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Monday, June 30, 2008

The "Day After"

Good morning J.Crew Aficionadas! Today was the first morning (in years) I did not check J.Crew's website, I instead slept in an extra 30 minutes. :) Although J.Crew will remain the primary focus of this site (I do like their clothes!) I may start discussing other retail stores (like the Gap, Anthropologie) on occasion as well. Moreover, I still plan on not shopping online for awhile. (I have to be honest, my credit card really needs the break.)

I also want to say that I appreciate the passion (and all the comments) expressed in yesterday's posts. We had more visitors yesterday than any other day. :) I also really appreciate those who kept a positive tone (and encouraged others to stay positive) in their comments. We all have different viewpoints, and I hope that we still feel comfortable enough to share them. One of the things I really like about the community of this blog is the willingness to help one another, I hope that remains the same moving forward. :)


  1. Not sure if someone has already mentioned this, but the statement about coupons no longer applying for sale items has been removed from
    I, like many of you, wrote yesterday to express my disappointment in their new website - specifically the new policy of coupons for sale items, as well as the outrageous shipping costs in general.

  2. Good Morning Alexis! I am okay with not purchasing, I am okay with not purchasing, I am okay with not purchasing...

    I did peruse the sight this a.m. as I did not actually mess around with it yesterday. The word search is nice. I was able to bring up items from last season that way.

    Not buying is easy when:
    A) you have boxes on the way from last weeks orders,
    B)you just paid your credit card bill and,
    C)there's nothing you really want!

    Have a nice day all!

  3. Layla: I was thinking the same thing! :) I just wrote what you wrote on a new post. :)

    But I am thrilled to hear codes won't be restricted to retail price items only. :)

  4. Rach: I know what you mean! I still have three packages coming in from J.Crew besides all the stuff I bought the last few weeks. I really should be set for awhile. :)

  5. I have a hard time understanding why you and your readers are so upset with j.crew. I just read your post up top about coupons being accepted for sale merchandise. Why are you taking a break, why are others talking about a boycott for heaven's sake?! You love the clothes, why not shop in store? Why deny yourself the clothes just because you don't like the new website design? I am truly baffled.

  6. Is the site that is up now the same one that people were fussing about over the weekend? Because it looks pretty much the same to me, with just a few minor tweaks. But maybe I'm oblivious.

    I do notice that the suiting section is easier to browse...they are now grouped by type but still all on the same page.

    As for the sale page, I don't think the format is as bad as I thought it would be from reading this weekend's responses. Maybe it's the red banner and left-hand menu (with numbers in parentheses) that makes it look cheapish? I'm happy with the menu option. It's nice to be able to search by item *before* choosing a size. I hated the old format that made me choose a size before I could see the categories because I'm so many different J. Crew sizes. I much prefer eyeballing a picture and then deciding whether I need a 2/4/6/8 (or XS/S/M).

    That said, I am annoyed that when I click on a sale item (for example, wool crepe suit pants), it takes me to a non-sale page. And in terms of sales in general, I don't think many of them are worth the final commitment. An item originally $130 marked down to $19.99, sure I'll take the chance (and then never buy that item at $130 again, LOL). An item originally $130 marked down to $99.99 final sale? Not so much. Would rather pay full price for the peace of mind.

    Wait a minute...being tricked into prefering full price...those marketing psychologists are good!

  7. Piggybacking onto my previous comment, I don't know whether to be mad or relieved that the sale links aren't working. I checked each item I ordered (full price) last week. Every single thing I ordered is (supposedly) now on sale. I could have saved over $100. But when I actually select these sale price. ???

  8. Good Morning! I checked the website this morning to see if it was running any smoother or quicker, and it was...I also checked to see if they had updated the sale merchandise, as I am curious as to how that whole side of it is going to work now...well, nothing has been added so far, and sale merchandise is still adding to the shopping bag with the wrong price...although it does seem as if they are getting more of the "kinks" out now.

    I think it will be interesting to discuss other retailers...they may end up getting alot more of my money if things go "downhill" with J.Crew (I HOPE NOT).

  9. Thanks for all your great work, Alexis.

    I would love to see this blog stay primarily focused on JCrew. There are a million general shopping websites/blogs, but I love how focused this one is.

    I like the community we've started to build of super loyal JCrew customers, and would really like to keep that going.

    Maybe you could keep non-JC posts to one a week or something like that?

    Of course, I can't tell you how to run your blog, but as one daily reader, I'd definitely appreciated if we stayed focused on JCrew as much as possible.


  10. I think as long as this is a blog, keeping it J. Crew focused is best. But if you were to ever expand to a message board, multiple store forums wouldn't hurt.

    (I for one would love an actual message board. That way a response to an older post will pop to the top and more likely be read.)

  11. pixel girl: ITA...I too love the community that we have started to build of "super loyal" J Crew shoppers. I hope we can keep that going as well. Alexis has done such an outstanding job. Kudos to her and to everyone who comes here to discuss J Crew pros and cons. MUCH MUCH APPRECIATED!!

    jcrewjunkie :)

  12. Anonymous at 7:55AM: It wasn't just about the website & the loss of my order on Friday (and yes- it was lost, J.Crew ended up doing a "we will find it search",) it was about some of their more "consumer friendly" policies changing (for the worse). But I am really just taking a break from shopping online- I have to give my credit card some time to recover. ;)

    Chini: The website (yesterday) was not "functioning" as well as it is today (links weren't working; the cart wasn't working, it took a long time to load, it went "offline" several times for long stretches of time as well). Also, speaking for myself only, I just need some time to adjust to the "new" layout in the Sale section: I have to get use to the change. :)

    FabulousFloridaMommy: I agree that they are definitely removing a lot of the kinks from yesterday! :)

    Pixel Girl: I agree with you that the primary focus of the blog should remain on J.Crew. :) Mainly because I still like J.Crew and really don't have the time to place the same effort in discussing other retailers. ;) However, I think it will be nice to once in awhile mention that the Gap, and the like, are having a major sale.

    JCrewJunkie: Thanks for the super nice comment! :)

    Speaking of boards, this might be its own post, but there was discussion of visitors doing some sort of clothes swap/sell. If you are all still interested, there is a site I found (for free) that might be interesting: I might be able to incorporate that with this blog. :)

  13. Personally, I am not going to stop shopping at JCREW. None of my orders were lost and in general they have done a great job by me. I would like to see their shipping prices come down be sheesh I can always go to the store and use the red phone. Even on sale items they normally give you free shipping on the red phone. And the teacher's discount I get (now that I work for a school) is even better than my student discount from college/masters degree. I do love their clothes and frankly no other store makes khakis that fit me! (I am competitive downhill ski racer so my thighs are so bloody muscular that they are a full size bigger than my waist (buying pants is a miserable experience)) But J crew Pants fit me. And CS was so nice to me yesterday and this morning.

  14. I emailed yesterday concerning my Friday order, and was told that they were very sorry but could not look up the order because of the changing of order #s etc. But, this morning, I got a voicemail from a CS rep saying my order had shipped and she left the new number for me. I checked the new number's order status online, and it says neither has shipped and that one item is waitlisted. :( I haven't gotten a "your item has shipped" email yet, so I cannot track it with UPS. I'm not sure what I'm going to get or when I'm going to get it, but something is in the mail.

  15. Blumre: We all have different perspectives (& even reactions)- which is one of the things I really like about this blog and the visitors who share. :)

    Heather: happy to hear that your order was okay and shipped- Fantastic news! :)

  16. I agree that Alexis does an AMAZING job with this blog and would also like it to remain mainly about J.Crew...I also like the way we have offered and shared deals about great finds at other places like GAP,, Bath & Body Works, etc., but that they have not become the main focus. I am REALLY hopeful that J.Crew is going to continue with their OUTSTANDING Customer Service, and that alot of the issues we have expressed frustration and disappointment over will be addressed and changed (for the positive). This blog is a great forum to keep united and updated about all of it. :)

  17. Good morning. I was reading some comments and one of the readers reminded me of something I saw last week but for got to mention. I have seen several J Crew items in one Marshalls store: some button down shirts, traditional shirtdresses and the Morgan drop waist shirtdress. The dresses were selling for 19.99 and the shirts for 9.99. They looked brand new, even had extra buttons and there's a red line marked thru their label. Has anyone ever seen J Crew merchandise at a discount retailer before? Because this is the first that I have seen. Hmm..

  18. Alexis: I do agree with you. My CC needs a break. I just started my job and I would like to save some money. So I will wait until after the 4th of July to shop again and then I will probably go to the store. Who doesn't love going to try things on anyway. Esp. when J crew clothes make me feel so damn hot! Plus I have more important things to do online for a few weeks, I am adopting a new dog, hopefully soon!!!

  19. Also... I could never not read your blog everyday... and if something truly fabulous happens or goes on sale I look forward to hearing about it from you!

  20. I already posted this under another topic, but wanted to add it here, as it seems really relevant, it's from an article I found...the entire link is under the "Coupon Codes and Sale Merchandise" topic:

    "Most of all, though, Mr. Drexler has re-established his almost visceral connection to his customer. And this time, he’s not letting go. He spends part of almost every day visiting stores. He reads — and often acts on — e-mail messages that come from customers who have a complaint. He solicits comments and feedback from customers. When I asked him at one point whether it really made sense for him to spend so much time in stores and communicating with customers, he looked at me as though I’d lost my mind."

    “People want to be listened to and they want to be respected,” he replied. “Besides, this is how you learn what’s on their mind. What can be more important than that?”

    So...keep those emails and calls going...maybe there is hope! :)

  21. FabulousFloridaMommy: I think that is about right- keep the main focus on J.Crew with an occasional post about a great deal/sale from another (yet similar) retailer. Moreover, I echo your sentiment about wanting J.Crew to keep up their excellent cunsumer friendly service (not reduce it). Also thanks for the nice comment. :O)

    Webbysuzy: I haven't seen J.Crew at Marshalls (and I like to shop at Marshalls- even got a Coach bag from them). I have seen an occassional item or two from the Gap there, but not recently (thanks to their factory stores). Those prices for J.Crew items sound amazing though! :)

    Blumre: I know what you mean about the credit card situation. When I told my husband I was going to stop purchasing for awhile, he almost cried in happiness. Then I reminded him that it was just online I would stop buying awhlie from. ;)

    I still like J.crew- I doubt I would ever really stop posting and blogging about them. Especially since I really like the visitors of this blog- like you! You have all been super helpful about many insights and deals. :)

  22. Blumre: I completley agree with your 9:14AM comment. I will shop there and take advantage of great sales - final or not. Don't get me wrong - I hate final sales but I understand the reasons behind them. They bring new clothes every month and need the old ones gone for good. Also, J.Crew did excellent job so far in accomodating our needs. I don't mind giving them some time to fix the web and decide on final policies. I hope in the process they will think over the shipping rates and offer some type of incentive for loyal customers.

  23. Has anyone noticed that some of the items from previous season are now re-listed on their Sale site but at a higher price? Like the Indigo Floral Dress is now 89.99, but I know it was marked to 49.99 last year. Why is J Crew increasing the price of their Sale items?

  24. webbsuzy,

    Once I got a jackie shell from a store called Rugged Wearhouse (something like that) for $7.99! It was brand new, no marks or tears. I've never seen jcrew in Marshall's or TJ Maxx, though.

    I often see used jcrew items in goodwill. I got a cashmere shell for $3.50! I like thrift shopping so I don't mind if it's used; I just wash it and a few times I have taken things like blazers to the dry cleaners. I know some people aren't into that, though.

  25. Heather: I love thrift store shopping! There's no shortage of them here in New York City, where clothing is turned around so quickly! Now have a toddler and it's just impossible to ask my child to be patient! I like shopping online and now I've been looking on eBay for certain J Crew items. I LOVE J Crew Liberty fabrics and I'm currently in love with their Slub Cotton fabrics. I recently bought a new without tags Liberty shirt from last spring collection on eBay for 7.50. That's not bad considering that the shirt is in fact new and it retailed for 98.00. Kudos for your Jackie and cashmere shell! I'm planning on re-visting my Marshalls store to see if any other J Crew items popped up.

  26. I have a suggestion.... With all this final sale stuff that you can't take back, I think it would be great if people would have a once a week post to look at what others want to trade or sell. I just bought a halter from FFM and I am so excited. I know I have items that didn't fit but I can't take back.

  27. I too go to EBay for gently used items. I only will buy J Crew or some BR since I know the fit. I wear suits a lot for work and like J Crew suits only. But I rarely will spend the school loans are too much KWIM? But I have purchased some great suits on EBay. A quick trip to the dry cleaners and possibly the tailor and I am done.

  28. I was sitting at the computer doing something else and didn't publish for a while. I didn't see alexis said the same thing about a swap sell spot :oP

  29. I was looking through the sale stuff, but every time I put it in my basket the price is different than it says on the main page. It's super frustrating. Has anyone else noticed/experienced that?

  30. bodoni88: I have done many "mock" shopping trips to see how the sight is working, and yes...I have experienced the same thing. Maybe you should call in to place the order? I know the wait time is extensive, but would probably be worth it to get the sale price. :)

  31. fabulousfloridamommy, thanks for the advice. its just annoying because the whole point of having a website is so people don't have to actually call. oh well, its not really worth the time i feel.

  32. Webbysuzy: I have definitely noticed that items that were in the sale a few weeks ago are now priced higher in the sale section. Not a fan of that at all. :( Also, not really sure of the reasoning behind it either.

    Tired Memphian: It is a good idea I think to have a place for members to post items. I don't know to much about eCrater, but it is a definite possibility. :)

    Bodoni88: Sorry to hear the cart isn't working too well. Hopefully it will be resolved soon. ;)

  33. Webbysuzy: I too have seen J Crew items at Marshalls (in Connecticut). Three years ago in the winter I bought from Marshalls a J Crew coat, I think for $69, if I remember correctly. I'm glad to know Marshalls still carries J Crew!

  34. cheri: I'll be a surprise if you run across J Crew items in your Marshalls store. I live in New York City, so you're not too far away. I saw the items about two weeks ago. I didn't buy any of the items that I found. The dresses are big (especially the Morgan Shirtdress) and none of the regular shirts are my size. I'm planning on going over to the Marshalls in NJ when I have my car in for service to see if any J Crew items popped up.

  35. bodoni88: I had put a call into CS earlier to check on my order, and I also told her about the issue with the prices being different once they are added to the cart. I also gave her the item # of a specific example, and she was going to pass it on to those in charge of this mess. :) Hopefully it will get fixed doesn't look like anything is "flying out the door" (or website) so the items you are wanting will probably still be there once they get it all fixed. Good luck!

  36. fabulousfloridamommy, thanks for the info. i hope the site is "fixed" soon.

  37. Bodoni88: could you please change your blog photo. It's making me hungry. It also makes me want to plunge my hand into a bowl of jelly beans - just for that feeling. :)

  38. bodoni88: it appears this morning as if the issues w/the price differences has been fixed, as well as the items that weren't really available showing up to "tease" everyone, and then saying $NULL (not available). :)


Dear J.Crew Aficionadas & Aficionados: Please feel free (and encouraged) to share your thoughts and opinions. :) However, please note that this is still a personal blog. So comments that are considered inappropriate (e.g. obscene, racist, homophobic, personal attacks, rude, and just plain mean) will be removed.

And now back to J.Crew! :)