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Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Summer Sale: New Styles & Reduced Prices

I apologize for not posting this sooner but my day job interfered with my posting abilities. I was able to check the sale this morning before I was "out of commission" and noticed that not only did they add new items to the sale, but they (substantially) reduced some prices of existing sale items.

All I need now is a free shipping code with a minimum of a low to none amount and I am all set to buy! :)


  1. I too noticed the added items and lower prices! I was kind of miffed because I'd ordered the Masako dress at $150 just yesterday! I figured I would order the dress to "size" it for if / when the dress drops on sale and it goes and does it the next day!

    I was debating ordering my same size in this lower price and returning the other one but then my size sold out so quickly. I wish they did price drops on sale items, but they don't. A $60 difference on a dress is pretty hard to swallow!

  2. Melanie: Call the customer service line immediately! If they don't reduce the price (and they can if they want to) then tell them that you are willing to return the item to repurchase it at the lower price.

  3. Thanks for the suggestion. :) I just tried that and they said that they couldn't adjust prices on a sale item. Then when I suggested returning and repurchasing at the lower price, they said something about it going into a "pot" and how people who ordered it but had it wait-listed might get first priority and it's not guaranteed that I will get it. I just said thank you and left it at that. I never was too good at sticking to my guns and I'd like to at least try on the dress before deciding if I'd like to give it up or not. :-/

    I will say, though, that the guy on the phone sounded really nervous, like he thought I would go off on him. I wonder if a lot of angry people have been calling lately?

  4. Although, thinking back, has anyone had experience with returning / repurchasing? Maybe I will give it a try if people have had good experiences ...

  5. Hi Melanie! I would try calling back and speaking to a different representative. I received price adjustments on 3 dresses last month that got marked down an extra 20% two days after I purchased them, so I know they have done it before.

    As for returning/repurchasing...I have not done it so far at J.Crew, but I have at GAP, and did not have an issue at all. I have been watching the strapless sundresses at J.Crew, as I have one that I have not worn yet, and if it gets marked down, then I am returning/repurchasing at the lower price.

    I know that they would rather keep the sale at the adjusted price than lose it all just need to be firm about it, and ask to speak to a supervisor if necessary.

    I hope this helps!

  6. Hi Melanie! Too bad the guy at J.Crew wouldn't offer the lowest price for you. If your item hasn't been shipped yet (or when you called them), then they should totally honor the lower price.

    I have actually called about getting a $50 credit back on a dress I bought on sale, being reduced further. They first gave me the same line you got, but I then told them for $50, I would have no issues returning the dress and ordering a new one (and it was still "in-stock"). I then reminded them that it would cost them more to re-stock the older dress and re-send the newer dress than just giving me the credit. After a pause, they gave me the credit.

    At the end of the day, J.Crew customer reps are one of the best in the business. Even if you have to nudge them to be the best a bit. :)

  7. Hey Alexis...thanks for the new code...wish I had seen it earlier...I have to admit that I actually gave in and paid for shipping on the Dark Chambray Swing Skirt (item #90972) this morning, as it got marked down from $59.99 yesterday to $19.99 shipping was $5.95, so I don't feel so bad about it, although FREE SHIPPING would still have been much better!:) Oh well...I am happy I got the skirt...I've been watching for it to go on sale for awhile now, and to get it for $19.99 is FABULOUS!!!

  8. To Melanie - Returning and repurchasing: I've done it and it's not a problem at all...hang on to the original until you get the new one in hand...just in case one fits better (that does happen) or something else happens like the new one is damaged (that's happened to me too). I get pretty miffed that they don't honor a price adjustment on a sale item...especially when I JUST bought something. By the way, I'm a total JCrew fan and love this blog!!!

  9. I don't even order a second garment...I just take back my original purchase, tell them I want to return it, but that I then want to repurchase it because it is a lower price now...they shouldn't have a problem with it.

  10. wow fabulousfloridamommy...I have always been afraid to do that. that's awesome. it's just the same as a price adjustment which they should do anyway...especially over the phone. i wish they wouldn't make us jump through these hoops. gap, banana etc. do price adjustments even on sale items as long as you're in their time frame. but alas, jcrew is still my favorite!! :)

  11. Fabulous Florida Mommy: I bought the same skirt you did! I too was waiting for it to go down in price. When I saw it was $20, I caved. Unfortunately, I am a size 6 so my item is waitlisted. But great taste FabulousFloridaMommy! :)

  12. Thanks Alexis...I can't wait to get the skirt...I'll give you my "review" when it comes;)...I can't believe they dropped it so low already. This is as great a deal as when I got the Printed Elizabeth Halter for $19.99...but with it I even received free shipping...those were the days...

  13. i forgot to add on my last post...thank you for creating this blog! i love it and read it daily. it's great that everyone shares tips and it's also good to know that i'm not the only one who is "obsessed" with jcrew :) thank you so much for all the coupon codes too...i too am so sad to see the free shipping on any amount coupons gone!!! but that free shipping on $100 sure is tempting :)

  14. Hi ccbmum! I agree with you...J.Crew is still my favorite, just wish they were as accomodating as the others. shouldn't be afraid to return/repurchase, ask for price adjustments, complain about and return defective items, are the customer and somewhere along the way companies have forgotten that the "customer is always right". Now that everything is so much more expensive, I expect higher/top quality, and if a garment doesn't meet my expectations then I do not hesitate to return it or call/write my complaint about it...especially with J.Crew and the prices they clothing should not be coming apart at the seams after a couple times of wear...they SHOULD give me a price adjustment whether "SALE" or not, and if I want to return/repurchase to get a better price (because they won't honor my price adjustment) then they should let me...anyways, that' just my 2 cents worth...:)

  15. fabulousfloridamommy - i totally agree with you especially since they have drastically increased their prices over the years. i always do return/repurchase/price adjust (i wrote in before as anonymous since i couldn't think of a screen name:)) but i see that being more persistent works for those sale items!!! thanks! :)

  16. fabulousfloridamommy: Great deal on the Printed elizabeth tank!

    Ccbmum: Thanks for the nice comment! :) I too hope that those coupon codes with no minimums will return. Fabulousfloridamommy is right in that at the end of the day, the customer can take their money elsewhere- so why not be kind to us and give us price adjustments! :)

  17. Thanks Alexis...that was really a lucky break for me...I put it in my cart and it disappeared as I hit the confirmation page, so...I called the CS rep and she actually put in a country wide store search for me with the free shipping code I used, and this was on a Final Sale item...couldn't believe it. My blouse was actually mailed to me directly from a J.Crew in New Jersey about 2 days later...with FREE SHIPPING!

    On another note: the whole "drastic reduction overnight" situation has me J.Crew perhaps marking items down so extremely just to sell them now because they are truly suffering from their removal of the free shipping codes? Their inventory is definitely not flying off the page like in the days of free shipping, so perhaps this is their attempt to help us justify a $5.95 shipping charge? HMMM...

  18. Fabulousfloridamommy, you raise an interesting point. I have also noticed that the Sale section hasn't been selling out as fast as it use to two months ago. Moreover, their stock price took a huge dive this week. So maybe J.Crew is trying to remedy the situation by liquidating merchandise when they can, like you pointed out.

  19. Doesn't J Crew seem to mark down a few items by Wednesday morning each week? I tend to notice lower prices on Wednesdays or Thursdays.

  20. Does anyone have the Brushstroke-print Chessy Jacket (Item #93407)? I think it's really cute but not sure how it would look, as I tend to look better in jackets that nip in at the waist, and this jacket looks like it goes straight down.

    Any opinions would be great - thanks!

    PS Can anyone tell me how to create a link within the comments, like melanie did with the Masako dress? I just think it's really cool :)

  21. I've been considering the chessy jacket as well! And the tulip jacket in the citrus lime, if anyone has any info to share. Thanks.

  22. Alexis and FabulusFloridaMommy, I took your advice and called back again. I took a couple of deep breaths and reminded myself to make sure to remain firm this time. However, the woman who answered was really friendly and after putting me on hold for a few minutes, said that a credit had already been applied! That's crazy! I'll have to wait to see what they actually charge my card but if they did, that IS indeed amazing customer

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. Franko, I tried to describe how to create a link just in this comment but realize it might be confusing since I didn't want the comment tool to turn my explanation into an actual link! So I found a website that explains it better than I could. :)

    Click me!

  25. Melanie:

    I also call in after a recent price drop. If they will not honor the new/lower price, I threaten to repurchase it at the cheaper price in order to return it :) It usually works well.

  26. I'm with Franko and Anonymous 10:25pm - I'm looking for personal fit opinions on the Chessy and the Tulip Jacket. I'm not sure if I should get either. I like the Chessy but I'm concerned that it may be too boxy. But then again, I recently purchased the San Telmo Paisley jacket and it's pretty boxy but it looks awesome on. I think it has to do with the print.

    I like the look of the Tulip Jacket but in some ways, it's reminding me a lot of the Waverly Jacket and it did NOT look good on me at all. It did nothing for me. I didn't like the look of the fabric nor the design.

    Some insight into the Chessy and Tulip would be greatly appreciated.

    btw, I received the Frances Blouse today. I have to say... LOVE IT!!!! I love the cut, the fabric and the color. I got the aqua. I also received the airy tank. Unfortunately, that's going back. I didn't like the look of it on. I had expected a little dressier than a regular tank but it looks just like a regular tank with a ribbon stuck on it. I'm glad that I didn't order it in 4 different colors like I had originally meant to. I also got the Frankie Cami. That too is going back. I love the Clover but the design made me look like I was expecting. Not a good look for me. lol!

  27. Melanie - congrats on getting the credit adjustment. That is fantastic!

    Anonymoust at 1:31 AM: Thanks for letting us know about the Frances Blouse! I was about to get it, but wasn't sure if I would like it or not.

    I haven't tried on the Chessy or Tulip jackets but any insight would be great for me as well.

  28. I am sorry but I just don't agree with returning and repurchasing a garment weeks? a month? later waiting for it to go on sale. Just doesn't seem right to me. Either buy it and wear it and know you got an item you like and go on with life.

    Now, a price adjustment on a garment that you bought and then goes on sale a day or two (or even a week later) is another thing.

    But keeping a garment and returning and repurchasing it to get the sale price is not ethical in my book.

    Sorry if I offend anyone but that's just how I was raised.

  29. Jagjag2- we all have different perspectives which is great when it comes to this blog.

    Personally, I don't think it is "unethical" if you want to return the item you purchased on one day, only to find it the next day (literally) on sale and J.Crew not budging on a price adjustment. It's not like you wore the garment that you would be returning. Now, I would think differently if I had the item for a year (which I wore) and wanted the lower price.

    Also, I want to make sure that everyone feels comfortable to share their opinions and viewpoints... Even if they differ with what is written. This should be a community of sharing! :)

  30. Just stopped by the JCrew store last night and they had just marked down a lot of stuff!

    There was a cashmere scarf on sale for $14.99 that I was debating on, but I put it back in the end because the neon pink color was just a little too much for me.

    I did however purchase 2 of the fabric-covered headbands for 9.99 each. Still a little pricey I suppose, but it was better than having to pay the original $28 a piece! They were in the sale area but the price tags hadn't been marked down yet, so I had to ask and make sure they were discounted. I'm thinking I might go back again next week and pick up a few more...

    Has anyone seen those sheer dresses? I wasn't sure if they were actual dresses or beach cover-ups since the material was so thin...

  31. Hi jagjag2! Just wanted to clarify that the main reason a return/repurchase would be done is if they won't honor a price adjustment.

    As for returning/repurchasing a week, month, 2 months later...J.Crew has a 60 day return policy, so if you have not worn the item within that 60 days, but DO want to keep it...why not get it at the lower price? It just makes good financial sense, and if you are like me...the difference you save on that item goes right back to J.Crew most times anyways.

    The dress I have been watching is still the same price as when I bought it, which I am not "in love" with it enough for that price, and plan to return it next week, however...were it to be drastically reduced by another $40 then it would make it MUCH more desirable, and I would probably return/repurchase for the lower price. Please realize...this dress has NEVER been worn and still has the tags attached, plus a dress for $30 is much better than a dress for $80.

    I have to add that I find it unethical for companies to block user submissions on a public domain, and not for a consumer to return/repurchase an UNWORN item to achieve a better price.

  32. Sue.Bee it sounds like you got some deals yesterday. Fantastic!

    FabulousFloridaMommy: I couldn't agree more than I think it is unfair of JCrew to remove user submitted coupons. But alas, nothing we can do about that... except maybe post them here! :)

  33. Hi Alexis...I have to say AGAIN that this site is just FABULOUS, and you are doing a FANTASTIC job with it.

    I also agree with you that it is great that we can all have different perspectives on here, as well, AND that we have a place to get and post shipping codes. :)

    sue.bee: congrats on all your purchases! I am headed to my J.Crew next week, and I am hoping to find some excellent in-store bargains myself. :)

  34. I had friends in high school and college that would go to medium--high end stores, buy items that they wanted, leave the tags on and purposely not wear them, then wait for them to go on sale, return them and rebuy them. I think that is unfair to others and my mom did too.....That is where I am coming from....just my opinion and thanks for yours as well....different perspectives do make life interesting....

  35. jagjag2, I have to say that I've never heard of anyone doing that before! I don't think I ever would have thought of buying something at full price deliberately to return it and re-buy it back again. I can see why you would think that is unfair, especially to others.

    Out of curiosity, is it the fact that she is withholding it from others on purpose that makes it a practice you don't like? What about people who purchase an item, only to watch it go on sale a couple of days later? Is it mean of them to want to pay the lower price?

  36. FaboulousFloridaMommy: thanks again for the nice comment (and the email notification/Blogger website tip!)

    Jagjag2: I can totally understand where you are coming from with the return/repurchase situation.

  37. @ffm (i'm too lazy to type out your full username :o))

    thanks! i'm sure you'll find something to buy. they marked down some of the jewelery...i think i saw mostly bangle and stretchy bracelets. a lot of headscarves, belts, sweaters, wallets/coin purses. so if you don't find any clothing, you'll probably find some accessories :o)

  38. Not to keep beating a topic to death, but I called J.Crew again when I noticed an item with my order with the Masako dress had the words "cancelled" next to it. While I was on the phone, I asked how much they ended up charging me and they quoted me a $150 price. So ... I guess the woman lied to me last night? I asked the woman about my price adjustment and she said I'd been told they did not do price adjustments on sale items. I thought she sounded kind of mean so I just gave up. I plan on just returning the dress once it arrives, since the whole experience makes me not want it at all! Plus, other pictures of it make it look not as fitted as it does on the mannequin. Hope everyone else has better luck than I did. :)

  39. @ melanie

    that's a bummer! i did notice though on JCrew's website that they do have a policy on price adjustments that sale items are not included.

    but i'm sure you'll be able to find something else at a price you like :o)

  40. oh, did anyone else buy the Polynesian-print Sweater Dress (item 91579

    i ordered the XS in Rhubarb and it came in the mail yesterday. it's so soft and lightweight! i thought the pattern would be overwhelming but it actually looks great in person. and they're elbow sleeves! yay :o)

  41. Melanie that is awful! You know what I do with price adjustments, or any issue with customer service (and no matter the store). I always write down the date & time of phone call, and the customer reps name. This way if there are any issues, I tell the new customer rep that this person on this day/time told me differently and that they should honor their word. That usually gets me what the original customer rep told me I would.

    Also, make sure you ask the customer rep to make a note in your order of anything agreed upon in the phone call.

    Sue.bee: Congrats on the new dress- It is so perfect for summer!

  42. SueBee, I just looked at that sweater dress and it looks lovely! Very nice and I can see what you mean about the print being just right! I like elbow sleeves too.

  43. I try to follow store policy on price adjustments and returns. JCrew used to allow price adjustments on sale items but they no longer do. If a full priced item goes on sale a few days after I buy it and the store has a price adjustment policy, of course, I ask for an adjustment and get some money back!

  44. I almost caved and bought the campo d'firori sweater dress (I've been eyeing it for months), but I just got the pastille dress in citron last week -- too much yellow! I know some have reservations about the campo print, but I love it! I couldn't justify buying 2 dresses in 2 weeks, though, especially since I am currently looking for a new job! So, I got a few of my summer staples-- a jackie shell (in cabana blue) and 5" chino shorts (in light moss)-- instead.

  45. Heather, What is the fabric like on the Pastille dress? What is the fit like? What are the metal discs like? Are they right next to the skin, heavy, or OK? Please let me know. I have been comtemplating this dress in Navy for months. Any help would be much appreciated as I live overseas.

  46. jagjag,

    the material is very soft but substantial, but a good weight for summer. It feels like a very refined, but slightly thicker, cotton shirt. I thought the yellow was going to be see-through, but it's not that bad. I tried it on with royal purple tights, so you could see those a bit of course, but if buying it in navy you won't have a problem at all.

    You can definitely feel the weight of the discs when the dress is on. Not super heavy, though.

    I had to exchange the S for an XS. Too big all around, but particularly for me in the armholes and waist. I usually buy petite and never tried a knit dress before, so I wasn't sure of how it would fit. The description online says fitted, but I think it is supposed to be a little trapeze-y. It reminds me of something twiggy would wear, so mod!

  47. @ heather

    The Pastille dress is super cute!

    Isn't the citron deceiving online? It's so much brighter and has a slightly green tinge to it when you see it in person, but after a while the color just grows on you. I ordered the Shawl-collar Fleece Popover in citron online, and when I got it, I remember thinking, Wow, that is so NOT what I was expecting! But I totally love it now.

  48. sue.bee,

    yup, the citron is pretty bright, but I really like it, too! It's a nice summer color, and if I wear it in the fall, I will probably put a grey turtleneck underneath to tone it down.

    I also wonder about the color "sweet papaya" ... is it more pink or orange? is it bright or more muted?

  49. Sue.Bee: I own three of the Shawl-collar Fleece Popovers (white, black, and tan). I absolutely adore them! :)

  50. Hi Heather,
    I have the Slub-cotton twist-neck tee in Sweet Papaya and it's an interesting color...if you hold it next to something orange it looks more pink and if you hold it next to something pink it looks more orange :) I think it's pretty actually. It's a vibrant color but not too bright like some of the yellows. It's pretty in ringspun cotton because it's kind of shimmery...It looks great with navy...under my navy cardigan or with dark wash jeans. I don't know how it looks in other materials like plain cotton or sweaters though...hope this helps!

    OK, this is too funny...I'm writing an essay on color...I've always loved JCrew color names. The people who make up these color names must have a great time...

  51. To sue.bee:
    I have a polynesian dress in black; size XS. Such a great dress. Funny, that it was not on any of the catalogs and I never contemplated buyng it untill I saw it on a girl on the street and then on J crew sale rack. It looks uber feminine once you try it on. I got it for $99 plus 20% off. The label says J crew collection, on-line it does not show as such. So, is it a Collection item or not? I would love to own it in Papaya as well, but already purchased polka dot bow skirt in Papaya, so will be skipping the dress, although it's very tempting. Have to practice restrain.:)

  52. Sue Bee, thanks so much for the info. on the POLYN. Sweater dress. Going to order it with the extra 20% this morning... Would never have tried it without your great comments about it.

  53. No problem, jagjag! That's what we're all here for, right? :o)

  54. Hi there...just realized that I wrote an essay above on "sweet papaya" when what I actually have is the t-shirt in "bright papaya"...oops, sorry! I don't think anyone's reading this string anymore but I still wanted to correct myself :)

  55. Hi ccbmum! Thanks for the update on the bright papaya being about the t-shirt! :)


Dear J.Crew Aficionadas & Aficionados: Please feel free (and encouraged) to share your thoughts and opinions. :) However, please note that this is still a personal blog. So comments that are considered inappropriate (e.g. obscene, racist, homophobic, personal attacks, rude, and just plain mean) will be removed.

And now back to J.Crew! :)