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Monday, May 12, 2008

J.Crew travels in style, but will you?

Have you seen J. Crew's recent product line addition: the luggage collection? Can we say "gorgeous" together? While you are gawking at the fine leather craftsmanship, take a closer look at the price tag. The cost for the pieces range from $1,200 to $2,000! <ouch> My wallet just retreated back into the purse, (which is also hiding from me in the closet.) I thought my Diane Von Furstenberg rolling suitcases (which I bought at T.J. Maxx by the way) was an expensive luggage purchase for me. It is nothing compared to these prices!

What do you think about J. Crew's luggage? Do you think it's worth the price tag? Does anyone own a luggage piece from this collection?


  1. I think with those prices JCrew is thinking they are a top name designer! Gucci, Prada, Chanel they are not. They are a ready made clothing company for the massses!

  2. I agree with you jagjag2! For those prices, you would turn to better, well-known designer names. J. Crew might be losing touch with its base of customers (of more reasonably priced items).

  3. I agree: Customers who want and can afford to pay those prices for their luxuries would probably opt for a high-end designer name.

  4. Yuck, I travel a lot and have a second home in the Caribbean. I would never buy this (too expensive),or any LV, etc designer luggage. I buy the cheapest,and lightest bags I can. It's a red flag to crooks to carry showy bags, not to mention the weight issue. AA is down to one bag (50lbs) per passenger and anything more you pay for it.

  5. All I can say is, for that price tag I would not let anyone else touch my bags (and I'd be too paranoid to let it out of my sight on the change it'd get all scratched and banged up) which would limit their use to just car trips, which is just ridiculous.

    I do like the old-fashioned trunk luggage looks though.

  6. Hi Sue Bee! I agree with you that the luggage at that price would make me very nervous to have anyone else handle it but me! :)

  7. Now J.Crew sells globetrotter suitscases which are made in England. These are made of vulcan fiber, so they are ultra light in weight, which I love. However, I notice that prices of globetrotter suitscases sold on J.Crew web is way higher than original prices. The original globetrotter has more attractive colors such as orange x brown, ivory x beige leather and red x case leather etc and some suitscase have cute designers' liners. Also, some original series come with canvas covers, which prevent suitscases from getting dirty. However, globetrotters J.Crew sells do not seem to come with canvas covers. Globetrotter suitcases are very fragile, and canvas covers prevent suitscase from any scratches. I can say that those beautiful suitcases get damaged without canvas covers (even just one flight). If some of you are interested in globtrotter suitscases, I highly recommend to buy at select shops which deal globetrotter (in NY, SFC, LA).

  8. Naomi- you know so much about those suitcases, I am totally impressed! Do you personally own a globetrotter suitcase?

    I am also surprised that the suitcases with J.Crew are being sold for a lot more than its manufacturer's prices, with far fewer choices (in terms of color). :)

  9. Alexis, I am sorry to be late to get back to you. Yes, I have a couple of globetrotter suitscases. But I don't think I will buy J.Crew globetrotter because they are too masculine.

  10. No worries Naomi about getting back to me. :) I think the J.Crew suitcases are a bit masculine too, but they are pretty! :)

  11. I love to travel, but there are always problems with transport when traveling. I'm used to driving a car, but I can't drive everywhere in my car.

  12. Well, there are car rental services. Have you ever rented a car? It seems to me that this is very convenient, especially for drivers who are more comfortable driving even during their holidays. I know Miami has a great Exotic Car Rentals Miami service. Of course, you can find something simpler, but if you want to drive a very expensive car, then this is the best option.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

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Dear J.Crew Aficionadas & Aficionados: Please feel free (and encouraged) to share your thoughts and opinions. :) However, please note that this is still a personal blog. So comments that are considered inappropriate (e.g. obscene, racist, homophobic, personal attacks, rude, and just plain mean) will be removed.

And now back to J.Crew! :)