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Tuesday, September 2, 2008

J.Crew Pin: How Big Is That Bug? {Yikes!}

"Thanks!" to Hexicon who let us know that J.Crew sent an email announcing that the new accessories collection and new arrivals are available online. Thankfully, the members of this blog were savvy enough to figure both points before the email was sent (refer to "Some New Items Have Arrived At!" post).

Bugle-beaded bug pin
Click here for product page
Item 11348
Regular: $50.00

In the email image, did anyone notice how ridiculously large that bug pin is? I didn't realize how enormous that "thing" is. And is just me, or does it look even uglier in the new image? "Wow!" is all I have to say on the bug pin (and not in a good way). (I apologize if you own and love this pin- I honestly don't mean to offend. For all I know, it could be one of those items that are really pretty in person.) :)

What do you think of the bug pin now that you see it on a model? Do you like the pin (or would you leave it)? Do you own this pin? If you do, please let us know what you think. :)


  1. Uhm...this is like something my daughter creates for craft class - and she's in first grade... :D

  2. Yep, that is one ugly pin, it is so big!

  3. I don't know... it's kinda creepy having a bug on your boob. However cute it might be.

  4. I do like the multiple brooch look they have going there...however would this totally ruin your cashmere sweater???

  5. ugh to the bug, but the styling on all of the accessories catalog pages is gorgeous! They should do so well with the normal web site pix!

  6. It's so WEIRD. That's the only word I can come up with. On almost everything that J. Crew produces, I can point to the influences, whether it's art or other designers... I've never seen anything like this before!! And that's saying a lot.

    I wish they would make some Kenneth Jay Lane style brooches instead of these fabric and bead things. I got a really cute (and cheap) pink pearl and rhinestone brooch at Ann Taylor Loft (and I hate that place) last weekend and only dreamed that J Crew would make such a thing - of course, it would cost 3X as much.

  7. Hysterical! That's all I've got to say. :)

  8. The picture of the bug in question came to my email inbox titled "necessary indulgences." Er, not! The clothes faded into the background, and all I could see was the alien on her boob.

  9. Simply absurd. They didn't even hit the It's So Tacky It Sorta Makes Me Want One mark.

  10. It's cute, but too sth from craft class. :) I don't think I will spend that much money to buy it. :)

  11. I don't really like pins to begin with. I don't see why I should voluntarily poke holes into my clothes, but that's just me. :) I also hate how the weight of pins make them sag, but perhaps that's a product of how I would pin them.

  12. The whole poking holes in the sweater was the first thing I thought, too. Plus, of course, it's not a very attractive brooch. I love brooches, and wear them often, but never on thin sweaters like this one.

    I'm not a big fan of J.crew's jewelry right now. I really liked their enamel bracelets from last fall, and some of their rings, but it seems now their stuff is so oversized.

  13. They need to hire a jewelry designer with good taste. The over-the-top kitsch thing was fun.......for awhile. Now, it's just embarassing. J Crew seems to be moving away from tasteful sophistication, and (with some exceptions), towards 'look at me' attention seeking cheapness. Don't get me started on the juvenile electric neon colors on winter coats and cashmere sweaters.

  14. LOL!! i just got that email...that giant bug thing gives me the creeps!

  15. Ick! The bug pin plus the jeweled broaches look like they were made in arts and crafts class.

  16. Mary: Too funny! It is like an alien on her boob. ;)

    La Belle Helene: I agree with you about the jewelry being over sized- they really need to size it down. They are just too too big to wear comfortably.

  17. alexis, I ordered a purple baubble bracelet (can't remember exact name) last fall and was so disappointed when I got it - it was HUGE on my wrist. I tried wearing it at home and it clanked into everything, was uncomfortable to wear while doing any work, and kept nearly sliding off my wrist. I don't know who thinks that's attractive, or practical.

    I agree with anon - j.crew needs to also offer scaled-down jewelry, and in much better taste. I think there was a post a week ago or so about Jcrew's jewelry designer and it mentioned she was from texas and loved oversized jewelry - well, I'm not, and I don't :-)

  18. I think these pins are subliminal advertising for the toys they will feature in the upcoming Crewcats collection.

  19. As a Texan I have to say I am so embarrassed that she used her Texan roots to justify gaudy and obnoxious jewelry! I love beautiful jewelry as much as the next woman but many of these pieces really missed the mark for taste!

  20. The bug is CREEPY...

    Remember Neon in the 80's? Some of J.Crew's recent colors are getting close to them...especially Bright Citron and Neon Pink (my Lana Top).

  21. I want to meet the woman who wears this pin. It would be very interesting to see what else she would wear with it. It looks like a craft a child might make in grade one for Mother's Day.

    If any of of you really like it I'm sorry.

  22. I will buy this pin right after I get my popsicle stick earrings from Nordstrom and macaroni necklace from Saks.
    It could happen. Really.

  23. I agree with you all-it looks like something I made back in summer camp that my mom felt bad throwing away. I am a big jcrew jewelry/accessory lover but this season, not so much. I think I will wear last years with great happiness (frog, waterfall necklaces) And yes, holes in the sweater not good either.

  24. Hahaha! janek: that's hilarious! No kidding, if that's the demographic they're after, I think you'd be hard-pressed to find a wealthy 30-60 year old woman walking around with one of these bug things on her chest! :)

  25. Do they consider it a "collection" item? lol

  26. If my litle 5-year-old niece made this for me I would take great delight in wearing it when I see her, pinning it to an old sweater or a denim jacket.

    I'm not that attached to J.Crew, however :-)

  27. HORRIBLE! It doesn't even look like a "bug". It looks like a giant moldy peanut! Too bad. Everything else in the picture is beautiful. That pin is SO distracting. So, I guess that we can all wear our children's art projects on our chest with pride and fashion sense! I hate to think of the cheap labor that put this together. And what is the profit margin? Cost=25 cents, JCrew profit=$49.75. Not bad for JCrew, if they can get it!


  28. Unflattering and unattractive. Yikes!

  29. La Belle Helene: I know what you mean about the bracelets being too big to wear. They are very pretty but not practical- they really do "clank" into everything. I find the bracelets I do have, I only wear when I go out shopping (and even then, they can get in the way). ;)

  30. Le Belle Helene and Alexis, I agree that the bracelets, even the less gaudy ones, are very big and challenging to wear, especially if you talk with your hands like I do. I have the fireball bracelet in coral, which is lovely aqnd goes with many outfits I wear to work regularly. However, if I point emphatically or move my arm quickly, the elastic stretches and the bracelet flies across the room. I had it fly across a patient's room one day last week, and another day it flew across the room and hit one of our nurses in the foot during rounds! (I was mortified and chalked it up to my Jewish heritage and all the Talking With the Hands and emphatic gesturing my People do!)

    J.Crew - if you want your petite customers to buy into your jewelry, you must make it small emough for us to wear! I refuse to be restrained in my gesticulations simply to keep your baubles on my wrist!


  31. Since I am boobless there is NO POSSIBLE WAY that I am going to create "curves" by wearing this bug!!!

  32. I am tall, size 14/16, and I bought but then returned the seahorse necklace b/c it was too big and heavy. If their jewelry is too big for women at the top of their size range, how do they expect petite and average sized women to wear it?

    Have you guys seen the bracelet in store (doesn't appear to be online) with the huge wood cylinders hanging off? The cylinders have to be 1" diameter, 1" height and they go all around the bracelet.

  33. This is completely OT - but I just went to my local J Crew and got three items at a promotional price: (I hope this is not repeating something another blogger has already posted!)

    Matchstick cords - $69
    Cord Skirt - $49
    Watson Pant - $59 (I think this is listed online)

    I was pretty pumped to get these prices ... so I thought I would share in case anyone else is intersted !

  34. Jcrewmama: Those bracelets were not designed for social workers who are trained to use body language as a method of communication--- I talk with my hands too!

    Who designed this pin and how many of my niece's friends helped? Also what were they doing letting a 5 year old near a glue gun? I hope there was good adult supervision!

    Everyone's comments her are great and I agree 100%! This piece is certainly I an "I would never even touch that, forget about buying it."

    Also someone said something about a lot of Jcrews pieces looking tacky vs. classic. I agree. I am kind of bummed out. Its as if I went away for the weekend and I came back with a bad JCrew taste in my mouth. Bleh, gross!

  35. I agree with everyone's comments. Those pins are hideous!!

    OT - Madewell is offereing a 20% coupon. The promo was is in the fall issue of People Stylewatch magazine. Since the site isn't ready for web orders, you can call 866.544.1937 to use the offer. It is valid through 9/22. The site is

  36. I would never wear a pin that garish, but I love the clutch! Can't wait for that to go on sale!

  37. speaking of jewelry, has anyone bought or seen in person the glass bead ribbon tie necklace? i ordered it in dark fog but it's backordered, just wondering if it's worth waiting for or cancelling.

  38. Melissa, I ordered the bead ribbon tie necklace in black and it just shipped. I will post a review when I get it. I am hoping it's not too big/heavy!

  39. Does anyone have the acorn bracelet? I would like to know the actual size of the acorns...I have a very small wrist and I am not into large jewelry....but I like this bracelet....

  40. anon: I too like the bracelet but not big jewelry. I heard the acorns are about 3/4 of an inch... too big for me! I passed

  41. thanks cass! i couldnt decide b/t the black and gray, i cant wait to see what you think about it.

  42. When I saw these bugs in the fall preview, I kinda liked them.

    And then I saw them up on the website this morning. They look like someone needed to fill an accessory quota and all they had were a glue stick and fabric. I also feel like their accessories have gone too kitschy. If I wanted something like that, I'd go to UO. I'm also heavily disliking their "berry-trimming" on the Astrid jacket. WHAT IS THAT?! It looks like some disease. Elle featured it in their top trends for fall, but I just can't get into that.

    Also, off topic: are they no longer selling adult Hunter Wellies?

  43. I love the berry Astrid...I have it and it is very pretty in person...They change the Wellie offering each they might not be there anymore.....sold out..and new designs coming in....

  44. Melissa, I posted my review of the necklace in the chino cooper jacket post.

  45. Hello,
    I got that email and shreiked at how big and hideous that pink bug pin is. I got the yellow pin only because I had a purse that I wanted to put it on, its not that huge, the pink one looks double the size. I am not crazy about the tulle on the bottom, you cannot see it in the website so that is a bit odd, I may trim it off. The quality is a bit art class, the only thing that saves it is that it is smaller and the velvet color is perfect for what I wanted on my purse. This pink one is terrible. Don't worry about the peony colored one because you will never get it! It says its in stock but they will never locate it for you, I thought it might be cute in a group on my purse but now that the tulle is there and I see the size of the pink one, they can keep it! Price for this is nuts too, I got them on a crazy impuse. I agree some of the jewelry is way over the top if you are not a fan of flashy statement jewelry. And some just looks plain cheap! Those lobster and nautical items in the summer are just junky for the price. And lets get off the same cuff already! The new green one is cool, just sick of the same one with something different on it. Move on!!!! Same with the beaded necklaces. Lets try another style please!
    Side note - just got my first duplicate order yesterday (that was cancelled) next day aired. More to come I am sure. Paid twice. Uggggh. They are sinking my friends!

  46. I LOVEEEEEEEEEE this bug! It's so Chanel.


Dear J.Crew Aficionadas & Aficionados: Please feel free (and encouraged) to share your thoughts and opinions. :) However, please note that this is still a personal blog. So comments that are considered inappropriate (e.g. obscene, racist, homophobic, personal attacks, rude, and just plain mean) will be removed.

And now back to J.Crew! :)