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Tuesday, October 14, 2008

J.Crew November Catalog: Now Available To View!

Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.

A big gigantic "thanks!" goes to 3-Penny-Princess who scanned the catalog for us to view. Also, a big "thanks" goes to Cleo26 who also scanned and sent me the images as well (including the mens & crewcuts). You two are amazing!!! :)

Quick Note: The *entire* catalog is now up- including Crewcuts and Men's. Again, I am very grateful for 3-Penny-Princess and Cleo26 who were so kind to share with us all! :)

"Thanks!" to Marietta, Kitchy7, LaDolceVita, and others who let us know that J.Crew stores will most likely have new arrivals on their shelves this Thursday and Friday. :)

Are there any pieces you are excited about in the new catalog? What items do you really like or dislike and why? :)


  1. OOOOHHHH! looks like lots of new and exciting merchandise! Thanks for posting! You are awesome!

  2. Thanks for posting this Alexis!!!! OMG...I'm going to need to hide the cc bills from my hubby this season!! You guys are amazing for posting this. Hopefully I'll get my catalog this week!

  3. wow, you girls are amazing!!
    i like the outfit with what i presume to be wide legged chino, a tuxedo blousey looking blouse and a khaki colored cardigan, love that outfit!!


  4. Ooh, ooh! Super cute stuff- I'm going shopping Thursday!!

  5. I saw the photo of a girl wearing a tan skirt and a long camel wool coat and I went "Oooh, what coat is that!" Then I realized it was the plaza coat, which is what I just ordered in charcoal gray. So at least my taste is consistent. :)

    Skimming through quickly, what caught my eye were the heirloom henley (dig the buttons!) and the Maggie double serge coat. I hope I actually get a catalog in the mail so I can peruse it more closely. :)

  6. Oh my gosh, thanks so much!! There are so many cute things I see - it's a good thing the prices are too small to be seen for now! =)

  7. THANK YOU ALEXIS, 3-PENNY PRINCESS, and CLEO26! What a wonderful end to the day! :) You all ROCK!!!

    My favorite so far is the same outfit Irene described with the wide leg chino, tuxedo-like blouse, and cardigan...I am definitely getting them. :)

  8. Oooooh ruffles, ribbons and pleats! I want I want I want!

  9. To quote a famous stylist, "I DIE!" Thanks so much Alexis for posting the catalog slide show tonight and bringing this Aficionada's day to an awesome ending!

  10. I can sleep in peace now. :-)

  11. SWOON!

    OMG I feel like I don't want to blink everything is so pretty!

    THANK YOU for posting and scanning!

    I love it all, though does anyone else find it interesting that some of the things are short sleeved, sleeveless, like the rosette cami and the sequin slit neck t shirt?

    I have to look again! Hehe

  12. Thanks for posting this!! I am an avid reader of J.Crew Aficionada, but this is my first comment!! I am actually commenting to complain on the service I have received in one of the Boston stores over the past 3 weeks. I typically stop into J.Crew once a week after work to check out sales, new merchandise, etc.. and more often then not leave with a little something! Anyway, it is safe to say the sales staff recognizes me and knows that I am an avid customer. 3 weeks ago I was waiting at the shoe display looking to try on a pair of Juliets, I stood there for 15 MINUTES as a group of 4 sales attendents stood chatting not 10 feet from me. No one ever came over. I had a pile of goods in my hands and in an act of extreme frustration placed them down on the closest table and walked out.
    Last night I figured I would try again. Same situation. I stood by the shoe display, Juliet heel in hand, actively trying to make eye contact with someone so I could say "excuse me" without having to seem obnoxious, and all I got was some shared sympathy from the woman beside me who had also been waiting for someone to help her. Once again I put down my pile of clothes I was ready to purchase and walked out, came home and ordered everything on-line.
    It is just so annoying that I could have had everything I ordered last night in my closet ready to where today and instead have to wait, and pay shipping and handling!!!
    I was just wondering if this was something others have experienced at their neighborhood J-Crews??

  13. Thanks to those who sent Alexis the catalog, and thanks Alexis for posting it! It looks like there are some great items! I can't wait to see them in person.

  14. Kudos to the photographer and stylist who makes everything look so great when they photograph one item in multiple colors.

    Irene & FFM - Yes, I totally love that outfit, too! I have chinos and was wondering how to make them look sleek. This is a great look. wow, you girls are amazing!!

    fashionista - Bananas, right?

    I love the creme sequin cardi, the vneck sweater w/the big buttons (something different) and the cashmere crewneck w/the bow on my favorite model. P. 30 has the mystery coat. Looks even better in person in the darker tan color.

    Ummm...what does one do with the belt after taking the pea coat off? *lol*

    Thank you J Crew for creating a beautiful, exciting catalog with happy models. I also get a different vibe for this cat's suit section. Tho models in the past looked like models in suits. These models and the vibe are that they are career women, ready for business. I love it!

  15. Thanks to those who scanned and Alexis for posting!! It's truly appreciated. This is the nicest catalog of the fall I think.

  16. My J.Crew is awesome. They're attentive, accomodating and tell me honestly how something looks on me. I've been to most of the stores around Southern California and there's nothing better than some honest to goodness So Cal hospitality. :)

  17. Hrm, were there any menswear on that catalog?

  18. Wow - love many things;
    Victoria Cami looks incredible
    Maggie double serge
    crystal garden bracelets
    issy sweater jacket
    fireball necklace
    aubrey herringbone jacket
    patent leather belts
    shimmy dress
    gold lame skirt
    Is there anything you guys think will disappear quickly from inventory???

  19. Gigiofca, I liked that sweater with the big buttons too! I was wishing I could actually read the names and prices of the items. :)

  20. WAIT -- the catalog is still loading. OMG -- stop it with the bows around the crewneck of that cardi (photo 55). I adore it. I got chills all the way down to my toes.

    clevelandcirclechic - I have also felt that way in some of the stores I've gone into. The best thing to do is reach out to the 1st person who makes eye contact and is relatively friendly. Or a person you think you might want to deal with. I.e. there have been a couple of people who are so frenetic, I would never approach them.

    After they get to know you, you will get the experience you want to have in the store. I hope so. That was the case for me. I shouldn't have had to extend myself 1st but I did and I have fun when I go in now.

  21. Alexis and Three-Penny-Princess: Thank you so much! The catalog looks lovely and I'm glad we were able to take a "sneak peek" at some of the new goodies!

    I really like the new jackets (Marie and the Maggie Double Serge) - the colors are divine! However, I need a new jacket like a hole in the head :D, so I'll wait it out...But I'm excited to hear what other aficionadas and aficionados purchase!

  22. jeff: I think cleo26 is scanning the remainder of the catalog tonight, including men's and crewcuts. 3PP understandably couldn't scan the whole thing tonight :)

  23. I have just fallen in love with the heirloom henley!! Big thanks to Alexis and 3PP! You rock!!!

  24. Does anyone know the name of the Yellow Jacket on the page after the picture of the bracelets? It has big buttons and comes in 5 colors.

  25. I TOLD YOU LADIES--AWESOME STUFF:) SO glad you are finally seeing it!! I cannot wait for you to get the catalog or better yet see it in person!!
    If anyone needs prices/color/item numbers-let me know. I already pre-ordered a few things so I will let you all know how they look and feel in person when they come! :)

  26. gigi-I loved the cardi with the bows too! How cute is that?!

    I am also loving the look that irene, ffm and others commented on. very chic but casual.

    EVERYONE will love this one it's $250

  28. FFM: That's the Maggie. Don't you love it!!!

  29. Crap. Alexis and 3PP I had a lot of work to do tonight and well after this latest post -- I am writing it off as a loss.

    Thanks girls!!

  30. covert5: what are the name and item numbers for the outfit with the wide leg chino, tuxedo-like blouse, and cardigan?

    The Maggie is ADORABLE!!!! Thanks covert5 and ladolcevita! :)

  31. Thank-you for posting tonight. I really like the colors.

  32. What is the collar like on the Maggie? Has anyone seen it in person?

  33. mathteacher: if you click on the picture when its in the slideshow then click "view in new window" it takes you to a bigger version! I just figured that out accidentally actually.

  34. Oh noooooo! The new items are going to be very bad news for my credit card...

    FYI, the Chevy Chase/Friendship Heights B&M in DC had 2 of the merino ruffle cardis today- one small and one x-large. Just thought I'd mention it since a lot of people have been looking for them!

  35. ooooh i REALLY like the cardi on page 72...

    covert, do you know the name/price of this, and what colors it comes in?

  36. Cleo26: Thanks for helping out on the catalog too! I missed that you all were still working on it -- we appreciate it so much :)!

  37. FMM
    Victoria Ruffle Shirt 99693T - comes in camel or black stripe or
    solid black or white 99694T
    Model has on grey stripe

    cambridge cable sweater 96975T - think that color is heather acorn

    pants are favorite fit everyday chinos

  38. There's another 20% private sale coupon. It doesn't expire until Monday, Oct 20th.

  39. Okay FFM-
    That is a cambridge calbe crewneck cardi item 97049 $78 color heather acorn
    Pant is Favortie Fit Chino and Shirt is that amazing ruffle blouse I mentioned comes in stripes and solid white or black

    *Victoria ruffle shirt striped 99693 camel/white stripe or black/white stripe $98
    *Solid victoria item 99694 $89.50 comes white or black

    I thought color like soft pink would have been beautiful or ivory:)

  40. If you all set it up like this, it's much easier to see all at once! :)

  41. Thank you, thank you, thank you, for scanning and posting the catalog 3 Penny Princess and Alexis. The perfect Tues. night pick me up.
    I love the outfit with the chinos, tuxedo shirt, and wheat cable cardi too. I bought the those chinos last week, so I think the rest of the outfit is a must have for me.
    I also love the short jacket (shown in yellow) I think it is the Maggie.
    Can't wait to see the everything IRL.

  42. I love that maggie coat, too! Too bad I just ordered the peacoat. Maybe I'll get lucky (or unlucky as it may go! :D) and my b&m will have it in. The peacoat is really flattering, so the maggie would have to be just as good for me to change my mind. But, it is adorable!

  43. FFM:

    catalog says that maggie is catalog/ only. I'm thinking of ordering the camel and ivory and decide between the two. Heather bright berry looks too similiar to rubarb to me and that's my Andrea color.


    Hi, correct me if I'm wrong but...
    It says "$16.99 for select colors" and then underneath, "2 for $35". Isn't it a better deal to just get each one seperately, seeing as $17+$17=$34...? Plus the 30% discount. What is J.Crew trying to do!?!?

  45. appgal
    Cardi is dream yarn simone item 99814 $158
    heather graphite or navy-she's wearing graphite

    Under it a beautifyl metallic vita cami $98 silver item 10181

    GO GET EM GIRLS-20% off someone says:)

  46. Ha! And if you use the enlarge feature on the upper left of the pages, you can see the prices ***just*** fine LOL! (sorry, I put the wrong side before)

  47. Love the Sabrina shift, Eva sweater, and the Shimmy dress on pg 32!!

    Not to sure about the Claire pants...

  48. THANK YOU LADOLCEVITA AND COVERT5! :) I know what is on my wishlist already.

  49. math teacher-
    Maggie is a blazer
    sorry for any confusion

    La Dolce-I ordered ivory and deep yellow (yellows are tricky but if deep enough this could be FUN!) Berry no even though cute--because I was like you with cooper in rhubarb and andrea in rhubarb:)

  50. Too bad the private sale ends today!

  51. I am excited about so many things! The pencil skirts are so interesting. There's one that looks like metallic in two colors. And another that looks like the double serge in different colors including a great blue and a red. There are a lot of great sweaters, the pleated ruffle halter is great. I need a second job!

  52. what's the code for the private sale lasting through the 20th?

    thanks for scanning/posting!

  53. covert5, so now I can justify buying both!? It is SO cute!

  54. Jackie- Is there an online code for the private sale? TIA!

  55. Oh my gosh I want all! well the ribbon cardigan and the coat and perfect tanks! What? There is another code for 20% going through Monday?Anyone else confirm this?

  56. covert5

    I agree about the yellow,please let us know how it looks, in the meantime think I will order the ivory :) Have you ordered anything else from this catalog ?

  57. HELP---
    Quick question for those in the know. I didn't know if you could apply student discount(told standard discount by associate on red phone) with promotions like final sales? As I have spoken to different associates on the phone and managers from different stores who differ in what they will do. So what has your experience been with this policy, as I asked a manager who got rather rude when I asked if she could check on this policy at a brand new store? (j. crew in the past has allowed this with the manager in Raleigh and over the phone with j. crew) Thanks in advance,

  58. math teacher-YES--indeed:)

    FFM-the collar appears to be just a small rounded collar with slight turn back lapel at the top and 3 buttons. Perhaps a button at the waist on either side with some ruching/pleating and two slit pockets. Even with catalog IRL is hard to tell but the jacket is TDF cute! Speaking of jewelry-the bracelet looks TDF I am a huge FLOWER FAN!

  59. Ok, I enlarged. I really want the:

    ruffle cami
    cardigan with bows around the collar
    maggie double-serge jacket
    chiffon florette cardigan
    clou pailette cardigan
    victoria ruffle shirt
    sabrina shift (although I'm not sure about the fit on me)
    quinn cami


  60. ribbons and cardigan and tanks-oh my!

    He,he-I could almost sing a well-known tune for anon at 9:48:)

  61. I LOVE those crystal garden bracelets!!!
    They look fantastic. That's a must for me.

  62. 3-Penny Princess:
    Thanks so much for all the effort. I am stuck at work all week and weekend, so won't have time to go to the store. It was so great to see the new catalogue, very exciting!!!

  63. Thank you so much for posting this!!!

    I LOVE the new wool flannel dress on page 86 - the watercolor and abstract rose ones were fabulous, and this just continues the line. And the Super 120s dress on page 84. In fact, the entire suiting section is fantastic - I like that they've added lots of color options.

    And the Kate flannel dress is back and in colors! Ooh.

    The new double cloth coat on page 65 is gorgeous - I love that poppy color.

    And let me echo everyone else's comments about the Maggie jacket - beautiful. I might have to get that one in a couple of colors!

    Can't wait to see everything online and in person!

  64. I've seen the new bags in stores. The price is great. I seem to remember them being lined. The leather is soft and of very good quality. The only problem is the handle length was a little short for my taste. But they are gorgeous!

  65. Wow, I really like the look they're going with in this catalog. Also having age appropriate models helps, it's great to see more than just 18 year olds wearing things they wouldn't normally. I really do appreciate J.Crew's doing that.

    I love the cord Holmes blazer. And the plaid is really growing on me. Some of the women's is amazing. That wool henley is a knockout.

    Thanks so much to Alexis and company for getting this to us. We're like kids who sneak a peak at Christmas gifts early. It's bad, but we can't help ourselves.

  66. For the guys and young adults :-)

    I sent the men's and crewcuts section a little more than one hour ago. Alexis is posting or has already posted. Refresh your browsers, and you'll see the new merch.

    Thanks for posting, Alexis!

  67. Sorry if I missed this- but does anyone know when the new items will be online?

  68. Amy - should be on Thursday. But maybe we'll get lucky and they'll appear tomorrow!

  69. Alexis - thanks for putting together the slide show this evening.

    cleo - thanks for scanning the mens & remainder and sending it to Alexis.

    We are..... Team Aficionada! Go team, go!

    I'm glad everyone likes the catalogue. Isn't it all so gorgeous?

    amy - I totally hear you! That's how I felt when I flipped through the entire catalogue at the Tysons store. I was like, darn, how much more can I buy before the holidays? But honestly, I think this is the best catalogue yet this season! Everything is beautiful and I want it all...

    My personal faves:
    -Merino Melanie Button-Cuff Sweater (saw the cardi at Tysons and it was pretty)
    -Small Metallic and Leather Thompson Totes
    -Chiffon Florette wool-cashmere cardigan
    -Shimmy Dress
    -Crystal Garden Bracelets
    -Maggie Double Serge Jacket
    -Bow Necklace Cardigan
    -Victoria Pleated Ruffle Cami
    -Cashmere Blouson-Sleeve Bateau
    -Madeline Double Cloth Coat
    -Quinn Silk Cami

    Good night everyone! Try not to spend all your savings. There's still the holidays!

  70. Thank you SO much Alexis, 3PP and cleo!!! What a wonderful treat at the end of a rough day!!!

    Put me down for a Maggie too! LOVE! I also love the Simone cardi and Vita tank! SO ADORABLE!!!

  71. Swoon-worthy. Can't wait to see it in person! I am an employee, and my store hasn't even received their catalogs yet. Now I am even more excited.

  72. I saw has the mens and kids stuff! Gorgeous...

  73. Alexis has had the entire catalog up for awhile just need to refresh your webpage. :)

  74. Charlotte, I even brought my husband over to see the mens collection.

    He knows that I love J.Crew!

  75. Thanks everyone! I hope a jcrew opens up near my house soon. :P

  76. This is an awesome catalog and I can't wait to see it in stores. My favs so far are:

    - new cashmere colors
    - new cashmere styles - esp. eva
    - alessia peep toes and mary jane heels
    - crystal garden bracelets
    - ruffle camis
    - new jackie colors (wow)

    Everything looks so fresh, it's all great :)

  77. Heather, I know what you mean, my boyfriend is head to toe in jcrew. A good looking guy that (now) looks like he jumped out of the catalog!

  78. Heather suggested it first? I can't take credit for it. I read both blogs. I hope no one holds that against me. Look up.

  79. Does anyone know what the code for this continuing 20% off is?

  80. I read both blogs, too, and have been for a long time now. I can be open and honest about that.

    I feel like many of the readers here are weird about that.

  81. And to janny, I am not the author of the other blog in secret. My name is Heather and I live in Georgia.

    We don't need any negativity here.

  82. jcrew guy in Canada: I don't know about age appropriate, but I actually thought the models for the October catalog were a much much better fit for the clothing.

  83. Janny, please play nice. I don't think we need to remind you.

    I also read both blogs. They have different things to share with everyone. I don't think that's such a bad thing!

  84. Hi, even when I enlarge I am having trouble seeing the size range on 2 items that interest me:

    can someone who has the catalog tell me, the francie skirt on page 31, is is 0-14 or 0-16? Same w/ wool-cashmere coat on p. 32--0-14 or 0-16?


  85. Cass:

    the francie skirt is 0-14
    and the Harriet coat is 0-16

  86. Cass- I think the skirt is 0-14 and the coat is 0-16, but I could be mistaken. Tough to read!

  87. Alright, I've just seen the "new" releases for men. I'm . . . disappointed. Everything other than the Reversible Trench is either old news or way too similar with past releases. Actually, I'm pretty sure I've seen the Reversible Trench sometime ago too. For me, the menswear of this catalog is two big *blows raspberry* thumbs down. A big applause for the women though. *claps*

  88. Cass: i love the Francie skirt. The sea salt color looks amazing in the pic, but i couldn't dare. I'd probably get ink on it or tomato sauce. :)

  89. I'm loving the womens items. Great job J.Crew! :) Who has the coupon code for the 20% off???

  90. I am sooooo excited! I ran into my local B& M store this evening in Houston and lucky me they had the new catalog.
    So many new and wonderful things to choose from.

  91. Thanks to everyone who helped get this up. I'm so torn about which jackets I want. I'm considering returning my Ecole for the Maggie jacket! I can probably only get 2, and already the Andrea I just snagged on sale. Any thoughts on the new Ecole colors?

  92. Jcrew became more and more urban, less and less preppy. No doubt, its student/teacher discount became less applicable. It merged into BR market, and only of a different design style.

    It seems that I am the only one dissapointed.

  93. Cleo, crewbie and LDV, thanks for the sizes. None of the cute novelty skirts come in 16. :(

    I am thinking of getting that coat though. Re: stains on white/ivory/sea salt--JC should start offering scotch-guarding in addition to thinsulate on their light colored wool items. :)

  94. Yes Anon, it's only you. To me, J.Crew is still the only retailer that sells clothing that could make you look like a Keebler elf. That's preppy to that whole other level.

  95. Out of topic: Apple had just released a newly designed MacBook. I just bought one & it's already outdated. What the heck Apple? A little warning next time please?

  96. I too love the maggie, but the price is a bit too steep for me.

    I got the cardigan with the french cuff knots already at the retail, and saw the taffeta A-line in grey as well. I may get the taffeta in the other color if it ever goes on sale.

    Love the golden roses dress. I have the abstract rose dress and it's incredibly figure flattering but doesn't look like much on the hanger.

    Will probably check out the star tie neck cardi, the new lady day, the mystery ruffle dress on page 32, the black jacket on page 39.

    Funny thing is my retail store has this catalog, but they will only let me browse, but not take it home. Officially I think it's supposed to be released on Thursday.

  97. Oh - is the pencil skirt with the bow on the waistline anywhere in this catalog? Some one pointed to another blog that has the image of the skirt.

  98. argyle - I didn't bother checking out the Ecole colors. However, I will try the new ones on in person to see if the fit of this run is any different. The last one didn't fit me in a flattering way.

    Big thanks to those who scanned & emailed the images to Alexis. What a great day!

  99. Alexis and All: I am so excited to see entire catalog! Thank you for all who kindly scanned and posted it!!! You made my day:)

  100. Thanks for scanning and posting the catalog. I love glittery items, like the beaded sash belt and shirts with a little bit of sequins on them. Can't wait to see the items in person.

    Lindsey B: I don't see it! I have refreshed my page.

  101. This comment has been removed by the author.

  102. Heads up, the other blog has EXTRA25 as a code, 25% off the sale price!

  103. This comment has been removed by the author.

  104. This comment has been removed by the author.

  105. EXTRA25 is not working for me at check out with only FS items over $300. I tried it on a marked down, non-FS shopping cart and it does not work. Maybe it's not in their system yet?

  106. Someone mentioned that 20% code is available till Monday? Anyone have the code?

  107. This comment has been removed by the author.

  108. no I think people want the next private sale 20% code through the 20th??? That way we could use it on the new stuff :)

  109. I don't have any children or know of anyone with childre in the Crewcuts age, but that was actually my favorite part of the catalogue. There's no J Crew in Europe, but that is how all European children dress.

  110. Thanks for taking the time to do this for us!

  111. I can't see the names, but I think I am in love with that shirt with the ruffles at the front and peeking out of the sleeves of the light brown cardigan... I also love dress cuts like that one of the girl looking at herself in the mirror with the low back. But... ok, what's with the guy's face wearing the wool herringbone blazer and the plaid shirt? Is it just a wrinkle in the page or can someone second that he's sneering?

  112. OK. I am American live in the heart of the UK and I travel a lot throughout Europe. My daugher wears Crewcuts and people ask about her clothes all the time. I haven't seen kids dress in "JCrew like stuff" over here...but that is my experience.....I tell people if you have a friend or realtive in America they can order for I know people would like to have it available over here......

  113. I'm in Paris now, so perhaps I should have specified that most children in Paris are walking J. Crew ads, especially on a nice lovely day when the families are all out in the parks. I mentioned this to a Danish friend, who said that children were very fashionable in Denmark too; therefore, my 'loose' use of Europe. I actually don't remember how children dress when I lived in London... But think the large potential market for Crewcuts will lead to J. Crew in Europe?

    There is a Banana Republic in England... I want to say London?

  114. Just happened to see this today...

    That's one trendy kid, but still, just a kid.

  115. I feel a little uninspired by this catalog. It doesn't mean that I won't be purchasing -- I can't stay away from Jcrew for long -- but I thought that beyond the Maggie double serge and the Kate dress coming in a few extra colors, my credit card is relatively safe this month.

    It seems that most of the items are reincarnations or tweaks of items I feel I've seen before.

  116. I just walked by the Rock store on my way to work and they have all the new items out!! I am so going during lunch!

  117. nojcrewinjapan,

    I feel the same way but was afraid to go against the grain...maybe when I see stuff in person it will be different but nothing really grabs me except the cute little rosette belt....


  118. Alexis, thanks so much posting this! This is wonderful. I can't wait to get it in the mail.

  119. I am in so much trouble.... So pretty!

  120. I love the new catalog. Great sweaters. I also love the clothing for crewcuts,but they are expensive clothes for kids. I never buy crewcuts at full price. I always wait to get it on sale or shop the outlets. Kids grow way too fast to buy it at full price. My kids are always dressed nice. Its great when they are still little because they let you put anything on them.

  121. too much pink and frills for me. I like the mint green turtlneck and ankle strap pumps. Also like the Kate dress in orange. The coats look gorgeous.

  122. Is that a light grey in the University trousers offered? I can't tell if it is white or light grey.
    I will definitely purchase it if it is in light grey--I already have the camel color.

  123. These totes are available in stores already....I bought one 2 days ago!

    The leather is really soft

  124. Thank you for the time it took to scan this, the clothes are unbelievable and so are you guys! I thought I would have to wait. :]

  125. I tried the pencil skirt with the bow in front at my B&M this week. I had to downsize. I prefer the fit of the double serge pencil skirt.


  126. Does anyone have the code for 20% off until the 20th? Love the new catalog. Thanks so much!!

  127. Will the website be updated with new things today? :)

  128. Thanks for posting the catalog! You guys are AMAZING! Want so much, can afford so little.

  129. hi there! thanks for much for sharing. i'm dying for the maggie jacket in black. do you have the style number? also, were you able to pre-order it? i LOVE this site and i LOVE how everyone is just as obessed as i am.

  130. Maggie jacket style numbers:

    Regular Maggie - 99322T, $250.

    Petite Maggie - 99250T, also $250.

    Tall Maggie - 99363T, $260.

    Colors: black, ivory, camel, deep yellow, and heather bright berry. Catalog/online only.


Dear J.Crew Aficionadas & Aficionados: Please feel free (and encouraged) to share your thoughts and opinions. :) However, please note that this is still a personal blog. So comments that are considered inappropriate (e.g. obscene, racist, homophobic, personal attacks, rude, and just plain mean) will be removed.

And now back to J.Crew! :)