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Monday, October 27, 2008

Domino Magazine Features J.Crew's Jenna Lyons {part 2}

To follow up on the post "Domino Magazine Features J.Crew's Jenna Lyons!", Domino magazine has posted the images of Jenna's home (that are also in the magazine). To view all of these images, including her gorgeous closet that is filled with J.Crew lovelies, click here. :)Quick reminder, if you are interested there is a "Jenna Lyons' Airy Brownstone" video (click here) at Domino's website too.

As for the article itself, it was okay. All the images on Domino's website (with corresponding item descriptions and prices) were the same as those found in the print version of the magazine. I thought the most interesting part of the article was the mini- insert on the "rise and fall (and rise) of J.Crew" (which I will try to scan a little later today).

If you read the article in Domino magazine, what are your thoughts? :)


  1. Love how they matched their clothes to their house:0

    Overall it turned out beautiful but IMO it is too redundant with it's use of the same bold colors. To each his own;)

  2. Eh, it's not for me. I prefer my living space to be calming. A place I would like to be able to relax in after a days work.

  3. I agree with Jeff. :) I don't think I'd be able to fully relax in her living room. But it's a beautiful show piece!

  4. Very modern and sophisticated but I don't like the fact that they used the same cold colors for their kid's room. Kids need to have bright colors in their rooms for as long as they can IMO :)

    I definitely don't like those cold dark colors dominating all over the apartment, they would affect my mood on a daily basis (there is a reason why most of Hospital ORs are green...)

  5. Blah. So boring, the lives of Jenny and her hubby...

  6. Interesting to see how the other half lives--that's one gorgeous piece of real estate. Her closet is as big as my condo! It makes me a little less guilty about my multiple jackie cardigans.

  7. The home is done beautifully, but seems to be more for *show*, as opposed to actually living doesn't look overly *comfortable*. fortunate is Jenna to have an entire room as her closet, and to have it filled with so many fabulous J.Crew pieces??? I would LOVE to have her closet! :)

  8. I thought it was interesting that they made it seem as though the "rise and Fall" was due to HER, and not Mickey Drexler- nowhere was his name even MENTIONED! As if she singlehandedly brought the company back!
    But, I envy her closet and her clothes!

  9. I love her closet! :) I also thought that they looked beautiful together...gave me an entirely new appreciation for the Honey Glaze Ecole as well. :)

  10. I want to work for j crew... and have a closet where I could keep each of the pieces she has...

  11. PUMPKINS free shipping on $125 or more for 3 days...

    I wonder what is going to happen after the 3 days...

    I am hoping for a 20% off code:)


  12. Wow, that place is quite the show stopper. Very dramatic spaces. Not my style, but I really appreciate it. Obviously she's doing well to be able to afford a place like that.

  13. I have a closet like that...I have an entire room in our house for my closets here in the UK. So the two super large bedrooms are in use and the two smaller ones are closets! I get a whole one to myself and my hubby and daughter share the other! It is fun!

  14. Love the apartment and the great location. The decor esp. in her bedroom is really too dark/moody for me and I agree w/someone mentioned earlier about her son's room but to each its own.
    Looove to have her closet/wardrobe! Good grief..look of that collection of jcrew shoes on the floor!!

  15. everything looks so sterile!

  16. Do you think Jenna is wearing a ribbon chiffon rosette belt with her Ecole--anyone have the actual mag that can say for sure? Could be cute huh? Sometime hard to know if these things would stay put and actually look decent after one moves around. I know belts tend to rise up etc. and it really isn't practical so much of the time, albeit cute!

  17. thank you so much for posting these! i have been waiting with mounting anticipation for my issue to arrive, or to see it in stores...still nothing. so, thank you! i think her place looks beautiful. love the open master bedroom/bathroom area.

  18. Her "closet" is amazing! That was my favorite part of the article, along with the section on the rise and fall of J Crew - the photos from the 1980's catalog were hilarious!

  19. oooh -- I have a really small third bedroom that was the baby's room for the previous owner and is now just a library...I really should turn it into a closet! Especially since I have really small closets. Awesome idea!

  20. I loved the dark walls and her dressing room!


Dear J.Crew Aficionadas & Aficionados: Please feel free (and encouraged) to share your thoughts and opinions. :) However, please note that this is still a personal blog. So comments that are considered inappropriate (e.g. obscene, racist, homophobic, personal attacks, rude, and just plain mean) will be removed.

And now back to J.Crew! :)