank you for shopping with J.Crew and have a great day!

    Chris Kassof
    J.Crew Personal Shopper
    One Ivy Crescent
    Lynchburg, VA 24513
    1-800-261-7422 ext. 53128

    Original Message Follows:

  38. I have to question the sense in J. Crew's increasing of the minimum amount of purchase for the personal shopper promotion this go-round, in light of all of the economic scares we have had lately...

  39. kind of off topic (and anticipating the weekly exchange lol) i totally missed out on the tuesday trench and was wondering if anyone wanted to sell theirs in a 10, 12, or 14? i also have been dying for the rose chiffon t but it's sold out in all sizes and colors across the country (according to my we'll find it for you emails). if anyone could help me please let me know!

  40. lindsay: I have a hard time believing that the belt is sold out everywhere. I tried that service earlier this year, and I was told there were no more. I got on the phone and called several stores until I found what I wanted. :) If you don't want to spend the time calling, try calling a b&m and asking if they can order it for you and have cs match the sale price and 20% discount. I know others who have done this and if you really want the belt, it's worth a try. (If you don't have a b&m close by or a good sa, try my store - Charleston, SC, 843-534-1640 - just know that they close at 6 Mon-Fri)

  41. sorry jcrew not enticing enough

  42. haha sorry i should have written tee...i am looking for the ringspun chiffon tee with the rose on it...soooo gorgeous. although i would be interested in some of those cute rose belts...but not for 38!! i might make one, that way it would be in the colors i want :)

  43. Lindsay: that is too bad that they can't find the chiffon rose tee for you; I did the "we will find it for you" last weekend for that tee, and luckily it was a success!

  44. lindsay: you said t, I am just tired and must have skipped right over it. Sorry! (And the belts are 9.99 in stores.) I think it's time for me to go to bed. :)

    As for the topic, I would take advantage if the amount was $100 like last time. Oh, well, more money for my wallet. :P

  45. yeah speaking on topic for once, i do not think i will take advantage of this offer because i just got my glenbrae boots, butterfield jacket, and lady day coat (that's not including all the FS bargains i have gotten recently) with the private sale offer. my credit card needs a break! also, i would ask on this blog before i would ever use a personal shopper...i like super cheap FS items and would feel weird if i wasted someone's time to get only a metallic bow belt for under $1 (which btw i got all 3 colors last week for that price)!

  46. I used the PS online last time, and she's just an order taker. I asked for outfit ideas. Never get a call back.

    I think J Crew is doing that because it's perceived as enhancing customer relationship. If you develope a relationship with the PS you tend to shop more, and return less. Unfortuately if the PS quits it's all for naught. I've seen quite a few turnovers in personnel at the retail stores lately.

    Anyway, I don't think I'll do this again. The things I want are online only.

  47. Personal shoppers are just salespeople, not stylists, as others have pointed out. I get my ideas from this blog, from the catalogs, from magazines, from people on the street. I am drawn to what I know fits my personality and my style - something a PS can't possibly discern. So, I'll be passing on this offer, which I really don't think is much of an incentive, anyway.

  48. I think you all are confusing a singular experience with a J. Crew personal shopper and what a long term relationship with a personal shopper can be. Anonymous at 10:02 is wrong. A good personal shopper will be able to distinguish your style and personality through the clothes. It can't happen on the first visit, but that should be yours and their goal. This doesn't refer to the J Crew program, just personal shoppers in general.

  49. Last personal shopper promotion was followed by a Private Sale promotion--I thinking we will see another private sale after the 13th. I've come to really like the private sales. Merchandise can be returned and 20% discount is not that far off the standard 30% reduction when an item is put on sale.

    I made a personal shopper appointment during the last promotion. She pulled together a lot interesting outfits that layered different items. The dressing room looked amazing, but I did not. Pops of color were colors I chose not to wear because they make my skinny look ruddy, and I look better in outfits that highlight tailoring. I wish she would have taken more time to talk to me about what I've learned about dressing myself so she could let me know when items come in the store that would be great for me. But maybe the appointment shook out that way because I didn't make my goals/wants clear up front.

  50. Jacquelyn,

    I'm in the same boat! I order mostly online for that reason. They do get some XL at our store, and I will usually buy a few things at reg. price just to know I can get the L or XL I need (depends on the item).

    But, I can never buy blouses or jackets!

    I wonder if the personal shopper can order help you and then place the order for you on the red phone with the 20 percent off???

  51. Leslie - *lol* -- you are right and FFM is my PS as well. We are not the same coloring but definitely overlap in size and taste. I can tick off 4 or 5 things I purchased as a result of her reviews.

    One can easily get to $175 with just a few items, but that is a big jump from a $100 min. Maybe it's another attempt to attract a certain type of customer and keep others away. Lord knows I will never start another eBay auction at $0.99!

  52. Even though $75 is a big jump from $100, I think it's pretty easy to do with J.Crew's prices. For example, if you applied it to a winter coat, you wouldn't have to worry about meeting the minimum at all.

    Speaking of coats, I have decided THIS year is the year of a new winter coat. I've had a serviceable one for awhile but am sick of it. I still can't decide between the Greta and the Felicia though.

    And on another note, the woman in front of me in line today returned the French serge coat! I was SO EXCITED because I have been dying to see this coat in person. The woman was returning it because she didn't like the color and after looking at it, I agreed - you will either love it or hate it. The manager was filling out some paperwork while I tried on the coat and commented that he hadn't seen a jacket in that kind of material before. It was really smooth and soft ... and kinda heavy ... and very nice.

    The coat was 2 sizes too big for me, but I still loved it. So now I'm torn - on top of a new winter coat, I also really want this one too!! I don't think I can really justify both. :)

  53. PS. When I said he hadn't seen that kind of material before, he meant at J.Crew.

  54. Won't be taking advantage of this promotion. Last time I shopped with a PS, they didn't allow any sort of combination with other discounts, including student/educator discount.

  55. anon @ 9:53: I had a similar experience. I requested a PS online and she made a couple of suggestions and then I never heard from her again! I didn't even get a "thank you" from her for the merchandise that I did purchase!

  56. Off topic...was in B&M store last night to find that select styles of jeans are $20 off - including the fabulous high heel flares!! If you have not tried them on, I highly recommend them. They really are a flattering fit!

    Happy shopping!

  57. Lindsey: I have the Tuesday Trench in deep persimmon and am thinking of selling. I have it in a petite 12 and paid $120 for it. Email me if you are interested. enstowe @ hotmail . com

  58. weab: Tried on my Butterfield last night, and absolutely love the super softness and the versatility of the Heather Silver color. What I don't get is the high price tag ($398) for a somewhat cropped jacket with bracelet length sleeves. I am going to keep trying it on over the next few days to see if it grows on me since the color is gorgeous and I do love the overall look.

  59. emily, I tried on all 3 styles of the high heel flares in Aug. and disliked them all. This is the first time in 5 years that a pair of JCrew jeans did not fit me no matter what size I tried on...I am 5'9 and JCrew jeans have always fit me until now. The salesclerk said these jeans all fit differently even though they are all high heel flares. People have not been liking them he said...

  60. I agree with anonymous at 10:05...not a fan of the high heel flares...they have been out since July...probably that is why they are on promo/sale b/c they aren't selling well....

  61. In experiences similar to other posters, I tried the PS service during the last offer. I provided the PS some guidelines (size, color, style preferences) and some specific items I wanted to try on during the appointment. Basically, the PS pulled everything I said I wanted to see and one jacket that I had indicated fit me horribly.

    I feel the PS "got lucky" because someone had returned a tall sized suit to the store and I ended up buying it along with other items.

    At the end of my purchase, the PS indicated that I could call if I ever wanted to try clothes on again. When I indicated that I had assumed she could keep in contact with me regarding new arrival and sales, the response was "oh sure, I can do that". To this day, I have never received a call or email never mind the fact that I received no form of a thank you for the items I did purchase.

    On a previous blog, it had been indicated that the PS does receive a small commission from sales driven out of appointments and I am amazed that it was just not possible to write a quick thank you on employer provided stationary!

    The only way I would do this again is if my tiny J Crew B&M has more than one personal shopper available as I remained unimpressed with the last person I worked with.

  62. I have an appointment with a personal shopper this afternoon and I'll let you all know how it goes. I've met this SA in the store before and he's always been really helpful, so I'm hoping he'll be able to help me coordinate a suit outfit for job interviews. I already own a J Crew suit (love the 120s) and was already planning on spending the money, so I figured having someone help me pull sizes or tops to match would be useful. I'm crossing my fingers I can still use my student discount on top of the 20%!

  63. jcrewjunkie: Thanks for your review! I was wondering where you went! :)

    I have to tell you I've found a new affinity for it today! I keep trying it on with different things and the more I do so, the more I'm starting to love it. And I agree with you, it's super soft and the quality seems's just the price tag that really makes me CRINGE!!! :O

  64. weab: I know exactly what you mean. I keep trying it on and loving it more and more. What have you tried yours on with? I even liked mine when I tried it on with a white tank, black boots and jeans! I keep telling myself that I will get so much usage out of it that I can actually validate the high price tag! LOL. Have a great weekend!

  65. jcrewjunkie: That's so funny! I liked it the best with a white tank and jeans too!!! Yea, for that price it *better* be an everyday item! ;)

  66. I've never used a personal shopper - I don't feel a need for one. But Marison's post reminded me: I receive thank-you note cards, on thick heavy paper, all the time from Nordstrom's, whether I buy something expensive or relatively trivial. I bought a vase with flowers recently, and within a week got a card from the saleslady thanking me for my purchase and hoping the decoration fit in well in my home. I appreciate such gestures (and I recycle the cards :-) ).

    From the vast majority of posts on here, it sounds like the j.crew PS experience is a dud.

    On the other hand, I'll say that I love their catalogues and get so many styling ideas from them :-)

  67. I love my personal shopper. But I am very direct and upfront with her on my intentions for my appointment before I go! Sometimes she will have the room set up for me and other times we will walk the store. She also has me bring in items from past seasons to work into this seasons looks! If you feel you are not getting this kind of service from your shopper then find another. It can be extremely competive for a good client, a consistent client who comes back season after season to their store. The right one will save special items for you, let you in on exclusive sales and save you from making trips to the store by mailing you things.
    P.S. My shopper told me she expects the Holiday Rollout before the Oct. 13 deadline date as well! So what better incentive to make an appointment? What do you really have to lose?

  68. J crew junkie--Butterfield--I am in the EXACT SAME boat! Love the style (albeit kinda short-I am 5'7") I think shorter than expected might be a better way to put it. I think it should have been slightly longer. Anyway-so incredibly soft, thick and darling style but I am just not 100% and I think the BIGGEST reason is price (and it was a gift but think what I could exchange it for!) Oprah says doubt means don't--hmmm. I'll keep trying it on.
    Let me know what you decide or maybe what it looks fab with if you get any great ideas!

    Last--I got my watercolor floral Lydia today and LOVE IT! BTW-for those asking--the eggplant purple tie cardigan looks fabulous with it as does mustard jackie. I am not loving honey glaze with it as much as I thought I would. LOVE THIS PATTERN SO MUCH-color, style, ruffles--so cute!

  69. Got so excited I didn't even continue reading to see weab and you converse on the buttefield! Sorry-both of you let me know of any other great ideas!

  70. When I worked at Ralph Lauren--they used Nordstrom as the PRIMO example of the ultimate customer service. We used their "customer service/motivational company" as a beacon for how the customer should be treated. We always sent follow up notes--we sent materials and made calls and honestly, if this is what they are going for..they need to have some company-wide training. Some of these PS just ain't doing their job:( Sorry for those who have had that BAD experience. Jen--yours is doing it right! We brought in old pieces and helped incorporate and work the wardrobe that already existed as much as offering new pieces. We also had many sale only customers that we would pull items for and they would buy etc. (blazers were $575 and pants averaged $250 for women and this was in the 80's. I should add--some of Ralph's stores closed and he began making these clothes for less and selling to Macy's for a far better price).
    A lot of JC SA's are really not all that interested in going the extra mile--be it they are in college and could care less cause they are on their way back to school soon etc.

  71. I had a great experience with my PS at the store in San Francisco this past Saturday. He called me before the appointment to ask if I wanted coffee and ran to Starbucks to get my sister and myself each a drink. While I was in the store there were a lot of items I wanted but there were no sizes available in the store and my PS was able to order them for me through the catalog-whil still honoring the 20% discount. If anyone lives in the Bay Area I'd suggest going to see Ryan, or calling the store if you have any questions. (It's the downtown store @ 845 Market Street, 415-546-6262).

  72. I used a personal shopper for the first time on Friday and loved it. My PS brought out a lot of items for me to choose from and put together some things I would not have thought to try. I also got 20% off final sale items and an additional 20% off on top - but I didn't get the 20% off for the personal shopper discount, which I'm thinking I can't combine -- but, I'm going to check!

    I ended up getting quite a few things I would not have thought of - and I've been getting several compliments already!

  73. I had my first PS experience today and it was just wonderful! I was able to come in before the store opened, which was amazing.
    When I arrived she had a cup of tea for me and we talked about the outfits she pulled for me. There were some that I would have never thought of, but I loved.
    Then we walked through the store together. Because the store was still closed it was super-we didn't have to wiggle around people, or wait for someone to finish looking at anything.
    We pulled even more items from the walk through and then spent the next hour and a half trying on different combos of pieces and colors. I brought some things from home that I love and wanted to work into the new things.
    I ended up with a pair of pants and several tops that I can work into my existing wardrobe, and that I can dress up or down.
    I also have some great ideas for some things I'm going back for after my next paycheck.
    My PS is my new best friend! She was so understanding of how something may have looked really cute, but it didn't fit into my lifestyle (career). She was also able to understand when I just didn't like something-it looked cute on the hanger, but not on me.
    Overall, it was a wonderful experience and I'll definitely be using my PS again and again and again!

  74. I love J.Crew! They have amazing customer service and they have the best managers ever!!! Everyone should shop there. Their one cashier, Steve, is soooo hot!!!!

  75. I LOVE my PS. She facilitates every order and I send her lists - what items I must have, and those I want "when on sale". She contacts me when my priority items go on sale, or if items I loved (i.e., cardigan or cords) are on special so I can take advantage of the discounts. I haven't been receiving my catalogs in a timely fashion so she's added that to her to-do list as well. She's phenom! I don't even live in the same state as her (I'm in Atlanta, she's in TX) and after the fiasco with the website and my myriad of issues, I order everything directly through her and get better deals - even on shipping.

    I highly recommend utilizing the PS service for this sort of help. If yours is not as responsive, mine is Christin at La Cantera - TX store. She "gets" the JC obsession and really goes the extra mile. I don't know what sort of offers they have at that store for PS service but since it's a new location and they are a high level (level 1?) store, I'd check it out.

  76. Does anyone know what the commission rate is for a J.Crew personal shopper right now in April 2012?


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And now back to J.Crew! :)