Referencing {FAQ}

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Dear J.Crew: What are you doing?

I am disappointed at J.Crew's new policies and website. So much so, that I may stop purchasing from J.Crew online for awhile. (Yes, I may be boycotting J.Crew online. Which, to be honest, will be great for my wallet.)

Why am I upset? Not only are some of their policies not as "consumer friendly" as before, but also because it seems to me (and to FabulousFloridaMommy) that some of the information (e.g. tips,) that the visitors shared at this site, was used against us. (That, or the timing is quite coincidental- especially since the policies being changed existed for years.) Many pieces of advice shared by the visitors throughout this blog (all listed below) are now irrelevant to the new policies and website of J.Crew.

First, the item searches (with variations on the last letter) no longer works on their new site. (I am hoping this is because their new search will reflect their entire stock inventory, not just portions of it like the older website.)

Second, the method of finding older items or items no longer linked on the main directory through Google no longer works with the new site.

Third, coupons can no longer be applied for clearance merchandise. This new policy is a major blow to all of us sale shoppers.

Fourth, price/credit adjustments will no longer be honored for sale items. [Apparently this policy has been around for awhile, but I only found out about it last week. During this entire time, I must have had really nice customer service reps. :) ]

Fifth, some (not all yet, hopefully) stores are now not honoring both the student (or Educator's) discount in combination with the "additional % off sale items" in J.Crew stores.

Now, I know J.Crew is a "for-profit" business. I own their stock, so of course I want them to perform well. However, hopefully not at the cost of alienating their core customers (which I believe the majority of this blog's visitors are). Unfortunately, I do feel alienated by many of their recent changes. I also honestly hope that they will reconsider some of those actions (like the codes only being valid for regular priced merchandise). :)

I will need some time to adjust, which I probably will. (However, I believe I will spend significantly less at J.Crew stores, if at all with J.Crew online, in the future.)


  1. Alexis: I wholeheartedly agree with you...I am disheartened, frustrated, and disgusted with their TOTAL disregard for all of it's core customers and biggest else would we have known about all the "insider tips and secrets" we have shared on here, were it not for our LOVE and OBSESSION with all things J.Crew??? They have taken this, and used it against us...SHAME ON THEM!!!!! I will not be able to purchase as much from them now...nor do I desire to, anyways...the whole thing makes me's like being in a bad dream, only it's not a dream at all!

  2. Alexis,
    I completely agree. I have to say, in a strange sort of way I am relieved because I really will not be spending as much at J Crew because of the recent changes. I am a teacher---I don't make 6 figures, and I simply can't afford *not* to be a sale shopper at J Crew. It's the only way I can wear as much J Crew as I do. I do fully appreciate the 15% educator discount---that I really do. But 15% off their regular prices will mean I can buy a couple things each season (rather than the *several* pieces that I usually pick up.) That's going to change for me. This will make dh very happy, and my kids college fund as well ;) As for me, I will have to learn to live with less J Crew in my closet I suppose. :(

  3. FabulousFloridaMommy: I totally, 100%, agree with you. Especially the point you made about the reason we know so much about them is because we love (well loved) them so much.

    I am really shocked by their actions. I can't believe they would take our advice and use it against us. Especially since I felt this blog was helping their sales. I know that I bought more after seeing others review items I wasn't sure about. I also know that others felt the same way.

    Josie: I know what you mean- I have been spending way too much money (and time with J.Crew). This will be a good break for me (and my wallet).

  4. Their policy on price adjustments is not new-over a year ago they changed their price match policy to only offering price adjustments on items purchased at full price. Maybe they are just getting more strict about it now.

  5. I woke up this morning and checked out the website. I liked the older version better; the categories were easier to navigate (choosing your size and then browsing those items). I'm disappointed to hear about the new policies because 75% of what I buy from J. Crew is ON SALE and I spend a lot of money there! I always thought J. Crew was excellent about accommodating its customers but maybe they've changed into a "read the fine print" sort of company.

  6. Ok, I'll boycott them too Alexis. Sorry, I did order sandals this a.m.

    You know being able to find merchandise not displayed was part of the allure shopping JCrew. It can be compared to being in store & finding the great deal on sale, or the only item of it's kind in the store.

    When I came across these blogs I was shocked so many other people were doing what I was doing in regards to the site. I think the functionality we 'had' is going to take away the 'fun' & addictiveness of shopping the site.

    Guess I have to make weekly trips to the store!

    Also, I emailed CS because the IJN-160 didn't work on my purchase of FS items. We'll see what they say in response to my email.

    You are awesome for being on top of this new info.! Now I have to get ready for church. Have a nice day & give yourself a rest. :)

  7. lleila- Perhaps it was an old policy about price adjustments, but I never heard about it until a week ago. And I shopped at J.Crew a LOT over the last year. :)

    Linda: I also think the older site was easier to navigate. I hate having to open 4 different links for "tops" in the sale section. Moreover, I think you are spot on with "read the fine print" company. I am seeing them morph from an "excellent customer service company" to "sticking to strict policies & removing features" kind of firm.

  8. I'm new to this blog, but love J. Crew as well, which is how I found it. I've been browsing the new website for over an hour this morning. I agree, the old website was better. This version is unorganized. Several links didn't work, and it's hard to navigate. I had over $200 in my cart and was halfway through checkout when I looked at your blog again and saw the post about the new coupon policy. I am not purchasing the items I wanted because of this. It's just ridiculous. Why change a policy that saves customers so much money? Sure, it's great that the items are on sale, but they're on sale at a price they're really worth for the quality of some of the pieces. I shop there often, but no more.

  9. Rach: You are too funny about the "sorry, I did order sandals this a.m." The Helena Pave sandals are beautiful by the way! Let us know how those work out when you get them. :)

    But I know what you exactly mean about finding something on their site through those links being a part of the allure of checking the site so often (and a bit addictive.)

    Hopefully the code for your order will be honored. It would be awful if they decided to be strict about the codes not being applied to sale merchandise with the older codes.

  10. Oops, I take back "trips to the store". Gas is too high to travel so far to be disappointed (my store is ok but not like shopping on line).

  11. Anonymous at 8:26 AM: You are not the only one who is not "feeling" the new website design. I really liked the older version (but maybe that was because I was so use to it). I also really don't like the new coupon policy. I mean you had $200+ of merchandise in your cart, who cares if some (or all) of that was sale merchandise- you should get free shipping. (Afterall, that is still a lot of money for just one order!)

  12. Ah I wish I had known that they were still doing price adjustments on further reduced sale items all this time :) Another thing I remember they stopped doing a while ago is the "we will find it for you" on sale items (although sometimes you get a nice SA who will do it).

    I wonder if they will still have the morning updates of the sale section, and what time that will happen!

  13. Where are you seeing the new coupon policy? I just used the free shipping >$150 coupon, and everything I bought was on sale.

    The price adjustment policy has been this way for a looooong time.

  14. I hate to say it but Kerry's post in "Bring on the belts" proves that they are indeed reading the blogs.... I don't think the changes are a coincidence :(

  15. lleila: I am sure those morning updates were either eliminated or changed as well. :(

    Anonymous at 8:39: The new coupon code policy is Here.

    I am glad to here they are honoring the existing coupon codes with sale merchandise (since those codes "came out" before this new policy).

    As for the price adjustment policy- as I mentioned before, I only found out about it a week ago. I have been able to receive price adjustments for a long time- I guess I just got really nice customer reps on the phone. :)

    Josie: I don't think the changes are coincidences either. Especially mean considering all the free marketing this blog was for them. :(

  16. I just got off the "Just Ask" line and conveyed my disdain. The woman on the other line had actually just arrived at work, and had not viewed the website yet. While on the phone, we walked through it, and she noted my opinion that the sale page was indeed very awkward to navigate, particularly from the way it was set up in the past. She noted my feedback and assured me she would pass it through to the designers as -her words- "they are in the beginning stages of the new design so feedback is very important"

    I urge everyone to call customer service or the just ask line and let them know how you feel. If we dont let them know directly how we feel, it will take longer for the changes to be made for the better shopping experience (that we used to have)

  17. Grrr! First of all, I'm not a fan of the new site. Secondly, how about giving us advance warning that everything in our shopping bags pre-update would be lost? I had some items in there, and I would have ordered them Friday if I'd known come Sunday morning there would be a risk of them no longer being available because of J.Crew's website shutdown.

    It really seems they set out to alienate their core shoppers this weekend. Why eliminate being able to google for an item? If I found something that way, I always bought it! Isn't that what any business wants - to have its customers make purchases?

    I'm not purchasing anything from J.Crew right now. I've always hated their stupid "final sale" and now I'm even less inclined to indulge.

    What rot!

  18. No coupons on sale merchandise!!!! That is awful, terrible, horrilbe. They just lost me as a customer! I haven't bought a full priced item in 5 years and I'm not about to start! Plus, final sale items can't be returned and I would have to pay shipping on top of maybe ending up with something I can't wear or use! I am boycotting too!

  19. Shame on JCrew! (for many reasons) You used to be my favorite store....USED TO BE....I have a sick feeling in my stomach this morning.

  20. Some of you guys still got price adjustments on sale items???.....I haven't been able to do that for a year or more....that policy changed a long time ago.

  21. Wow, J.Crew has been successful in ceasing my addiction for them. I HATE THE NEW SITE... and not honoring coupon codes on clearance merchandise? I'm boycotting as well, which will not be hard at all for me because I have such a bad taste in my mouth over all of this. I agree with others though... I have enough clothes to get by, so I'm excited to see myself save some money.

  22. If J.Crew thinks all of this will push people towards buying more full-price merchandise, IT WILL NOT (at least not for me anyways).

  23. I've never understood why J.Crew has such ridiculously HIGH shipping prices - at Nordstrom's (a store that sets the standard with customer service, in my opinion) it's free over a certain amount, and otherwise just $5 or $6 no matter how much is in your order. Banana Republic, too, offers standard $6 shipping regardless of size of order. Only J.Crew gouges its customers via shipping, and that's why I NEVER order from them on-line unless I get free shipping.

  24. J.Crew obviously believes they are "untouchable" when it comes to being affected by their recent moves, and they are right, unless the boycotting truly takes place...for example...we all HATE final sale, yet many of us ended up purchasing anyways...this is what J.Crew obviously expects will happen now, unless we truly "stick to our guns". They are counting on our Love and Obsession to bring us back, no matter how much they "walk all over us"...I simply cannot afford the full price items...I have a DH, household and 4 small boys to think about...J.Crew sale shopping has been an unnecessary luxury...not a necessity, so I will not be able to continue on with them if they continue on with this obsurdness. I am all in for the boycotting...I have a closet full of J.Crew already, so I am good for a LONG time! :)

  25. Maybe I should advise my fiance to bail on their stock. I see it plummeting!

    Another thing- with all retailers (including J.Crew) struggling so much right now, why would J.Crew do this to its loyal customers?

  26. LaVerte: I took your lead and sent them an email about the new website & policy on coupon codes/ sale merchandise. I am hoping that if a significant amount of us do the same, they might do something to correct it.

    La Belle Helene: I agree with you about the Google thing- I mean it did help them since we bought the items we found! :)

    Anonymous at 9:04 AM: I know what you mean! It is hard to now pay for sale items that can't have coupons applied to them (and can't be returned)!

    Anonymous at 9:05AM: I had the same sick feeling too! I was so excited too, when I saw the website was working. But the more I looked through it, the more my heart just sank. :(

    Anonymous at 9:06 AM: I really did get price adjustments all this time. I guess the policy wasn't strictly enforced and/or I got super nice customer reps.

    Lynn: I agree with you, I have more than enough clothes to get by. :)

  27. Boy, I am going to be saving A LOT of hubby will be happy:) I am so glad I stocked up on all kinds of merchandise while I could with the free shipping, no limit and just recently with all the sharing of coupon codes. I have plenty to get by....bought a ton of stuff this winter...and several spring/summer items. What really sucks is I don't have a store nearby...

    FFM: You had a great system but it is gone:( (sigh)

    Alexis: Thanks for everything.....

    I just think it is pretty crappy of JCrew....they really don't care do they???

    I bet they are all counting on us being mad for a day or two and then coming back for more....

    Let's be strong:)

    Show them how much we really do buy and how much business we gave them...maybe they will come around.....

  28. ugh, jcrew, do some usability, qa and stress testing on your site before you release it, this is terrible! I am trying to search in the sale section, but I can't search for size S and size 0 at the same time. And when I click on some women's items I'm taken to MEN's items. And why is it that when I'm clearly searching for size 0 items only, nothing I click on is available in size 0!!!

  29. FFM- I agree that we all don't like final sale, but their sizing tends to be pretty consistent (especially in pants) so maybe that's why we feel comfortable ordering during final sale if the bargain is really great.

    BUT this is different. We are all offended that they used our comments against us and personally disappointed. That is why I *KNOW* I will have no problem with a boycott.

  30. FabulousFloridaMommy: "Spot on" with so many of your points! J.Crew is a luxury (albeit an obsession luxury for me for awhile there) but not a necessity.

    La Belle Helene: I would love a flat shipping fee from J.Crew. It would be so much better! It's a shame that J.Crew's updated website didn't have that suggestion (of a flat shipping fee) into action.

  31. I have never posted here before, but love the site. I did all the things posted before about saving money. I had to break it to you guys, but we are not core shoppers, we are bottom of the barrel shoppers. They are trying to make money, not lose it. It's a corporation. I'm gonna boycott them too though!

  32. Lynn: I completely agree with you on the Final Sale in regards to things that fit...that is EXACTLY why I purchased as much as I was on items I already have (and LOVE), so when I saw them come back in my size...I grabbed them! :) Good point!

  33. J.Crew: Don't fix something that isn't broken! (I understand that in their opinions, being able to search for a previous item through Google means it's broken) I'm referring more to the organization of the site and the sale section!

  34. Also, has anyone else had an issue with page load time? It's seriously taking almost 120+ seconds for one page to load, and it inevitably ends up being an item that isn't in my size anyway, even though I searched by size!!!! AHH

  35. Anonymous at 9:18 AM: Thanks for the comment. And I agree, I WILL BE STRONG THIS TIME! (I have enough clothes to last me for years.)

    Erin: Sorry to hear the website is not working for you either. You are so right, they should have tested out the "bugs" before releasing the site.

    Lynn: I hear you about the comfortable factor. But I also agree with you that I will have no problem with a boycott.

    Anonymous at 9:22AM: No offense, but I completely disagree with you. The way we "stalk" J.Crew- practically walking billboards of their clothes, creating blogs about them, shopping 2 times a week at their stores, checking their website daily- does not mean we are bottom of the barrel shoppers. That means we are their core customers. :)

    To everyone: Please take a moment to call (800 562 0258) or send an email ( to let them know that you don't like the new website & policies (e.g. codes for sale merchandise).

  36. Anon at 9:22: I completely disagree with you. J.Crew relies heavily on sale shoppers for their success. Even at sale prices J.Crew has one of the HIGHEST profit margins in the clothing retail business. Plus I'm sure there are not many people that buy all full price items anyways. Tell me J.Crew doesn't rely on people like Alexis who spends around $10k a year on J.Crew (even if most of it is sale merchandise) ... yeah right!

  37. Alexis- We were typing "completely disagree" at the same time. I agree with you though, that our level of loyalty makes us their core customers. (but not anymore!)

  38. Yeah, this is really upsetting.

    It looks like the stores are changing their policies as well -- I was in my local J.Crew yesterday, and they would not honor the student discount on top of their 25% off final sale -- and this store always (say, for the last 2 years?) gave me the student discount on everything. Sad.

  39. I sent two emails just now complaining about no coupons on sale merchandise and also about not having "show all" as an option.....I can't stand clicking page 1,2,3, etc. to get through a catagory. That is driving me crazy.

  40. HERE HERE!!!! I couldn't agree more Alexis. I have been feeling this way even before you posted this. This is now the icing on the cake. I too will boycott.

  41. About shopping sale and we "core customers": realistically...J.Crew probably marks up the price of an item significantly, knowing that it will mainly do best at sale price anyways, so they really aren't losing out much profit-wise in that regards. Come on a sheer shirt that requires another garment (purchased seperately) be worn underneath it to avoid "overexposure" really worthy of a $98 price tag? I think not...

  42. Let's use this website to support each other and help us stay strong in our about a little voting thing or way to mark how many days, weeks we have gone without buying ANYTHING from JCrew?

    If tempted to buy, log on and get support!!!

  43. Anon at 9:43- I don't know about everyone else, but I won't be needing a support group. Like I said earlier I have a *bad taste in my mouth* over all this that I don't see myself getting over anytime soon.

    They would have been smart to use this site as a marketing tool- but LISTEN TO WHAT WE WANT! Like free shipping codes with no minimum, not going in the opposite direction!

  44. I was just continuing with Alexis comment on how many of us dislike the final sale and caved in.....just a thought.....

  45. Maybe everyone here should copy and paste Alexis's post and send it to! Times are tough, but not for Jcrew and the company shouldn't eek out a few more dollars from customers who keep them alive! Shame on them!!!

  46. I just sent my "complaint email". :)

    BTW...I called CS earlier this morning to check on the order I placed this past Friday, and "Andrew" couldn't even find it...he had to look in a "seperate folder" to pull it up, and then wasn't able to really give me any info I didn't already know, other than that it has not gotten processed as of now. THIS makes me very nervous!

  47. Lynn: too funny about our "completely disagree" responses! ;) But I agree with you 100%. Lots of us spend a lot of money (when you add it all up) on sale items per year. Also, we help them clear out their stock so they don't pay storage fees. :)

    Anonymous at 9:32 AM: Your story makes me sad as well. I hope that won't be a universal store policy. :(

    Anonymous at 9:34 AM: Thanks for sending the emails. I also don't like the "extra clicks" we have to go through.

    Kirbydog: Thanks for joinging the boycott! :)

    FabulousFloridaMommy: I laughed when I read your sheer shirt/overexposure for $98 comment. So true! :)

    Anonymous at 9:43 AM: I think the supporting of each other is a great idea! Especially for me- because I can be weak around J.Crew sometimes. (Although, I am really pissed at them right now) :)

    Lynn: So agree with you: they should listen to what we want- not take away the features we loved & shared!

    Ihaveadog: Great idea! I hope everyone sends an email. Maybe they will listen to the aspects they should be focusing on! :)

  48. A lot of this is supply and demand... people are still paying tons of the merchandise that is ages old. They can make the money and they will. How many times have I see some of these things - sadly for much less than they are offered for now for 'final sale'.

    I won't be purchasing online (my only means) for some time. The website is not user friendly particularly in the 'sale' area. While I like that they now show their sale items on models, it's hard to distinguish exactly what they are selling unless you read each description.

    It would be much more user friendly to have a variety of search options - like their old system, as well as with sizes. It would be much better if they showed the item and then showed it on models once it was clicked.

    As for the mark up - it's huge. I've worked in retail and lets be serious... unfortunately most things that are even stamped 'made in America' (which many of Jcrew's things are not) are made in US territories where they can skirt policies.

    I realize it's a business and I realize people have stock in the company but it's a thin line... they are selling to a customer, who if unhappy won't be making purchases. Make your opinions heard!

  49. AHHHH!!!! This is the most poorly designed website I've used since 1999!
    I just called CS and told them how disappointed I am in the website. I told them the best thing they could do was to go back to the old site.

  50. Hi

    I agree that the "improvements" to the JCrew websites are not improvements at all; the old site was much easier to navigate--faster, clearer, less cluttered and confusing. I am also a teacher, and have relied on J.Crew sales for years in order to be able to look well-dressed and presentable and have classy, timeless, quality items in my wardrobe while sticking to my budget. In the past I have spent quite a bit of money there, but the recent changes in the website and policy have been good for my wallet, I have to say. It doesn't appear to matter to the company that they are alienating older core customers. It seems to me that they are looking to cultivate wealthier clientele. Look at all the high-end merchandise they are beginning to promote on the website: that, combined with news that a luxury flagship store is opening in Manhattan, would seem to indicate that J.Crew is changing direction, and that change does not include customers like us. And the bottom line is, clients who buy Hermes or Louis Vuitton are not going to bother with J.Crew. In this economy, J.Crew's new business plan doesn't seem like such a good idea to me.

    BTW, thanks, Alexis, for your blog, and all the information it provides.

  51. Mary,
    Well put, fellow teacher:)

  52. I hate the new JCREW site! Arghh! We all need to click on the "CONTACT US" button and use our fingers to do the talking. I feel that if they don't want a mass exodus of shoppers from their online shop - which, I admit will be hard for me to do - they'll need to change!!

    I've already emailed them my long plea for change!

  53. I browsed around jcrew's website before hopping into this blog to see everyone else's reactions. I was pretty disappointed. As others have noted, the "new" format is actually more convoluted, and makes it more difficult to find what I'm looking for. (rather than emulating BR--which has a pretty easy-to-use, clean website--Jcrew seems to be using a similar format as Ann Taylor, whose website is so frustrating that I rarely purchase online from there).

    And the new code/coupon policies, as you noted, are downright disappointing. I'm a graduate student--I receive a student's meager income, yet since I teach college students, I still have to dress like a professional. over 50% of my closet (and close to 80% of my professional clothes) are from jcrew, but the majority were purchased on sale, because I simply can't afford to spent 1/2 my income on their full-priced gear. If Jcrew keeps up this policy, I will certainly need to shift my purchases to other venders.

    Mary: well-said. I also agree with you...while I might occasionally splurge for the less-outrageously-priced collection items on occasion, I do feel as though jcrew is trying to move into the "luxury" market, with little regard for those of us who not cary platinum credit cards.

  54. Disappointing, to say the least.

    Also noticed (in a small sample) that when you click other colors, it doesn't change the picture in the main window. For example, the shift embossed beach dress is only shown in one color, even though there are about 10 color options.

    I've always gone through J. Crew stages, but this is just bad. My entire summer wardrobe is from there (literally) and I don't know that I'll be saying the same about my fall clothes!


    After FabulousFloridaMommy commented about her order, I called about the order I placed on Friday. Turns out they CANNOT find it!

    Please call to verify your orders are okay!

  56. I'm not sure what time it is back in the states, but it's 4:48pm here in Europe and I just checked the site and it's down for maintenance! Maybe they did take in our considerations?! That would be fantastic!!!

    Also, like many others before me have said I really don't understand why J.Crew would implement such un-consumer friendly restrictions in the current economic climate. People are less likely to spend money, so give us incentives, not restrictions!

  57. Wow, I agree with what so many people said. I, too, am a teacher and spend quite a bit of $$ yearly for work clothes. However, I definitely won't be doing it any more. As MANY of you have said, I will be saving so much money. I think at the very least they should give free shipping to cardholders. Until things change, they have lost me as a loyal customer.

  58. I am calling J crew now thanks Alexis. I am also with you... I am NOT buying online for a while or if I do it will be a catalogue order over the phone or in the store. The store is always so much cheaper anyway. I am also going to tell them I am angry. I would encourage all of you to do the same and tell your friends to do the same.

  59. I concur with Alexis, FFM,Josie Mary and everyone who stated that new website is extremely poor, and new marketing plan is a sure disaster aimed to alieniate existing customers. Too sad! I am joining a boycott on Jcrew shopping. Let's set the timeframe and see what happens in a long run. 1 month to start, anyone?

  60. Ah! Here’s an idea… how about we share serious alternative to shopping/spending money at J Crew?
    Since they don’t respect their “core” customers, maybe we should start looking elsewhere. They’re many other up and coming intern stores.

  61. Hi All!
    I completely understand everyone's dismay and disappointment with the new, updated site . . . and with some of the 'new' policy changes. That said, however, I need to play devil's advocate for a moment and perhaps offer a glimmer of hope. I think that some of the frustration is stemming from the change to the website. Nobody likes change, we all have a comfort zone and a warm, fuzzy feeling with something familiar, something we consider an old friend - like the old JCrew website. With time, I think we will all adjust and maybe appreciate the new website as it becomes more familiar to us.
    Secondly, I think we are prematurely bashing JCrew over their updated software because we no longer have the ability to do an end run around their searches and policy (like the final sale items found through different links and ordered as non-final sale).

    I want to clarify that I am NOT an IT expert but do have experience with technology and code. JCrew's software was old and outdated - it desperately needed an update. The reason we all found items through different searches was exactly because of this problem - JCrew did not have the ability for running updates through one script for a particular item - that item was located in several places on their system. That was why you could find items using different letters - JCrew's old system inventory kept the same item in different 'cupboards', so to speak. The new system WILL be much more beneficial to us - you don't have to use the letters to find the cupboard which has ALL the stock of the item for which you are searching. In other words, everything they have will be available to us with just the item number search. For eample, last fall's frog necklace, item 88724, WILL come up when you plug that item number in, you used to have to put a letter after it.

    Thirdly, the old pages are NOT gone, they just can't be loaded with the old URLs because the software loading those pages doesn't exist anymore. JCrew did not remove them so that we couldn't find them anymore. You just have to put the item number in the search box to pull the page up within the new system, like the frog necklace example.

    You can bet that this site overhaul has been in the works for a long time, definitely pre-dating this blog. A major change like this does not happen over a few months. We need to realize that JCrew was simply fixing an outdated system to better handle inventory and the result was that our knowledge of how to access their inventory using their old system is now outdated.

    The bad news is that final sale is now final sale, we can't look for the 'hidden cupboard' that had the same items without the 'final sale' anymore. But that is just an outcome of a better inventory system, not a purposeful tactic.
    And, not being able to use coupon codes for sale items is pretty shabby, but we shall see how that actually pans out. I was able to purchase sale items this morning with the shipping code. And, 'hidden' inventory will now be available to everyone, not just those with the knowledge and desire to 'hunt' for the elusive items!

    So, while we all are in shock and dismay right now, let's take a step back and realize that changes like this were NOT due to this blog - they had to be in the works for awhile. Let's see if the new inventory system works out; and know that as we get used to the system, we WILL find new backdoors!

  62. Auryane -you took the words right out of my mouth. I hate shopping online for Ann Taylor because of their format and that's what looking online at JCREW this morning feels like. Blah! I'm on a long hold to ask about my order from Friday...and to confirm a credit they said they would be giving me on an item. WE must all be calling...make sure to tell hem how you feel, ladies and gents. :-)

  63. drat! I just got the "be back soon" message on the JCrew website. And I was hoping I could see all the changes you were talking about. Maybe they're fixing everything you mentioned you don't like? ;o) One can hope...

  64. I still can't see the site, but those changes sound incredibly disappointing! I may have to stop buying jcrew for a while now, too.

    I'll have a more thorough opinion when I can finally see the updated site for myself.

  65. The website is down again. I wanted to check if I will be able to pull the old items using an item # ( as Anonymous suggested), and the whole site is not operational. I used to bookmark their pages for a "look book", saved them in .mht format. They are not working either.

  66. the site is down again... maybe they are changing it back... haha fat chance.

  67. anonymous@11:01:

    I absolutely agree with you that the structural changes to the website pre-date this shopping blog, and they were probably necessary. However, the "new" version still leaves a lot to be desired, and many of the changes (though perhaps easier for jcrew) made things more difficult for the consumer. While some of the frustration is certainly do to a loss of familiarity, I think that--objectively speaking--the new website is less consumer-friendly. (which is why many of us are making comparisons to the ann taylor website. I'm very familiar with the site--I even used to work for ann taylor--but time and familiarity certainly hasn't caused me to warm up to their annoying format).

    And while the server overhaul has probably been in the works for months, I suspect that the "little tweaks" that are really annoying us--the loss of the coupon codes, for example--were at least partially influenced by what we've shared on this blog. Type in any jcrew search, or search for a jcrew item, and this blog will be among the top 5 choices for this season's items--it's rather inevitable that SOMEONE at jcrew has read what we wrote, and it at least seems that they're taking our words into consideration...though not in the way that we would have prefered

  68. I have been trying to *really* look at the website for a good 30 minutes now and can't get a single page to fully load. It keeps giving me the "Be back soon.." page. But after reading everyone's comments, it doesn't sound like I will want to get near the new website.

    I stuck to my guns about final sale and didn't buy anything - even in the store when they had a skirt I really wanted! Before it used to be that J.Crew only alienated me during final sale - I'm one of those people who has to get items home and try them on in my lighting, in my mirror, and with the rest of my clothes. Now I feel completely alienated.

    I'm a very young shopper who LOVES J.Crew and honestly can only afford it on sale right now. I had thought that later in my life when my career had grown that I would be able to be more of a full-price shopper. But it doesn't look like that will be the case because they're losing me now...

    In fact, there were a couple of items that I was debating keeping or not. Now I'm definitely returning them. And then *gasp* I'm getting rid of my J.Crew card. I mean there aren't any real benefits to having one, and it will just be tempting. So once my returns are made and my account settled, I'll be cutting it up...

    Overall, there are just too many issues:
    1. Final sale
    2. No tall sizes in the stores
    3. No coupons with sale items - Who does that?
    4. Ridiculous shipping charges (I could drive to the J.Crew shipping center for less gas money than they charge in shipping. I've honestly calculated it.)
    5. This new website that won't even work!

    Grr, rant is done. I'm going to go outside and enjoy a little nice weather and think of all things non-J.Crew...

  69. I find it a little "too coincidental" that practically EVERYTHING we have discussed on this blog has been changed with the new "update". A J.Crew employee even commented in one of the post that they do have people who specifically read blogs and other sites pertaining to anything J.Crew. I think they have been greatly influenced by this site and many others...only not the way we would prefer, as auryane said.

  70. Anabelle: I noticed some of the pages had that "be back soon" notice as well. But then other pages worked find.

    Anonymous at 10:54 AM: Welcome to the club- where we will all be saving money! :)

    Blumre: I hope your order is okay. Thanks also for calling to let them know what you think! :)

    Slastena: Welcome as well to the boycott. I will definitely not be purchasing from the Crew for a long time.

    Abijah: That is a great idea! What are some of your alternative stores?

    Anonymous at 11:01 AM: Let me start by saying your argument is completely rationale and valid.:)

    However, I strongly disagree that the website is for the better. It runs a lot slower now. They should not have taken 24 hours down time and they should have definitely worked out the kinks & bugs before going online. I am actually getting "be back soon" pages on various links to the website- that's not professional or conducive to business.

    They also openly admitted on their website that if you already have a account, some personal information like your address, payment info and order history may have been lost in the recent web site update.

    I also have experience with technology and code (in a former life I use to be a computer programmer for a small internet company) and this "website release" is one of the worse that I have seen.

  71. I just wanted to say I love this blog and sent an e-mail about the new coupon policy first thing this morning.

  72. It's a southern thing: I am proud of you for avoiding the final sale! :) I also hear you about dropping their credit card- they really don't offer you guys enough perks to make it worth it.

    FabulousFloridaMommy: Excellent point you made about being "too coincidental". I have no doubt, like Anonymous at 11:01 AM said, that the update to the website was in the works for some time. However, some of their changes could have been influenced by what was discussed by many of the visitors here.

  73. Alexis, thank you for publishing this blog.

    How disappointing--and how creepy to think that someone was looking at all these posts with an idea to block our bargains, given that we all love this company's products.

    I always thought J.Crew did not do enough for its cardholders--and just from reading this blog I could tell that they weren't sending me all of the coupons that they were making available.

    Oh well, there's always eBay. I buy a lot of my J.Crew stuff there already (got a pair of$229 Gwendolyn sandals for $26!) and now that looks like the only place I can get a real bargain.

  74. i've been shopping online a jcrew religiously 6 yrs+. BUT goodbye jcrew! your new policies suck bootays. i spent over 700 on my last order. it's the last time i will ever drop any $$ at jcrew. you are an unnecessary luxury a college student like myself need not indulge.

  75. Caroline: thanks for both the nice comment and sending an email. I appreciate it! :)

  76. This is definitely a bummer - I've placed probably 100+ online orders in the last year, but won't be doing that anymore. I love the pieces that I do own, but the reason that I have so many is mainly due to the easy of ordering on the site - I could just zip around there quickly, throw stuff in my cart, and purchase! A lot of the pieces I bought were not necessarily something I was set out to buy, but just caught my eye as I was browsing. And JC, I love your clothes, but I cannot pay full price for them - at $265 for a suit jacket (unlined, btw), I'd only be able to purchase 1-2 items per season. And truthfully, the quality does not match the (full retail)price. The sweater jackets look like they are starting to pill after 1 wearing, the tissues tees have holes in them immediately, and the buttons can't seem to stay on anything. (The zipper on my Dark Chambray Swing Skirt is stuck, which I can deal with because I got it on sale, but if I'd paid the $85 original price I'd be very disappointed.) I overlooked all these because I got such great deals on the cute items, but for full price? No way. My store doesn't have the best selection either, so I've always done the lion's share of my shopping at .com.

    It looks like I'll be going back to eBay for my JC pieces - at least some of the sellers allow returns on their items. You can get some great deals there as well - I got a brand new Martine cami from last summer (retail $118) for $21!

    So thanks, - you've saved me a couple G's in the long run - which is only a couple of those hideous tortoise-sequin jackets to you.

  77. Hexicon: Thanks for the nice comment! It is a bit creepy that they were looking at these comments for the best/worst implementations.

    Incidentally, getting Gwendolyn sandals for $26 is awesome! :)

    Anonymous at 11:29 AM: I hear you! The new policies are not representative of the J.crew we use to know and love.

  78. Add me to the list of the frustrated! It is taking forever to load. Plus, the whole navigation of the sale section (which I just tried) was annoying.

    I can live without price adjusting, but no coupon codes with sale stuff? Who does that???

    I'm planning on contacting customer service as well.

  79. Silver_lining: I know what you mean! And by the way I totally laughed at the "which is only a couple of those hideous tortoise-sequin jackets to you" line- I thought that was hysterical! :)

  80. The new sale website is HORRIBLE. There's no way to navigate it without wanting to pull your hair out. Good thing I hardly shop online anymore anyhow- I certainly won't be shopping on line there now.

  81. auryane: I respectfully disagree. I HATE Banana Republic, Gap, and Old Navy's websites!! I can't explain why, but they drive me crazy and in my opinion nothing compares to the functionality of the old j.crew site! I used to spend hours on it (as I'm sure most of y'all did too). Sad.

  82. The new website, as Alexis said, is simply not ready to be launched, no matter what our other difficulties with policy/website design might be. I have been waiting for the last five minutes for an item I'm interested in to load--that's just craziness!

  83. Silver_Lining:
    You crack me up w/ "hideous tortoise-shell jackets.". They are truly so hideous, I would not wear them even if someone PAID me to wear them.LOL! I agree on comment on quality. I believe we already touched up briefly on the issue of multiple holes/tear and wear in tissue-tees, cashmere and most of merino/cashmere blends crazy pilling, loose buttons, broken zippers and such.. I totally adore JC items b/c of design , but quality does justify full retail price. I can put up w/nuisance of patching holes, zippers, buttons and shaving the sweaters- if I get them on SALE. Incidentally, I have TSE cashmere hoodie from 5!!!! years ago. I did not go at it with shaver once. It looks same as on the day it was purchased ( I paid $350 for it on sale at NM).

  84. I agree that J.Crew's old website was completely outdated and needed a major overhaul, but you'd think they would do some market research and usability studies beforehand -- why emulate Ann Taylor's site design when BR's(and most other comparable retailers) is far superior? Not that BR's site is the pinnacle of web design, but I don't think anyone would suggest that Ann Taylor's unwieldy site was a design that J.Crew should replicate...

    Re: the comment about us "caving in" despite our frustration with the final sale: I, personally, refused to buy during the final sale period, and I think most people only purchased during the "additional 25% off" period in conjunction with the free shipping code. I had become increasingly frustrated with J.Crew's inflated prices over the past few years, and my enthusiasm for all things J.Crew was only resurrected after finding this blog... Now I will have little problem taking my business elsewhere.

    To Alexis and others on the blog who offered tips and advice with such enthusiasm, I am so sorry that J.Crew's new website and policies have tainted and disheartened what was such a positive and fun community for J.Crew addicts to congregate.

  85. Has anyone else noticed that with the new zoom feature, the pictures are now blurry before you click on them?

  86. I, too, have patched holes, popped buttons, and shaved pills off of my J.Crew cashmere. I thought I was just hard on my clothes. Maybe it is worth it to just go with TSE cashmere at full price and suck it up if the quality is so far superior. Again, if J.Crew is trying to compete in that market, it ain't happening!

    By the way, still loading...zzzzzzzzzzzzzz...

  87. Fabulousfloridamommy while i hate to say this... And I dont like the option because I have become a true addict of this blog maybe we need to stop talking about j crew... though I must imagine there are similar blogs for BR and other stores... and BR seems to have become more customer friendly. Maybe I need to start shopping there.

  88. Alright, here's what pisses me off: I wear a 16/XL at J.Crew most of the time. I have to click on "sale" then "women" then "more" to be able to click on my size. Now, we all know from past in-store experiences that the Crew tends to hate everyone over a size 6, but is that really any reason to make me go through that many clicks to get to my size when if I weighed 10 lbs less and was a 14 it'd be right there? This makes me really angry...and then on top of that, the layout stinks! It takes forever to load as well.

  89. ok, I can see the site now. The sale website is awful. It looks cheap, too. overall, the other changes aren't any less user-friendly (except check order status, which it is not allowing me to do right now, even though I know one order has already shipped). The new policies, however, SUCK. I have been shopping at jcrew since I was 14-15, so it's been about 11-12 years, and this is the most I've seen it gone downhill. They want to cater to upsale clients? Fine. But they're probably going to lose a lot of longtime loyal customers who can't afford the new prices and policies.

    I can't buy much in-store since I need petite sizes, but I may buy a couple xs sweaters or shirts if they're on sale in-store, and that's about it for now. I'll just peruse the website to look at items that I will copy/interpret and make myself, lucky for me my sewing machine was just fixed! :)

  90. It's laughable now to see their "Be back soon" message because it says... "even the best sites need a little upkeep and maintenance" Yeah, whatever J.Crew

  91. five tomatoes...i'm a size 0 and have to click the same number of times...i mean reaally, what is the point of hiding some sizes and showing others?? Obviously their web design team needs some usability training!

  92. Hi Alexis!

    I coldn't agree more with you and fabulousfloridamommy. J.Crew's new website is awful! I cannot believe how they have punished us for loving them! Just about my entire closet is J.Crew sale purchased with coupon codes. In fact my husband and 2 y.o. twins dress in J.Crew as well. Mostly because of my ability to snag such great online deals. Well I guess those days have come to an end. J.Crew is really punishing their best and most loyal customers. I am so sad. :(

  93. I just sent an email to about the recent policy changes. I am 100% going to boycott their products. :( Their company seems to be getting more and more impersonal.

  94. Lynn:“pictures are now blurry before you click on them”
    Yep, exactly, it’s so sad to see this from a store that’s supposed to be all about great quality and design. They definitely failed with the site.
    I won’t be too hard on them for the sites response time though, it’s must be getting pounded right now.

  95. Also, I have told the bf to rid of his jcrew stocks. maybe if their stocks plummet they will bring back the loyalty to customer service we all once loved. Anyone have any suggestions for a new obsession? Vineyard vines, polo anyone? When everyone else seems to be having great sales (nordstrom, neiman marcus) etc, why would they do this?

  96. Mischa-
    Try Boden! They have cute clothes!

  97. Alexis, add me to the list of non-shoppers. I live in Canada and shipping to Canada is $22.50. $22.50!!! That is absolutely ridiculous! I'm upset not because I can't afford $22.50. I'm upset because of the principal of the matter.

    The reason I buy from J Crew is because I am able to get items that I've perceived that no one else has. But really, in a city with approx. 2 million people, what's the chances that I'll run into someone else on the same day, wearing exactly what I purchased from BR or anywhere else?

    My husband and I have professional careers. He's a VP for an international Ad agency. I hold a management position for an international media corporation. Please don't take this the wrong way. I am not saying this to brag. We are J Crew's target market. We are both highly educated professionals. We are an upper middle income family with children in private school. It's not that we cannot afford to buy J Crew at regular prices. It is a choice for us. We CHOOSE NOT TO BUY JCRew at regular price. We ONLY buy on sale. And seeing that we now cannot use a Free Shipping coupon on Sale Merchandise, I have decided that I too will no longer shop J Crew.

    J Crew, if you are reading this, my family and I spend easily in the tens of thousands shopping at J Crew annually. Not only will we gladly fork over our money for merchandise purchased online and over the phone, we also fork over an additional 30% for taxes and duties to ship the items to Canada. Money is a non-issue for us. However, for a measly $22.50 you would rather lose clients like my husband and I? What is your rationale for "cutting off your nose to spite your face?"

    In the world of increased competition and the drive to build brand loyalty, J Crew's recent actions do not make much sense. There are many other retailers, here locally and elsewhere in the world who would appreciate our business. They will get our business from now on.

    KJ, North Vancouver, BC

  98. Many have noted that the site is much slower. I HATE sites that are not click click fast and find myself moving on....
    I rarely shop at because I find their site too slow (interesting that JCrew's looks remarkably similar...Ugh.) I keep my computer on during the day, and when I have 5 minutes (and for us with kids you know that's usually all you get at one time) here and there I'll check this blog, or do a bit of online browsing. Those 5 or so minutes are precious and I can't spend time waiting for a page to load. Hopefully this is just a kink that they'll work out.

    Another thing I wanted to mention is I remember a year or so back, calling CS for a pair of Matchstick jeans that were on sale, but were showing sold out online. She first said "yes, they're sold out" but then said "Wait---let me try something...." and as she was working, said something about "putting a letter after the item number." and of course found a hidden pair of jeans in my size for $19.99 :)

    I always would ask the CS reps if they could do the "letter search thing" that one rep did to find something once, and no one would ever fess up---either that, or they really didn't know the trick. Back then I didn't know exactly what she was talking about to explain it to them...(learned it from all of you guys very recently!) Just thought it was funny that CS reps used the same tricks to find items!

    Also, someone mentioned (anonymous) in another post that we can still put old item numbers into the site's search to find older items. The problem is, that we can no longer google the older item for the proper item number. Many online things aren't in the catalogs....

    J Crew---do not underestimate the amount that us sale seekers purchase. There's something alluring about a "sale" and I know I justify *many more* purchases than I truly need simply because the price is 1/2 of what it was 2 months ago. That same item wouldn't have been given a second thought if it were full price. Sure, we all have the regular priced items we lust after and wait to go on sale, but many of us just carouse the sale section and get sucked in at the thought of a deal.... part of why the sale section of JCrew is so addicting and exciting!

  99. I love the new J Crew website!


    It's hard to navigate, I hate that you can't load everything in a category on a single page, and the no coupons on clearance merchandise? That is awful. Like everyone else, I buy pretty much everything on sale. I wonder if we can add a single full-price item to a cartful of clearance merchandise and still get free shipping?

    Also, I can't tell (because I can't load the website anymore; it's down again), but is sale always going to be final sale from now on? I kind of got that impression from some of your comments, and I sincerely hope that's not true!

    However... I have to admit that this is kind of a good thing for me. I'm starting grad school in the fall, and really shouldn't be spending so much money on clothes... except fall is coming up, and they always have the cutest fall merchandise!

    But I will be joining the boycott. The order I placed on Friday (which, hopefully, is still valid) will be my last online order for the foreseeable future. Goodbye J Crew; it's been fun (for me) and profitable (for you).

    Of course, Alexis, I will still be reading your blog!

  100. anonymous 12:33
    That was a great post! Ditto!

  101. Lynn,
    I agree. I love Boden about great colors, prints and unique garments....and their cashmere wrap sweater this winter was devine! Plus, they have free shipping and free return codes all the time!

    Also, I am an LLBean fan and as of July first they just upgraded their credit card to include free shipping (usual) and free returns (new). Perks are getting better NOT WORSE like JCrew. Plus, free monograming and rewards certificates:) I had $700 in free LLBean clothes last year alone!

  102. Good idea, LL bean and boden are getting my money:) we should all share some of our favorite stores/deals. Alexis, even though jcrew now sucks, your blog is amazing!

  103. Mischa: I had the same thoughts, and since we are boycotting J.Crew...we could share bargains and deals for other places that deserve our money more than J.Crew...just a's up to Alexis as to what she wants to do. :) It could help as an aid to our support group. ;)

  104. Plus, you can use your LLBean Visa to make purchases from other places and still get LLBean rewards. I buy most everything with it; pay it off in full each month...just the one credit card....and end up with lots of free stuff:) Plus, no time limit on returns...and super customer service. I have been doing business with LLBean for over 25 years. They value their customers.

  105. I just wanted to add that - as a web designer - most of the design and functionality of the new website were probably being designed long before this blog existed.

    I agree, it is a coincidence in timing, but I would bet that the new website has been in the works for at least 6 months, if not up to a year.

    I don't like many of the changes, but I also think that we should look on the positive side and not think that they were made in direct response to us!

    Thanks! :)

  106. pixel girl, let's hope that this hasn't been in the works for a year...they should have done a much better job if that time frame is accurate....I admire your positive thinking though:) Really! We could all use some right now:)

  107. I've been reading this blog for awhile and now feel compelled to comment since I agree wholeheartedly with everyone's thoughts about the website redesign. I don't have a J.Crew store within a reasonable driving distance, so I ALWAYS shop online, but only when I have a coupon code. I almost always buy a mix of full price and on sale items and now I wonder whether you'll be able to use a coupon code for situations like that - if not, I won't be shopping at J.Crew anymore, despite my love! When I'm at school, the amazing Lynchburg outlet is only 30 minutes away so I can still go there and get great deals, but my overall spending at J.Crew will definitely decrease. I remember reading online that J.Crew was going to launch a sale site - - but I think that was announced at least a year ago and nothing ever came of it. Hopefully they will see the error of their ways soon - I personally am not independently wealthy, but even my friends who are hold off on their J.Crew purchases until they have coupon codes or things go on sale!

  108. Haus_Frau: Sorry to hear that you too are frustrated with the new site. The loading issue is awful! Thanks for contacting the Crew. Hopefully enough of us will do it that will cause J.Crew to listen to us! :)

    Anonymous at 11:38 AM: I sadly know what you mean about the navigation issues.

    M.A.: I am sad about the new website too!

    Mary: Waiting 5 minutes for an item to load is unacceptable. Imagine what the site will be like on their more "popular days" instead of Sundays.

    Slastena: I agree with you completely that we buy some of their items on sale because the quality matches the sale price (not the regular full retail price).

    Danielle: Your suggestion of market research and usibility studies seems like a wonderful (and sensibel) idea!!! :) You would think they have planned this a bit better? (Especially during the 24 hours they had yesterday.)

    I also agreed with you, that most probably caved during the final sale when they introduced the additional discount.

    Five Tomatoes & Erin: Not a fan of the extra links to sizes either- and why only display some sizes and not all. (I personally liked the small, medium, large links).

    Heather: The Sale section looks "off" in comparison to the rest of their site. I agree with you that it looks "cheap" overall.

    BeachMommy: I agree with you: I feel like we are being punished a bit. I also feel like you, in that we are their loyal customers being mistreated.

    Misha: Thanks for sending the email. I hope they will address our concerns soon.

    Abijah: I think you are right, their site must be getting pounded quite a bit today. I would hate to be working for J.Crew today as either a cust rep or IT personnel.

    KJ, North Vancouver: I am totally with you! I know exactly where you are coming from. JCrew is going to lose, loyal clients (whose purchases totalled at the end of the year are substantial) for a few dollars upfront.

    Josie: Their site is slow right now, I hope it gets better. I also like super quick sites. I don't have time to wait for a page to update. I also agree with you that J.Crew shouldn't underestimate the powerful base of sale shoppers.
    Lastly, excellent point about how the google search was great for finding those item numbers no longer available.

    Jennifer: Too funny about the opening line! ;) By the way: Congrats on grad school!

    Pixel Girl: I agree that *some* of the functionality was designed a long time ago, but there are also other things that make it too coincidental. Also, as someone else pointed out. If they were working on this change for so long, they wouldn't have had so many issues today with it not working. But I like your positive thinking! :)

    Julia: I agree! Hopefully they will reconsider some of their actions/policies.

  109. A little factoid - it appears that J.Crew makes about 3% of their total revenue and 11% of direct sales revenue(online/catalog) from shipping and handling fees,this equated to $42.5 million in 2007. The S/H revenue percentages are virtually the same percentages for 2005/2006. Since 2005, 'S/H revenue' has consistently increased about 20% each year, clearly part of their growth strategy. I don't think they will be renegotiating shipping contracts with UPS/FedEx soon.

    Also, I have shopped at J.Crew for years and have watched them update their sales,returns and coupon policies. I do not think that this is the final round but they are seeing how far they can push us.

    Also, sent note to CS regarding the website. I told them that I hoped that the vendor used to update their website was not a 'final sale', because this was one item that needed to be returned. J.Crew cannot afford to have this type of negative exposure as a public company. I have read that Mickey Drexler is a micromanager, so I hope he is paying attention. Although with this website update, it looks like he was asleep at the wheel!

    Alexis - fantastic job with the blog! Thanks for bringing us together!

    FFM - You have put many of my thoughts and search tricks in writing. Love that you time the website updates too.

    Mickey Drexler - You have a lot of work to do - Get Busy!

    VLS in Atlanta, GA

  110. Julia...I'm in the same boat as you. I don't have a J. Crew within a 2 hours drive; so all of my J Crew shopping is done online which I love. It's my favorite place for clothes and I buy a good amount of stuff from them. But in all my time of buying J. Crew, I believe I've paid for shipping once. I NEVER order without a free shipping code and usually only sale merchandise. I'm sincerely hoping that you'll still be able to use free shipping w/ a minimum purchase on sale merchandise....and maybe their new policy on no sale/coupon use will be for things like 20% off a $175 purchase kinds of things. Guess we'll have to wait and see.

    On another note, my order from Friday isn't coming up at all....and my order history is gone completely. I emailed CS about my Friday order so maybe it's still there somewhere. I'll be mad, if not!

  111. Just want to second what others have said about LLbean - there is a website that caters to customers, with free shipping (and with their coming new cards, free returns) plus a product-guarantee that cannot be beat - anything is always returnable, no time limit. I shop quite a bit with them - they have great basic t-shirts, and great swimwear.

    I also do a lot of shopping at
    Nordstrom, both in stores and on-line, because again, I either get free shipping or a $6 flat fee, which I think is perfectly acceptable. And they have fantastic customer service; again, no time limit on returns.

    I do like Banana Republic's website, and I have to admit I especially buy a lot of my skirts there, because they have a far better petite selection than J.Crew, and just sell great basic pencil skirts, period.

    So, J.Crew, too bad for you. Especially because fall is usually when I spend the most at J.Crew, because I usually adore their fall collections. Last year they got $600 worth of my money just on Bella wool herringbone jackets :-)

  112. It's time to just WEAR all of the great JCrew clothes that you have collected over the years. Luckily for all of us buyers, JCrew is very timeless. Let's all take a JCrew breather and boycott some of these new policies!

  113. Anonymous at 6:07pm: I am with you! I will be wearing the clothes in my closet (that still have the price tags still on them!) :)

  114. you're kidding right? That is so childish to think that j.crew would go out of their way and take 2 days just to piss off some random girl that has a blog about j.crew (probably out of tons and tons). yeah right. never in a million years.

  115. Anonymous at 7:48 PM: uh... you checked out this blog (out of tons and tons of sites). What makes you think that J.Crew employees haven't as well.

    Incidentally, we did have a J.Crew employee openly admit her status as an employee on this site. She also commented that other employees at J.Crew have probably taken notice of this site.

    But I appreciate the "childish" comment. :)

  116. Also, I want to write that I do NOT think that J.Crew updated their entire website in direct response to this blog. I really don't. :)

    I think they were planning to update the website for awhile. However, I do suspect that a few of the changes made to their site were influenced by the comments made by visitors to this blog. I suspect they didn't appreciate customers using back links and item searches with multiple letters- topics discussed & shared greatly by the members of this blog.

  117. I posted earlier today that I had e-mailed complaining about the new coupon policy. I got the following e-mail in return:

    Dear Caroline,

    We apologize for any confusion regarding coupon usage. The promotions
    and coupons that are offered to our customers are generally a $-off or
    %-off a specific threshold (ex: $20.00 off a purchase of $200 or more).
    Unless a coupon or promotion specifically states that it applies to full
    price merchandise only, you may still apply the coupon to an order that
    includes sale merchandise. If you have trouble applying a coupon which
    meets the threshold on, please contact us for assistance.

    We strive to make sure we are servicing you to your highest expectations
    and ensuring your experiences with us are truly the best, so your
    opinion is very important to us. Thank you for your feedback.

    If we can be of further assistance, please let us know.



    I'm still confused - then why does their website specifically say coupons don't apply to clearance merchandise?

  118. KJ: I do so totally agree with your comments. My husband is a dentist, and money is a non-issue with us as well. I easily spend $20K per year at J Crew, but will now be forced to look elsewere to fuel my passion for lovely clothing.

    Alexis: You may add me to your boycott with both my credit card AND my husband thanking you. :)

    Mary: I own three LV bags and I really do feel that J Crew clothing is the perfect compliment to them. In addition, MANY of my Hermes and LV toting friends shop J Crew exclusively because we love the classic, feminine look of their clothing. That being said, I am an AVID sale shopper as are most of my friends. SHAME on Mickey Drexler for taking that pleasure away from us. :(


  119. hmmm...I wonder if this is a trend...

    While many of the anonymous posters have very insightful and helpful comments (even when not everyone might agree), there's a few who seem to be hiding behind the "anonymous" mask to make rather rude comments.

    This is a online blog/community. We probably won't recognize anyone if we all ran into each other in real life...but a bit of civility doesn't hurt. Even if you're going to disagree (which is fine--it helps to bring another prespective into the conversation), I wish that the offending anonymous posters wouldn't be quite so rude. If you're making a statement that you'd be ashamed to sign your name to...perhaps reword it before you post?

  120. I remember Alexis enabled the Anonymous blogger because folks were having problems establishing a blogger account.

    Even if "Anonymous" creates a blogger account they can still use a ficticious name(s).

    Hey, if JCrew hadn't royally screwed up this weekend this site would've never seen over 250+ comments. This is c-r-a-z-y!

  121. I have to completely agree with anon at 12:33 who stated that she and her husband CAN afford J. Crew at full-price, but CHOOSE to only buy on sale.

    I'll happilly pay $100+ for a cardigan if the quality is excellent and the style is timeless. I've paid much more for sweaters at Brooks Brothers that are 5+ years old and still in great shape and in style.

    Though it pains me to say it, a lot of what I buy at J. Crew is either less-than-great quality for the price or a style that will only last for one or two seasons. I think one of the reasons I do love J. Crew is that they have fashion-forward clothes that still manage to be elegant and preppy. But unfortunately, fashion-forward does sometimes mean trendy (case in point - the linen zebra-print shift dress I bought a few months ago. Love it now but don't expect to have it in my wardrobe rotation 3 years from now).

    So, the whole point is that I don't tend to buy J. Crew clothes that will be around forever, either due to quality or style. If I did, I'd glady pay full price. But for the way I shop at J. Crew, it's sale all the way. Their clothes just AREN'T WORTH the prices they try to charge.

    Alexis, I'm emailing them too! Thanks for keeping us up-to-date with all of the changes.

  122. To Anonymous at 7:48pm, I am absolutely appalled at your rudeness.

  123. I agree with everyone, the site is very difficult to navigate. I was looking through the sale stuff, but every time I put it in my basket the price is different than it says on the main page. It's super frustrating. Has anyone else noticed/experienced that?

  124. Caroline: Thanks for letting us know what customer service told you. I actually used part of your email in a new post to let others know as well. :) I am also happy to add that J.Crew removed that line about codes not being applicable to clearance merchandise. ;)

    JcrewJunkie: My husband was thrilled about the stop on purchases online as well. :)

    Also, Rach explained it best why I enable the Anonymous feature. Although a few have taken advantage of the feature to post really mean (and uncalled for) comments, the majority have been really good about it. :)

    Auryane: A voice of reason! Thank you so much for posting that wonderful comment about keeping the civility. I could not agree with you more! :)

    Mrs. STL Sarah: I agree with you that as much as I like J.Crew (and I do), I don't think the retail price matches the quality. Also, thanks for sending them an email- I hope they will listen to our concerns. :)

    Anonymous at 12:22 AM: I was a little "taken aback" by that poster's comment as well. (But, alas everyone is entitled to their opinion.) ;)

    Bodoni88: The site is still difficult to navigate today I noticed. But it is a lot better than yesterday. ;)


Dear J.Crew Aficionadas & Aficionados: Please feel free (and encouraged) to share your thoughts and opinions. :) However, please note that this is still a personal blog. So comments that are considered inappropriate (e.g. obscene, racist, homophobic, personal attacks, rude, and just plain mean) will be removed.

And now back to J.Crew! :)