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Tuesday, October 28, 2008

I Am Taking A Break ...

I just received an email mentioning how I am a "cop-out" and "narrow-sighted and controlling"...

... So here's the thing Aficionadas, I am getting a bit overwhelmed. In particular, I have been having a hard time finding the right balance with a lot of issues: from what to post (in terms of avoiding any controversial or insensitive topics), to what to do about anonymous posting (keep it or remove it), and the like.

This blog started out as a "fun" outlet for me to share my love for J.Crew and to meet others who love J.Crew too. After awhile, the blog became something more- it developed into a great community of Aficionadas willing to help each other out- and I loved that! Although the essence of that same great community is here, there is also some negativity that strays into the community once in awhile. (The increasing negativity has been one of the reasons why I have been posting comments less and less.)

I am not sure what I am going to do moving forward, but I need to take a break. I have two posts ready to go for tomorrow morning, but I am taking the "day off" tomorrow. I just need some time to think how I will move forward.

I am sorry to be such a "debbie downer". I appreciate all the support I have received throughout the six months (I know six months already!) this blog has been active. :)


  1. Oh no! I'm sorry to hear that. I love this blog so. I've noticed that with anonymous posting, especially on my own blog, people sometimes get brave and gutsy and begin posting things that they normally would not say to your face. Try not to take those comments personally- I know it's hard, but overall everyone I know thinks this blog is so great and informative! :)

  2. Alexis, I am so sorry you're having to deal with this. You've put so much into this blog, for us and for yourself, and I feel sad that it's becoming an albatross. I hope some time - however much you end up deciding to take - will give you the perspective and strength you need. I appreciate your creating this wonderful place. It has given me both a lesson in style and fashion as well as a group of lovely friends. I hope you can say the same!

    Take good care,

  3. So sad! I just discovered your blog last week and have been checking it everyday. I love it. It is so much fun and informative. I appreciate the time you put into it. Take a J. Crew shopping break!!!! :)

  4. aw yes of course you need to do what you need to do for yourself! but just remember the people making mean and rude comments just don't have lives of their own! don't take it personally, i actually feel bad for them! and i know i'm posting anon, but just disable it and people maybe won't be as brave if they have a name to put a comment to. no one is going to yell at you for taking away the anon capability. those of us that can only post anon understand and i will certainly keep on reading the blog!

  5. A well needed blog-break! Probably a good time to reflect on ideas on how to keep it PC, while fun at the same time.

    I know a lot of your regular blue highlighted posters like to sign on as anonymous to state and restate their ground, so please don't feel like it's always an new anonymous person stirring the pot. I follow the conversational thread and it's quite obvious you have "sh*t disturbers" amongst your own.

    Such a shame, as I love to give my input on clothing and am fascinated by all the different ideas on how to piece together clothing. But for the most part, anytime you put up a controversial blog, you're going to drawn the Negative Nancy's that will challenge the other comments the other Blunt Betty's and Narrow Minded Mindy's out there.

    Hope you clear your head in your "break" and that others decide to come here to play nice!

  6. So sorry, Alexis, for the rude visitors to your blog.
    There are many of us who genuinely love it, and we should all just ignore the rude stuff - not answer it, not continue it.

    If you remove the anonymous feature, it's fine with me. I'll just have to remember how to sign in, lol.

    P.S. Can you delete posts?

  7. Oh, I'm so sorry you got a trash email; you put alot of time and effort into the blog & so many enjoy it. I hope you will continue, but, yes, take the much needed break to reflect. I think its true that when people can post anonymously, some say things they would not ordinarily say. Thanks for your efforts Alexis.

  8. alexis, like most people in this jcrew community, i appreciate the time and energy you put into this blog and i've been enjoying it a lot. with so much negativity these days, it was nice to have a fun distraction. unfortunately it takes just a few people to put a damper on something fun, so i don't blame you for taking a break. it's a shame how controversial some of the comments have been lately, but i (and i know many others) support you in whatever decision you make.

  9. please don't stop for good!!! your blog is one of my favs. i love all the advice and information and the helpful comments.

  10. I find this board kind of controversial in nature. While I enjoy 90% of the things being said, I also think the owner drives this blog to the brink of insanity by putting certain topics out there (what's in your closet? list multiples!, i got a special gift from mickey, did you?, jcrew employees' point of view).

    It sounds a bit self-serving, if you ask me, and now it's become this unmanageable mess that can't be taken back. Of course, you only remove something when jcrew corporate requests it. I don't care how many readers you have, you just don't need to be pushing other people's buttons.

    I'm surprised there wasn't a "whose rewards card was the biggest??" blog.

    Really, you have to learn who your audience is. You can't be singling out a certain group and expect others not to jump in and attack.

    Truth be told, I'm sure Jcrew Corporate will be glad you're taking a less thing for them to monitor at this point.

  11. yes please don't stop for good! we understand you need a break! and perhaps you should disable anon postings... and is there a way to ban people or report them when they continue to be rude?
    thank you so much! you don't know how much this blog helps after a stressful day! my husband laughs when i go on here to look, but especially since i live so far away from a b&m jcrew it helps me get my jcrew fix! im addicted for sure! i told my mom the other day i just needed "one more time" (referring to a trip to a store... i had taken three in three weeks) she laughed like i really did have a problem and was an addict begging for one more...

  12. So sorry this is happening! I hate the negatives that come with blogging :( I hope you have a great "break"!

  13. I've been reading your blog for the past few months, and I haven't been offended by anything you've posted. I'm so sorry this has been stressful. Enjoy your break, and I hope you're back writing soon. I adore your blog and think you're doing a wonderful job.

  14. that's so funny... if people don't want to read FUN postings about what items other people love so much that they had to get more then one of, or share in others joy that they got a special gift in the mail, then i really don't understand why they come here and read it?

    it really makes me sad to think that people are so miserable that they take offense from things like this and then continue to come here and read and pass on the negative comments and misery. it makes me sad that they enjoy berating and scolding other people who didn't ask for it and who had no bad intentions to begin with. it must be sad to not have better things to do then to come read a blog that you find offensive or controversial.

    Alexis i really feel for you.

    and i also feel for the people who continue to be rude and negative. surely it can't be fun to be rude and negative and miserable all of the time.

  15. Alexis, good for you to take a break. Life is all about balance and it's important to take time for oneself.

    I'll miss checking the blog each morning, but completely understand and support whatever decision you come to.

    Thanks so much for helping so many of us out.

  16. Yes Alexis, I haven't been offended by anything you have ever posted! And I have read every post!
    Take a nice break, but please come back!

  17. take care alexis...i really enjoyed your blog, hopefully you will be back after you are ready.

    btw, i received my maggie today and absolutely adore it, i got it in blk sz0 and it's quite fitted.


  18. Alexis, I completely understand. When I began reading this blog it was NOT so mean and unfriendly. I still enjoy your blog, but take a break for yourself. The world has become a hostile place....sad but true. You will be missed! Will look forward to your return! I will be checking in on you!

  19. I guess some people take offense because somethings are offensive.

    Bragging and outwardly showing off is nothing to be proud about. It's a way to showcase that you're insecure. Now, you can say, well, walk away, etc...but the fact is that I feel like I am part of this community and have the right to my 2 cents, just like you are free to post how many elizabeth halters you own. Is that so wrong that 2 sides can't coexist?

    I personally come here to be informed, but I find it offensive when others try to one up each other. If we're all in it for the great clothing...why not be aware of what topics you post? It seems like it should start from up top, in our case, from Alexis.

  20. Hi Alexis. I'm sorry to hear about what you're going through. I'm a fan of the blog, and I really admire what you have done with it. I'm sure I don't just speak for myself when I say that most of us have gained so much from your contribution, and we really appreciate having a place where we can share our love of Jcrew. This is your blog, so you get to decide how you want people to post, the topics you want to discuss, etc.

    You deserve a break. See you when you return!

  21. Taking a break might be good for your sanity. I have been a loyal reader since June and have looked forward everyday to reading a new post. It is your blog and it is would be sad if you decided to discontinue it.

  22. awwww, don't go...

    This blog is the best, I will miss your posts!

    I guess I can catch up with all the old posts now if nothing else.

    I hope you enjoy your deserved break Alexis, thank you for everything

    J Crew fan

  23. Alexis,

    I understand your need for a break but I do want you to know what a great outlet you are offering for people just like you. I love this blog, and it's become part of my morning routine to click and see what you put up.

    Enjoy your time off to clear your head but I do hope you come back. We'll miss you!

  24. Alexis,
    We support you in whatever you do. I thank you soooo much for putting all your time and efforts with this blog. You deserve a vacation from all of this. I do hope you come back as I LOVE this blog. I have NEVER been offended by any of your postings. I've learned soo much about J crew from this blog.
    Take care.

  25. sorry you've gotten so many rude comments. i'll keep reading, anticipating your return. have a nice blogging break!

  26. Enjoy your break, Alexis. I'm sorry some people have been such jerks to you and other commenters. Contrary to finding any of your posts offensive, I've always found them perfectly in line with the whole point of this blog, and I've always enjoyed reading them. I look forward to when they begin again.

  27. I am so sorry that you feel this burden. I can tell you that I checking this blog (several times) each day. And additionally, I live in a world of politics and enjoy the breaks of light and color I get from this page, so I additionally apologize if politics of the day play a role. I appeal to you, please keep it up. It helps me remember there is color in the world.

  28. Alexis - we will all miss you! But we all support you if you feel that this is what you need to do. I hope you get some well-deserved rest and hopefully get to do some quality shopping (if that's on your list). Like others here, I hope you come back.

    From my end, I apologize for any controversy that I was a part of earlier today. It was not my intention to personally offend anyone, and I never set out to do so. Many people here have disagreed on everything ranging from the fit of a jacket to the merits of cashmere sweaters to customer service policies. Most of us, however, can disagree in a civil manner without resorting to vulgar, immature language or personal insults. Most of us are careful to abstain from singling out any one person to attack and from using nasty language. There is no reason others can't do the same.

    But people who have been reading this blog for a little while can also agree with me that the real negativity appears out of nowhere by people who purposely choose to insult and belittle others (and also by people who insist on blowing everything possible out of proportion or out of context). There should not be a place for that on this blog if it comes back in the future. It doesn't seem to matter what the subject of a post is or how innocent the topic. So many completely "PC" topics have started firestorms. It seems that nastiness and personal insults always find their way in. I don't know how to control this on a blog. I do think that it helps a little to disable the anonymous feature.

    So thank you, Alexis, for everything you've done and for all the time and effort you've given to this blog. Thank you to everyone else who has contributed insight, valuable information, and humor to this blog. I will surely miss my daily must-read. I hope you find a way to come back!

  29. Oh gawd. Now the brown-nosers will have to find some other way to entertain themselves.

    Try these fun activities:

    1. Coloring book
    2. Connect the dots
    3. Paying attention to your family
    4. Work at the soup kitchen
    5. Paint your nails

    I'm totally kidding! Alexis, feel better soon! :P

  30. i'm so sorry alexis -- you do a great job, and i always enjoy reading this blog.

  31. Alexis - Your blog is FANTASTIC and I like many others, look forward to reading it everyday. I hope you enjoy your well deserved break!!

  32. alexis, i only discovered your blog last month but since then it has been one of my guilty pleasures to check it everyday. i'm really sorry that there are mean-spirited people out there trying to ruin a nice thing. my own conspiracy theory is that it must be ppl from jcrew corporate trying to shut down this site so that readers can't benefit from the shared advice on promo codes, in-store sales, price-matching and other discounts. i really hope you choose to continue the blog as i find the articles very entertaining and the advice from the other members of the community extremely useful. if you don't, i just want to thank you for the time and energy you put into it and to let you know that i really enjoyed it.

  33. I can't tell you how much I love this blog -- I check nothing every day except for the Aficionada :) I hope you come back soon!

  34. Alexis,

    I really enjoyed reading your blog!! I'm really sorry to hear about all those hateful e-mails you've received!!! :( I hope you find some peace during the break!!! Thanks a lot for posting so many interesting / informative things on this blog!

  35. Oh for the love of god 3 penny princess, give it a rest. I read your initial apology and said "oh that's nice, she realizes she had a hand in the last controversy", and then you ruin by going on and blaming other people.

    On the other hand, Alexis, I'm sorry you're feeling overwhelmed. Rest assured you've done nothing wrong. Hope yo have you back soon!

  36. I will miss you while you are away! I love your blog and it's like my little addiction, as I read it often! Please come back!

  37. Please don't stay away too long! I check MANY times throughout the day when I need breaks from work, & I am sorry this blog has become something different than what you had envisioned.

    Don't know if you would ever consider just disabling the comments section for a while? Again, like I said, I check many times throughout the day, but rarely comment. We could still get our fix, but no hassle with controversial comments. thanks!

  38. Please take some time out for yourself.

    Unfortunately, it means that those who disrupted this blog (anon and named users) won.

    People should probably know by now that topics that you don't discuss at work such as religion, politics, etc are controversial and probably best not discussed in a site that's focused on fashion.

  39. Alexis, no matter what you decide to do, this blog has been a great source of information and entertainment - thanks for all of your time and effort!

  40. Alexis: Life is too short. You don't owe any of us the time of day--you should quit if that's what your heart tells you is right for you. But I think you are taking the negativity too personally and taking too much responsibility for it.

    Step back and consider the bigger picture. The economy is nose-diving, the country is on the brink of electing the next proverbial "leader of the free world", and J. Crew continues to follow a business model that allows its employees to fudge the rules when they think it makes sense and that lurches about when it comes to determining whether discounts are policies or promotions--which frustrates some Aficionadas to no end. All this uncertainty is going to make some members of the community cranky or, worse, downright offensive in their posts. Will things be like this forever? I hope not, and I don't think so.

    You have tapped into "something" with this blog. I'd love to see it go on. Most of what is posted is interesting or helpful, or at least innocuous. But with the good, comes the bad. That's true in every aspect of life.

    Good luck with your decision. I will miss the blog if you decide that blogging is not right for you.

  41. Alexis, I'm so sorry to hear things have turned sour. You obviously put a lot of work and effort into this blog, and the vast majority of us couldn't be more appreciative.

    I'm certain you'll find a way to carry on - I have a feeling your love of J.Crew will demand it. :)

    There are plenty of options out there - from removing comments completely (making it a post-only type blog), to creating moderated message boards or using mixx, twitter, digg, etc. While it *is* a community you've created here (and a darn good one!), it's still your blog when it comes down to it. Do with it what you see fit.

    Sometimes a few days (or weeks) are all that's needed to find a clear path and direction. Best of luck to you and hope to see you back real soon. :)

  42. Dear Alexis,

    So sorry to read this but understand your desire to take a break. I really enjoy following J.Crew Aficionada and have never found your topics offensive.

    This blog became very visible and a source of valuable information. I consulted it as part of my part of my daily routine. That visibility, however, bought with it a much wider audience.

    I hope you choose to continue this wonderful blog. It is a tribute to your dedication and clearly your enthusiasm for J.Crew. Thanks for everything.

    All the best,


  43. Love this blog! So sorry you have to deal with the bs. Thanks for all the effort you put into it.

    Sending you positive energy,

  44. Enjoy your break Alexis. But do come back. Don't let a few rotten eggs get you down.

  45. Alexis-Girl-You need to develop a thicker skin. Seriously. You are giving the icky email sender waaayy too much power. You should out them if there's a name attached.

    Why do you care what these whiny losers think? Honestly-think about the caliber of individual that sent you that email. You are giving the loser power over your decisions.

    I feel sorry sorry for you. You are way too sensitive. I would get a good giggle out of that email, then I would post it here so everyone can ridicule it.

    Go off and lick your wounds, but please come back. Strong. There are plenty of mentally and emotionally stable people that enjoy this board. It would be too bad if you let a mentally ill person ruin your great blog.

  46. I hope you have a good break! You certainly shouldn't feel obligated to post every day - it's not like we pay you!

  47. Sorry, 3PP. It's not a real apology if you blame other people instead of yourself. You can't write some of the things you did and legitimately claim to not have intended to offend anyone.

  48. Sad - I love this blog ... it has increased my JCrew spending about 5 times what it was before (which is not good ;) but I actually find myself checking this blog BEFORE I get onto any other site in the morning ... JCrew should PAY you to host this blog!

    Mean people suck!

  49. So sorry to hear about the negetivity being posted on your blog. You do deserve a break. I just found your blog last month by googling 'jcrew blogs'...gosh I AM admittedly an 'addict' to Jcrew due to your blog!
    I want to THANK YOU soo much for your time and effort you put into this blog because:

    1. There are people out there that are 'addicted' as I am.

    2. Love your special guest(s)such as FFM...I love, LUV how she puts jcrew stuff together and others out there!

    3. Very informative 'ins & outs' of the store wise (whose- who, stocks, grand openings, certain clothing sizes/colors, exhange post, ect...) and esp.....

    4. COUPON/CODES!! Since I've been reading your blog (almost 2x a day!) I bought almost a whole new wardrobe of Jcrew stuff this past month because of the informative coupon/codes. I get your information (and from others who contribute...thank you, thank you soo much!) a lot faster through here than my email esp. since I'm a jcrew cardholder!

    4. Letting us know the latest.

    Just wanna Thank you soo much again for all that you do! Pretty, pretty PLEASE(!!) do not close your post/blog.

    -jenel in AZ =)

  50. Seriously, quit picking on 3PP. It's getting old. That was so 3 blog posts ago.

    Can't you see our fearful leader is having a 2 year old's meltdown over people negatively charging at each other?

  51. sadness! i just discovered this blog a few months ago and have found it extremely interesting! i also think my fashion sense has been kick-started by this blog, and look forward to checking it every day. noooooo, no break!!!!

  52. Hi, Alexis,
    I cannot fathom why anyone would visit a blog about fashion and shopping to talk about politics, attack other commenters, or attack you. I get enough of that kind of garbage in the rest of my life and heretofore visited JCA for FUN and FRIVOLITY. I cannot understand why some folks want to turn it into something unpleasant and ugly. More power to you for taking a stand and saying "no more"; if I were you I would have quit long ago or made this a much more private, controlled blog-- and not, as an "anonymous" (ha! what a surprise...) said, because I am weak or lack a thick skin (hmmm, blame the victim much?), but because I am strong enough to know that I don't have to put up with this kind of BS from anyone, and ESPECIALLY not from a bunch of strangers who apparently have nothing better to do than to troll fun little fashion blogs, insult the blogger, and attack other commenters.
    I have a suggestion: take a good chunk of time off from JCA, a month or so at least. I suspect that by the time you come back, the trolls will have moved on, and only those of us who love and support this blog will still be checking in periodically to see if you're back. Also, the elections will be over by then (one can assume!), so hopefully there won't be this politically-oriented ugliness. When (if?) you do come back, it does seem that more controls are in order, whether that be shutting off comments completely or perhaps approving commenters. I don't know; I trust your judgment on that. In any event, even if you never post a single thing after tomorrow, I thank you wholeheartedly for creating this community and for sticking with it even when things started to turn sour. I only know you through your posts and a handful of emails, but you seem like a sweet and classy young woman. If only everyone who read your blog fit that description!

    Wishing you the best,
    Jackie from DC

  53. Is this a cry for attention and affection of your fans? If so, bravo! You've achieved it :) Blog on, blog on...

  54. I don't understand how the people who claim to be offended by certain topics expect Alexis to rack her brain to dream up topics where no one could possibly be evidenced by recent topics, clearly people can find ways to be offended by things that 99% of the population finds completely innocuous. If you want to "be a part" of the blog, fine, but that means skipping over topics you don't like instead of demanding that they don't exist or attacking posters who do want to post on that topic. The only other alternative is no blog at all. Oh wait...looks like we might be heading down that road...

    Alexis, thanks for all your hard work thus far. I have always been impressed by the time and effort you put in.

  55. Oh no ! I just found you and so enjoy checking daily. I am a Canadian in love with J Crew and have been checking your blog to determine what to by online. I depend on your blog for sizing, color and reviews of what to buy. Your blog has pushed me to step outside of my norm and take a chance with some amazing purchases for example the Victoria not something I would have purchased but after all the rave reviews I purchased online and love it ! Us Canucks with no access to a B&M need you.

  56. Can it anon, 12:19 am. I'm that 99% that finds your rambling on and on ridiculous. And quit using the word "innocuous", we get it already.

  57. im sorry to hear this...

    is there any way you can just avoid the negative posts and not post them?

    dont even deal with them.. let them be on their merry way.

    this is your blog, you can control what is on it. if people dont like it, they dont have to visit.

  58. Um, jackiefromdc- you are anonymous. Only the blue highlighted names are not. Your unique combination of superiority complex and low IQ is amusing though.

  59. I'm a guy who is probably not your target audience and I admit I read the blog only intermittently but it's always a good read. The blog is exactly what it purports to be: a blog by an aficionada of J. Crew. I don't understand the negative comments. If you don't like it, stop reading. The haters out there like this Mary below: how is it pushing buttons for Alexis to talk about getting multiples of an item she really likes? Frankly speaking, it reeks of insecurity. I don't mean to single you out but really if you can't take a light-hearted view to girl happily posting about the things she likes, read something else.

  60. Alexis,

    Please do keep blogging! I love your blog and all the negative comments really do speak to the quality - or lack thereof - of the person commenting.

    Try to ignore them. Enjoy your break and come back soon!

  61. I started creating a reply, but then I realized: what am I doing wasting my time explaining it to you, anon 12:52? You're clearly that 1% that likes to drive drama around here. Go do your man thing somewhere else. Skirts, dresses, and jewelry are for girls, not trannies!

  62. Mary - you just showed your true colors with your ignorant comments. Anyone, man or woman or even a transexual as you say, should be welcome to post here. Unbelievable. Well I guess we brought it on ourselves. I don't blame Alexis for throwing her hands up in the air in light of childish crap like this. I guess you all won't stop until the site is shut down for good, since it's clear that any calls for decency have gone ignored.

  63. I'm sad now. It feels as if I was dumped. :(

  64. You people are insane. Clearly and clinically insane. Move on.

  65. I adore this blog, and this is the only blog that I check every day... I don't live in US and relies on ordering online and a lot of the helpful comments posted here by everyone on the feel and look and size of Jcrew's merchandise. Would hate to see you go, but understand this must be weighing you down. Take good care!

  66. I love this website, I have been visiting everyday for about a month now. I hope you choose to keep it going and if it means getting rid of the anonymous posts then I need to figure out how to register... can anyone let me know real quick? At the same time you should do whats best for you and if you enjoy it more then it stresses you out I say keep up the great work =D
    Thank You!

  67. It's sad that even a post about taking a break has spawned negativity. It's a blog about J.Crew. It's fun. Well it was. I hope you decide to keep it up, Alexis. I just ignore the "cold prickly" posts the same way I ignore rude drivers. It's too bad that so many people in the world are so unhappy. Best wishes.

  68. I really feel that 3 penny princess made a mess of things yesterday. She posted a very long post with her political beliefs and that is not what this blog is about. So sad she did this and started this again.

  69. Alexis,

    Will you please still post coupon codes?

    Thank you for considering this request.

  70. That "mary" who posted at 10:31 and at 1:25 am last night is not me, the mary who posts regularly and contributes codes. I hope the other regulars know I would never make those comments. From now on, I'll be maryw2062, if I post at all.

    Alexis, this blog is awesome, and the only reason why it's controversial is the anonymous posters who bait the regulars. I feel very badly that you feel the need to take a break. It's like you've been forced away from the place you created and have spent so much time and effort on. I'm very sorry.


  71. Alexis:

    I love your blog, and you are doing a great job. It is certainly not your job to police comments. After all, individuals do have a right to say whatever they want. And, I have the ability to ignore their comments if they offend me.


  72. Oh dear Alexis! I am sorry to hear this, I visit your blog multiple times a day to get updated on jcrew news and deals. It is an extremely helpful resource for me as I do not live in the States. I am sorry that there are unconstructive folks who visit and leave negative comments.

    Understand the need for a break, but will be definitely looking forward to new posts when you do decide to come back!

  73. Alexis,

    I am so sorry this is happening, and that it has come to have put so much time, thought, and energy into this blog...I would really hate to see you have to discontinue it. You have many, many's really sad that it only takes one or two posters to spoil everything for all of us here. You deserve the break, and I truly hope you choose to continue with the blog.

    Fabulous Florida Mommy

  74. Aw, I'm sending you hugs!
    Keep your head up, and come back only when you're ready!

  75. Alexis sorry about all the troubles, your blog has been great and thank-you for all your efforts.

    As I have said before it is not just the anon there are a few regular posters here who are stiring the pot also. Most boards nowdays have to be moderated.

    Enjoy your well deserved break.

  76. alexis-like so many have already said, it's a great blog, it's a break for me many times a day (to escape from my three little boys!), it's about J Crew-fashion, fun...etc. Take a break and then come back!
    sadly, i dont think it matters how long you're gone,there will always be negative people out there and people who think they're funny when they're not, and people who like to push other people's buttons. It's life. We all just really need to ignore them, the mean-spirited comments, and act like they're not even there.
    You[ve done a great job so far,and I will miss you!

  77. The negativity has gotten ridiculous. Taking a break will be good. Good luck!

    I hope everyone calms down if you come back. If not, I will have to start scouting for other J.Crew forums online.

    Thanks for this blog, Alexis.

  78. Get rid of the anonymous commenters! I'm surprised it's taken so long. On my blog, after two rude comments, I decided not to allow them. It's your blog and you should be able to write about whatever you'd like. For what it's worth, I thought that the post with the J. Crew employee that caused such controversy was great!

  79. mary and j and others,

    It is just not anonymous people that cause trouble...

    3 penny princess was a HUGE contributor to yesterdays "MessY" post...

    This topic has already been debated to death...

    Anonymous or usernames DO NOT CHANGE THINGS!

    There are usernames that stir the pot and say nasty things as well.

    The majority of anony. are helpful, kind people.

  80. I'm sorry to hear about this, I love this blog and appreciate your hard work.

  81. I think we should kick off 3 penny princess. She is the one that causes drama here and NO ONE wants her here.

  82. Alexis,

    I am so sorry that you have had to take the brunt of the negativity on this blog. I personally have not only found it to be a wealth of information but fun as well. I also want to go on record as saying that I feel very fortunate to have found a blog that so many kind, caring, intelligent and fashionably chic women/men post on. I understand that you need a break, but please do not stay gone long. You ARE appreciated, and this blog is incredible!

    God Bless,


  83. Alexis,
    I just wanted to wish you a lovely break from the blog. I hope you get some time to breathe and think, and whatever you decide to do is fine with me! I'm sending good vibes and warm thoughts your way.

  84. Alexis, I have had the pleasure of enjoying your blog pretty much from it's inception. You have worked so hard and you totally deserve a break. If people cannot handle that there is always someone that may have one more pair of flats or one more cashmere sweater-- they need to go back to the third grade! Life is not fair and I will be the first to admit that there were certain posts that had me annoyed, but PEOPLE IT IS A BLOG! Alexis, I hope the negativity that some may have brought to the blog has not driven you to stop because the information that you have been able to provide and insight that those have shared has been fabulous!!!! :)

  85. Alexis,

    This is a wonderful blog. I am not surprised, however, that the negativity has pushed you to this point. No one needs that stress. I hope you can find solution. I have so enjoyed reading the blog and appreciate the effort that you take. Have a great day off.

  86. Yes, I know this post is anonymous, which everyone seems to hate, but I really love this blog and it would be such a shame if it had to close down! I am addicted to J. Crew and love that this blog provides reviews of certain J. Crew products and unique ways to combine individual items to create classic outfits. Don't listen to those negative comments because they are not even worth worrying about. I hope you know that many people love your blog and are rooting for you, myself included!

    Good luck :)

  87. I check your blog every morning. I hope you'll keep writing, even if it means disabling the comments.

  88. nicole r,

    Life is not fair. Really?? Thanks for the news flash!

    HOWEVER, there are ways to be polite and not brag and cause problems...People are aware of what they are doing when they make posts saying I have x amount of something...people need to learn tact, manners, etc.

  89. Alexis-

    I very much enjoy the blog. As a fellow blogger, however, it doesn't surprise me that it is starting to wear on your sanity.

    A few suggestions:
    1. Disable the anonymous commenting. Sometimes a little extra effort is enough to deter retarded commenters.
    2. Enable comment moderation. Yes, you will have to check and approve comments several times a day, but it will take the 'urgency' out of the whole conversation and people won't be so inclined to write stupid things. Also, you will have full power to delete offensive material before other readers see it.
    3. Stop posting so often! I like your blog as much as the next person, but for your own sake- you post too often. You are going to get burned out. Maybe if you limit yourself to 1 or 2 posts per day, you will feel a lot more balanced.

    Take care- CE

  90. I love this blog and I hope you come back soon and refreshed!

  91. Alex, take all the time for yourself that you need to. I love this blog, and thanks for doing it!

  92. Alexis:
    have been following your blog devotedly since the day it started. Have been amazed at a wonderful job you are doing with it. You have never ever crossed a line with a topic selection or comment posting. You are a graceful and tactfull hostess, unfortunately, there are people who are eager to abuse your kindness.
    Post a sentence, as innocent as
    "Sun is shining" and there will be tons of people who will find it politically incorrect, depressing, abusing, controversial and/or inappropriate and will not hesitate to express their opinion loudly enough to draw attention to themselves. You can not take responsibility for their actions. Yes, everybody is entitled to have an opinion, however, as 3-Penny Princess rightly pointed there is a way to express one's opinion in a civil manner and there is another way.
    If I may suggest, please, ignore negativity and carry on for the sake of those who truly share your love and enthusiasm for J Crew.
    Thanks for the wonderful reads and insights your blog provides!

  93. Alexis: I don't care if you take a break, you deserve it. I just wanted to let you know I've loved this blog from the get go, and hopefully you will stay inspired to keep providing this excellent forum for us to read and interact about all things JCrew. Please, don't worry about political correctness, or over-thinking you're topics. All are quite normal (ok, that's my opinion) and I truly believe some folks are just looking to cause a problem. It's a blog about JCrew.

  94. Slastena - This is OT, but I know you like jewelry and wondered if you had seen Kate Spade's new collection? I saw it last week and wanted to let you know, but forgot until seeing your name. Some of it is very cute.

  95. jenn brak- this blog is about JCREW. Please stay on topic

  96. Alexis, enjoy you mental health day! Remember that you have so many of us who love your blog and for all of us- let's not let a few bad apples spoil the bunch, and also, to try not to be bad apples ourselves. If we wouldn't say it in person, let's not say it online.

  97. Alexis - I've only just discovered your blog a few weeks ago, but I find myself checking it several times a day! It's fun and informative. Sorry you're feeling overwhelmed, but I hope you decide to return soon!

  98. Hi! I'm sorry to hear that you are feeling like this. I love your blog. I look forward to your blog every day. I don't have girlfriends that like to talk about clothes and fashion--too many mommies don't care anymore! I learn so much about style and fashion as well as Jcrew's goodies. Please don't quit!!!!!

  99. Jenn-Brak:
    thank you so much for letting me know. I adore Kate Spade shoes, and will definitely check out her jewelry. It was so thoughtful of you to rememeber!
    Thanks again!:)
    Unfortunately, I did no see much of exciting jewelry at J Crew this month, exception are the triple-stranded clear glass beads with ribbon bows that's not anywhere on-line.

  100. slastena,

    3 penny princes does not know when to shut up! She is using so called good grammar to cover up that fact that what she posted was indeed nasty and did not belong on this blog and she kept it up.

  101. Can someone take over the blog that has the balls to do things? Alexis, stop caring so much what people think or say. Get some thick skin

  102. This is the Heather that posted the link to the obama/jcrew article (there are a few others that post as "heather" ... just wanted to clarify). I think as a community, when we have a jcrew "siting," we should post about it because others will be interested, whether it be worn by nicole ritchie or kim jong il (LOL, could you imagine?!). That said, I do apologize for "thread jacking," posting off topic first thing was probably not the smartest move. I was hoping that people could actually have a discussion about Michelle Obama's *outfit*, not her husband's politics or dissing her in other ways. :/

    Alexis, take a break if you feel you need to, but please come back! Maybe after a couple weeks, only the people who really care about discussing jcrew will remain.

  103. Dear Alexis,
    I love your blog and I think you do a wonderful job with it. I love knowing I can always come here for the latest J Crew coupons and news. Thanks for your hard work.
    I hope you are able to come up with a good solution to the negative posters so that the blog can continue.
    a fellow Alexis

  104. I love this blog! I to find myself checking this blog before I get onto any other site in the morning.
    I heard something over a week ago on one of the news/talk radio shows that hit home with me.
    "Attitude", we either take the positive or the negative side or this word. Take the positive, continue your blog because it makes you happy.
    Hope you are back soon!I

  105. i love this site and visit it regularly for product reviews, discount codes, etc., so i hope you come back! having said that, i don't blame you for needing a break. thanks!

  106. I have to admit I found your site in searching for people/advice in dealing with the system upgrade, and have been visiting since as its been super interesting and helpful. I think unfortunately as with any place for people to post, you will get some rotten apples that will eventually just post to push buttons or attack. It probably didn't help that J. Crew has been having horrendous issues as of lately, so that is a source in itself. I also think you can only delve into some issues so much until people get bored and stray. I think the anon posting does not help matters, my suggestion to you is remove it if you are that stressed over what's going on. Thats a start. Other than that, when you open an open discussion up and more people join, it becomes its own animal so to speak. This is why I tend to stay away from discussion boards in general, sooner or later you get attacks that get under your skin and I don't go to argue, unfortunately some people do. Good luck, sounds like you feel you created a monster, that sucks.

  107. I understand, but you will be missed. Thank you for creating such a fabulous blog!

  108. Please dont do anything to hasty!! I just discovered your blog this past summer and I love it! I even follow the polyvore sets (I am DySsign :-)). I am a big Michello Obama fan--and even I did not think that your post was a cop-out. You are absolutely rite--this is not a political blog....I was fine with you just mentioning that she wore jcrew on the show...I had no idea that it would turn into some negative campaign. I think you should really consider disabling the anonymous posters before you do anything else. There are alot of trolls on the internet and these anonymous posts are a way for them to spread their cancer.

  109. I wanted to see what all the fuss was about and read the thread that created this mess. I agree with other posters that 3 Penny Princess crossed the line by posting such a lengthy (and rather misinformed) diatribe....basically regurgitating information culled from Fox News/Rush Limbaugh. I don't mind reading others' OT opinions now and then (even if they differ from my own) but a full on lecture atop a soapbox from a self-riteous individual is off-putting to say the least. Alexis, you are doing a great job. Keep up the good work.

  110. A wise man once told me, "don't let the bastards get you down."

    Cheer up, Alexis! We love you and your blog. I don't know what I'll do with my mornings if you stop posting. (I mean it!!)

  111. Alexis, like most of the other posters here I really enjoy this blog and I am sorry things have been getting out of hand lately.
    Have a good break and I hope you come back with your great topics and thoughtful reviews.

  112. Alexis, I actually enjoy the controversies! It's like watching reality TV with lots of drama...anyway, I completely understand you needing a break. I hope it's not permanent!

  113. I just wanted to say that I like this blog and don't want it to be shut down. But everyone should not worry. There are other J.Crew blogs out there. Alexis even posted some in her blog roll.

    I also frequent

    I know other readers here do, too. So don't worry. There are avenues to discuss J.Crew!

  114. Hi Alexis - thank you again for starting this blog. It has changed my fashion life to a degree and I've been having a good time. Aside from the unpleasantness than occurred on the boards, I'm sorry to hear that people have had the nerve to email you directly about what you choose to post. It's. Your. Blog. You do what you want. You can't control how people are going to respond. This isn't a workshop or program that people are paying for. This is free discussion about J Crew. I cannot imagine you have the time to moderate comments and approve them. I think disabling anon comments is a good way to start. It was smart to take a break and I hope you feel rejuvenated by it. :-)

  115. Sorry to hear of the troubles here but everyone needs a break now and then.

    I read your blog posts every day but I admit I rarely read the comments section. I'm not *that* into J. Crew.

    Do yourself a favor and get rid of anonymous commenting. Your headaches will lessen when people don't have something to hide behind.

    Good luck.

  116. Alexis,

    YOU BLOG IS MY FAVORITE! Please don't stop for good.

    I start each morning by checking my email,, and you blog.

    Your blog is FANTASTIC and it is really a highlight of my day.

    It's horrible that some visitors are rude --but I hope you know that you have MANY LOVING FANS! :)

  117. Alexis, I am so sad that you feel the need to take a break, but I completely understand. I'm just sorry that you received a personal attack, of which you (nor anyone else) deserves. I have loved reading this blog, and the mostly wonderful comments from valued contributors. As for all of the negativity, I chose not to partake and just scrolled right on past it all. It has been frustrating at times, because I could see the tone of the blog changing, and at times it was no longer fun. Like others have said, this is a frivolous blog about our love (and sometimes no so much love) for J.Crew fashion.... it is meant to be lighthearted, silly and fun! Maybe it is best for you to take a break, and us as well... to step back and decompress. Hopefully after some time away we can get back to the fun of it! All the best to you, Marietta :-)

  118. Thank you Alexis for the fabulous job you did with this blog. And so sorry this is happening. I love your blog. It is a great resource for all things JCrew since the closest store is 400 miles away. Being a stay-at-home-mom I come here every day to take a break. I have found people here to be very friendly and helpful. Take as much time as you need. And if you decide not to come back at all my best wishes to you. Take good care of yourself and hopefully we will hear from you.


  119. Making a big announcement about taking a break but then posting is silly. Either you're in or you're out. Stay or go but make up your mind. If you are going to blog you have to have a thick skin. Disabling anon commenters will cut back on the negativity but it won't eliminate them totally.

    I read your blog daily but rarely ever read the comments and you do post too often and yes some of the posts are stupid but who cares this is a hobby - you're not getting paid for it!

  120. I've been reading since day one and will continue to do so as long as it's up. Thanks for everything, Alexis!

  121. Alexis, I echo everything people have said here about your hard work and how much time you've put into this. I'll miss you! I hope you get better soon!

    To all the people dumping on 3-penny princess, get a grip! Maybe you need to refresh your memory about the last several times Alexis called for a "plea for common courtesy"! I swear, the topic can be anything and some people will just get mean, nasty, and completely immature! Don't forget all the nastiness spewed on "michael" the J.Crew employee when he was just trying to be helpful. Or the girl who bought a lot of capri pants to cover up a scar. Or when someone announced they passed their bar exam in a post. Or other totally random comments that for some reason ticked someone off.

    People get hung up on the stupidest things! If you can't deal with people who have opinions or who shop too much, you shouldn't be on a blog about shopping! Rude anons and other people who have nothing better to do than bait the well-meaning people on this blog - you're the real reason Alexis has to shut down this blog. Are you happy?

  122. Alexis,

    I'm sorry to hear this. I think you do a great job with your blog.

    It's supposed to be lighthearted and fun but some people always feel the need to be mean - I just don't understand it.

    The only "negative" to your blog is that is makes me buy more ;o)! I'll read something on this blog and then absolutely covet that item and go online and order it. Fabulous Florida Mom - I'm looking at you - you "made" me buy that grey polished canvas tote that you pictured in an outfit ensemble. I love that bag and have gotten so many compliments on it! Thanks!

    Alexis - a break is always a good thing - rest up and clear your head - you deserve it. But, I hope you come back!

  123. JCrew has 30% off select men and women's outerwear in stores and online. For online shoppers, since the price is marked down 30% you can still use a free shipping code.

  124. Alexis-
    I actually found this blog I believe through the first blog I ever read & contributed and that was The Purse Forum. I didn't know anything about blogging. I quickly learned how they can be so helpful on so many levels!

    I know I emailed you or posted about how great it would be to have a Forum set up such as the TPF but that it looks like it would be a TON more work!

    The one thing I can say for sure about TPF--I have read lots and lots of topics, postings etc. and NOWHERE has anyone ever said anything mean, nasty, political or off topic because it is moderated. There are even several regular bloggers/people that have been chosen/assigned to be moderators to help ease the burden.

    The TPF blog is HUGE and goes over so many topics and in so many directions yet I have never seen this kind of abuse. I believe it is because you sign up, there are rules, you are asked to stick to the topic at hand, comments that don't meet the requirements are deleted and they will kick you off for going against the rules. You can private message which would be ideal to keep the J Crew corporate from nipping at a our heels with regard to every new benefit/coupon etc that we come up with. I think this is the next best logical step but I understand you would need to find some volunteers and establish some set rules. Yes, the ability to "toss" someone (especially a "regular") for wrong-doing is not easy but it would at times be necessary.

    I do love the blog, I think you do great work here and I find it sad to see how out of hand it has gotten. It is so telling when one is reading about your need to take a break and still finding nasty remarks all over the place--sheesh people--what is wrong with you??

    I understand your concern over removing anon because you want to be fair to those that are good anon posters but I don't understand how hard it can be to teach people how to post under a name. You need a post saying you are removing the anon option and here are the steps to signing up with a name. It would help put a damper on the trolling anons. Although, I do think there will always be those looking to stir it up--even among the regular posters. The difference is they would have their name attached and that to me would make a difference.

    I hope you can refuel and take some of the advice of the many dedicated people that care about where this ends up. There has to be a better way and I hope you can find it and continue on. Thanks for all you do and good luck! :)

  125. I just found this blog a few days ago, I think from Jezebel, and I think its a great resource. I used one of the codes to get free shipping.

    I love the new J Crew and I loved the old J Crew (not so much the middle J Crew) back when I wore plaid headbands to match my plaid keds that matched my plaid sorority letters (oh lord, can you imagine).

    I've got my own blog (nothing to do with clothes) and I ignore the negative comments.

    Chin up.


  126. Anony@11:54

    If 3 penny princess at been discussing her difference of opinion related to JCrew--fine by me...

    The other posts...i.e. Michael and the carpi pants were all related to JCrew.

    3 Penny princess decided to give up all an unneeded lecture off topic and that is where the problem began...stick to the topic of JCrew please...

  127. anon @ 12:26, I do agree with you that 3-penny princess made an error in judgement by even making political judgements. That wasn't smart or relevant to the blog. But the topic went "off topic" from the very first post. It was never about store coupons and discounts. It was about Michelle Obama from the very first post! So her comment was kind of on topic from that perspective. And she did comment (positively, if I remember) on the outfit. How is passing the bar exam even remotely on topic? It's not, but that's okay. Also, a lot of people who came after her said the most vile, mean-spirited political things that were definitely not needed! How come no one is ganging up on the dozen or so nasties who posted really inappropriate things in the last post?

    I agree- if this blog comes back, let's try to stay more on topic. But let's try to be a little less sensitive about every single little thing and not get ticked off by it.

  128. Alexis,

    It is amazing what a little anonymity will do for people who are probably rather nice in real life.

    I love this blog and have admired all of your enthusiastic contributions. I am another one who starts her day checking my email, news sites, and your blog. :) I would really be sad if you stopped, but hate the thought that it has become a burden for you. Just wanted to chime in and say that we appreciate what you've done!


  129. Ugh, people are so lame. I just discovered this blog and love it. I'm sorry a few douchebags are ruining it. Really though the vast majority of us love it and want it to continue!

  130. If anyone is pathetic enough, they should go over to TitMcGee's board..what a joke

  131. It is a real shame that it has come down to this. I love your blog for the same reason most do, but there are always a few that want to ruin it for the rest. I totally ignore the crazy comments and just keep reading the relative info. I hope things will get better! Thanks for creating this blog. It is truly a blast!

  132. Hi Alexis,

    I'm sorry to hear that some people can't take this blog for what it is - a celebration of all things J. Crew! I hope you will reconsider coming back after your break. Don't let the bastards drag you down.

    I also can't believe you've only been on here for six months!!! I think you've achieved something that would take any other person a few years to accomplish.

  133. @ 1:10: Sorry we kicked you off fashionism.

    Everyone is welcome to join fashionism. Everyone who isn't a troll, that is.

  134. Hey Alexis - hope you are not reading comments on your day of rest! I'm afraid you are a victim of your own success, and with that success must come some decisions on how to continue....or not.
    You, and you alone, can determine what direction the comments take. We, the commenters are like children - if we are not acting the way you want us to, you can do the following:
    1. Moderate the comments. Yes, this is a lot of work, but after a few weeks, people will understand what is acceptable behavior by what gets published.
    2. Turn off comments entirely. This is throwing out the baby with the bathwater, but if you don't want to deal with negativity at all, it's your prerogative. A lot of people will still tune in to read.
    3. Set up an off-blog forum, as suggested. It's a lot of work, but you are at the point where JCA is most likely the go-to blog for JCrew info. That's huge! Yay for you!! I bet you can find volunteer moderators and even get advertising dollars, if you want.
    I think turning off anon posts might alleviate 25% of the problem - not all negative posts come from anons.
    Lastly - yesterday was a banner JCrew day. It was all over multiple news outlets and to not put a post out because of a fear of negativity means that the commenters are impacting your original objectives for starting the blog - reporting all things JCrew. Please don't let the tail wag the dog - as said many times above, the quality of this blog is what attracts readers.
    Again, congratulations for capturing lightning in a bottle with your excellent blog! You've done a great job to date - insist that we readers keep the same high standards in your community that you keep!

  135. I am really sorry that the continued negativity has caused you to take a pause in the world of internets. From experience- dont let it get to you. You will always have to take a little of the bad with the good and the community you have so quickly built here has been great for J.crew lovers alike. I peak on your blog for informations as I am not a huge J.Crew fan, but the information you presented was your own personal view and I along with everyone here should respect that.

    this is (was?) your blog. Dont let the haters get to you.

  136. See what I don't get is how people might achieve things by pinning the blame and calling people names. If everyone just ignored stupid/idiotic posts, then no one would get into a fight. If you think someone is being stupid, don't go fan the fire by engaging in a blog-shout match.

    I say good for you Alexis! Some people just need to be told off and shown that the whole world doesn't revolve around them. If only blogger had an IP address blocker, you could ban people who are just plain mean.

  137. jen--so well said:)

  138. Oh Jen, you're so wise. You're like a miniature Buddha, covered in hair. Start a blog, we'll all join and jump ship if Alexis isn't strong enough to do it.

  139. I am starting to feel that maybe getting rid of the anonymous option would be for the best. I know I myself post anonymously but I recognize the issue in the completely open forum.

  140. Please don't let a couple of awful girls dissuade you from posting your insightfulness! I really love this blog and check it all the time....

  141. Wow, Alexis! Look how much support you have! I know it's hard to not take negativity personally, but I think it's clear that we all feel very sorry for the people who just can't seem to help it (and of course we wish they'd go away, get a life, or join some hate blog of whiners, complainers and insulters, where they'd be much more welcome).
    I discovered your blog just a month ago (not much of a "blogger") but am obsessed and visit it atleast twice a day! I'm 28 years old and have been shopping JCrew since I was 14! With all the $$$ I've spent over the last 14 years, I've never felt like JCrew appreciates me as a customer, but continue to be addicted to the clothes and style... My point is, your blog atleast makes me feel like my $'s are worth spent and I'm not alone.
    Thank you thank you thank you!

  142. I enjoy this blog as well, having found it a few months ago. I check it every day and even participate from time to time.

    An anonymous outlet lets people vent without restraint from the screening process that usually occurs when we talk face to face. People can be ugly! Don't let that deter you from keeping the blog "yours".

  143. Alexis,

    I'm so sorry to hear that it has all come to this. Although I echo all of the above sentiments, I would hate to be redundant; just know that I, like many others, are incredibly grateful for all of your assistance in our personal J. Crew dilemmas and are in awe of your dedication and willingness to facilitate this community.

    All the best as you pursue some much need R&R! Hope you decide to resume blogging! =)



  144. Please please please dont end your blog, i love it...I look forward to checking it everyday and would be so disappointed if you shut it down. I would hate for a few sour grapes to ruin it for the many that love you....look at all these messages of support!

  145. :o(

    I am so sad. Please come back soon after your break. You have doane a spectacular job!

    I miss you already...


  146. If Alexis continues blogging the negativity will start up again from everyone iregardless if you post as an anon or have a name, you see it on sports, weight loss and even medical discussion boards. People are just in sour moods these days and have no respect for anything or anyone.

  147. Alexis,

    I understand how you feel, but I sure will miss you! I love keeping track of J Crew with this blog. Why, the first thing I thought this morning when I saw that women's coats were 30 percent off, was, oooohhh, I wonder what eveyrone on the blog will know about it? Stewart

  148. This comment has been removed by the author.

  149. Anon @9:47 am:
    I am biased in that I really like 3-Penny Princess. She is a great contributor to this blog and genuinely does not seem as a vicious type aiming to harm. :)She has strong opinions, so what?Kudos for that! She is not insulting anyone intentionally and if someone disagrees with her point of view , he or she does not have to go on reading.Simple as that. Why argue pointlessly? :)

  150. Some people are griping about what Alexis posts on her blog. Well, this is her blog and she can post on it what she wants. The vast majority of us love what she posts, and if we didn't, we could go somewhere else.

  151. Not trying to start another shitstorm, but if you google "3 Penny Princess" you'll find a website that is all about fashion and has some references to J. Crew.

    I don't know if it's the same "3 Penny Princess," as the one here. If it is, she's bitter because her site is lame.

  152. Hi Alexis-

    I, like so many others, am a huge fan of your blog and would hate to see it disbanded because of a few insensitive people. All of your posts are tremendously entertaining, girly and fun. I look forward to keeping up with your blog while I'm bored at work or just in need of some retail therapy. Keep up the great work.

    Have you considered taking your blog private and inviting readers you can trust? This way if someone acts out of line you will be able to remove their permission to post. Just a thought. Either way, I look forward to hopefully seeing more posts as the holiday season approaches.

  153. Alexis:

    I love your blog so much. Please don't stop it. I only found it about a month ago and I have found so much great information on here. I agree with so many others -- get rid of the ANONYMOUS posts and mediate/approve the comments...I promise this will get rid of the negative posters. But, just know that the majority (99%) of us are here because we genuinely love JCrew and want to share this love with one another! You are in my thoughts...stay strong!

    Jordan in Philadelphia

  154. Maybe you're right:

    I followed your suggestion and googled 3PP. I found the website and, --in the fewer than 5 minutes that I lasted on there-- it became clear to me that it's the same narcissistically vapid d-bag.

    Same labored style; still nothing to say. She's entirely constructed of other people's cliches and expectations (in a wanna-be Elizabeth Hasslebeck kind of way).

    I feel sorry for the poor sap that goes home to this kind of fun every damn day... :(

  155. Please don't give up! Your blog is great! I enjoy reading it! Ignore those mean comments. You just have to let it roll of your back...there are many many more people who enjoy reading your blog than those who write mean comments! =)

  156. What's wrong with being a Republican? Remember, it's the rich that works hard so that the poor can have a meal. Don't bite the hand that feeds you!

  157. People are so silly, Alexis I am sorry to hear you are having issues with people who read your blog. I think this is best blog. I mean, because of you I always know when sales are going on, when to expect my rewards, what promotions are going on, and other peoples opinions with JCrew products. You should ignore people that have a negative opinion, or they just should quit reading. I don't find anything wrong with people saying they have 4 of somethings, or spend $1,000 a month, thats their life. I am here to read about happenings at JCrew NOT other peoples happenings and shopping patterns with JCrew. Anyone who gets offended by your post are: A) jealous for some reason that you are such a cool person B) They don't have a JCrew near them C) Can't afford the clothes and get jealous or D) Have a sad life and feel the need to make other lives sad as well. I don't understand how people could get mad at this blog.. soooo silly. This website is for JCrew lovers, who want to share their love with other shoppers. And blogs like "Who received a gift from JCrew"... I do not find that controversial at all, I think thats a good way to get JCrew shoppers in the know of how JCrew operates. And anyone who did not get the gift and is negative about it is prob. just jealous and angry. So, please take comments in stride. I know you drive JCrew business with this site. I know you put your hear and soul into the blog, but not everyone can be satisfied, you always have that hand full of people that are negative and don't just don't get IT.

  158. Rich and Republican are FAR from synonymous.

  159. Tigs -- I hadn't seen that item before! I really like it!

  160. Interesting...I too checked out 3PP site. It seems more like a personal diary than an informational blog. The posts are a little long for my liking. But that is what is so great about this being able to can write about whatever you want. Regarding these political comments that are being posted...shut up please!! This site is about JCrew. I have friends both Dem, Republican, Independent and whatever who shop at JCrew. So stick to JCrew and take the political discussion to the political boards!!!

  161. Alexis, thank you so much for all you have done. This blog is so comprehensive about Jcrew and updated at least 2-4 times per day. Don't beat yourself up over some knuckle head's e-mail.

    You have good judgment, tolerance and tact. Don't internalize what a few negative posters have said. Everybody has baggage, but it should be left off this blog.

  162. Alexis, your blog is one of my guilty pleasures. I take a few minutes out everyday to see what is happenning in the "world of JCrew".

    Too bad that many postings are so negative nowadays. I come here to indulge my love of JCrew and to get tidbits.

    I certainly have enjoyed your blog over the last several months.

  163. Alexis, you have been missed today! But I hope you got some rest and enjoyed the day.

    Please keep up the blog and don't let the minority of users get you down.

  164. Alexis, I echo the sentiments of most of your supporters. You and this blog are truly valued and have become a part of my daily routine. I certainly spend even more money with JCREW due to your various posts. I have not found any of your posts to be inappropriate and think you should (1) ignore the negative comments and (2) get rid of the anonymous feature.

    You don't owe anything to those people whose comments reveal their profound mental/emotional deficiencies or those people who are unable/unwilling to create an online identity.

    I sincerely hope you continue this wonderful blog. If you don't, you and it will be sorely missed.

  165. Rich and Republican are not FAR from synonymous.

    Anon 6:38 pm, I totally agree! :)

  166. tigs - I think that is a new jacket. Good catch. I am so over the double breasted style, but it *is* quite cute!

  167. Alexis, This is my first and only blogging experience. It's nice to be in the company of like-minded individuals. I love exchanging fit information and insider knowledge! Your blog has replaced my 6:45am sale site check each morning. [Is there a new regular time, btw?] You've really done me a great service, so I thank you. If I (or we) can help you get JCA up and running again, I'm all ears.

  168. Alexis you are great. I love your blog, but I understand you need to do what's best for you. Just know there are tons of non-haters out here who love what you do and appreciate it everyday. :)

  169. So sad to hear this! It's hard to believe people would bother to be so insensitive among total strangers. I only recently found your blog and have found most commenters genuinely helpful. It's a great little community and I appreciate all the time and effort you put in. I'll miss you while you're gone. Hope you come back soon, fully refreshed!

  170. slastena,

    If you like 3 penny princess and are defending her than I feel very sorry for you....

    Such a shame...I have been reading your blog each day and now I will stop....

  171. After reading peoples responses I have come to the conclusion that Alexis should shut this thing down. If people cannot discuss fashion without being civil to one another, resorting to profanity to get their point across, it is time to go. I don't come here to read about peoples credit card charges, or someone being aggressive with their viewpoint, or having to read long exhaustive posts from someone trying to get their point across, it is a place where we discuss J Crew in a fun way. The fun has stopped, look at the number of regular posters who have quit posting here in the last month.

  172. Gigiofca: I'm not sure if I like it or not. I stumbled across it using the search feature on JCrew. It looks 'heavy' and not in a good way. Also, I'm not loving the shoulders but who knows, maybe it's cute. Never know but at the price of $225.00 I'd rather just pick up a new winter coat. :)

  173. Just general FYI:

    JCrew has a post in a box on the opening page and are promoting Michelle Obama's outfit as buy it here...."All Politic Aside" BUY it before it sells out....

  174. Seriously, can someone in marketing or sales explain to me why JCrew is promoting things....

    great deals, totally worth it, buy it before it sells out, etc.

    Because, personally, this is a turn off marketing tactic for me and it makes me not want to buy from JCrew as I don't like pushiness...

    I know I am not the only one b/c other people have commented on this as well...

    Why do they think pushy will work???

  175. Anony @ 8:02a.m.: I commented on this in another post but deleted because I was criticizing JCrew for placing this on the main page of their site. Anyway, the "better hurry before it sells out" is annoying as well but it is their expected marketing strategy, right? Most buyers aren't influenced by this marketing, especially those of us who have shopped with them for a long time.

    Plus, who wants to wear the same exact 'copied' outfit? I love that most people had never heard of JCrew, and my nice clothes were unique.


Dear J.Crew Aficionadas & Aficionados: Please feel free (and encouraged) to share your thoughts and opinions. :) However, please note that this is still a personal blog. So comments that are considered inappropriate (e.g. obscene, racist, homophobic, personal attacks, rude, and just plain mean) will be removed.

And now back to J.Crew! :)