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Friday, August 22, 2008

J.Crew Tribeca Men's Shop: Photos & Review

Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.
The incredible images in the slide show come from two sources. The first 11 images are from A Continuous Lean (click here for link). The last 6 images are from UrbanDaddy (click here for link). Also, "thanks!" goes to J.Crew Guy in Canada and K (in the "Off On A Tangent: Ann Taylor & J.Jill" post) who shared with us the link for the "A Continuous Lean" site.

A big "thank you!" to Blumre and MMiller who shared with us their experience visiting the new Tribeca men's shop on opening day:
The store was very tight. It almost felt cramped. MMiller says that could have been because there were about 20 people in there that were clearly not shopping. Almost all of them, but for maybe 1 or 2 looked like J. Crew employees (they were all wearing lots of J. Crew and all obviously knew each other). Given that, only 1 person came over to ask if we wanted help.
MMiller wants me to make sure not to forget to mention that Mr. Drexler was there (like I could ever forget to mention that!) Mr. Drexler looked very put together and he seemed to be enjoying himself as he was chatting with other employees. He looked so much better than he did in that magazine picture! He didn't look his age at all, he looked young and vibrant. Which is probably why I didn't notice him until we had left the store and MMiller made a comment to me about him. It was a real "d'oh" moment.

I contemplated going back into the store and telling Mr. Drexler he should start a J. Crew foundation and I should be his first employee (its a lot more fun to give out money than raise it, and I am qualified, as an MSW). Because the company believes so highly in education (teachers and student's discounts) it should be devoted to improving teacher resources (my friends run this type of non-profit and I know it needs more money)! But then I thought that was a bad idea because I would sound like a dork! So I decided not to.

Shout out to Mr. Drexler: If you like this idea, email me! This would be a great way to boost J. Crew's image--- corporate philanthropy is a big deal these days!

MMiller did not seem to really notice the aesthetic of the store. He was not impressed considering all the hype around the store. The store was maybe 800 square feet. The bar was nice and polished but the problem with the store was that there wasn't that much space to stand back and look at the clothes!

They did have the Thomas Mason dress shirts there. The fabric is exceptionally thin! I actually told MMiller to pass on them because they were just too thin. He likes their regular dress shirts (the On End Point Collar ones). And for causal dress nothing could get him away from the Secret Wash Shirts. Over all, nothing in the store really jumped out at him.

I did see the Globe Trotter luggage. While the luggage might be able to support an elephant's weight, I wouldn't want to lug that through an airport, valet or no valet! The sky caps only get you so far, you still have to get it out of your house!

I did like the fire place in the store, and the bar was a cool display and checkout counter. Overall, we were both hoping to find some unique items that aren't in other stores. I didn't see much of it. Maybe it was just because you could barely move in that tiny space with so many J. Crew employees milling about. We both left feeling a little disappointed. However, we both felt better when we went up to the Prince Street Store and stepped back into a regular J.Crew. We still both love J.Crew, this store just wasn't our style.

I am looking forward to the new Women's Collection store opening right across the Park from me. I will be sure to go (best friend in tow) on opening day and maybe then I will recognize Mr. Drexler! (That store will also be MUCH bigger). I know the space where it will be opening and its a great place for a store!

-MMiller and Blumre over and out!
Blumre and MMiller added the following about the store's size:
These pictures... {in the slideshow} ...make the store look huge. The 4th one down, where you see the bar... yea that is only about 20 feet wide. Imagine that clogged with people, when the bar and the area behind it is about 5 ft wide! I mean you can't move! That back area (the pic after the dressing room, yes thats the back area of the store) is seriously half the size of my living room and I live in NYC--- we dont have a huge living room!)!

I can't see MMiller buying a suit using that mirror in the dressing room either... He scrutinizes himself 12 times over using the three way mirrors for every suit!

The fire place is actually in a narrow passageway and you almost don't notice it because the store is pretty dark inside. IMO they didn't do a great job on lighting (and we were there at 4:45 p.m.)! I did like the look of the ties on the bar! The optical effect was cool.

However, these pictures are taken from many different view points. Trust me when I say the store is TINY
"Thanks!" again to Blumre and MMiller, we really appreciate your review! Overall, it doesn't sound like it's necessary to make a special trip to the new store (unless one is already in the area). I am a bit relieved since I was planning to make a special trip to NYC to see the store, but now there is no rush to. :)

What do you think of the Tribeca store layout? After reading the review of the new men's store, will you make a special trip to visit the store -or- plan to stop by only if you are in the area?


  1. blumre - I've been dying to know whether you can actually order a drink @ the bar, or is that just for looks?

  2. Blumre! You were in the same room as Mickey and didn't sit him down and have a big heart-to-heart!!!

    While it's so admirable that you were thinking fund-raising, you should have gone back and asked him why in the world they can't get the web working properly??? And begged him NOT to raise the already over-inflated priced...and then talked about the fund-raising. ;)

    All joking aside though, thanks (to you and MMiller) for the great description! I feel like I was there!

  3. Thanks for the heads up on the Thomas Mason Shirts. I was wondering how they were like.

    I called many CS and each one tells me different things about the shirt fitting.

    One CS told me it would not be a good fit for my 14-14.5 neck size, b/c shirt is 15.75 neck.

    Another told me it would be a perfect fit, since the size "small" on the their secret wash shirts (ones I have ordered in the past) really is a neck size of 15.

    Last CS told me it should fit well, but a little loose on the neck. Also the CS said "I should order it and see if it fits, if not I can return it and J.Crew will refund the entire return fee."

    But with the website being a mess, I don't think it would be a good idea anyway to order the shirt and return it. I'll pass this time.

    Thanks for the info.

  4. THANKS for the review Blumre and MMiller! You are so lucky you got to see the place (and Mickey) IRL. I have to say I AM surprised it is so small, and also that the mirror looks like it needs to be cleaned!

  5. thanks for the review blumre and mmiller, I cannot believe you saw Mickey, sorry, Mr. Drexler! That is really cool! It sounds similar to the Jcrew at the beach layout-those stores and TEENY too and don't have anything so unique.

  6. NO Gigiofca, its just for looks. I was kind of bummed when we got there that there didn;t have some amazing shot to give out to someone. It would have been awesome if everyone who walked in was invited up to the bar for a short or a pint!

    Weab: I if weren't so dense I would have recognized him in the store. I was once at an event and I was talking to Chris Noth for a full 5 minutes before I realized who he was... But I never recognize celebrities. I'm sorry... I'll be on the look out for him at the women's collection store when that opens! Then I will be sure to ask him when the company will be fully up and running again!!! ;)

    FFM and Caw: Yea I know after I saw him I totally freaked out and looked at MMiller and said "we have to write about this!!! Everyone is going to want to know!"

    ne-guy: I wish I could tell you MMiller tried them on. But he didn't. Otherwise I could tell you about fit. Frankly it looked like even in the dark color you might be able to see and undershirt through the fabric. I just wasn't overly impressed.

  7. Blumre: Thank you so much once again! I think you review was phenomenal. You really did a great job! :) I am also thrilled to hear that you saw Mickey Drexler- I think that is really cool. :)

  8. Haha Alexis, you really have to stop thanking me! I had so much fun going and the first thing I wanted to do was tell everyone about it anyway!

  9. blumre: Wish I could have been there to see both Mickey and the store. I didn't realize it's that small. Thanks for the tip on the dress shirts, I'm not a fan of those that are that light, bordering on sheer.

    The men's store is a very smart move on J.Crew's part. Looks at the buzz and the interest it has, so many magazines and websites have information and photos about it. Some serious press may equal some serious sales.

  10. Does the way the store is set up remind anyone else of Polo's Rugby stores?

  11. Yes, its a southern thing. I was definitely reminded of the Polo Rugby store! There are just way too many chatchkas!

  12. So, no homemade choc chip cookies? At Jcrew at the Beach, they always have a tray of cookies, anyone seen that in their store before?

  13. CAw they always have the chocolate chip cookies in greenwich! And they werent there last week. I was a little bummed because they are soooo good

  14. Figures they would be in Greenwich!
    In the store with Crewcuts there are always a trail of crumbs by the cookies. It's cute, very "kitschy" Still think they needed something in Tribeca to celebrate the bar aspect! I still think it's sooo cool you saw Mickey-seriously I need a life. were you decked in jcrew, btw?

  15. Blumre, where in NYC are they opening the new women's collection store?

  16. Is it possible for them to serve drinks at the bar? I would have guessed they need some sort of license (but don't know too much about that kind of thing). :)

  17. Caw: I didn't know that the "J.Crew at the Beach" store offered cookies- that is so cool!!! :)

    Blumre: I shop at the Greenwich store and I have not seen the cookies! Now I will definitely look out for that the next time I am there. :)

  18. yea, they try to make it special...I have to be careful, knowing me I would get chocolate on all their $$$ collection items. they hate me enough as it is, because I always know what's on sale even though they never mark it I ask them to do a price check and usually get a sneer.

  19. blumre - Had to reiterate that you provided an excellent review. I figured there was no drinking at the bar. Liability, I'm sure. What a tease.

  20. Thanks Gigiofca: It was so much fun I felt like a secret shopper! I was taking note of everything. It was awesome!!! MMiller and I had so much fun! He was more critical than I was though... I wasn't expecting that from him.

    OK you freaking enablers, I have to go e-mail my PS now. thank god I still have a freaking gift card!

  21. Thanks for this review Blumre and MMiller! I would have never guessed the store was so small from the photos. Also, I loved the comment about the luggage Blumre! I was cracking up...

  22. How about a pic of the lovely painting over the fireplace? Is it for sale? Original to the bar?

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. I'm not sure about the liability aspects but I know the Ted Baker store in San Francisco serves drinks to shoppers...and not just during special events.

    Did you get a glimpse at the vintage watches? I'm curious about prices...I especially love the Hamilton shown in the most recent catalogue.

  25. I'm not sure about the liability aspects but I know the Ted Baker store in San Francisco serves drinks to shoppers...and not just during special events.

    Did you get a glimpse at the vintage watches? I'm curious about prices...I especially love the Hamilton shown in the most recent catalogue.

  26. hmmm Phil, I actually didnt see the watches. I will ask MMiller though and get back to you if he saw them.

  27. You've got a great set of photos for this shop. I hope you don't mind, but I've mentioned it in my blog


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And now back to J.Crew! :)